The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Medusa wasn't happy at all. Ike was just rubbing it in now...but she would have a talk with him later. "He proved nothing today. He might as well have beaten up a child." She mumbled to him as she watched Ganessa carefully.

Ganessa narrowed her eyes, feeling the cold sting of defeat just under her neck. She hadn't even touched him, save for the scratch on his face. His words only angered her further, and it was starting to hurt...she wanted to lash out, but she didn't. She lost. Nothing could change that, no matter how much she wanted to. "I know I lost...but please...I really want to fight for my father...please let me be in your army, General Ike."

Ugh..why was she even asking? Why was she even giving him the satisfaction of begging..? She hated it...
"My opinion will matter little, in the end," Ike said, slipping the blade away from her chin. "But you will be capable, and a valuable asset." he murmured. And quite frankly, there was a certain sense of satisfaction in showing the two of them just how precious their daughter truly was. "But you will start from the bottom, like everyone else. You want to show everyone you deserve the right to be in the front? Prove it."
"Fine..." Ganessa got up and then sheathed her sword. She...really hated this. She hated failing, especially when her parents were watching. "Well, I've got other things to do, so...guess I'll see you when I see you." She'd start from the "bottom" but there was no way she'd act like some underling. Feh. She walked off, trying to figure out what to take her anger out on.

Medusa watched her daughter for a moment and figured she'd let her be. "And what of Sieg, Ike? He wants to join. Will you test him like you tested my daughter?" She asked him as she folded her arms.
"Of course," Ike murmured, resting the blade on his shoulder, glancing at Medusa. "He earns his place like Ganessa will earn his, Lady Medusa. Daughter or no, I will not have someone who will undermine the efficiency of your army. That is why I am your general, is it not?"

Ganondorf narrowed his eyes, but glanced at Seig. "You heard him, boy...get in there," he muttered. Ike was a curious human indeed...but Seig moved in regardless, swallowing faintly.
"Hmph." Medusa watched as Sieg stood before Ike. She wanted to see if he had nearly as much enthusiasm fighting his own son as her daughter. It's not that he would go easy on him...but he was far more mouthy with Ganessa. She still wasn't sure how okay she was with Sieg being out and about, especially in their army. But...she had little planned for him at the moment.
Those fears were at least unfounded, because Seig said nothing to his father when Ike lowered his blade. He was...excited, a little...but mostly scared. But he solidified his stance nonetheless. Seig was the one to attack first, but Ike parried away the blade and swung wide. Seig went to block, but the strength of his swing sent him sliding to the side with a faint grunt. Ike moved forward, his blade swinging upward to crash down as Seig scrambled out of the way and recovered, attacking with the downward slash that Ike shifted out of the way and slammed the pommel of his sword into Seig's chest.

He shifted back with a faint grunt, rubbing it painfully as Ike narrowed his eyes. "Children shouldn't fight," Ike muttered. "I expected something worthwhile from either of you." Truth be told, it wasn't in Ike to hold back at all...and somewhere, part of him wanted to see what his son was made of, there was potential...just like Ganessa, but Ike spent just as much time battering him around as Ganessa did trying to stay away from him. He hit the dirt with a powerful thrust, throwing his block off balance as Ike held his blade to Seig's throat too.

"You hesitate," Ike muttered. "Every movement you make is a hesitation, why?"

"...I don't like fighting," Seig muttered.

"No one does," Ike muttered. "At one worth their name does."

"...What?" Seig mumbled, glancing up at him. "What about Lord Ganondorf, and Ganessa?"

"They are not human," Ike murmured. "Their purpose is to destroy in ways we simply not try to be like them, try to fight like you. You will be a waste of my time, and their army otherwise." he said, resting his blade on his shoulder. "Is that a suitable test, Lady Medusa?"
"It was a quick one. Do you think he's suited to serve underneath you?" She asked, finding minor amusement in Ike's words. Sieg also wasn't human, what was his point? Oh well...she wouldn't bother to comment on such trivial things. Her words meant little compared to his fathers...if anything at all. She wouldn't waste her breath.
"No," Ike murmured. "Just like Ganessa, he's too unfocused, too used to fighting only one opponent. They'll both learn the hard way that life is not so focused." he murmured. "But I am, as always...deferring to your judgement, my lady." he murmured. "...But I do not see either of them fit to serve, not yet."

"My my..." Ganondorf smirked. "So sharp and callous to our daughter one moment, and then so loyal the next...what a strange pet you enjoy, my dear."
Medusa was quiet for a moment before she looked at Ganondorf with a smile. "I enjoy interesting things. Even if my daughter doesn't like them so much." She then glanced at Ike. "If neither of them are worthy to you, Ike, then perhaps you should make them worthy. Teach Ganessa and Sieg what they need to know to serve under you."
"...As you wish," Ike said, tilting his head. "I will make them worthy to serve in your army, my lady."
"Very good. And perhaps next time, you can give my daughter a little more constructive criticism rather than striking her while she's down with your pointless words." Medusa said as she turned around to head back to the castle. It was strange, she had never seen Ganessa ask anyone for anything unless it was her or her father. Perhaps it was because Ike was the only one who dared call her out on her imperfections.
"...Words are the weapon of the faithful, my lady," Ike reminded, politely, and humbly. Without those words, she would be nothing more than a snake in a pretty dress. Ganondorf simply grinned, turning to follow Medusa. Ike settled Gurgurant on his shoulder, motioning for Samus to follow with a faint tilt of his head as he headed out of the courtyard. Samus was always nearby, at any rate. Hmph, training Ganessa and Seig...he supposed there were worse outcomes...
She smelled was everywhere! Ike's scent...she knew he was here. But the question was, what was he doing at a place like this? If he was just a prisoner, she wouldn't be smelling him all over the place. Even now, she knew exactly where he was. But the problem could she get to him alone? He seemed to be constantly around that blonde haired woman. All she could do was hide for now and wait, like she had been doing.

She had no idea she was being watched. Ganessa was good at hiding her presence if she didn't want to be found. Her thinking spot was high up in a tree, and she had the sight of her mother. What was this creature? Certainly nothing she had ever seen, that was for sure...maybe she should capture it.
"Seems my job is turning into a babysitter," Ike muttered, moving out of the courtyard and into the city proper. "How unsurprising..." Part of him was curious to see how his son spend time with him.
Samus looked at him for a moment before shifting her eyes away. "I feel like that was Medusa's way of punishing you for the way you spoke to Ganessa." She commented as she walked beside him. She couldn't help but feel like they were being watched..she had felt that way for a while now. This made her even more tense than usual.
"Maybe," Ike murmured, glancing at Samus a moment. They had been through enough situations for him to know what it was she was doing, but he left it alone. That would just make things obvious to whatever had made her ready to pounce. "Either way, neither of them are ready. They fight their own little battles, and nobody else...they don't understand the meaning of a real fight, not yet."
Lethe listened to the two speak, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to make heads or tails of it. Babysitter? Who were they talking about? Her tail twitched slightly as she caught scent of something..steel. She turned around just in time to see Ganessa raising her sword high in the air. Who was this?! How did she get behind her without her even hearing?!

Lethe lunged out of the way, landing on all fours as she glared at fiery red head with gleaming golden eyes. They were playful..was she not serious?! "I've never seen you before, and I don't recall my mother liking visitors. You might as well surrender, because I'm in a really bad mood."

Lethe simply hissed at her. Sh needed to run away..if she stayed and fought, she'd get caught! She bolted off, using the momentum of her legs to change into her cat form. No one was faster than her when she was like this, she'd be able to get away.

Ganessa frowned at that. The anger that she felt brimming was time to use it now. She wouldn't let her new mystery punching bag get away, even if she had to burn everything to the ground. She raised both her hands in the air as her eyes flashed blue and then shot a quick ray of fire straight towards the creature. Lethe could sense it and knew she couldn't outrun she leaped to the side as the grass in front of her started burning with black fire. What..was this a sorceress? Not was her was all the beast tribes weakness...
Ike glanced to where he heard the hiss, and rushed forward without hesitation. Dark fire...Ganessa? No, something familiar about that noise...

"Samus," Ike said without a second thought. Tch, knowing Ganessa, she'd ruin what advantage she'd have. It could be a spy, or something similar.
"Right." Samus was already headed over towards the fire that was starting to spread.

"You can turn into a kitty? How cute! I really like cats." Ganessa said with a grin as she slowly walked towards the orange cat creature. The fire spreading was her doing, she wanted to make sure it didn't get away. Suddenly, it pounced...and it was fast. So fast that Ganessa couldn't block. She howled in pain as she felt the beast rend it's claws into her flesh, and she dropped her sword. She had never seen anyone move so fast! Ugh, and that really hurt!
"Ganessa!" Ike growled, grabbing her shoulder to push her out of the way as Ike rushed in, his forearm on Lethe's throat as he pushed forward to pin her to the ground. really was Lethe, gods forgive him.
Samus checked on Ganessa, figuring Ike had things under control. She was bleeding pretty badly, but she'd survive.

Lethe was about to struggle until she realized that it was Ike. Her muscles relaxed and she changed back into her human form so she could talk to him. "Ike, it's me!" She hissed. Did he not recognize her?!
"I know," Ike said faintly, hand still on her throat in warning. "You should have kept away, Lethe...Samus, restrain her." Another thing to torment him, another nightmare to fester over. Another friendship destroyed. He knew what he was doing was the right thing, because nobody else would.
"What?!" Lethe glared up at him as Samus used her shadows to form restraints around her body. "Ike, what's wrong with you? How dare you do this to me!?" She tried to struggle against the shadows but found it to be fruitless. She couldn't break free. What had gotten into him? Why was he working with the enemy?

"Ugh! This hurts! You're dead, you filthy animal! My mother will skin you and make you into a coat for what you just did to me!" Ganessa shouted as she picked up her sword. "Or maybe I should just save her the trouble and kill you myself..."
He wished he could apologize, but it didn't matter. Ike tilted her chin up and stood. "No, I'll keep her," he stated easily. "Samus, bring her to Lady Medusa." He would have to play a very careful game to keep Lethe alive, no doubt...especially after Ganessa got injured. But it would be a wasted resource.
Couldn't say it wasn't surprising that Medusa was fuming when Ganessa came into her throne room, bleeding all over the place. She stood up immediately and then appeared before her as she looked at the wound. A wave of magic was all it took to close it really, but that didn't make her any less angry. She turned to Ike and Samus, and their new captive who was still struggling to break free from Samus' shadows. "What is the meaning of this?" Medusa asked stiffly as she hugged her daughter who was almost even taller than she was at this point. "Did that creature injure my daughter?"
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