The Mercenary (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

Lethe did her best to ignore that chill that ran down her spine and between her legs when he took her breasts in his large hands. She had..once found him attractive. Now, he was a traitor, one that she couldn't stand. He threatened her sister..he was working for the Goddess that threatened the world, and the Demon Lord she had heard about...and yet he was still himself, from what she could see. She hissed at him, and spoke in that foreign language that only other laguz could understand. "What happened to you?! I came looking for you because I thought something happened to you, and you go and treat me like this? Threaten my sister? Do you have no honor?!"
He didn't know what to tell her as his hands squeezed them, thumbs brushing over his nipples. His eyes were firm, resolute...but the cracks were showing, the weariness had settled in. He couldn't tell her anything, he could speak nothing, show nothing. He gripped her throat and squeezed. How much more did he have to endure, to find the right time? How many more orders must he give? How many more friends must hate him to see his plan come to fruition? Had he wasted his time?

"Speak properly when in front of your Goddess, whom you swore fealty to." he murmured.
"Ike!" She shrieked in response, baring her teeth at him as he squeezed her by the throat. Her chest was heaving, her nipples were erect and swollen. This..this wasn't natural. "You can't do this to me, Laguz and Beorc weren't meant to mate!" She choked out as she struggled against her restraints.

"Samus, let her go." Medusa ordered as she watched from her throne. Samus looked at Medusa for a moment with a frown, but she did as her Goddess ordered..lest she upset her. Lethe felt the restraints leave her body.

"Shall I restrain her again if she tries to hurt Ike..?" She asked.

"No. If she tries to fight back, Ike will just have to forcibly restrain her..." Medusa licked her lips.
Ike showed no hesitation, his grip still tight on her throat. He didn't know how to show her, he couldn't show her anything.

"Look at me," Ike said firmly, his eyes narrowed. He tried, so hard...he tried to show her. He tried to let his eyes carry anything, but he couldn't. He could only show the faintest hints. He wasn't expecting anything, he just wanted her to believe that this was the only thing he could do. "You swore your loyalty, and now you will take your punishment for harming Lady Ganessa."
Lethe looked at him for a moment like he asked her to, and for a second her features softened. But...she refused to believe what her sixth sensed picked up on. She just thought she was being sentimental...

All she could do was look away. She hated him, but she didn't want her sister in danger...even if she had to suffer this vile, unnatural act.
"Hmph, I expected better from the Laguz," Ike muttered. "Proud warriors, or gutless animals?" He knew Medusa, she wanted more...something tangible, something that made that hole at the bottom of his soul seem all the more compelling.
Lethe growled in response, having a difficult time not lashing out at him with her claws. "You are nothing but a coward. You aren't the Ike I remember. The Ike I remember wouldn't say such foolish things!" Her body tensed up like an animal waiting to pounce. She was starting to get defensive. Medusa wanted her to lash out...she wanted to see what her black knight was capable of.
"People change," Ike muttered. "Cowardice has nothing to do with it, Lethe." he said, letting his hand trail down her toned stomach. "Or is it normal for Laguz to simply bend over and accept their betters?"
Lethe hissed and pulled away from him, her tail lashing in every direction as her expression began to grow primal. Her teeth were growing longer...pointier. Her claws were becoming sharper as well as she started changing. "I would rip you to shreds, had you not threatened my sister! That is why you are a coward and that is why I choose not to fight back!" She snarled.
Ike didn't say anything, simply letting his fingers brush across her moist pussy. "Really?" Ike said casually. "What's this then?" he remarked, fingers glistening. Somewhere? It was probably honest interest that he was twisting and corrupting.
Lethe shivered when his finger moved across her slit. She hadn't even realized she had gotten wet..what? She merely growled and shook her head. "That means nothing!"
"It means more than you think," Ike said, his fingers slipping smoothly along her slit. "It means you like it," he said, shifting forward, his voice husky and hungry. He didn't know if it was good, or bad that Lethe was going to enjoy it. Maybe that was the only way he could provide something, Laguz were durable creatures...she probably could handle something rougher than most people.
Lethe struck him hard in the face in anger. She..she didn't like it! She would never like something as taboo as this...she hated half breeds..or rather she hated the idea of them.
Ike's head jerked to the side and he grunted firmly, he rotated his jaw at that. "...Very well," Ike muttered. An opening, this was something that they had done in the past, granted...not...for sex, but sparring hand to hand. Grappling, takedowns...Lethe was a smug mentor and Ike was a humble student. He had learned more lessons than he wanted to count from Lethe, maybe he could get through to her here, but he doubted it. Regardless, he lunged at her to send her to the ground. He had no idea how...Laguz actually mated, but Ike doubted it was the same as humans. At least, he couldn't imagine someone like Lethe simply accepting it...consensual or not.

Part of him wished this was consensual.
Lethe grunted when she hit the ground, and she immediately attempted to push him away from her. She usually didn't mind scrapping naked on the ground. She was comfortable with being naked because that's how she was when she was in her beast form. But knowing what Ike was trying to do to her...well she was more...aware of just how sexual this was...or would be if she didn't stop him.
"Pathetic," Ike growled, gripping her wrists to twist them and press them above her head as he pushed forward, shifting past her legs to buck right into her groin. He wondered how often he shut down when he did things like this, did he actually enjoy it? Or did he just act like he didn't because he knew he wasn't supposed to?
Lethe just hissed at him as she put all of her strength into breaking free of her wrists. He had..gotten much stronger since the last time they had sparred together. She didn't want to remember how it used to be between them..back when he was a boy who was just learning how to fight. She didn't want to remember just how much fun she had with him, kicking him into the dirt and holding him down to prove herself superior over him.

She was so angry and frustrated that she could feel her eyes stinging with tears, but that still did not stop her struggling, even though the more she struggled against him..the more she could feel his manhood pressing against her throbbing pussy. Back then..she sometimes got excited like this too while they fought, even though she ignored it.
It disgusted him, to be honest, but he did it anyway. To amuse the Goddess behind him as he rocked into her moistening pussy with a pleased grunt. He hoped whatever hell he went to was deep and dark enough to make him suffer for all the things he was doing as he picked up his pace.
"Get off me!" She snarled at him as she started to thrash underneath him. The more he did this, the more she was starting to like it. Her face was growing hot, her scent was starting to fill the air like she was in heat or something...She had to transform! She couldn't do this any other way!

Medusa could feel her try, but that was no fun to see. She snapped her fingers and the collar that Ike had wanted to see on her appeared. It was just a simple, steel metal ring around her neck. It would interfere with whatever mystical energies helped these Laguz transform. When Lethe couldn't change she gasped in utter disgust.
"Quiet," Ike muttered, pressing his body against her as his teeth brushed over her shoulder, sinking into her neck to bite it hungrily. He wished...he prayed that Lethe understood the reality, but he knew she wouldn't...why would it matter after what he was doing to do?
Lethe cried out when he sunk his teeth into her flesh and decided to return the favor. She bit into his arm, just below his shoulder, hard enough to taste blood. Her sharp teeth wouldn't feel very nice to him, and she could only hope it would be enough to make him back off.
It didn't, instead it just made him grunt in hunger as his hips pressed down against her, shifting his hands to press down on both with one as he went to unfasten his pants. He deserved it, he deserved whatever injuries she would give him.
Lethe focused on trying to break free of his grasp now that only one hand was holding her wrists down. She couldn't believe this was happening! Ike of all people...she just didn't understand...
His erection now freed, his cock rubbed against her pussy...maybe as a warning, he didn't know, or maybe just to prepare himself as he slid it in with a grit of his teeth. Tight...extremely tight...gods forgive him, it felt incredible.
Lethe shrieked when he sunk into her folds, and her thrashing seemed to halt for the moment. It had been a long time since she had mated with anyone, so she wasn't used to the feeling. He was..he was very thick, and she was lucky that she was at wet as she was. "N-no!" The edge to her voice was starting to dull.
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