For the sake of pleasure. (Malfrost and Sayuri)

"I'll protect you always...I promise...and I'll give you love and attention all day, everyday, if you'll let me..." he spoke again before pressing his lips against hers again, his tongue instantly in her mouth and dancing with her own tongue. He slowly started to gyrate his hips, moving his cock in and out of her tight ass in time with her own movements so his cock was reaching as deeply into her as physically possible.
Hinata gulped and squirmed slightly in place, not sure quite what she wanted to say. She wanted it, she wanted to have someone to actually be there for her, someone who appreciated her. Before she could say anything though, his lips were on hers again and she returned it, her tongue swirling about with his own. She felt him starting to move his hips with hers and it only prompted her to go a bit faster, continuing to bounce her hips up and down.
Sasuke's tongue pressed roughly against Hinata's as he gripped her ass even more firmly as she began to move up and down faster, causing her ass to slap against his hips hard with each thrust. He moved his other hand down from her cheek and squeezed one of her large breasts, her flesh molding against his fingers as he pulled away and looked into her eyes. "Is it starting to feel any better?"
Hinata's breathing began to turn into soft panting yet again, and his question was met with a simple nod. "Y-Yes, the p-pain is completely g-gone now." She breathed, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. "D-Don't worry about me." She added, gently leaving a kiss on is neck.
Hinata's words were enough of a sign that he could treat her roughly again, like she seemed to enjoy. He wrapped both his arms around her waist and gripped her ass hard with both hands now. He slammed his cock as deep and as hard as he could into her ass. He lifted her up slightly and then slammed deep into her again. He increased his tempo, fucking her hard and fast, his cock ravishing the inside of her ass, almost bulging into her stomach due to its size as Sasuke moaned loudly. "It..feels so good, you have such a slutty ass...from now on....this ass is one...not even Naruto can fuck you in this hole...understand?" He asked between moans and ragged breaths as he spanked her ass hard to get an answer.
Soft moans and groans slipped from her lips as he began to take control once more, although she continued to move as well. "O-Okay." She breathed in response. Although, the idea of having to turn down Naruto if he ever asked was going to be... Awkward... How would she refuse without a reason? She supposed if it came down to it, she could come up with an excuse. She kept moving, a bit faster, her fingers tightening a bit against his shoulders which lead to her nails digging into his skin slightly. Her kisses continued along his shoulder and up his neck.
The hot breath of Hinata's moans served to further Sasuke's lust and affection for the girl as he spanked her ass again, his cock slamming roughly into her, her ass jiggling with each thrust. Because of the tightness of her ass, Sasuke could already feel the coming climax building up as he let out a long moan as he move his head so Hinata had more access to his neck for kisses. "Hinata! I'm about to come....where do you want it this time!?" He moaned loudly, want the girl to pick her preference of where he came.
Hinata gasped softly with each time his hand came down against her ass, but it was more from shock than any kind of pain. He tilted his head to give her more access and instantly her lips continued up his neck to kiss the bottom of his jawline, an occasional nip leaving small marks. "W-Wherever you wish." She breathed in reply, her breath warm against his skin while her voice had come out ragged and low.
"In...Inside! I'm coming inside!!" Sasuke roared as he thrust violently into her a final time before flooding her tight ass with his sticky and hot cum. Her ass was even tighter and smaller then her pussy, so even more of his seed leak out of her ass and down her rear. He slowly pulled his now mostly limp cock out of her ass, a frothy mix of his cum and her sweat emerging as he did so. He laid down completely with a ragged sigh as he slowly brushed Hinata's hair and cheek.

"You were amazing...could you..." He glanced down at his messy cock and then up at Hinata's face before giving her a small smile, seeing if she managed to get the message of what he wanted her to do.
A shiver ran through her body as she felt herself being filled with the warm come again, and once he'd finished and pulled out, she moved to rest next to him. His hint was obvious enough, and with a small blush, she leaned forward and quickly cleaned him off. Her warm tongue lapped against his cock, cleaning off the salty juices that covered it as best she could before she crawled up to lay next to him, nuzzling her head into his shoulder and letting an arm drape across his chest.

It was hard to believe this had all happened, but tomorrow... Tomorrow would surely prove to be difficult to handle, she just hoped she could make it through. For now, she could feel her eyes drooping as she began to drift off.
Sasuke blissfully sighed as Hinata cleaned his cock off skillfully. When she nuzzled next to him, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his chest so she was using his chest as a pillow basically. He gently ran his fingers through her silky hair as he too felt himself beginning to drift off. "Good night...Hinata...I love you." He spoke with a soft smile and kissed her gently on the lips, hoping she was still awake to reciprocate before he drifted off to sleep.

((You are a great and wonderful rper and I hope I'm doing well enough for you!))
~{Of course! :D So when they go home, do we wanna split it up and have us act that out too? I can do Sakura and you can do Naruto? Or were you wanting to just time skip?}~

Hinata smiled softly and closed her eyes. "I... I love you too." She said softly, slowly drifting off to sleep. That night she had one of the best nights sleep, deep, dreamless.

When she woke up, she carefully got out of bed, being careful not to wake him. Getting in the shower, she quickly showered and got dressed once more before crawling up next to him and leaning down and kissing his forehead. "Sasuke? I have to go." She said softly, knowing her children would be waking up soon and wanting her attention.
(Time skip, if that is alright with you! What would be fun though is if Naruto and Sakura were cheating with each other too :p A crazy mess of cheating! But for now, timeskip)

Sasuke smiled as Hinata's words were the last thing to enter his mind that evening before drifting off to the most wonderful night of sleep of his life. When he woke up in the morning, he heard the running of the shower from the bathroom. His eyes slowly opened as the sunlight that made it past the blinds of the room invaded his eyesight. He cringed slightly but soon, he smiled as he saw Hinata enter his view. It was the most wonderful of nights last night...and he most definitely didn't want it to be their last encounter.

As she kissed his forehead and said she had to leave, he shot up and pressed his lips against hers, his tongue shooting into her mouth and engaging her in a passionate early morning kiss. His tongue flicked and swirled around hers before he withdrew with a small grin. He knew that kiss would be enough to make her aroused for the better portion of the morning and afternoon. "Alright...lets meet somewhere later this afternoon while Naruto is at work...I'll come get you. " He kissed her cheek as he stretched. "I'll see you then, Hinata...and I love you."
This kiss was sudden, but she easily caught up with herself and hugged her arms around him, returning the kiss. When he finally pulled back, she smiled and blushed nervously. Originally, she didn't want to do this again, originally she wanted to only do it once... once and then it was going to be all, but she didn't think it was going to be possible, especially with how much she was already wanting to stay, but she knew she couldn't, not with her kids waiting for her.

"I'll... Drop the kids off with Kiba, they like spending time with Akamaru." She said softly, getting to her feet. "Then... M-Maybe meet me outside of the academy?" She said before she gave a small wave and hurried home.
((Hey, I'm turning it in for the evening. So can you go ahead and do the first post of the time skip with Hinata at the Academy?))
~{Sure, Night. :D }~

The day was a challenge. Naruto hadn't been very happy with her just leaving, but she had explained she'd been at the Hyuga estate and he dropped it within times. She spent the day with her children, mostly just hugging them close and watching them play. She loved them so much, and she knew that what she'd done the night before would break Naruto's heart and could lead to harming her children, but she couldn't stop thinking about meeting him again. Again Naruto had been cold towards her, and it had only urged her on even more.

Finally, she'd brought the kids over to Kiba's and headed out towards the academy. While waiting for him, she moved to the swing and sat down, swinging back and forth sightly. While waiting, she glanced down to her feet and bit her lip slightly, worried about what this would lead to, but she couldn't convince herself to walk away.
It had been a fairly easy day for Sasuke. Sakura was used to Sasuke just wandering off to do his own thing, so when he returned in the morning, she thought nothing of it. She asked to be forgiven for starting the fight last night and he agreed, but his mind was on Hinata all day...he couldn't wait to see her later. He tended to the needed chores and errands around the house before he stated that he was off to visit the library to do some research.

He made it to the Academy just after Hinata. He saw her on the swing and smiled as her approached her from behind silently. He wrapped his arms around her waist and tilted her head to the side. "Good afternoon, beautiful." He chuckled and then pressed his lips lovingly against hers.
Hinata jumped slightly in surprise and glanced back to him, only to be met with his lips. "S-Sasuke we... W-We shouldn't... in public." She said, blushing as she got to her feet. "I'm... just.... Naruto's been getting agitated a lot, I... I mean he's the Hokage, I wouldn't want to make him angry a-and if anyone saw.... He'd know."
Sasuke seemed extremely dissatisfied when she pulled away to express her worry. As she stood up, he spun her around and pinned her against the tree that the swing was hanging on. He began to plant kisses up and down her neck, knowing that would weaken her resolve.

"Just a little..." he whispered hotly in her ear before biting down and sucking, mean while, his hands sought out her firm ass and gave it a squeeze through her pants as he went back to kissing her neck.
Hinata gasped softly as she felt herself suddenly pinned against the tree trunk. At first she struggled, squirming slightly to try and escape, but the kisses along her neck did their job. It felt like her energy was just being sapped away, like she was melting in place. "B-But... I-If someone sees..." She managed, not even quite able to finish off her sentence before her eyes closed as the delightful sensations from his kisses ran through her.
Sasuke didn't seem to care about the risk of getting caught. If they did, he would handle it, somehow. For now though, he just focused on Hinata, and making her feel good. He tilted her chin so they were facing each other once again and his lips quickly assailed hers, his tongue seeking access to her mouth. Meanwhile, his other free hand began to unzip her jacket, tossing it to the ground roughly as he started to pull off her shirt as well.
Hinata let out a soft whimper, her heart racing nervously in her chest. School was done, so she knew the children weren't around, but who's to say people wouldn't come back here? Her lips parted either way, allowing his tongue to slip passed to meet with hers. It was a dangerous game they were playing, she knew that much, but it was getting harder and harder for her to focus on the concern.
Sasuke's tongue pressed up against her's needfully and lustfully. It was like he hadn't drank water in days, and Hinata's tongue was the only way to quench his thirst, his lustfully and needy thirst. He swirled his tongue around inside her mouth before pulling back and marking her with yet another hickey.

"Lift your arms up so I can get your shirt off you..." Sasuke commanded, his voice as gruff and deep as it was all last night. He expected her to obey without question, even if it left her in just her bra covering her upper half. He wanted this, he needed it.

((I'm thinking maybe Hinata could be wearing really sexy lingerie this time around, since she was wanting and expecting this to happen? ^_^))
Hinata gulped nervously and hesitantly rose her arms into the air. When he pulled off her shirt, he'd end up seeing a less... Plain bra than she'd had the night before. Instead, it was a deep red with lace along the top.

Shyly, she glanced to the side and hugged her arms around herself nervously. "I-I was expecting u-us to be somewhere else." She said nervously, never would she have willingly worn something in public, even if it was under her clothes.
Sasuke smiled as he noticed the bra she had one. It made him feel loved, knowing that Hinata had worn something special just for him. "You look beautiful in it....wear this for me all the time, okay?" He smiled at her gently as he slowly began to kiss the other side of her neck, the side he had been neglecting up to this point. He licked her creamy neck up and down, his tongue a brush.

His hand traveled up into her bra and squeezed her breast from inside it. He didn't want to take off her bra just yet...he want to relish in the sight of her in sexy lingerie just for him. His fingers rubbed and teased her perky nipple before tugging on it slightly while pressing his already quite large erection against her crotch.
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