Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Bruce chuckled. "Yeah probably something to that effect." He admitted, shrugging a little. He did have something up his sleeve, but that could wait for later. He smirked a little to himself. She was sure in for a surprise. Tonight, he would propose. Bruce chuckled again. "Maybe I do. But you'll just have to see." He said, kissing her softly.

Krystal sighed before she chuckled. "Oh, I know. But the cauldron keeper owes me a few favors. I can make it so he can't be reborn." She said, though she knew for now they were right. If only there were a way to purify that awful Endymion. If they could do that, they'd never have to worry about him again. Krystal sighed. "Setsuna is finicky about it. But I will ask her. I don't think it was they're time, honestly. I usually know." She said, stretching a little. She needed a massage, and some good old fashion love. "Anyway, let's not talk about that. If I think of it to much, I will do something stupid, and I don't want to do that" she said with a sigh, looking out through the glass ceiling to the stars, unconsciously wishing.
Serenity giggled. "See now my interest is piqued and I'll be anxious all day. If I have a klutz attack today, I'm blaming you." She kissed him.

Dick sighed. "Krys, let them be. Sere has just as much abillity to revive them as you do. But she's not, and as much as she's not fond of it, she's accepting it. Not to mention it wouldn't be fair to bring them back and not bring back mine, or Bruce's or Rei's mother, Makoto's parents...and so on. And we've all accepted their deaths. You can't go trying to change things all the time because you don't like them. Endy's stupid ass included. And didn't Sere purify Endy once before. To purify him would mean there would have to be a bit of good in him. Sad fact is, that there isn't."

Jason rolled his eyes. "The fact you even considered such things to begin with means you thought about it too much."
Bruce chuckled. "You see soon enough, my moonbunny." He said, smirking at her.

Krystal sighed. "Exactly. Now can we stop talking about this? If they're meant to do something, they'll be reborn. Now, I want to stop talking about this, please" she said, pushing it all away. If Krystal didn't think about it, it wasn't gonna push her over type edge into stress. She needed to keep as calm as possible for her unborn child's sake, and for her sister's. She could sense her sister's aura darkening, and hers was as well as a result. Krystal's balance was serenity, and the more she darkened, the darker Krystal got as a result. This... was not gonna bode well..

Krystal chuckled a little. "You're right. Now both of you cuddle me." She half ordered, Pulling them closer.
Serenity pouted. "If you insist." She grinned. "Do you have any idea how many guys' hearts are gonna be broken when they see us?"

Dick and Jason didn't have to be told twice and cuddled her, each taking a side of her.
Bruce chuckled. "It won't be to long, moon bunny." He said with a smile, before he raised an eyebrow. "No, how many?" He asked, slight jealousy in his eyes.

Krystal sighed happily, snuggling into them. She gave them each soft kiss. "Now that's better. But, I'm wondering, how come I haven't seen you two kiss? I'm glad to get attention, but it hot when you two kiss." She admitted, giggling a little.
Serenity burst into a light giggle at the jealous in his eyes before she straddled his waist. "Aww, is my dark knight jealous of guys who can't hold a candle to him in my eyes? Adorable...considering I'm sure there will be some women with broken hearts once we return home." She kissed him and teased his hair with her hand.

Jason pouted. "Ask Dickie-bird. I couldn't even get him to kiss me while you were sleep."

Dick snorted. "Don't play the innocent one now."
Bruce blushed. "I can't help it Sere. You mean so much to me." He said softly, kissing her back and running a hand down her back innocently. He wasn't one to push.

Krystal looked at both of them and pouted. "Aww, you two, pwease? one kiss for me?" She asked, eyes hopeful. She loved it when they kiss, because it was so sweet, yet sensual. It wasn't a turn on, but she did sure like it.
Serenity smiled. "I know love. And you mean so much to me." She gently nipped at his neck. "As much fun as it might be to do it on a plane, let's not let it be the first. Especially not when we're less than an hour away from Tokyo." She nipped at his ear. "But it will happen." She purred.

The two men grinned and kissed, making it extra sensual just for her.
Bruce smiled, a small blush painting his cheeks as he softly moaned at the nip to the neck. His neck had always been sensitive. "Of course moon bunny. It will be special and perfect." She said, grinning at her.

Krystal watched, licking her lips slightly. "Mmm, now that's more like it. You should do that more often." She said, smiling at them. She loved watching them kiss, and when the two of them had sex? She grabbed the popcorn. Krystal was such a vouyer when it came to her boys.
She smiled softly. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you." She moved from straddling him to next to him as the plane came to a landing.

The two men chuckled as they broke the kiss and each nuzzled a side of her neck
Bruce grinned. "Of course moon bunny. Nothing but the best mi'love." He said, smirking at her mischeviously. He couldn't wait to surprise her. It was gonna be marvelously amazing.

Krystal smiled as they Nuzzled her. "I love you both so much. Always, my hearts." She whispered, kissing them each softly.
Serenity snuggled to him as the plane came to a halt. She slid her hand in his. "Well, time to face the crowds."

"We love you too Krys. Now get some rest like you were told." Jason chuckled softly.
Bruce sighed, squeezing her hand. "Yeah, looks like it." He said, kissing her softly as the walked to the door of the plane.

Krystal smiled. "Okay jaybird. Good night loves." She said with a yawn, closing her eyes and falling right asleep, pulling them both close.
Serenity kissed him back. As they stepped from the plane, she wasn't surprised at all by the large crowd of people and press alike calling their names and snapping pictures.

Jason and Dick both soon fell asleep with her.
Bruce wasn't surprised either. This was just part of being famous, wether he liked it or not. He discreetly kissed Sere's head as. They got off the plane, smiling at but otherwise ignoring the press. When they finally got to Sere's penthouse, Bruce smiled in relief. "Oh, that was murder. Press sucks." He admitted, sighing as he ran a hand through his dark hair.

Krystal slept soundly, curled closely to her men, snoring softly.
Serenity smiled in relief. "Doesn't it? But we're stuck with it." She pulled away and headed for the kitchen. "I'm getting myself a martini. Did you want anything?" It seemed that now she was back in Japan, her aura had quickened its pace in growing darker, as if deep down part of her was anxious to end Endymion. She stopped walking as Luna, in normal cat form, hopped on her shoulder, nuzzling her in condolences.
"You heard huh, Luna?" She gently scratched the cat behind her ears only to receive a sad meow in response. That had Serenity a little concerned since she knew Luna would've recognized Bruce. She glanced at the cat's head and sighed. "Again with the bandages huh?" She carefully peeled them away from Luna's crescent symbol. "Better?" She asked as she started for the kitchen again.

"Much better. Krystal isn't with you?" Luna asked

"She and Dick will be along tomorrow. They had some last minute things to take care of first.

Jason woke during the night, with the feeling that something was wrong but he didn't know what.
Bruce chuckled. "Yeah, we are, annoying as it is sometimes." He admitted, sighing a little. He smiled at her. He loved martinis. "Yes, please, I'll have a martini as well. Shaken, not stirred, please." He said politely, smiling at her, and watching his love and her cat. "Hello luna." He said softly, looking a bit sad. He could sense Serenity's aura growing darker and darker, and it worried him, even if he knew it was simply her grief.

Krystal awoke when Jason did, looking at him worriedly. She knew that look all to well. "Is something wrong, jaybird? You don't have to leave, do you?" She asked, expression kknd of meek. She could feel herself darkening, and she didn't like it. she told herself to keep calm. The calmer she was, the slower the shadow madness would seep in.
Serenity smiled as she went to work grabbing items to make the martinis. And yet in her mind, she was trying to develop just how to lure Endymion out of hiding. Since she knew that he'd probably stay hidden to keep the senshi from getting to him.

Luna nuzzled Serenity once more before hopping down from the princess' shoulder and bounding back over to Bruce. "Hello Bruce. Nice to see you and Serenity have found each other again." She then hopped up on his shoulder. "I'm worried about her." She whispered.

Jason shook his head. "No Bluebird. It's not that. I'm worried for you and Sere. Your aura's darker than it normally is, and getting darker by the second. Sere's your balance normally, isn't she?"
Bruce smiled, petting Luna as she jumped up on his shoulder. "Yes, it's good to have my moon bunny back." He said, giving Luna a silent look that said to her that he agreed. He pet her softly, watching Sere make the martinis.

Krystal pulled him to her. "Yes, she is. I worried too. The darker she gets, the crazier I become. She is my balance, and in turn I am hers. Because I am the dark twin, the darker she gets, the madness from the shadows transforms to me." She explained, looking sort of scared, which was a rarity for the braver twin. She didn't want to be crazy again. The last time that happened, she made Pompeii explode.
Serenity was still in thought about her plans on how to end Endymion, enough so that she was on autopilot for making the drinks. She knew technically the link that made Endymion become Tuxedo Kamen to protect her was still active but that meant she would have to get hurt to bring him out. She then snapped out of her thoughts when she realized she hadn't offered Luna one. "Luna, did you want a drink too?"

"No thank you Serenity." Luna smiled at the princess before purring as Bruce pet her. "If I'd known it would've taken her going to Gotham alone to find you, I would've insisted on it long ago." She whispered to Bruce.

Jason hugged Krys tight. "Don't worry Bluebird. We'll look out for you both. She's likely so affected from what the idiot's done that her anger is strong. It probably won't be alleviated until she takes him out. And the quicker it's done the better." He sighed. "Bruce doesn't know she's Sailor Moon yet, does he?"
Bruce chuckled a little. "I'm sure you would have, luna. I just wish That i didn't have to come to japan because of this." He said, contiuing to pet her, the sound comforting.

Krystal nodded. "I agree, jaybird. I just hope its done before the madness can really set in." She said, sighing, before she chuckled. 'No, he doesn't. But he does know that I'm blue moon, so I'm sure he's connecting the dots" she admitted, cuddling into him. She really was worried, and hoped everything would be okay.
"We're not fond of Serenity having to return because of this either." Luna said grimly before putting a soft smile on her face as Serenity came back in the room with the two martinis.

Serenity smiled and handed Bruce one of the drinks, before sipping at her own. "Gossiping about me, you two?" She teased.

Jason nodded. "It might just. Much as I hate to say it, it depends on him. She might have plans to lure the idiot out, cause he'll be hiding from the others. But it would be quick news that she's returned and so he might do something to lure her out. I'm banking on him being stupid enough to do something to lure her out." He chuckled. "I was planning on having Dickie-bird record what happens anyway. If there's a flare in her aura before it's time for us to go, we'll send Dickie-bird early. Have him pop over to catch the action. Okay?"
Bruce nodded. "Yeah, this is reallyhard on her. I wish I could do more for her." He said, sighing a little as he scratched Luna's ears.

Bruce smiled and took the Martini, taking a sip before putting it down on the table next to him. "Only good things, moon bunny." He said with a soft smile, wishing things were different.

Krystal nodded. "Oh yes, endumion is definitely stupid enough to test her like that. He should know better, but, Endymion was never known for his brains anyhow. I wonder what Helios would say if he saw how evil he had become." She commented, wondering about her old friend Helios. She hadn't seen him since silver millennium, and she missed him terribly. Hopefully at some point she'd see him again. Krystal smiled a little. "Being able to watch endymion's demise over and over would make me feel better. I wish she had let me kill him when he cheated. Then this never would have happened." She admitted with a sigh, cuddling into Jason. She needed love and comfort. "You're gonna come with us to japan, jaybird?" She asked, looking hopeful and surprised. She had never been able to show either Dick or Jason her home, so this was exciting to her, and it lifter her spirits slightly.
Serenity smiled. "Better be good things. I know where you both live." She teased

Jason chuckled. "It's quite likely he knew. But maybe like Sere he was hoping it was a fluke. As for your question, if you had been paying attention to everything I said, you would've known I had made it obvious that I'm going. You and Sere need all the support you can get and I can't do that properly if only one of you knows I'm alive. Yes it means Bruce will find out too but he still doesn't need to know yet that I'm Red Hood."
Bruce smiled. "Of course Sere. How's Artemis, Luna?" He asked, smiling at each of them before taking another sip of his drink.

Krystal smiled. "Well, after what he did, its obvious she'd come back to japan." She admitted, before she grinned, hugging him tightly. "I was paying attention. I just thought you would need to stay behind. I'm so glad that you don't, jaybird." She said, smiling a little. This was brilliant. Now she could show both her boys around her favorite place. "We should stop off in Dallas. Mommy isn't gonna take the news of ikuko-mama well. The two of them have been friends since they were children. That's why Sere was with her. Mommy had to separate us as children for our own good." She explained, hugging Jason before she smirked. "Besides, you and Dickie-bird need to meet her, considering we're engaged."
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