Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Serenity nodded to Ami. "Thanks Ami." She watched as Ami left with Haruka before looking to Bruce. "Any chance we can leave for Japan today? I would have said let's just go with Haruka, but I don't think I can stomach her piloting right now."

Jason only chuckled. "I don't think Dickie's as much a terrible liar as you think. Just because he can't lie to you doesn't mean he's terrible at lying period."
Krystal and Bruce both chuckled. "We can take my private jet Sere. Dick, Krys, you don't have to come with us if you don't want to. Krys has a jet too, after all." He said, cuddling her close.

Krystal chuckled too. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Sere and Bruce are leaving today. I wish you could come see me. What are you up to tonight anyway? I'm curious." She asked telepathically, still cuddling close.
Serenity looked between Krys and Bruce and pouted. "You two and your toys. Excuse me for not taking the time to buy one. Too busy saving the world, one wedding dress at a time." She knew Krys would understand the other meaning behind the 'saving the world' part of her statement. She then hugged Krys and Dick. "I'm guessing that you'll join us in Japan soon enough."

Dick nodded and kissed Sere's forehead. "You're right on that. I still need to inform work that I'm taking time off. As for Krys, I'm gonna send her right back to bed to rest up cause you know she'll claim that she'll sleep on the plane then never does sleep on the plane."

Sere nodded. "We'll see you tomorrow sometime then." She slid her hand into Bruce's. "Let's go, love."
Krystal chuckled. "You liar. You know you love the toys. And we both save the world with clothes." She said, grinning at her sister. She did understand.

krystal yawned. 'yeah, i am pretty tired. this day has been mentally exhausting. i miss jason." she said, and bruce nodded. he knew how she felt, to an extent.

krystal nodded. 'yeah bunny. you will.' she said, as bruce squeezed sere's hand and the left.
Serenity sighed as they left the penthouse. "When I envisioned us all going to Japan, it wasn't anything like what it's going to be. Mama and Papa, they would've loved you Bruce. Treated you like their own." She leaned against him for support.

Dick only chuckled and scooped Krys up in his arms. "Come on. Let's get you back to bed." He carried her back to their room.

Jason was standing in the room with a small gift bag in his hand. "No offense, but I was beginning to think the others would never leave."
Bruce cuddled her close. "I'm sure they were wonderful, mi'love. i'm so sorry it had to be like this." he said sadly, giving her a soft kiss.

Krystal giggled when he picked her up. 'okay, dickie-bird.' she said softly, kissing him softly.

Krystal brightened At seeing Jason, but she looked confused. "But you said you'd be busy tonight?" She asked, tilting her head, though she grinned widely. They were both here. She had her princes. She didn't notice he was holding something, to happy to see him in general.
Serenity kissed him back. "I'm just glad I'd found you before it happened. I don't know how I would've been without you." She smiled, though it was only a half smile due to grief and anger. Her eyes didn't have their usual light and her aura had now reached a level of darkness that Bruce would be able to pick up on.

Dick chuckled, nuzzling Krys as he sat her on the bed. "And here you're always so sure that you'd be able to tell when we're hiding something, yet you missed that." He teased her.

Jason grinned. "Well I also thought what I had to do was going to take much longer to get done. And before you ask, yes Dickie-bird knew what I was doing." He set the bag in his hand down and pulled out a jewelry box. "From what Dickie-bird says, even Sere picked up something was gonna happen." Carrying the box, he walked in front of her and together with Dick, knelt down in front of her, both on one knee each, looking up at her. "Bluebird....will you marry us?" Both of them grinning as they opened the box. Inside, was three rings. One feminine with a ruby and sapphire, one masculine also with a ruby and sapphire and one masculine with two sapphires. A ring for each of them.
Bruce cuddled her close. "I'm glad I found you too, bunny. i love you so much." he whispered to her, popping them to the jet, kissing her again. 'come love. we'll face this together.' he said softly, leading her up into the plane.

Krystal chuckled. "I just thought you had something red hood related to do." She admitted sheepishly, surprised herself she hadn't picked up on it.

Krystal watched as Jason walked over with the jewelry box curiously, wondering what would happen next. When they both kneeled down, happy tears came to her eyes. She grinned at them. "Of course yes. A thousand times over, yes. my hearts.." she said softly, wiping away her tears, and giving them each a paasionate kiss. "I love you both so much." She added, griining at them before she blushed. "Jason.. I have to tell you something." She said just above a whisper, a light smile on her face.
Serenity smiled as they got on the plane, settling next to him. Her eyes closing almost right away. Even as she slept, her aura was getting darker, enough to possibly be alarming coming from someone who normally had so bright an aura

Jason kissed her back and slid her ring onto her finger. "What is it Bluebird?"

Dick slid the one with two sapphires onto Jason's hand and then held the last masculine ring to Krys for her to slid on his.
Bruce watched her sleep, sensing her aura darkening. This was a bit alarming to him, but he knew it must have something to do with the grief and anger she felt. If it got darker, he would worry then.

Krystal smiled as he slipped the ring on her finger. "I am pregnant, Jaybird." She said, soft meek blush on her cheeks.

Krystal slipped the ring onto dicks finger, smiling at them both. "Te iubesc. Always, my lovebirds." She said, using an old nickname for the two of them together.
Serenity slept on, snuggling to him in her sleep. Every now and then, a brief flash of a smirk would appear on her face before her expression would return to being one of content.

Jason's eyes widened almost comically for a brief moment before he pulled Dick and Krys into a tight hug. When he pulled away, he punched Dick in the arm. "Took long enough."

Dick winced. "Ow! First Sere, now you! Why is everyone hitting me today?"

Jason chuckled. "I hit you cause I'd expected to see a little Dickie when I first returned. Sere likely hit you cause she's been anxious for a niece or nephew." He glanced at Krys. "By the way Krys, if you still hold your bets from the silver millennium, you owe Sere some money because you lost a bet with her since you're pregnant and she has yet to be."
Bruce picked up Sere, and laid her on the bed on the plane, the cuddled up to her, pulling the blanket over. He hoped her dreams were good ones, especially with everything that's going on.

Krystal chuckled a little at his expression before she hugged him back tightly. She couldn't be happier right now, she only wished that he wouldn't have to leave in the morning. She kissed Jason softly, before she grinned, making two boxes appear in front of the pair. "Now its my turn for presents." She said, chuckling at dick and smirking mischeviously.

Krystal listened to what Jason had to say. "Yeah, me too, but Dickie-bird here insisted on using a condom.and I quote "but penguin, it won't be the same without jaybird. Please, let's wait. He'll be back" he'd always say, and I'd roll my eyes. He was stubborn about it" she admitted, sighing a little. She was in a way, glad though. It wouldn't have been the same if Jason weren't there too.
Serenity sighed in content and snuggled to him, her dreams actually good ones. Well good to her anyway.

Jason rolled his eyes. "And that right there is why I was hesitant to get you anything for your birthday. Cause you always had to turn it around back on us." He then slapped Dick upside the head. "And what if you'd been wrong Dickie-bird? You would've kept poor Krys childless and left Sere without a niece or nephew to spoil. Next life, and we all know ages from now there will be a next life, if I die first again, don't keep Krys from having a child whether you're sure or not that I'll come back."

Dick winced from the slap to his head. "Ow! Okay okay. I'm sorry."

Jason smirked before looking at Krys. "And don't you dare put all the blame on Dickie-bird again for that. I know for a fact that for a while you were the one insisting on a condom. Queen Serenity herself told me. She says hello by the way. Been meaning to tell you that."
Bruce smiled, cuddling her close.

Krystal chuckled. "Oh stop. I had this planned before you decided to propose. Besides, it almost your birthday, anyway, Jaybird." She said with a grin, nudging them to open the presents. Inside Jason would find some newly designed Red Hood armor, guns and a few other cool weapons she thought he'd like. For Dick, a new set of batons, because his were broken, twin blue bladed samurai sword like hers, and a newly designed Nightwing armor. "I hope you like them." She said, smiling at both of them before admiring her ring.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that's cause he wanted to wait, but i wanted sex." She admitted with a chuckle, before she grinned. "Well, i say hi too." She added, knowing her original mother would hear her.
It was when they got close to Japan that Serenity finally opened her eyes. "Much needed that was."

Jason rolled his eyes. "And yet you still continue to insist on getting me something for my birthday." Both men looked at their new armor and weapons. "Love them." They spoke together, each kissing one of her cheeks. Jason rolled his eyes again at her remark. "Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that Krys." He teased.
Bruce chuckled a little. "Been watching a bit to much star wars, Sere?" He joked, smirking at her.

Krystal stuck her tounge out at him. "Oh, pish posh. You know you secretly love it when I give you presents." She said, grinning at them. She was glad they looked them, having worked for 16 hours a piece on each and every piece of the presents, wanting the them to be perfect for them. Krystal rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Its irrelevant now." She said, smiling at them.
"Oh hush." Sere playfully slapped his arm. "Sorry if I don't speak normally every time I wake up."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "I didn't say I don't love the things you give me. And it's never a secret. All I'm saying is I don't need presents because you two and any kids that may come from our threesome are all I need. Big difference Bluebird." He ruffled her hair playfully. "No overworking yourself though, okay?"
Bruce chuckled. "Don't worry. I find it adorable." He admitted, giving her a kiss.

Krystal smiled and stroked Jason's cheek before she kisses him lovingly. "I know jaybird. that's the sweetest thing you've ever said but i still like giving you things though. I can't help if i enjoy spoiling the ones I love." she said, still stroking his cheek as she pulled both men into the bed with her. She wanted cuddles. Krystal blushed when he ruffled her hair. "I didn't over work myself, iubesc. Promise." She said, kissing each of them lovingly, glad to have them back.
Serenity giggled and kissed him. "Good save Mr. Wayne. Now how much further to Tokyo?"

Jason nuzzled her. "You don't have to spoil. I worry about you sometimes with your childhood. Some might think that due to your loneliness as a child you unconsciously try to buy people's love and friendship.."
Bruce shrugged. "Its true, and about an hour." He said, squeesing her hand.

Krystal smiled, stroking his hair softly. "Maybe. I think its more my parents taught me everything would be okay with presents being given. spent mist of my life alone still though. They thought I was either stuck up or as I got older, a slut." She admitted, cuddling close to Jason.
Serenity smiled. "Well, if I'm gonna be in Tokyo these next few days, I might as well make sure I'm set for the crowds." She pulled her hair free of the ponytail and set it in her usual hair style. Even though she was smiling, her aura was still getting darker.

Jason kissed her forehead. "It's time to break that cycle though Bluebird."
Bruce smiled too. "I like your hair like that. Its like it was in silver millennium." He admitted, noticing her aura darkening still. He worried, taking Sere's hand. "Bunny, your aura is very dark. It worries me." He told her, kissing her head as he pulled her into his arms.

Krystal nodded. "I know Jaybird. But birthdays are reasons for presents." She said, smiling as he kissed her forehead, and kissed his lips. "I love you two so much. Don't leave me, okay?" She asked, expression meek. With everything that has been happening, the murder of her second family, and finding out she's pregnant, she needed the reassurance that they wouldn't leave, because everyone she'd ever loved so completely as them, had died, Jason included.
Serenity smiled. "I still wear this style mostly, have been since I was a kid. It's just when I don't want to be recognized that I wear it differently." She looked at him curiously. "I forgot that you could pick up on auras too as easily as Rei can. I'm sure it's nothing more than my grief and anger and guilt. I'm admittedly putting on a strong front right now. I do have other business besides funeral arrangements to conduct while in Tokyo. Wouldn't do good to be breaking out in tears every few minutes."

Jason and Dick both nuzzled her. "We won't leave you." Said Dick.

"Even when I was dead I never truly left you. Your second family hasn't completely left you and Sere, even though they're dead." He gently placed a hand over her heart. "They'll always be with you here and in spirit."
Bruce smiled a little, cuddling her. "I know bunny. But I just want you to be aware.I worry, you know." He admitted, kissing her softly. He grinned. "I wonder what the tabloids will say about us?" he asked, challenging smirk on his face. He was trying to make her smile.

Krystal smiled, pullking them both close. "Good. Because I love you both to much to loose either of you." She said, giving them both kisses.

Krystal smiled sadly. "I know jaybird. I just wish I could have prevented it, or bring them back. I know I could! With stupid Endy out of the way, they'd be safe." She said, clenching her teeth slightly before sighing. This was all very frustrating to her, especially since she couldn't do anything about it.
Serenity cuddled to him with a smile. "I know." She kissed him before smirking. "Maybe something like 'Infamous Playboy corrupts Wedding Bunny'." She teased. "They're gonna talk anyway from the moment we leave the plane. At least with my signature hair style, they'll know they can't intimidate me. But for all I know, you may have something up your sleeve to really give them something to talk about."

Dick placed a finger on Krystal's lips. "And just like us, he can be reborn. Say you brought them back, and Sere's crystal slowed their aging down. He's reborn and comes after them again. Even she has likely realized they're safer in death because he could only hurt them the once. Plus, you know how Setsuna is about fiddling with time. For all we know, it was their time and it's just that not even she knew how they would go." At least he's getting what's coming to him."
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