Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

"He's just fine Bruce." Luna smiled.

"That reminds me. Luna, I'll understand if you want to stay here with Artemis. Since when I go back to Gotham after all this, it'll be more permanent and I don't want to separate you two." Serenity looked fondly at the feline.

Luna could only blush in response.

Jason groaned. "I forgot about her. Only good thing is Bruce has to meet her too."
Bruce smiled, pulling sere closer to him and into his lap. "That's good luna. I'm glad." He said, still petting her.

Krystal chuckled. "Oh stop. My mom's not that bad. She'll like you, and dickie-bird.." Krystal said, smiling softly as she hugged him.
Serenity squealed a bit when Bruce pulled her into his lap,before she quickly regained her composure. She took another sip of her drink before setting it down on the table and leaning her head against him.

Jason sighed. "I didn't say she was bad. It's just the fact I have to impress her and hope she'll like me. Do you know what I had to go through to get your parents' approval on the moon?"
Bruce chuckled. "You're adorable, you know that?" He asked, nuzzling her with a happy smile as she leaned into him.

Krystal chuckled. "I don't, but I asure you, mommy won't be that bad. Papa on the other hand... that will be tough. You know my parents are divorced right? Papa lives in Tokyo." She admitted, rubbing his back a little.
Serenity giggled. "Yes cause I'm the adorable bunny twin." She joked.

Luna purred before her ears twitched as she heard something.

"What's wrong Luna?" Serenity noticed the change in Luna's posture before she looked out the window as if she sensed something outside. "The idiot makes his move."
Bruce smiled and kissed her. "Of course moon bunny." He said, chuckling a little.

Bruce sighed to himself. "So, what do we do?" Mentally, he was trying to think of an excuse to change into the cowl, but on the outside, his kingly armor was already on, save his helm, which lay beside him. He hadn't had to use this armor in ages. It felt strange to have it on now.

Krystal's aura darkened, and she shook Dick. "Dickie bird, wake up! I need yo to go to Sere! Baka is on the loose on her! " she said, her body changing into her sailor suit, though it was darker in color than usual. "Huh? I didn't do this.."
Serenity stood up, pulling her brooch from her pocket. "What do we do? We finish it." Her brooch had darker colors to it than normal, reflecting her darker aura.

Luna gasped at the dark colors. "Princess, you didn't?!"

"Temporary Luna. He needs to know just how much damage he's done. I've lost two families because of his foolishness. I won't give him the chance to take what I have left."

"Two? You mean...?"

"Yes Luna. Beryl's attack on the moon was because of lies he told her....that I was cheating on him with Bruce. I don't know if he was just trying out make her jealous or hoping to use her to get Bruce out of the way. Either way, I'm ending him now." She walked towards her sliding glass doors that led to the balcony before looking back to Bruce. "I assume you'll be along when you can my dark knight." She gripped her brooch. "Princess...eternal....make-up!" Her fuku was a dark colored one, similar in design to her eternal fuku but with touches of lace in the right areas to hint at her princess title. A tiara in her hair finishing the deal. "Don't be long Bruce." She leapt from the balcony and took off running towards where she knew Endymion was

Dick woke and jumped out of bed, immediately suiting up as Nightwing and grabbing the video camera. He kissed both Jason and Krystal. "See you both soon." He immediately popped away to Tokyo
Bruce smirked like a true saturnian king. "You've got it, serenity." He said, watching as she transformed. He stared in awe. She was beautiful yet terrifying, and it was kind of arousing, but he kept this thoughts from his mind. Now was not the time. He nodded at her. "I'll be out in a flash." He said, watching her go before heading for his suitcases, picking up the black metal one. He opened it quickly, putting on the new adamantium infuse suit that Krystal had but for him on. Despite the adamantium, the suit was light and easy to move in. He liked his future sister in law more and more. "Well, let's try this puppy out" he said more to himself, following Sere out to where she and Endymion would be.

Krystal smiled and watched him, kissing him back. "Be safe dicki-bird. I love you." She said softly, a glow emitting from her. This had only happened once before, and it was right before she had a major power upgrade. She smirked like the joker before she pulled Jason into her arms, running a hand down his stomach. "Now, what shall you do to distract the crazy one?" She asked, being obvious in what she wanted.
Luna watched Bruce leave out after Serenity. "Be safe you two." She murmured

By the time Serenity caught up to Endymion, he was standing in the middle of the park, having just finished draining energy from Motoki. "Endymion! Let him go!" She called out.

"Ah Serenity! So you indeed have returned." He tossed Motoki's limp body aside with a smirk. "There's the dark princess I knew you could be. Come back to me Serenity."

Serenity glared. "Not in this lifetime nor in any other will I go back to you. Especially not after all you've done."

Jason sighed and grabbed her hand. "As much as I find it a turn on when you're transformed, it's more of a turn on when the darkness is all you. I don't feel right taking advantage of Sere's darkness just to distract you."
Bruce appeared behind Sere, smirking slightly. "Well well well, if it isn't little Endymion." He said with a snark reserved only for the stupid prince. he wondered if he would be recognised, even in the guise of Batman. Not that he particularly cared. endymion would soon be quite dead, unable to tell his secret.

Krystal smiled. "Alright. Maybe after she's killed him, then?" She asked, looking curious. Krystal was a bit of a nymphomaniac. It was a result of having taken up the dark court fae throne, being the older, and darker twin.
Serenity noticed Nightwing appear in a tree off to the side with a camera in hand, causing her to smirk. "Looks like we better make it a good show." She whispered to Bruce. On the other side of her, she noticed the senshi surrounding Motoki to protect him from further harm.

"How cute. The batman is your little pet. Did you or Krys spread your-" he hissed in pain and held his arm after having been unable to see Serenity's attack in time to dodge it.

"Don't you dare assume that we lowered ourselves in such a way when we're each quite capable of fighting." It had surprised her to hear Endymion address Bruce as Batman but she didn't let her surprise show. "You've done enough damage, hurt enough people. Your reign of terror ends now Endymion. In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" A ball of light shot at him from the jewel on her tiara, which Endymion dodged to her frustration

Jason chuckled. "Not right after. But we'll see, if you're good Bluebird and rest when you're told."
Bruce raised an eyebrow. "oh we will" he whispered back, trying not to chuckle. Endymion was so dim he didn't even realize Bruce was batman. "Of course he didn't recognized me. The stupid prince." He thought to himself, watching as Sere attacked Endymion, throwing a few fire enhancdd batarangs.

Krystal sighed. "Its hard to rest at a time like this." She admitted, pulling him close to her as she laid down. "Cuddles now." She ordered, pouty face and all.
Endymion growled as he got hit by most of the batarangs. He then sent attacks their way repeatedly.

Serenity was prepared as a small sword appeared in her hand. She held it up in front of her and absorbed the attacks. "If that's the best you can do, then this will be easier than I thought." She leapt into the air, somersaulted mid air before coming down to strike him with her sword, only for him to block with his own.

Jason chuckled and obliged. "Of course. And I wasn't just talking now. I was referring to every time you're told to rest while you're pregnant.
Bruce smirked. Endymion didn't realize those batarangs were filled with paralizing poison that would soon render him immobile. The fire was a decoy to what was really inside the batarang. He wasn't sure what to do next, other than to use his own powers. A glaive like weapon appeared in his hand, and he snuck up on Endymion, trapping him within his weapon. "Strike now!" He told Sere, smirking at her.

Krystal chuckled, and gave him a light kiss. "I know, jaybird." She said, snuggling into him happily. She was so glad to have him back, her angel with a shotgun.
Endymion was stuck between trying to struggle out from Bruce's hold and blocking Serenity's sword. When the poison kicked in, his arm holding his sword dropped, his sword hitting the ground.

Serenity smirked and plunged her sword right into Endymion's heart. "For your crimes against the moon family and those under its protection, I, Princess Serenity pass judgement." Her crescent glowed. "Removal of that which gives you your powers, with no return to the cauldron, no rebirth." Her sword glowed as she nodded to Bruce to step away before her sword sent a powerful wave of energy through Endymion, his blood beginning to bubble from his mouth as if she was causing his insides to boil. As she slowly removed her sword, his golden starseed was pulled from his body as well, landing in her hand. She gave Endymion eye contact as she crushed his starseed in front of him. But due to the attack she caused, instead of disappearing, he dropped to the ground twitching as his blood boiled out and he breathed his last. She watched the whole thing with a stone face.

The senshi, Nightwing and Motoki, who had woken up during the fight, all watched in awe.

Jason smiled and snuggled her close. "Rest now."
When serenity nodded for him to move, he did, knowing that the poison would keep Endymion immobilized. He looked on in awe as serenity utterly killed endymion. It was sexy nd frightening all rolled into now. He couldn't believe his moon bunny was capable of such violence, and frankly it was kinda scary. When Endymion's star seed was crushed, he hugged Sere. Can I dust him now?" Bruce asked, wondering if she would mind him doing so.

Krystal smiled. "Alright, Jaybird dangers over. Can relax now. Love you." She said, cuddling into him with a kiss.
Serenity stepped back, partially unable to believe what she did, but yet not regretting it one bit. At Bruce's question, she nodded silently. She then looked up to a grinning Nightwing and smiled back. "That'll make some memories." She then looked over to the other senshi and Motoki meekly afraid of what they all might think of her now.

Jason sighed in relief. "Good. Love you too. Now sleep before I have to knock you out."
Bruce dusted him, then took Sere into his arms. "Its alright bunny. you did what had to do. no one blames you.' he said, and all the senshi nodded.agreeing.

Motoki walked over weakly. "That was absolutely kick ass, Sere! A little scary, but kick ass nonetheless. You are amazing Sere. Oh, look, you're going back to normal." He said in a tired yet excited voice smiling at her.

Krystal yawned. "Okay Jaybird. Just don't leave me at all, please? I need cuddles." She said, snuggling into him and falling asleep, worn out from all the mental stress.
Serenity smiled softly up at Bruce and snuggled into his embrace. She then giggled at Motoki's words. "Thanks Motoki." She looked down at her fuku and saw that indeed it was returning to her normal eternal fuku. "Haruka, make sure Motoki gets home alright." She looked to Nightwing. "She'll be here tomorrow, right?"

Dick nodded. "Yeah. She's just getting some rest. I'm gonna get back to her." He looked to Bruce. "Take care of her." With that he popped back to join Krys and Jason, snuggling to the other side of Krys almost immediately.

After Nightwing left, Serenity looked back up to Bruce as she pulled away and crossed her arms with a smirk. "And you mister, have some explaining to do. Penthouse. Now. Leave the suit on." Her tone left no room for debate as she gave the order but her eyes were full of mischief

Hotaru started giggling as Serenity ordered her big brother around.
Haruka nodded at serenity. "Of course, kitten." she said with a light smile, picking the fragile man who was about to fall over up. "Motoki-chan, go back to sleep. You're energy's been drained," she chastised slightly, stroking the mans hair. While it was known she and michiru were a definite couple, haruka cared for motoki like he was her brother. So of course she worried.

Krystal pulled Dick in closer as she slept, somehow sensing he had returned.

Bruce raised an eyebrow, though she couldn't see it under the cowl. "Alright Sere." He said simply, wondering what was in store. "I'll explain everything when we get back to the penthouse." He said, smiling at her, seeing the mischief in her eyes. This was gonna be interesting, for sure.
Serenity couldn't help but giggle at the way Haruka treated Motoki. She then went and hugged Hotaru. "We'll see you tomorrow Firefly."

Hotaru nodded happily. "Okay."

Serenity smiled and looked to Bruce. "Come on. Let's go. Race you back? No zip line either." She turned and took off running for the penthouse.
Motoki grow Ned softly, yawning. Getting his energy stolen took a lot out of him. He looked at Haruka sleepily. "Okay, windy." He said, using the nickname he had given her because of her fast driving and love of such things. Haruka simply smiled, bringing him back to his apartment and tucking him in. "You rest now, bro." She said, ordering him slightly.

Bruce chuckled at Sere, taking off at a run too. "Oh, its on, moon Bunny." He said with a smirk, getting the lead on her though she had had a head start.
Serenity gasped when she saw Bruce was ahead. "Alright then. We'll play." She leaped up to the rooftops and started using them to try to get the lead again. She laughed at the childishness of it but was enjoying it just the same. After a while, she hopped back to the ground and ran alongside him.
Serenity was getting closer ito him, so he ran faster, jumping into buildings as well. She wasn't gonna get the upper hand. he wasn't going to let her. "i'm faster than i look, Sere." he told her before he jumped off a few more buildings, appearing back at her balcony first. He was used to jumping around the city like this, so this was a simply win for him, batgrapple hook or not.
Serenity giggled as she joined him on her balcony. "Not once did I think you were slow based on looks. Though I must admit, the way you handled those buildings, I'd think you've been here before. So tell me Bruce, have you been here patrolling My city without me knowing?" She teased, knowing of his protectiveness of Gotham
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