Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

She let out a soft gasp before moaning in pleasure. "Touché my love." She chuckled telepathically. "Never a dull moment with you around."

Dick pouted. "Well that's no fair that Bruce has already met him."

Jason chuckled. "Just because they do business together Krys, doesn't mean your father would still want to see him dating Sere."
Bruce chuckled at her telepathically. "I intend to keep it that way, my moon Bunny." He told her, smirking to himself as he licked and fingered.

Krystal chuckled. "I guess so." She admitted, smiling at him.

krystal nodded. 'i know, jaybird. but it does give him the upper hand because papa already trusts him.
Serenity moaned as she kept licking and sucking. "Good. I look forward to every moment." She answered telepathically

Dick chuckled. "Still unfair."

Jason sighed. "And Kenji and Ikuko if the idiot hadn't killed them. How would they have been?"
Bruce smirked to him self. "Its gonna be good. I have many surprised in store." He told her telepathically as he continued licking and sucking.

Krystal smiled. "Okay, Dicki-bird" she said, giving him a kiss.

Krystal sighed sadly. "Ikuko mama would trust that we can make good choices, but papa Kenji would grill all . Of you because of what baka did to Sere." She admitted, missing them already.
Serenity took more of his cock in her mouth, into her throat, moaning around his cock. "I'm all yours my king." She purred telepathically

Jason nodded. "That makes sense."
Bruce moaned as she took more of him into her, licking and sucking quicker. "As I am yours, moon bunny." He replied telepathically, quickening his pace still.

Krystal nodded. "Yes it does, iubesc" she said, smiling at them. She had pack their bags, and had packed Jason some things as well. "I packed your clothes too, Jaybird. We're all ready to go, whenever you want." She said, Kissing them both.
As he quickened his pace on her, so she quickened her pace on him. But what he was doing to her felt so wonderful, Serenity knew it wouldn't be much longer before she came.

Jason smiled. "Well let's get going then. Shall we?"
Bruce kept quickening his pace, knowing she would come soon, because he too was getting closer. Her mouth on him felt amazing.

Krystal smiled back at Jason, popping the bags to her private jet before popping them to the jet. "Yeah, Dallas first. You both need to meet my mommy, and she'll want to know about ikuko-mama and kenji-papa." She said, snuggling them both close.
That last bit of speed was just what she needed as Serenity came, her walls squeezing his fingers as she let out a long moan around his cock, the vibrations causes adding to the stimulation she was already giving him.

Both men nodded. "How much does she know about your past live Bluebird?" Jason asked
Bruce moaned out as she came, causing him to come as well from the vibrations, and also sheer pleasure.

Krystal chuckled. "She knows it all. Queen serenity told her. That's why she separated Sere and I as babies." She admitted, getting onto the plane and waiting for them to follow.
Serenity swallowed every drop of his cum and licked his cock clean before she slowly pulled away, kissing the head of his cock before she glanced at Bruce with a smile. "Best way to start, don't you think?" She panted as she came down from her orgasm

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't it have made better sense to keep you two together. You two are better able to be your roles to each other together than apart."
Bruce panted a bit as well. "Yeah, great way." He admitted, grinning at her.

Krystal sighed. "Probably, but queen serenity and pluu didn't see it that way. But you know what? Sometimes I think pluu resents Sere and I for what queen serenity did to her, stationing her at the time gate and basically condemned her to loneliness for all eternity. That really isn't our fault. Like, subconsciously she wants us to suffer. You watch, she'll find a way to make my life miserabe. One thing I'm sure of? Pluu has been taking away our kids for centuries. The last time I remember was Victorian age. She said and I quote "its too dangerous Krys. If she stays with you, she'll only be hurt" so, I let pluu take her, right? When she left, she probably didn't realize I saw her smile." Krystal admitted with a sigh, needing to tell someone her suspicions of Pluto. While Krystal loved setsuna dearly, she wasn't so sure setuna felt the same. In fact, she doubted it most of the time. The twins had never upset the timeline, and yet, setsuna blamed them. it just wasn't kosher.
Serenity giggled and moved to kiss him, tasting herself on his lips, her hand tracing light circles on his chest.

Both men looked at each other at Krystal's complaints about Setsuna.
Dick sighed. "Krys, are you truly sure that all of those were truly appearances by Setsuna, including the visit to your Mom in this life? Anyone who knew of you and Sere in the silver Millenium knew the rumors of you being Sere's fiercest protector. Add that to it being obvious that Sere would be the one to inherit the Ginzuishou and it would be obvious that to theoretically have a chance at getting it from here would be to separate you and keep you unhappy."

Jason nodded. "And it wouldn't be hard for the right person to be able to copy Setsuna in looks and energy or even Queen Serenity well enough to fool someone. And we've seen such people during the Silver millennium. On Saturn, there was a pair of twin shapeshifters who were high priests. They thought Setsuna was wasting the opportunity to manipulate time and they wanted control of the Ginzuishou. It's quite likely it was one of them you really saw until the real Setsuna was able to leave the time gates and fight alongside you girls."
Bruce kissed her back, tasting both of them.

Krystal looked contemplative. "Its possible. But if that's really the case, wouldn't there have been some kind of difference in the energy I would have noticed, like a flaw?" She asked, looking at both men. she was curious about this. "I will have to ask to ask her when we get to japan. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, only because i trust you both." she said, smiling at them and getting ready to get dressed, purposfully stripping in front of them. She liked teasing them.
Serenity straddled him, the opening of her cunt rubbing right against the head of his cock teasingly.

Both men groaned as they watched Krys strip. "That's just evil Krys." Dick pouted. Jason on the other hand just smirked and pulled Dick flush against his chest. "It's okay Dickie-bird. She wants to tease, we can play that game." He slid his hand into Dick's pants and started jacking off Dick.
Bruce let out a small moan as her pussy rubbed against her. He blushed slightly. "Can I put it in, moon Bunny?" He asked politely, wanting to be as gentlemanly as possible for his princess.

Krystal chuckled. "Its not that evil. Doc says we can have sex up til I'm 8 months pregnant." She admitted, chuckling at him. She raised an eyebrow at Jason before she smirked. "Touche, jaybird. Very sexy." She admitted, giving them both long sensual kisses, upping the ante a little. She loved foreplay with them. It was always a challenge.
Serenity couldn't help but giggle at his desire to be such a gentleman with her. She leaned down to reward him with a kiss. She then nipped at his ear. "Please." She whispered with a seductive purr.

Dick whimpered. "I didn't bring up sex while you're pregnant. Just that it's evil you're teasing us on a plane when we're heading to meet your mom." He panted before leaning his head back against Jason with a moan.
Bruce kissed her back a small moan escaping as she nipped at his ear. "Okay, moon Bunny." He whispered before he plunged his cock in quickly, starting to thrust slowly. She was quite slippery from cumming.

Krystal chuckled. "Like my mom cares if we have sex. She's just as bad in that respect." She admitted, sitting next to Jason and putting her hand down his pants with a smirk, playing with his quickly hardening cock. The sounds of dick's cute moans always got them both going.
Serenity let out a gasp as his cock slid into her pussy. She moaned and started grinding her hips against his.

"Not listening Krys. It's awkward for a guy to meet his fiance's mom while he's got a boner." Dick spoke between moans as his hand slid to play with her pussy once she sat down.

Jason on the other hand smirked and alternated nipping at the necks of his two lovers. "I missed having you two like this."
Bruce thrust with her, wanting to pleasure her.

Krystal chuckled. "When I'm through with you, you won't have a boner anymore." She admitted smirking.

Krystal let out a soft moan as jason nipped at her neck, and she captured his lips once again. "I just missed you." She admitted, another moan escaping her as dick played with her pussy.
Serenity moved her hips matching Bruce's thrusts as she kissed and nipped at his neck.

Dick chuckled. "That line is more believeable if it were Sere saying it to Bruce. You have no idea what you start sometimes.." He sped up his fingers inside her.

Jason nuzzled her neck. "He's right. You have no idea at times."
Bruce, now feeling comfident, sped up his thrusts, enjoying her matching him.

Krystal let out a loud moan. "Fuck, dickie-bird. Feels so good." She said, taking in a breath.

Krystal looked at them, smiling as Jason nuzzled her. "Do I really affect you two that much?" She asked, moaning a little more. She really was clueless.
Serenity moaned softly from the pleasure, her hands moving up and down his chest, learning his sensitive spots all over again.

Jason chuckled. "When you start your teasing stints, yes." He kissed Dick's neck before lifting him onto his cock, moaning from the contact. "Fuck!"

Dick moaned as he felt his ass stretched before pulling his hand from Krys. "Krys....ride me....please."
Bruce moaned and quickened his pace, getting close to his limit again.

Krystal chuckled as well. "Well i'm glad I can be such inspiration." she said, moaning as she watched Jason spear dick with his cock.

Krystal smirked and kissed him hard. "With pleasure, iubesc." She said, sliding her pussy over his hardened cock and thrusting quickly. "Fuck, yes!" She moaned kissing them both.
Serenity was still able to match his pace, a feat she knew was only possible because of her true lineage as a moon princess. She wasn't far from her own limit either.

"You're such a minx Bluebird." Jason chuckled, thrusting hard and fast into Dick.

Dick moaned and leaned his head back. "Fuck! You two feel so good."
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