Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Serenity nodded and took another bite of food before chasing it with a sip of coffee. "And I believe I can name at least ten people who would love to get their hands on the son of a bitch who caused her to feel that way." She smirked.

Kanou sighed and nodded. "I should've told him the truth back then. Could've gotten past it. Should've stayed in touch too."
Bruce nodded. "More like 13. Gotta count jason, dick and myself." He said, chuckling a little at his fiancee as he sipped his coffee.

Krystal sighed. "I know you should have, nounou, but you can't change the past." She said, giving him a hug. She knew he felt badly, and she worried for both of them. This situation sucks.
Serenity giggled. "I was counting you and Dick. Though you're right. I should've considered Jason even with him being dead.

Kanou hugged Krys back. "Maybe you're right and eventually he will forgive me. I'll wait as long as it takes for him to decide to."
Bruce smiles a little. "Yes, you should. Krys has a way of bringing people back." He admitted, hoping she and dick were oay, not knowing jason was with them.

Krystal smiled a little. "I know you will, nounou. Just give him time. He'll come around. I know him very well." She said, kissing his cheek chastely.
Serenity rolled her eyes. "One that doesn't drain her to do. Lucky her." She muttered behind her cup of coffee.

Kanou nodded. "I trust you enough to believe you. Now I believe you have somewhere to go. A schedule and such." He kissed her forehead. "Just promise me you won't try to push Dick to forgive me as eager as you are for us to make up." He chuckled.

Jason's voice came to Krys telepathically. "Krys...he's not on the jet."
Bruce looked at his fiancee. "Do I detect some resentment bunny?" He asked, looking curious.

Krystal chuckled. "No, I wont. He'll come around." She said comfidently before she nodded. She did have to go.

She turned paler when jason's message reached her. It was scary. "Where could he be? Hes never been to dallas. Its dangerous here. Is the suit gone?" She asked almost frantically through the bond, worried about her dickie-bird
Serenity sighed. "Not resentment per se. There are just some things that I can't do just whenever with the silver crystal because it drains me that she can do with her crystal and not feel drained...or at least not to the extent I end up drained. But for all I know, there's probably things about me that she wishes she shared." She shrugged.

Kanou. "Good. Don't let me find out otherwise." He looked at her in concern when she paled. "What happened?"

Jason sighed. "It's gone. I don't think he's in Dallas because he doesn't know even a bit of his way around. He might have gone ahead to Japan, locked on to any of the senshi. Though he probably steered clear of Sere and Bruce so as not to risk walking in on anything. Check with the senshi, not including Sere. I can't get through to Dick and I can't try reaching the senshi since to them I'm still dead."
Bruce nodded. "Ah, I can understand that." He said, sipping his coffee.

Krystal smiled a little. "You wont." She said before she looked at kanou, slight fear in her eyes. "Dick's gone. He isnt on the jet." She said, expression showing her pure love and worry for him. Kanou didnt know Dick was actually nightwing.

Krystal ran a hand through her hair, which was dow, sighing, talking to Jason telepathically. "Jay-bird, did you notice the poster at the airport? Haley's circus is in 5own, and it sounds like they"re having problems again." She explained, knowing full well Jason would know that was the circus dick grew up in. She and he once took down the leechwhen he was hiding in old mr haley's circus.
Serenity sighed and sipped her coffee. "I think I'm gonna keep this place. A little spot for us to get away from the cameras and such."

Kanou hugged her tight. "I'm sure he'll be alright until you find him. I would help but I'm too well known around as a cop. People would keep quiet around me whether they'd seen him or not."

Jason groaned. "That's even more of a reason for him to just have gone ahead to Japan rather than sticking around Dallas. He wouldn't want to risk running into old Haley. He told me some time before I died that the guy didn't even pretend to act as if he cared that he'd lost most of a loyal family in a tragedy." He thought for a moment. "Now that I think about it, as touchy a subject as it is, ask Kanou what he knows about any over eagerness old Haley might've displayed to get the circus cleared from being held a crime scene so he could pack up the circus."
Bruce smiled. "Makes perfect sense to me." He said, sipping his coffee.

Krystal nodded, though she still looked freaked out. "I hope so, kanou. I couldnt bear to loose him." She explained, fear in her glacial blue eyes.

Krystal sounded shocked. "Really? The mr haley I knew was a good man. Maybe I didnt know him as well as I thought. But your right. He would probably leave. Avoi DC the pain of running into an old circusvfriend." She said, contacting the senshi, save sere, to see if they'd seen him.
Serenity smiled as she finished her coffee. "Of course it makes sense." She teased.

Kanou nodded. "He will be. Just have faith. Now get going and look for him. I wanna know when he's found okay."

Jason chuckled. "Of course he portrayed himself as a good man. It was an act so you wouldn't see how he was mentally undressing you and scheming over all he wanted to do to you sexually."

Most of the senshi said they hadn't seen him. But Ami was the one who gave an affirmative. "He's here and safe. Got himself into a scuffle with a gang and I'm bandaging him up now...then I'm gonna chew him out."
Bruce chuckled. "Even still." He said, finishing hid coffee as well.

Krystal made a face telepathically. "Gross. Like that would happen" shd said, wrinkling her nose telepathically.

Krystal nodded at kanou. "You'll be second to know. Jay-bird will wanna know first." She said, smiling smally.

When ami said she was bandaging him up, krystal sighed. He always got himself hurt when he got angry. "No need yo yell at him ami-chan. Ill be there in a few hours. " she to look d her, reiterating to jason he was safe, before telling kanou. "Thanks for the support, nounou." She said softly, kissing his cheek before leaving to go to jason. She needed cuddles.
Serenity smiled as she set her cup down. "You, Bruce Wayne, are absolutely lucky sometimes that I love you."

Jason chuckled. "I know." He sighed in relief at the news that Dick was safe. "I told you he probably went there."

"It is a need when counting the Silver Millennium, this is the fiftieth time I've had to save his sorry ass from trouble that he could've gotten out of easily if he hadn't stupidly thrown himself into it in the first place."

Kanou nodded. "Anytime. Glad he's safe. Keep in touch Krys."
Bruce chuckled. "Don't I know it." He said with a chuckle, smiling at her as he took his last bite of food.

Krystal chuckled at ami telepathically. "True. Dont forget to mension how he worried his poor pregnant girlfriend sick." She said, chuckling to herself a little.

Krystal nodded telepathically at jason. "I know, i should have belived you. I guess I got myself all to worked up" she explained, a silent apology there.

Krystal smiled at kanou. "I will nounou. Make sure to stay safe. But I have to go now. Have to go to jason. See you later." She said before exiting, popping away when kanou wasnt looking, landing next to jason. She smiled at him, yawning a little. Mommy's gonna meet us in the jet. Can I have cuddles?" She asked, looking u Pl at him innocently.
Serenity giggled. "Better remember that too." She grinned.

"Uh-huh. Congrats Krys. I did notice the ring on his finger. He's gonna be very happy that it was me who found him and not Sere or Haruka when I'm through with him." Ami giggled

Jason chuckled and pulled her for a cuddle."I know. "
Bruce smiled. "Always moonbunny." He said, giving her a light kiss.

Krystal chuckled at ami. "Yeah, you're right, and thanks. Dont tell the others though. I want to tell them n myself. Also, I have another surprise too." She told her telepathically, smirking to herself.

Krystal cuddled into jason closely, resting her head on his shoulder. "Mine." Escaped her mouth as dhe cuddled, like she was afraid that if she didnt hold onto him, he'd dissapear, or worse, leave.
Serenity kissed him back with a smile. "Good. "

Ami smiled. "Secret's safe with me. Speaking of surprises, Hotaru's got a surprise for you and Sere."

Jason kissed her forehead. "Always."

Meggie appeared on the jet and cleared her throat.
Bruce smiled back at her. He loved this woman so much.

Krystal smiled at ami. "Thanks ami-chan. A surprise? Im sure it'll help cheer bunny up." Sge said telepathically, still smiling.

Krystal cuddled into jason, tracing little designs on his chest. She smiled. "Good. I want you to be here for the child." Sge said, cuddling into him.

Krystal grinned when she saw her mother, going over to hug her. "Mommy! Its good to see you." She said excitedly, pulling jason to her. "Mommy, this is my fiancee jason. My other fiancee is already in japan. He kinda had an outburst when he met kanou. Seems kanou was there the night jis parents and brother were killed." She explained, hanging onto jason almost for dear life. She was still afraid he'd dissapear if she didn't.
Serenity smiled as she stood up. "I'm going to go ahead and shower." She headed towards the bathroom.

Ami grinned. "Of course. I'm sure it'll cheer you both up. And that's all I'm saying."

Jason chuckled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He looked to Meggie. "A pleasure to meet you."

Meggie smiled and hugged Krystal back. "Good to see you too." She looked to Jason. "Likewise." She then heard Krystal's words about Dick. "Oh dear. Sounds like that all coming out made it awkward."
Bruce nodded. "Okay. Ill shower after you." He said smiling lightly.

Krystal smiled. "Good. I love you jaybird." She said softly, giving him a passionate yet chaste kiss.

Krystal grinned. So far they seemed to be getting along. She nodded at her mother's next comment. "It was. Poor dick nearly exploded. At least now he wont blame himself so much for his parents death." She explained before she grimaced and looked to jason. "Mama-ikuko, kenji-papa and shingo were murdered." She said, cuddling sadly into jason.
"If you're sure....." She trailed off in her sentence as if hinting. It wasn't long after that Bruce would be able to hear the water in the shower running loudly as she had left the bathroom door open since it was just the two of them there.

Jason kissed her back. "I love you too Blue bird."

Meggie gasped in horror at the news about the Tsukinos. "No...." She stumbled and dropped into one of the seats. She looked down for a moment. "That asshole ex of Serenity's did it....didn't he?"
Bruce smiled, grabbing his towel and other things, following her in. " I changed my mind" he said, stripping and getting in with her, giving her neck a kiss.

Krystal smiled. "Good." She said, kissing his cheek as she cuddled into him.

Ktystal looked at her mother sadly, nodding. "Yes, it was him. Killed them with steel tip roses while they slep, the coward. Wanna see the tape of how sere killed him? I hear from dickie-bird, its fairly epic." She admitted, chuckling to lighten the mood.
Serenity giggled innocently. "I knew you would." She let out a soft moan as he kissed her neck, tilting her head back against him..

Jason smiled softly and held her close.

Meggie looked up, smirking proudly as she heard that Serenity had killed Mamoru and that there was a tape of it. "Now you know he was a dumbass on top of being an asshole if he got sweet Serenity pissed off enough to make her kill him. I definitely want to watch."
Bruce chuckled, kissing her neck again. He loved hering her cute sounds.

Krystal cuddled into him happily, kissing his cheek softly. She loved this man.

Krystal chuckled. "Yes, indeed. I'll put it on on the big screen. But seriously? He crossed the line when he family" she explains, smirking back at her mother before throwing it up on the big screen.
Serenity wiggled her hips against him teasingly

Jason smiled and watched as the recording was playing on the big screen, noting Sere's new fuku. "Well that's explains how you were last night."

Meggie sat back and watched with interest and pride.
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