Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Bruce was so so close. So close in fact, he was about to let go. "Sere, I'm about to cum!" He warned, unsure if she wanted him to come inside her.

Krystal smirked. "Its what I do best, my sexy Marian jaybird." She said, kissing him again.

Krystal moaned as well. "God, this is amazing. I never thought I'd have you both in my arms again in this life." She admitted, thrusting onto Dick quickly.
Serenity smiled softly and nodded, knowing his unspoken question. "I'll be right with you." She arched in pleasure as she came on his cock.

Jason chuckled as he kissed Krys back. "If you've given Sere lessons in such, I feel sorry for Bruce."

Dick claimed her lips with a moan. "Enjoy it. It won't be the last." He gripped her hips and pulled her down on his cock harder and faster.
Bruce moaned out loudly as he let out his large load of cum. "I love you so much, moon Bunny" he panted, kissing her softly.

Krystal chuckled. "I actually have." She said, smirking deviously.

Krystal kissed Dick back. "I know. I love you both so much. My hearts." She said, moaning loudly as dick pushed her harder.
Serenity kissed him back before softly collapsing, her head laying on his shoulder. "I love you too, dark Knight."

Jason chuckled. "Oh my. You girls are dangerous. Least we'll never have to worry about you two doing porn. There would be a lot of pissed off women in the world." He kissed both of them. "Love you too Krys and you Dickie-bird."

Dick chuckled as well. "Love you both."
Bruce smiled and kissed her head softly. He got out of bed, going into the bathroom with a smallish suitcase, coming out in a handsome tuxedo. He walked over to serenity, and got down on one knee. "Moon bunny, I love you to my core, and want nothing but to forever be your Batman. Will you do the extrodinary honor of marrying me?" He asked, opening the box to show her the moon stone and pink diamond heart shaped ring.

Krystal chuckled. "Maybe we should do a porn, the 3 of us? That'd be sexy." She admitted grinning at him and kissing him back.

Later that afternoon, after the plane landed in Dallas, Krystal took her boys out for a lunch at her favorite resturaunt. It was a happy coincidence that one of her closest friends, Kanou happened to eating there as well. Kanou was happy to see Krystal. "Penguin! When did you get into town?" He asked, hugging her tight. Krystal grinned and hugged back. "This afternoon, nounou. We came to see mommy, then we're dragging her to Japan. Unfourtunatly, something sad has happended." She said, and Kanou frowned, kissing her head. 'I'm sorry, bluebell. I hope it all works out. So, who are you two?" He asked, though he certainly hadn't missed the ring on her finger.
Serenity watched as he went into the bathroom with the suitcase with curiosity. When he got down on one knee, she gasped since she knew that he had only one thing in mind. At his words, she couldn't help but cry tears of happiness and nod furiously. "Always and forever, my answer is yes." She kissed him before holding out her left hand to him so he could slide the ring in place.

Jason had laughed. "Only if it stays in our room with us."

Both Jason and Dick had looked at Kanou suspiciously when he hugged Krystal. And for a brief moment, Krys would be able to hear low growls of "ours" coming from her loves. They stood, each flanking Krys on one side.

"If you must know...." Jason spoke while strategically placing his left hand on Krys' left shoulder to show off his ring.

"....We're her fiances." Dick followed Jason's move and placed his left hand on Krys' right shoulder, showing off his own ring.
Bruce grinned at hearing her answer, kissing her back passionately. "I'm so glad. I was nervous. I wanted.. I wanted it to be more romantic" he said with a blush, slipping the ring on her outstretched hand. He kissed her, then went back into the bathroom to change, wide silly lovesick grin on his face.

Krystal raised and eyebrow at their growls, though kanou heard nothing. She talked to them telepathically. "What? I can't be hugged by one of my oldest friends?" She asked as kanou broke the hug, looking at both men. His eyes widened only a fraction. "Fiancee's? That's quite a shock. Does Meggie know?" He asked, and Krystal shook her head. "No, we're on our way to mommy after lunch." She explained, and Kanou nodded, looking at both men. "Well, I'm Kanou ishigaki. Its good to meet you both. Better treat her right though. I've got jurisdiction all over the states." He admitted as a sort of a threat, flashing his FBI badge at the two strange men who seemed to hold his little sister's heart. She wasn't really his little sister, it was just that they had grown up so close, it was like they were siblings.
Serenity giggled. "You could've proposed to me right after I killed Endy and the lack of romance wouldn't have mattered my dark knight." She pulled him to her and snuggled to him. "Like I said, for you, my answer will always and forever be yes."

"Not when we don't know him or how much he knows." Jason answered telepathically. He then eyed Kanou. "You'd have to get in line. We promised her sister first dibs at us if we fuck up."

"And especially not in your condition. Deal with us being protective. " Dick answered her telepathically.
Bruce grinned, giving her a soft kiss. "Okay, moon bunny. I love you. Now, we should get some sleep." He admitted, a soft yawn coming from him as her snuggled into bed with her, naked again. He just wanted to be close to her.

Krystal chuckled at both men telepathically, rolling her eyes. "He knows about silver millennium, but he thinks its simply stories I made up. Don't worry so much. Kanou's happily married, and he's like my brother. He'll never be competition. I know. But no worries on KANU, trust me." She reassured them telepathically, listening as Kanou chuckled. "serenity? I don't think that girl could hurt a fly. " he admitted, smiling at Krys. Oh, if only he knew just what either twin was capable of.
Serenity smiled. "I love you too." She snuggled to him and fell asleep.

Jason rolled his eyes telepathically. "You can't always be sure. Trust me on that. Just because he's supposedly happily married, doesn't mean he's not wanting you. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt for your sake. But one wrong move.....FBI be damned."

Dick chuckled at Kanou's belief about Serenity. "With you being in the FBI, I thought you'd know, there's a high probability of the quiet innocent ones being the ones to worry about." He flashed his own badge from Gotham. "I may not have jurisdiction here as easily as you, but even I know you can't go using your job just to get revenge on someone for hurting a loved one. That's cause to lose that badge. Even the BAU would look down on that. By the way, if you're in Quantico, tell Agent Reid that Officer Greyson said hi and sends a challenge in problem solving from Batman."
Bruce grinned, cuddling her close and kissing her head, falling asleep himself soon after.

Krystal sighed telepathically. "Yes, that is true, but i've known kanou all my life. he's as madly in love with carrie as hotch is with haily" she stated simply, chuckling a little. he was so protective.

Krystal grinned widely at the name drop. "Dickie bird... we has to go see spencer now! I wanna see Spencer!" She whined, and he knew just who she talked about. Krystal adored Dr. Reid, and loved giving him stupid presents she knew would make the genius smile. Kanou nodded. "no, I wouldn't use my job like that. But I do want Krys safe, and I don't know you two well enough yet." He admitted, looking impressed with the gothem badge. "Got hem's a tough city to work in. How do you manage it?" She looked curious, like a little boy. Kanou was fascinated with hearing other's cop stories. He tilted his head. "Dr Reid knows batman? Why does that not surprise me. I will." He added, ruffling krys's hair like a big brother. She just rolled her eyes.
The next morning, Serenity slid out of bed and pulled a pink silk robe around her and tying it. She then headed into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast.

Dick chuckled. "Now you know his job isn't one of those that we can just drop in on Krys. More often than not, he won't be at Quantico cause he'll be away on a case." He looked to Kanou. "Tough city? Tough isn't a strong enough word. The crime lords are simple enough. It's when the ones to deal with are crazies like Scarecrow that make it tough. Batman does help though. And of course Dr. Reid knows Batman. The BAU did come to Gotham for a case a few months ago."
Bruce woke a few minutes later, pulling on his pajamas and doing his normal morning routine, walking into the kitchen. "Morning, moon Bunny." He said softly, sitting at the table to watch her cook.

Krystal pouted. "I'm gonna text him and ask." She said, but what she really meant was to telepathically ask him where he was this week. She hoped Dallas. That's actually how Krystal had met Spencer again. The once mercurian prince was working on a serial killer case, and she was almost a victim. Luckily, she was able to escape and come right to him. Kanou nodded. "Yeah, I can see how that would be very hard. You'd have to be a superhero to work in Gothem. I've been there a few times. First time I was there, I was working security for a circus. I was just a rookie, and didn't do very well. I still have nightmares sometimes" he admitted, and Krystal looked to dick. "I didn't know, dickie-bird." She told him, squeesing his had as she leaned into him. Kanou nodded at the mention of the case. it had been a big one.
"Morning dark knight." Serenity smiled as she scrambled eggs in one skillet, flipped bacon in another and stirred grits in a small pot.

Dick nodded and squeezed Krystal's hand. He was starting to remember Kanou. "Let's go Krys. We still have to get to Japan."
Bruce smiled lightly. "it smells so good, moon bunny.' he said, smiling more at her.

Krystal nodded, taking the last sip from her glass of iced tea. "Okay, dickie-bird. You working today, Kanou?" She asked, and the man shook his head. "No, I've got the day off. " he admitted, smiling lightly. He wanted to spend more time with Krys, but It was obvious she had things to do. Realization crossed Kanou's face, having heard Krystal's name for Dick. "Dick Grayson? Man, is that really you?" he asked, looking shocked. the last time he had seen dick he was around 16.
"Thanks." She started turning the stove off. "And it is ready." She pulled down plates and mugs from the cabinet and silverware from the drawer. "Cream and sugar in your coffee?"

Dick looked to Kanou. "Yes it's me. Thanks for never telling me you were working security that night." He spat. "All that time I just assumed that you were just a cop working the case. So yes you did fail as security."
Bruce smiled and watched her do everything. He gave her a light kiss. "Can't wait to taste it. Just cream please; moon bunny.' he told her, giving her a light kiss.

Kanou raised an eyebrow. "i did tell you. you were preparing for going on, and i told you it was my shift, and i had to gaurd the entrance. i was never on the inside.' he admittted sadly, feeling the guilt all over again. if he had been on the inside, he could have saved dick's famoily. Krystal looked at them both sympathetically. She wasn't sure how to fix this, if she even could. she just wanted them to like each other.. but as usual, it blew up in her face.
Serenity smiled. "Okay then. Go ahead and fix your plate while I get the coffee. I love Krys but sometimes, I need coffee before facing her." She giggled and turned to fix both mugs of coffee.

Dick growled. "Bullshit! You're just trying to look good in front of Krys. You never said that. And even if you had, it would've been smart to make sure I knew you were security for the circus itself. I never saw any security for the circus until that night and with all the big names in the tent I definitely wouldn't have thought the security was for the circus. I could at least a let you slide some if you had been security for the big names cause it wouldn't have been your job to care about us circus folk." Dick looked to Krystal. "I love you too much to ask you to pick sides between me and him. Just know now should he ever come to our place in Gotham, I refuse to be home during his visit just so I won't give him a legit reason to have me arrested. I'm going back to the jet." With that he turned and left to find a safe place to pop away out of sight of civilians.
Bruce chuckled, starting to fill his plate. "Yeah.. your sister can be a bit abrasive at times." He admitted, waiting for her to sit before he ate.

Krystal looked quite horrified as she watched what was unfolding. Kanou simply yet dick yell, knowing it was what he deserved. If he had been able to leave his post by the performer's entrance, Dick's parent's may not have died. He'd blamed himself for years for their death, and that's why he had never told Krystal. he didn't want her to feel bad for him, and now she was marrying the man who's parent died because he couldn't save them? Maybe he shouldn't have come. "I'll stay out of your life, penguin." He said simply, before he walked away. He didn't want to cause any trouble between the 3 some.

Krystal sighed out wardly, watching as Dick left. "Well, that was nothing like I'd expected. I feel horrible now, even if it is all kinda Kanous's fault for never telling me." She admitted, finishing off her last bit of iced tea as the woman filled it up again. She looked to Jason, glacial blue eyes showing her sadness. "Do you think we should go after him?" she asked, her eyes showing her remorse for bringing them here, even if she hadn't known Kanou had been eating here as well.
serenity giggled as she set their coffee on the table before fixing her plate. "If by abrasive, you mean ridiculously perky like a little kid on a house full of sugar then yeah." She sat down with her plate.

Jason sighed. "Knowing you, you hoped that event might've bonded them a little, only to learn there was more between them than we knew in regards to that day. And it's always when you're beating yourself up that your face gives all as easily as Sere's. Don't blame yourself for bringing us here. We didn't know this would happen. Honestly, I'm just happy that Dick will stop blaming himself for that night. But his pain is renewed now so it's not surprising that he lashed out. I'll go talk to Dick, and you go talk to Kanou if you must. "I'm like Dick in that we won't make you choose us over him. Just give dickie-bird sometime." He gently kisses her forehead.
Bruce chuckled. "True, she can be like that too. Though, ive never seen her like that." He admitted, chuckling.

Krystal sighed too. "Yeah, I'll talk tobhim. But, I still feel terrible. I should have seen this coming." She admitted, looking deflated. Krystal tried not yo blame herself, but since her self esteem wasnt to high, she felt responsible
she looked to jason. "I hope hes okay jay-bird"
"Lucky you." Serenity spoke wryly. "Well, dig in."

Jason nodded. "He'll be fine. Just give him time." He gently kissed her forehead. "And don't go blaming yourself."
Bruce chuckled. "If you say so. The krys I know seems very sad. She misses Jason terribly, and I dont blame her one bit. She was good for him in this life." He sdmitted as he ate, smiling a little.

Krystal smiled a little as jason kissed her head. She was worried about dick though. "I hope so jay-bird, and I'll try not to." She said softly, paying for the food before leaving gor kanou's. She knew hos wife was at work, so they would have privacy, not that she didnt wanna see carrie, she just thought hed want privacy.
Serenity sighed as she ate. "She's been sad for quite a while. Deep down. Even when Jason was alive. His being gone has only made it worse. The things is, I'm not really sure about the reasons for the sadness before his death."

Jason smiled back before leaving to go after Dick.

Kanou sat on his couch looking at an old picture of him, during his rookie days, with Dick. A happy photo that Krystal had never seen.
Bruce looked at his fiancee. "Krystal is a complicated woman. She likely doesnt feel deserving of the love she recieves." He deduced, smiling a little as he sipped his coffee.

Krystal appeared in the house, sitting next to Kanou and looking at him. She took his hand chately. "He'll forgive you, nounou. You have to understand he carries alot of baggage because of his parents death." She explained, giving her friend a sypathetic look. She knew kanou only wished to be friends again. This situation hurt both krystand, and him.
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