Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Bruce chuckled. "I've been here on business a few times. sometimes i like to put the suit on and patrol just to make sure everything is alright in tokyo. you keep it fairly evil free though, so there's not much for me to do.' he said, sitting on the couch and removing the cowl like a hood, taking a sip of his martini. He knew she would want answers as to why he hadn't told her his secret. Bruce sighed a little. He took another sip of his martini and smiled at her, before he put the drink down. "So, are you ready to hear how I became Batman?" He asked smiling at her.
Serenity smiled. "Well it makes it easy when most of the evil that shows up here is looking for the Ginzuishou and then Minako helps the cops sometimes as Sailor V." She took a sip of her own martini and sat on his lap as she set her drink back down. "It's going to be sad at some points, isn't it?" She gently cupped his cheek. "I'm ready. But...if you really want me to have something else to focus on when you get to those so I don't cry like a baby on your behalf, first you could tell me just what was running through your head tonight while I was getting revenge on Endymion."

Luna, seeing the couple all close went on ahead and slipped out the window, heading to Minako's for the night. She knew Serenity would know that's where she went.
Bruce chuckled. "Yes, I suppose that would make a difference. It is much more crime based in Gothem." he admitted, sighing a little. Sometimes work as a crimefighter was stressful on him, hurt him, both literally and figuarively. He nodded. "Yes, it probably will." he said, sipping his drink before he chuckled. He looked at sere. "I was thinking about how beautiful yet terrifying you looked. It was nerve wracking yet very arousing." he said, pulling her closer in his lap.
"It's more crime based in Gotham now. But with me moving to be there with you....the more powerful crazies the senshi and I deal with will follow. She smirked at his description of her as she changed her positioning to where she was straddling him. "Really now? Do tell." She purred. "I want details on those thoughts of yours."
Bruce chuckled. "i relish the challenge." he said with a smirk, blushing as she straddled him. This was getting increasingly sexier, and he wasn't sure what to do about that. He blushed again. "Well, there isn't really much to say. I was just thinking about us being together, and wondering what you would do now that you knew I was batman." He admitted, being truth fuel. There wasn't that much to it.
Serenity chuckled at seeing him blush. "Uh huh. Sure. So no reason as to why seeing me like that was terrifying and nerve wracking for you? I can already figure why it was arousing. You got to see your moon bunny in action kicking ass and the miniskirt was just a bonus." She winked before sipping from her drink. "As for what I would do now that I know you're batman, well kicking myself for starters for not seeing the obvious signs. Such as the fact that Bruce Wayne and the Batman were closer than I thought, and those pajamas with the bat on the shirt and the biggest thing that could've helped me find you if i'd paid better attention is that your suit is so reminiscent of your armor on Saturn. Other things I had in mind now that I know include wanting to fight crime alongside you in Gotham."
Bruce chuckled. "You were beautiful and frightening in that princess fuku. the way you killed him? Krys will be proud." He said with a small smile, giving her a light kiss before he took a sip of his drink. He chuckled again. "Its alright, Sere. I was leaving clues, but you didn't have to figure it out. I was gonna tell you tonight." He admitted, before he full out grinned, which was a rarity for him. "I'd love if you fought crime with me!"
Serenity blushed under his praise for her actions. "Guess it's a good thing Dick recorded it for her then." She took a sip from her drink and pouted cutely when he said she didn't have to figure it out. "Next time I think you're keeping a secret I'll have to just get it from Alfred then." She teased before she kissed him deeply.
Bruce chuckled. "Yeah, it is. She'll love watching that. If Jason were here, he would too. Both of them love violence." He admitted, smiling a little sadly. He had no idea that Jason was alive, let alone that he was cuddled next to his two lovers right now. Here Bruce chuckled again, his smile wider. "He'd likely tell you, seeing as he thinks you're worthy of trust." He admitted, surprised at the kiss, but kissing just as deeply, pulling her closer to him.
After a while, she broke the kiss and nipped gently at his neck. "Now, I do believe I currently owe my dark knight a reward." She purred. "That is, if he still wants it at the moment." She pulled back some to look him in the eyes. "Granted I'll have to get out of my fuku but that's an easy task."
Bruce smiled and blushed. "I like that idea." He said, small moan escaping as she nipped at his neck. He blues he again and gave her a light kiss. "Of course I do, moonbunny." He whispered before he chuckled. "Yes, okay," he said, wondering what she would do next.

Krystal awoke early the next morning, getting up, making a second attempt at making breakfast for her boys. She knew they had time before they had to meet the plane, so she was able to relax a bit. When she was finished, the smells of breakfast would waft through the house. "My hearts, wake up! Breakfast is ready!" She yelled, smiling happily as she plated everything.
Serenity grinned. "Excellent." She kissed him again before sliding off his lap with a smirk and removing her brooch, undoing her transformation, leaving her in her normal clothes. She then started walking towards a hallway. "Give me about five minutes then follow the trail." She winked before walking down the hallway. The "trail" she was leaving was the clothing she removed as she went down the hallway; shoes, shirt and pants, making it obvious that she would only have her undergarments on. The trail leading straight to her bedroom where she waited on the bed in a dark purple negligee and boy shorts.

Jason came out the room with Dick behind him. Jason had a big smirk on his face. "Dickie-bird says Sere made us proud last night in dealing with the idiot."
Bruce nodded, watching her leave. That was super sexy. When the 5 minutes was up, he followed Sere, gasping when he saw her. "You look beautiful." He blushed a little. He could feel the bulge forming in his suit.

Krystal grinned before she raised an eyebrow. "This time, we will have a romantic breakfast, damnitt!" She said with a chucke, before her eyebrow raised again. "Oh really? We'll have to watch that then." She said, showing them to their seats, before she sat as well.
Serenity smiled as she slid off the bed and walked over to him. "Nothing's too good for my dark knight." She giggled. "Lucky I happen to love you enough not to tell Firefly that her big brother still blushes like a teenage boy." She teased before kissing him. "Is there anything else you wanted to do before the fun begins?"

"Hate to break it to you Bluebird, but there's no way to make a breakfast romantic towards men." Jason chuckled as he sat down.

Dick shook his head with a smile. "Oh she did. Quite sure even Bruce felt she was terrifying and you know how hard it is to make him feel terror. I can set it so we watch while we eat if you want. Or would you rather wait until we get your mother so she can watch too?"
Bruce chuckled. "you're so sweet.' he said softly, stroking her cheek. 'i do appreciate that. i don't really want her to tease me." he admitted, kissing her back. he smiled at her. "well, you stripped for me, seems only fair i do the same." he said as he flipped on some romantic music, smirking at her as he slowly took off his batsuit for her to watch.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "You know what i mean, jaybird. I wanted us to eat together yesterday, but we couldn't. so i made it extra special today. I can't wait to show you both my homes." she said kind of dreamily, kissing them both. it was good to have Jason back.

Krystal smirked. "Well if that's the case, we better wait. Mommy will want to see justice done. Ikuko-mama was like her sister." She admitted, taking a sip of her tea. She couldn't wait until they met her mother.
Serenity sat back on the bed to enjoy the show. "Now that's definitely a way to make a girl feel special." It really was a sexy sight to see him stripping for her. "Though I am hoping you're just a natural and that you haven't been moonlighting as a stripper."

Jason chuckled and started eating.

Dick laughed. "Or she might think you've rubbed off on Sere too much. Honestly, she channeled you, Jason and Bruce last night Krys."
Bruce chuckled at her first comment. "well, i'm glad I can help." He said, continuing to strip as he chuckled a little again. "I don't have enough time to strip, sere. I guess i'm just good at it." He admitted, kissing her once she was finished, 10" cock hardened now.

Krystal chuckled. "Maybe, but she'll still enjoy watching endymion-baka suffer. She never liked him. They met when sere was still dating him, and she pretty much said to me. "Krys, you get your sister away from that asshole" and I quote." Ishe said with a chuckle, remembering the fairly amusing scene.
Serenity smiled. "Now that's what I like to hear." She teased before he kissed her. Her hand slipped around his cock and stroked it as she pulled him down onto the bed with her.

Dick laughed. "She'll enjoy it. He really was an idiot right to the end."
Bruce chuckled. "Well, glad to be of service." He said with a grin, moaning as she put a hand on her cock and pulled him onto the bed with her. "Mmm, Sere... that feels good..." he moaned out, eyes closed in pleasure.

Krystal chuckled. "That bad huh? Mommy probably will enjoy it. I can't wait for you both to meet her. She'll love you." She said comfidently, giving them each kisses before finishing off her food. She was glad she hadn't had any morning sickness yet.
Serenity chuckled."it's only the begging my love." She rolled them so that she was on top and kissed down his body until her lips wrapped around his cock. She glanced up at him before starting to lick and suck on his cock.

Jason chuckled. "Yeah if for nothing else than that we agree that Endymion was no good for Sere."
Bruce raised an eyebrow and smirked, letting her man handle him so she was on top. He moaned as she kissed down his body, and gasped in pleasure as her lips met his cock. He smiled at her as she looked up, another surprised gasp escaping him as serenity took his cock into her mouth.

Krystal chuckled as well. "That will at least be a starting point, but she'll love you two for more than just that. Mommy really respects police officers, and your choosing to work in such a dangerous city will impress her, dicki-bird. I'm not sure what to say about you, jaybird." She admitted, grinning at them excitedly as she kissed both their cheeks and then lept off for a shower.
As she sucked his cock, she glanced up at him again. Her eyes filled with lust and a slight hint of triumph. She teasingly caressed his balls. "Suprised, my love?" She asked him telepathically

Jason groaned. "And you wonder why I'm worried your mom won't like me. At least Dickie-bird has a cute boyish face." He then grinned. "I'm curious, how do you think she'll feel about Bruce with Sere. Especially with Bruce's reputation as a playboy, and the fact he practically raised me and Dickie bird
Bruce grinned at her. "A little, but I can't deny how sexy this is." He replied telepathically, moaning and just enjoying the moment.

Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, he does have a boyish face and charm. He's the captain America to my Peggy carter, and you're the bucky Barnes to my Krystal legend." She admitted, knowing that the boys had always liked that comic. She planned on having a double feature of both movies with her boys when they got to japan. She could rent out the theatre, or just buy it outright. Krystal grinned back at him. "Hmm, that's tough. i think she'll like him, seeing as he was so generous to take you boys in after your parents died. she'll think him noble." she guess, not really sure.
"I'm just full of surprises tonight, aren't I?" She cooed telepathically. She was quite enjoying pleasing him.

Jason nodded and continued eating.

Dick had been listening while eating. "What about your father? How might he feel about me or Jason with you or Bruce with Sere?"
Bruce chuckled telepathically. 'yes, it appears you are. but so am i.' he told her telepathically with a smirk as he leaned down to play and lick at her cunt.

Krystal looked at Dick. "Papa? well, that's a bit more complicated. He'll respect you for the job you do, but chastize you for putting me in possible danger by doing the job you do. For Bruce? Oh, Papa likes Bruce. They do alot of business totogethe" she admitted, chuckling.
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