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Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Serenity smiled and gently cupped his face. "Of course I can love." She kissed him gently before giggling. "You do realize that the press will likely have such a field day with us. Quite sure when we first arrived, my ring was noticed. And considering that the public is going to know how we both went from supposedly being single to engaged and we can't exactly tell our past lives."
Serenity eyed him as she popped her own pajamas on, returning the suit to the suitcase. "No. She'll have her own PR to deal with first of all. Second, we can handle our own. I'm not adding that extra stress to her. It just helps that you haven't been actually seen with anyone for a few months. We say Krystal introduced us at one of her smaller parties is all and have been seeing each other in secret since. Easy."
Bruce nodded. "That makes perfect sense. What do you think the press will say about her two fiancee’s? You're right. Poor thing's gonna have to hire a PR specialist." He admitted, now feeling kind of bad for his sister in law to be.
Serenity smiled as she pulled him towards the bedroom. "She'll be fine on that note. Papa's looking out for her on that note." She nuzzled him.
Serenity pulled him into bed with her. "Right. You've got too much to worry about as it is." She snuggled to him, letting out a yawn.
Serenity smiled softly. "You've got Wayne Tech, being Batman, wedding preparations, parenthood preparations. Plus a whole new set of evil to worry about because your fiance's Sailor Moon, plus making sure said fiance doesn't feel neglected. However are you going to find the time to do it all?" She teased playfully
She kissed him back with a smile. "You don't have much choice there, love. But when you think about it, I'll be just as burdened as you at least until I get too big to fight."
"Even without overworking herself, she doesn't always eat enough, or drink enough water, or get enough rest." Serenity yawned again.
Serenity slept peacefully through the night, dreaming of her future with Bruce and their children. The next morning, she was once again up fixing breakfast.
Serenity chuckled. "I'm sorry love. Tell you what, I'll convince Alfred to let you cook breakfast for a week when we get back home." She hummed as she pulled the last of the french toast from the stove and set it aside with eggs and waffles
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