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Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Jason held her close

Serena grinned and walked back to Bruce. "I'm fine love." She took his hand and placed it on her stomach where he would be able to feel two distinct faint energies aside from Serena's own
Krystal smiled, snuggling close to Jason, soothed that she wasn't alone in bed.

Bruce nodded, feeling the energies. "One is closer to yours, feels like a senshi, the other though is much closer to mine. Feels male." He stated, giving her a light kiss.
Jason nuzzled her. "He'll be back safe. Sere and Ami would have his head if he gets badly hurt again so soon."

Serenity nodded. "Yeah. Twins." She grinned. "Just promise me that Krys won't get to spoil them more than us?"

Dick knocked on Serenity's balcony doors, carrying a pink and white suitcase similar to the suitcases Bruce carries his spare batsuit in.
Krystal nodded, giving him a light kiss. "I know, but I still worry about him. Last time he was here,he got charged for murder." She admitted, sighing softly.

Bruce chuckled. "Krystal's more likely to spoil the boy. But yeah, i'll try. You know your sister though.

"Oh, Dick. Something wrong?" He asked, opening the balcony for him.
"He also said he had some help so he has nothing to worry about. I can vouch on that. It's been taken care of." Jason murmured

Serenity shook her head. "She'll spoil them both. She might actually not do it so much if you, Dick and Jason all talk to her." She looked over to Dick in curiosity.

Dick grinned as he jumped in the window. "Nope. Nothing wrong at all. I peeked on Alfred and he asked me to bring this to Sere." He held up the suitcase. "Something he worked on just for her." He then looked between Bruce and Serenity before putting his mouth in an "O" shape for a moment. "Bruce, is Sere....?"
Krystal nodded. "Okay. I'll try not to worry then." She said, giving him a kiss.

Bruce nodded. "Maybe. One never knows with krys. She'll try not spoiling as much and failing miserably." He said chuckling.

Bruce nodded. "Okay. Thats nice." He said, guessing at w by at was in the suitcase. "He's always doing that." Bruce said with a chuckle again before nodding. "We think so, yes."
Jason chuckled. "By the way, we're taking Hotaru to the planetarium either tomorrow or the day after in place of Sere and Bruce. Hotaru's quite the little manipulator using cuteness. Sere taught her well."

Serenity giggled before looking at the suitcase again. "Now I'm really curious." She blushed when Dick asked. "Don't tell Krys yet. I wanna wait for confirmation from Ami first."

Dick nodded. "Of course not Sere." He set the suitcase down. "Long as you tell her as soon as you know. Good night you two."
Krystal chuckled. "Fair enough. I wanted to see the exibit on moon legends anyway. Sere says its pretty fascinating." She said, chuckling.

Bruce chuckled, watching as Dick set the suitcase down. "Go ahead and open it." He v said, smiling at Dick. "We will, but knowing your fiancee, she probably already knows. Krys knows when someone's pregnant even before they do, most of the time. " he said, chuckling.
Jason chuckled. "Now go to sleep bluebird."

Serenity giggled. "Krys might've had suspicions after I changed from drinking alcohol but she might've just figured one." She bent down to open the suitcase.

Dick chuckled and kissed Sere's forehead before ducking back quick to prevent Bruce from doing anything. "Sleep well." He winked before he was gone
Krystal gave him a kiss. "Nnkay. Night." She said, yawning and snuggling into him and the bed.

Bruce nodded. "Maybe. She does see the future. Might've guessed from that." He said with shrug, simply rolling his eyes at Dick. He knew the younger man was to madly in love with her sister to attempt courting sere, so he let it go.
Jason kissed her back. "Night Bluebird."

Serenity sighed. "I hope she didn't see it in a vision. Takes the fun out of things." She then reached into the suitcase and squealed in delight as she realized what it was Alfred had made her. "I'm going to have to spoil him for this."
Krystal smiled. "Night."

Bruce chuckled. "It does. But who knows. Your sister is very mysterious. " he admitted, smiling as he saw what alfred had made. "I think some spoiling would do him good." He admitted, smiling softly.
Jason fell back asleep

Serenity giggled. "Well he deserves it. I'm going to go try this on." She hurried off to the bathroom this time
Dick slid in bed on the other side of her once more after changing out of his suit.

Serenity giggled as she walked back to the living room. "There's a way to spoil while allowing him the simple things at the same time. " She stepped into the room in a mostly white skin tight suit with a yellow crescent moon emblem on the chest and a white mask over her eyes. "How do I look?"
Krystal smiled in her sleep, wrapping her arms around Dick while she slept.

Bruce chuckled. "Thats true. Its still tough though." He said, grinning at her as she came out. "Like a part of the justice League." He said, giving her a kiss.
Serenity grinned and kissed Bruce back. "Speaking of the Justice League, how are Diana and J'onn? I'm not surprised if they still have yet to remember."
"They're both well. Diana gets really depressed when it storms though. J'onn is all over the place. Its possible he's here in tokyo. I think meeting you two again would help jog them. Well, you at least. Diana has met Krystal." He admitted, smiling.
Serenity giggled. "Sounds like they're missing their loves without realizing it. Remember Diana had Lita and J'onn had Rei." She chuckled. "You know this suit means Alfred figured I'd want to fight alongside you without transforming. Are you okay with that?"
Bruce nodded. "Yes, i remember. I'll see if can't check around for journalist Rei Hino. It's one of J'onn's disguises." He said before he smiled and nodded, giving her a kiss. "Of course not, but not until you've given birth. To dangerous otherwise. Especially in Gothem."he explained smiling
Serenity rolled her eyes. "That's too far away. I am handle myself at least for a little while. Let me fight until I start showing. My senshi fuku can hide it longer than this suit would. Please?" She pouted and gave him the big puppy eyes.
Bruce chuckled. "That is what I meant. It's to dangerous to fight hand to hand like you would in this suit. You can fight in your fuku for at least 5 months, then you must stay home." He said, giving her a light kiss.
Serenity groaned and rolled her eyes. "It's dangerous if the enemy knows its a weak point." She sighed. "Fine. But I reserve the right to still train until I'm too far along."
Serenity smiled and kissed him back. "I know. It's why I'm not pushing to fight the entire pregnancy. Not to mention the difference between fighting every day criminals and fighting monsters."
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