Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

The rest of the party went smoothly, the food was delicious and a good time was had by all. Kenshin had penthouse suites set up for Meggie and Alfred. Though Alfred was given a butler of his own to keep Alfred from doing any sort of work himself for the duration of his stay in Tokyo. Serena had told Krystal of the scroll that she, Bruce and Hotaru had seen at the planetarium and it was agreed for the four of them plus Dick and Jason to go check it out within the next couple of days before everyone had left for their homes or suites for the night.

Back at her apartment, Serena bit her lip anxiously as she mentally debated over whether or not she should tell Bruce about her possible condition.
Back at Krystal penthouse, she was brushing her hair out, dark blu negligee on already. She brushed slowly, singing her and her boy's song softly as she waited for them to come back. They had gone to the store for something, though they hadn't told her what.

Bruce smiled, reclining on the nearby couch with some wine. "Penny forbyour thoughts, serenity my love?" He asked, tilting his head in curiosity.
It wasn't long before Dick and Jason returned. "We're back Bluebird!" Jason called out.

Serenity looked over at Bruce with a soft adoring smile. She always enjoyed seeing how perfect he looked when he reclined with a drink in hand. "Remember how at the party, I switched from an alcoholic drink to fruit punch?"
Krystal smiled, getting up from her vanity and walking into the living room. "Hello loves. Everything work out okay at the store?" She asked, tilting her head.

Bruce nodded, smiling a little. "I do. I just assumed that you didn't like the alcohol." He said with a shug, taking a sip of his wine
Jason and Dick stood next to each other, each holding something behind their backs. "Everything worked out just fine Krys."

Serenity giggled. "If it was just that particular alcohol, it wouldn't have been enough to make me go completely to something non-alcoholic like that." She bit her lip. "I actually had a different reason for avoiding the alcohol. If my instincts are correct that is."
Krystal smiled, giving each of them kisses. "That's good. I'm glad." She said going to relax on the nearby couch.

Bruce nodded. "Ah, i see. Well, in my opinion, instincts are a goof thing to trust. Whats up?" He ssked, looking curious.
Jason sat on one side of her while Dick sat on the other. "We got you a couple of things bluebird." Jason handed her the wrapped gift he had first before Dick handed his over.

Serenity bit her lip nervously. "Well....what would you say if I were to tell you that I might be pregnant?"
Krystal smiled softly, giving them each kisses again as she took the boxes. "That was sweet of you loves, but you didn"t have to." She said, carefully inspecting each present. She didn’t want to break it by accident.

Bruce grinned. "I'd be extatic! I've always wanted children of my own. Probably why I adopted." He admitted, taking another sip of his wine.
When she opened the box from Jason, she would find a brand new version of her star locket. The box from Dick had a charm bracelet. The charms hanging on the bracelet were blue wings to represent Dick, red wings for Jason, a blue moon for Krys, a white moon for Sere, and a black bat for Bruce. There was also still space for her to add more charms to represent other family.

Serenity let out a sigh of relief and grinned. "Well then, I guess you'll be ecstatic. Because if my instincts are right, I'm pregnant."
Krystal gasped as she oped the present from jason. "My stsr locket..." she said softly, lovingly taking it from the box and fastening it around her neck. She gave jason a kiss. "Thank you. " she told him sofyly before going to ooen the other present. She smiled softly as she put on the charm bracelet, giving dick a kiss now too. "These are lovely. Thankyou" she told them with a soft smile, hugging them close.

Bruce grinned. "Really? Thats wonderful!"
Both men kissed her back and hugged her close between them.

Serenity giggled. "I'm still waiting for you to act like you're ecstatic darling." She teased
Krystal smiled and snuggled close, letting out a soft yawn.

Bruce chuckled, setting hiss drink down and walkingbuo to her, kissing her hard as he twirled ger around gently. "Better?" He asked, smirking slightly as he handed her a box. Inside it contained her starlocket, all fixed up as if it were brand new.
Jason chuckled before popping the three of them into the bedroom so they could all get some rest.

Serenity held him close while he kissed and twirled her. "Much better." She smiled softly when she saw her star locket, touching it tenderly before lifting it from the box and putting it on around her neck
Jason and Dick soon fell asleep as well.

Serenity smiled and kissed him."I'll call Ami in the morning to get the official confirmation. But I'm quite sure of it. Felt it even."
A little restless, Dick woke and kissed both his lovers on the cheek before suiting up and going on a patrol.

Serenity smiled as she undid her buns and ponytails. "Any particular wishes on the gender, love?"
Krystal wimpered a little in her sleep, snuggling closer to jason. "Be careful. Not in gothem." She muttered before falling back to sleep.

Bruce smiled. "Either is wonderful. Both would be ideal. Sailor saturn-moon, and robin 5? If I can?" He asked, looking hopeful.
Dick chuckled softly. It was the exact reason he wanted to patrol. At least this time he had all his senses on alert.

Serenity laughed and gently cupped his cheek. "Of course love. Any daughter of ours would be a senshi so it wouldn't be fair to keep our son from following your footsteps or that of his uncles."
"Be careful. Last timenyou were here you got arrested." She said, referring to the time they'd (the titans) tried to vacation.

Bruce chuckled. "His literal uncles, considering krys's current state with them." He said, smiling at her.
"I will be. That was ages ago. Plus...I may have had some extra precaution this time." He smirked. "Just a couple hours. Promise." He left out.

Serenity smiled. "Yep. Can't have a better family than that for our kids."
Jason pulled her closer as Dick left.

Serenity smiled and started to head towards the bedroom before stopping and putting her hand over her stomach. "Oh..."
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