Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Hotaru giggled. "Okay, mama-sere. Fair enough." She said, smiling.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "I heard that." She said, walking to the door.

Krystal chuckled, hugging him tightly. "Of course not papa. I've just been very busy in Gothem." She said, smiling at him. She walked over to Dick and Jason. "These are my fiancee's, Dick greyson and
Jason Todd. Its a long story."
Serena smiled and gently took one of Hotaru's hands, leaving the other for Bruce to take if he wanted it. "Let's go then while we still have a chance to beat Krystal, Dick and Jason." She led them out the planetarium before popping them to Lita's restaurant.

Kenshin still kept his gaze on the two men and inwardly smirked as he noticed their faint squirming. "Barely seen you in years and you go and get engaged on me. For shame Krystal. Trying to give your father grey hairs. At least Serena still has some time before she's engaged." He spoke as he took his gaze from the men and lovingly ruffled Krystal's hair.

Jason and Dick both shared a knowing glance when Kenshin mentioned Serena.
Hotaru giggled. "Well, alright mama-sere." She, grabbing Bruce's hand and making him smile.

Krystal chuckled. "You don't have any grey hairs, papa. We're going to lita's resturaunt for the engagement party. You'll come with us? You can get to know the boys. They're both very capable. They studied under batman." She told him with a smile as he ruffled her hair.
Serena smiled as they walked into Lita's restaurant. "We're here Lita!" She called out

Kenshin shook his head. "None that you can see yet Krystal. And you know how I feel. Dropping Batman's name isn't enough to get me to feel they're worthy. They have to prove it on their own." He smiled. "But you're my little girl so even though I still reserve judgement on your fiancees, yes I'll come with you to the party."
Lita grinned. "Hey sere! Meggie's been helping me cook and decorate. She's fairly amazing at it." She said, hugging them all.

Krystal chuckled. "I know papa. They will prove it, I promise. Have you seen the news lately? Batman is in town. Seems hes's been seen making out with sailor moon." She said, trying to deflect slightly. She reached out to sere telepathically. "Sissy, do you want me to tell papa you're engaged?" She asked, waiting for an answer.
Serena smiled. "Well you did need all the help you could get for something as big." She then heard Krys. "No. Let him find out when you all get here from me and Bruce." She answered telepathically.

Kenshin raised an eyebrow. "I saw it earlier Krystal. Do you know how many fans of superheros go around the world doing cosplay stunts? Not to mention your sister hasn't met Batman." He waved her deflection off. "So are we going or not?"

Dick and Jason shared another knowing glance at Kenshin's words.

"We really should get going Krys. Remember Sere's threat to come drag you herself if we're even one second late." Dick reminded her.
Lita nodded. "Yeah. You're right." She said, smiling. Krystal nodded. "Okay bunny. Ye saw the stunt on tv. Thinks its cosplyers though." She replied back, smiling.

Krystal took her fiancee's hands. "Yes papa. We're going." She said smiling at him.

Krystal chuckled. "I remember, dick. Lets pop there. Its faster." Sh said grabbing her father's arm and popping to the restaurant. "Lita, we're here!"

Meggie grinned. "Kenshin!" She said, hugging him.
Serena groaned at hearing that Kenshin had seen her and Bruce's earlier stunt. Even with his belief that the stunt was cosplayers, she'd forgotten that he often watched the news. When she heard Krystal call out she sighed. "Time to face the music dark knight." She told Bruce telepathically before going to hug Kenshin. "Papa!"

Kenshin hugged Meggie with a smile. "Should've known it'd take a blue moon to bring you here again Meggie." He joked before hugging Serena too. "There's the bright moonlight." He then noticed Bruce. "Bruce? Not that I'm completely surprised but I hadn't realized you'd maintained a close enough relationship with Krystal to come in for her engagement party. Good to see you."
Bruce siged. "Seems so." He said, following her over to her father.

Meggie chuckled. "Well, I couldn't miss my krystal's party, now could i?" She said, smiling a little. She could tell kenshin didn't know about sere.

Bruce shuffled slightly. "It's good to see you too, Kenshin. It's been a long time. Well, Krystal is marrying my adoptive sons, but that isn't the only reason i'm here. Moonbunny, you wanna tell him?" He asked, looking sort of nervous.
Kenshin narrowed his eyes as he watched Bruce. He'd never seen Bruce act so nervous. And then he raised an eyebrow when he saw Serena step closer at the nickname Moonbunny. That alone had him on alert. "Serenity Usagi Tsukino....do you want to tell me the other reason as to why Bruce is here let alone why he addressed you in such a way?" His tone was the full on fatherly protective tone that would sound recognizable to all in the room who had been around for the silver millennium as belonging to one man and one man only in the twin princesses lives.

Serena winced at hearing her whole name like that and squirmed a bit herself nervously. "Well, um Papa...Bruce...is my fiancee." She bit her lip in wait.
Krystal watched the scene curiously. That tone... He had never ueed it before and yet it was all to familiar. "Papa? King?" She asked in a strange small voice she reserved only for her fater on the moon, looking quite curious.

Bruce shuffled slightly. "Yes, serenity is my fiancee. I love her dearly." He told the older man, a slight worry in his voice.
Kenshin gazed at Bruce before glancing out the corner of his eye at Dick and Jason. "Dick? Jason? Come stand with Bruce." He hadn't changed his tone from the now familiar one. Instead he was inwardly wondering just how long it would take the three men to realize the truth on their own.

"Yes sir." Dick and Jason spoke together as they each stood on one side of Bruce, neither having figured out the tone though they realized it was familiar.

Kenshin smirked one that was familiar enough to be an almost middle between one of Serena's smirks and one of Krystal's. "Now, can the three of you explain just why I should believe that you are good enough for my girls....again?" He threw out the again on purpose as a hint.

Serena picked up on the tone, the smirk and the hint. "Krys....is Papa....who I'm starting to think he is?" She asked her sister telepathically
Krystal looked at her sister, talking telepathically. "Sure sounds like it. Papa has never had that tone before, but its so much like our father's was then. Also he did say "again" she told her sister telepathically, just watching.

Bruce raised a eybrow. "Because i'm batman, you majesty?" The tone had given it away for bruce 5
Serena watched the scene herself. "That he did." She had moved to the side while Kenshin talked with the men.

Kenshin raised an eyebrow and nodded slightly in acknowledgement of Bruce's deduction. "Is that so? So you also have the stunt in the park from earlier to answer for as well. Am I right?"

Dick and Jason both widened their eyes at hearing Bruce address Kenshin so formally and were finally putting two and two together.
Krystal nodded at her sister.

Bruce nodded. "Yes, that was my idea. I thought it might be interesting. to play wuth the media a bit. I've been anonymous while staying here, so I thought we might have some fun with it. Press loved it. Our identities are safe though. I do apoligize if you don't approve." He said, having made surethey were safe before even starting.

Krystal rolled her eyes at her boys. "Took you long enough, master slueths." She joked to them telepathically, chuckling lightly.
Kenshin listened to Bruce before nodding and starting to relax and smiling once more. "Good. And what pray tell happened to young Endymion? Not that I was fond of him."

Serena sighed in relief. "Daddy, don't scare us like that." She hugged Kenshin. "Least I'm not pregnant like Krys." She muttered just loud enough for Kenshin to hear before going into Bruce's embrace. She then looked to Jason with an innocent yet mischievous grin. "Do you have that video of that final encounter with Endymion with you? I think it would be better for Daddy to see it rather than just hear about it."

Jason nodded. "I have it with me." He pulled the disc out and held it to Lita. "Got a way to play this?"

Dick rolled his eyes. "You're one to talk. You lived with him before coming to Texas and Gotham let alone visited him and never picked up on it." He answered Krystal telepathically
Lita grinned. "Sure do!" She said, putting into the dvd player.

Krystal shook her head. "You missunderstand. I lived in texas until I was 18, and then moved to japan. Papa gave me the penthouse on my arrival. I never saw him much." She told him back, cuddling against him.
Dick snorted. "You still saw him enough to pick up on it."

Jason nodded. "Look how easily you picked up that I was red hood miss know it all." He told Krystal telepathically

Kenshin raised an eyebrow. "Really Krystal? You make it sound like I saw you only twice in your life."

Serena grinned as Lita popped the disc into the dvd player before pulling her three parents and Shingo all to where they could watch. "Enjoy the show." She started the movie and went back to Bruce, cuddling to him with pride on her face.
Krystal shook her head. "He was hiding it well. He didn't want me to know." She admitted before she chuckled. "That was easy to figure out. It was all in the way you moved." She said chuckling.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "You were always very busy papa. Inonly saw you once a week at most." She said, chuckling.

Kenji raised an eyebrow, but watched the scene. "Wow. That's fairly awesome sere. Kind of scary though" he admitted, turning tobher.
Kenshin chuckled. "Your own doing Krystal. You could've seen me more but you never took me up on my lunch offers."

"For shame Krys. Neglecting Papa like that." Serena playfully teased Krystal.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Sure. Excuses excuses bluebird."

Serena blushed at Kenji's praise. "Well I couldn't let him get away with what he did to you, Mama and Shingo. He knew how much you all meant to me and he assumed I was just going to take it and grieve and bend to his will to stop the pain in likely hood of protecting the girls." She looked at the girls. "And don't act like none of you considered he'd be just as cowardly in going after you as he was with them." She looked back at Kenji with a smirk. "Unfortunately for him, I was no longer the sweet harmless princess he thought I was and I had to prove it." She snuggled back to Bruce. "And if a little bit of Bruce's influence as King of Saturn rubbed off on me, not that I'm saying it was, so be it."

Jason chuckled. "Proud of you Sere. Though next time you go dark like that, expect pics of Krys tied in a cuddle sack afterwards."

Dick and Sere both burst into laughter at that mental image.
Krystal rolled her eyes. "We were gitting hit by monsters alot. Didn't want to put you in danger. But, why did you hide who you really were until now, papa?" She asked, looking curious.

Krystal sighed. Seemed everybody was teasing her today. She really honesty hated that, but she kept quiet knowing they were only doing it in fun. In all honesty she just wanted it to stop.

Kenji nodded. "Indeed sere. He deserved what he got. As for Bruce rubbing off on you? I think that's healthy." He said, smiling at her.

Krystal frowned slightly. "Is like today "national tease krys day?" She asked, letting out a small sigh.
Kenshin smiled and ruffled both twins' hair. "Because I wasn't needed until now. And I was quite enjoying seeing the women you two were becoming, even if I wasn't quite as involved as I would've liked."

"Papa!" Serena whined when Kenshin ruffled her hair. She then looked to Krystal. "Now you know how I feel sometimes when everyone's teasing me." She smiled at Krystal. "Plus, the tension's cleared and Papa's relaxed. Just enjoy the party." She told Krys telepathically. She then looked at Kenji with a smile. "Don't worry. I won't go dark like that all the time." She then glanced up at a snickering Amara and over at Jason and Dick who had their eyes squeezed shut tightly. "Pervs." She muttered as she rolled her eyes. "Krys, Bruce, your boys are pervs." She told Bruce and Krystal telepathically.
Krystal nodded. "That makes total sense papa." Sh said, chuckling at her sister.

Krystal nodded again. "Indeed I do." She said, smiling at her sisters telepathic note. She chuckled at Amara. "Yeah, they are. But i still love them." Shr told the older woman, bruce just snickering.

Krystal talked to the boys telepathically. "What are you thinking of?" She asked, curiosity in her eyes.
Kenshin smiled. "I'm happy for you both. And Sere, I don't think your sister or I could've taken Endymion out any better."

Serena blushed. "Thanks Papa." She then looked around and sighed. The party was still missing someone. And she knew who that was. She didn't feel right celebrating without Alfred.

Jason just shook his head in response to Krys.

"The unfortunate image of Bruce 'rubbing off' on Sere. Never have I been happier that Jason and I hadn't been reborn as biological kids of Bruce than right now." Dick muttered telepathically
Krystal grinned, shaking her head. "She was brilliant" she said hugging sere.

Krystal picked up on her sister's sadness. "I'll be right back." She said, popping away. She landed right in Bruces mansion. "Alfred! You've been invited to an engagement party!" She exclaimed, grabbing him and popping back. She made sure no one could get in before leaving though. "Better sere?" She asked, grinning.

Krystal chuckled at Dick. "You couldn't have been, unless sere and I weren't born biologically."
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