Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Krystal nodded. "Yeah. You're right. I just worry you know. Nobody can know for sure what the future holds." She admitted, snuggling close.

Krystal chuckled. "Still, we're cute." She said, rollingbher eyes at Dick's complaints. She walked the plane, heading for Dick "you're lucky i don't smack you myself. What have I told you about disappearing like that?!" She said, eyes showing her annoyance as she told Jason telepathically to follow her mom out of the plane.
Dick rolled his eyes. "You can't exactly talk about running off now, can you? In all honesty Krystal, would you have preferred that I'd punched the guy? Cause that's exactly what would've happened if I stayed while you continued to chat with him when we were supposed to get your mother and I would've ended up in federal prison. So rather than go to jail, I put as much distance between myself and him as I could and trust me the jet wasn't far enough."

Serena sighed as Dick and Krystal had their little argument. She made her way back over to Bruce and just buried her face against his chest, occasionally murmuring as to just why she and Bruce put up with Krys and Dick sometimes.

Meggie rolled her eyes. "Thought Sere was supposed to be the more childish one?" She remarked as she followed Krys.

Jason softly chuckled as he followed Krys's instructions to follow Meggie out the plane. "Face it Dickie bird. Krys and Sere are gonna be teaming up against you like that for a while. We both know you'd prefer Sere to hit you over Krys."
Krystal made a face. "No, I suppose not. But you could've said something is all i'm saying. I was worried, and you got all beat up again. I hate it when you do that." She admitted with a sigh not really wanting to go into this. She had a headache from the landing, and its was only made worse by her current predicament.

Krystal rolled her eyes. "I just don't like it when gets all beat up in the heat of the moment." She admitted, sighing.

Bruce's eyes widened as he saw Jason. Krystal looked at both him and pluto. "Don't look at me. It was talia." She said, knowing that bruce would know who whe spoke of as hopefully would setsuna. Bruce nodded. "Ah. That explains alot." Was all he said, not about to mension to sere how that woman liked to chase him. At least not until they were back at the penthouse.
Dick just scoffed and rolled his eyes while crossing his arms.

Serena had turned in Bruce's arms at hearing Jason's voice and looked in shock to see he was alive. At hearing Krystal's mention of Talia, her eyes narrowed as she got the impression that Talia was someone both knew of and there was something about the woman she wasn't being told. But she kept quiet.

Jason glanced at Serena before sighing as he came up behind Krystal and rested his head lightly on hers. "Why would you say her name Krys? When you know it was her father that brought me back, not Talia. Are you just trying to give Sere more people to be royally pissed at?" He told her telepathically. "Take a good look at her. You've just indirectly caused Bruce to be put in the dog house and now you'll have no choice but to let them work it out without your interference."

Setsuna just shook her head at Krystal as if she had no protests against Jason being alive again no matter how it ended up so.

Hotaru took moment to speak up. "Mama-Krys, Mama Sere...I have a surprise for you both." She grinned as she and the other outers moved from leaning against the back door of the limo before opening it.
Krystal sighed. She'd talk to him about it later.

Krystal made a face that said she hadn't really been thinking when she'd said. "Guess i didn't want setsuna to yell at me for bringing you back. You know how stingy she can be about the timeline."she replied back telepathically with a sigh, obviously now feeling guilty.

Krystal gave Hotaru a curious look as the outers moved, having had a guess, but then realizing it was likely impossible. She'd never see her second family again. It was to tough to do that.
Jason sighed. "She was stingy because she had to be while she guarded the gates. She doesn't guard the gates anymore. Give her some credit." He told Krystal telepathically.

From the open limo door, out stepped the three Tsukinos, Ikuko, Kenji and Shingo.

Serena's eyes widened before watering. "Mama, Papa, Shingo!" Happily she ran over to the trio to give them a hug
Krystal nodded. "I do Jaybird. I guess i just worry she'll yell any way" she admitted, letting out a small sigh.

Krystal's eyes widened, then she grinned widely. "Mama-ikuko! Papa-Kenji! Shingo!" She exclaimed happily, hugging them the minute Sere had finished. She hadn't thought she'd ever see them again.

Meggie just grinned. "Ikuko! I'm so glad you are okay!" She said, hugging the other blue haired woman.
Ikuko hugged her three favorite women again. "Being dead was strange." She kissed Sere's head. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart. I may not condone killing but that bastard deserved it even without killing us."

Serena just blushed with pride before hugging Hotaru. "Thanks firefly."

Hotaru just grinned. "Thank Bruce for ensuring I knew the Saturnian memory wipe. That came in handy."
Meggie nodded. "I bet." She said with a small chuckle, nodding again at ikuko's comment. He had really deserved it.

Krystal hugged hotaru too. "Yeah, thanks firefly." Sh said, winking at bruce.

Bruce smiled. "It was my pleasure yo help, sissy." He said, kissing her head as he picked her up.
Ami chuckled at the scenes before nudging Dick to go stand with Jason and Krys.

Dick grinned and pulled Krys close nuzzling her neck. "I'm sorry for worrying you." He whispered as Jason held them both.

Hotaru only giggled as Bruce picked her up. "I'm just happy Sere got Mamo-baka out the way so I could bring them back."

Serena giggled and ruffled Hotaru's hair.

Ikuko looked at both the twins and their loves and then noticed both girls had certain rings on their fingers. She glanced to Kenji. "Kenji dear, I do believe there are three men you should have the 'talk' with."
Krystal smiled a little, kissing Dick's cheek. "Thank you. I'm sorry too. I really had no idea that he'd worked the circus then. I'll make sure you don't have to see him, Dickie-bird" she promised, leaning into both men's touches. She was happy to be with them.

Krystal chuckled at Hotaru's words. "You've got that right, firefly." She agreed, kissing the little girl's cheek.

Kenji raised an eyebrow. "Serena, is there something you and Krystal want to tell us?" He asked, crossing his arms. He now needed to know these two men holding his more or less adoptive daughter Krystal, and the older man holding Serena.
Serena's eyes widened and she let out a little squeak at hearing Kenji. "Um...how about Krys goes first. She has more news than I do anyway." She told Kenji nervously.

"Love you too Sere." Jason and Dick muttered simultaneously

Meggie and Ikuko both giggled
Krystal rolled her eyes. "Oh no, Sere. You're not putting this on me. Besides. He's your papa." She said, silently nudging Bruce to just get it over with.

Bruce nodded, smiling at Kenji and holding out his hand to shake the other man's. "Hello sir. My name is Bruce Wayne. I'm Serena's fiancée." He told the other man, smiling still. He was used to being diplomatic.

Kenji's eyes widendex a moment. "Bruce wayne? As in wayne enterprises?" He asked, and bruce simply nodded. His eyes widened agai, then narrowed at serena. "Fiancee, serena? You have some explaining to do young lady." He said, calling her that despite her being 25, successful, and out of the house.
"Lucky you're my sister Krys." She muttered before seeing Kenji's narrowed gaze. She bit her lip nervously. "Papa, remember how I told you and Mama that I still had to find my destined love? Well that's Bruce. In the silver millennium, he was the king of Saturn and Hotaru's older brother. It was our engagement party that was crashed the night the moon kingdom fell. I understand you're wary Papa, especially after Mamo-baka but Bruce isn't like that. I promise."
Krystal chuckled slightly. She was lucky.

Kenji raised an eyebrow, but he trusted his daughter. She had long since proved her capabilities as a woman. "Okay. I trust you. I've heard rumors of him being a eomanizer, but in meeting him now, I don't see that." He said, smiling at her.

Krystal smiled a little. "Papa-Kenji, these are my two fiancee's Dick and Jason." Shd told him, relaxing into them.
Serena raised an eyebrow. "Papa, you know what it's like being a reporter. You know better than to believe everything you hear." She sighed in relief.

Kenji nodded but then thought for a moment. "Wait...then that display on the news earlier in the park. Was that really you?" At Serena's nod, his eyes widened again as he looked to Bruce. "Then you're.....Well, now I definitely can rest easy knowing she's safe in Gotham." He then looked to Krystal and his eyes grew wide enough to almost pop out of his head. "Two?! You definitely have some explaining too young lady." Krystal was just as much his daughter in his eyes as Serena was and as such, he would treat her the same.

"She has more news than that." Serena sang

"Well Krystal...what else do you have to say?" Kenji narrowed his gaze at Jason and Dick.
Bruce chuckled a little and nodded. "No harm will ever come to her, sir. Over my dead body will anything happen to her" he promised, looking confident and determined.

Krystal punched her sister in the arm before she chuckled. "Dick and Jason are my destinies. I fell for them when visiting hotaru on saturn. Bruce took them in after their and his parents died. Jason has already died once as Robin trying to save me and his mother from Joker. We were able to escape. He wasn't. Dick is also a former Robin, now a Gothem police officer and The Nightwing. As for my other news, I'm pregnant. Ami told me yesterday for sure." She admitted in a jumble, telepathically apoligizing to her loves for the shitstorm which was likely about to happen with Papa-Kenji.
"Ow!" Serena glared at Krystal while rubbing her arm. "Bruce, you've already failed. Krys just abused me and I can't hit her back cause she's pregnant." She whined.

Kenji listened carefully to Krystal. "Well, after all of that, if I can trust Bruce with Serena's life and he basically trained them I'm assuming, then I can trust Jason and Dick with yours and the baby's." He slowly relaxed. "Bruce, Jason, Dick, welcome to the family. But hurt those girls and powers or not, I will be after your asses." He then grinned at Krystal. "Your father owes me money since you're pregnant before Serena."

Serena laughed. "See Krys. Practically everyone was banking on you getting pregnant first."

Ami had a knowing smirk on her face as she looked at Krystal. "I have a little extra news for you Krys. I scanned you and the baby is Jason's." She told Krystal telepathically.

Mina grinned. "I say it's celebration time!"
Bruce chuckled. "Krys means no harm." He said, like it exllained it all.

Krystal nodded. "He did, but Dick had extensive acrobatics training before he met Bruce. He was part of the flying greyson's in old haley's circus. His parents and brother." She explained, snuggling close to both men. She had missed them, and it was good to have both her hearts again.

Krystal chuckled again. "Well, i've always been the one more keen on a family." She said smiling before her eyes widened just enough for Ami to notice. "How is that possible? I was pregnant before Jay and I had sex!" She asked telepathically, now curious.

Krystal grinned. "Yes. I do believe that it is. But we'll meet you at the fruit parlor. I wanna show jason and dick around first, if thats alright." She said, leaning into them.
Serena scoffed and pouted at Bruce's words.

Ami chuckled. "You have quite the habit of making wishes Krys." She replied telepathically.

Mina looked in confusion. "Fruit parlor? You mean the crown arcade? Are you sure you wanna do it so publicly? That's a decision all of you need to make I think.
Bruce chuckled and kissed her head, snuggling close.

Krystal nodded. "Ah. I see. Probably didn't even realize I did it." She replied telepathically, wondering how the guys would take that.

Krystal looked contemplative. "Hmm, yes, you're right. Can we go to the shrine then, rei?" She asked, knowing her grandfather wasnt very well.
Serena snuggled close to Bruce with a smile.

Ikuko sighed. "Krystal, you're making the decision by yourself again. How public the engagement party is is something that needs to be decided on by you, Jason, Dick, Bruce and Serena all together. Once you all have decided on that, then we'll figure out where to go to celebrate."
Krystal paused. "Right sorry. What do you all prefer? I am indifferent at the moment. I want alone time with my guys first though." She said, smiling a little, looking to them.

Bruce chuckled. "I'm enjoying the amonimity right now. I'd rather it be private." He said, krystal nodding asshe looked to her men.
Serena chuckled. "I had my public fun earlier. Private for me too."

"Private." Jason and Dick spoke together.

Rei smiled. "Awesome. And no we can't use the shrine. It wouldn't be fair to grandpa." She looked to Lita. "What about your place?"

Meggie looked to Krystal. "You need to get your father for this too. He shouldn't miss out."
Krystal chuckled. "Indeed you did." She said, nodding at the boys.

"Alright, its settled then, a nice private party." She said with a smile, tiltinv her head at lita.

"My place isn't big enough. Could close down the resturaunt for the night?" She offered, smiling.

Krystal nodded. "I know mama. I will bring jason and dick to see him in a bit once we've decided on a venue" she said smiling, though she pouted a bit. Couldn't she have a few hours alone with her fiancee’s?
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