Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Meggie nodde. "Yes, I hope so to, jason." Shet said,,, relaxing onto the couch. "Why don't you go sleep with her? You know she hates sleeping alone." She added, laying down.

Bruce just smiled, softly playing her a song onbthe guitarbhed just manifested.
Jason shook his head. "Two things that make that a bad idea right now. One is that I told her I'd wake her up when the plane lands. I like to keep true to my word and if I go to sleep, I won't be able to do that. Two, she needs her rest and it's just as likely she won't get rest if I go back there as it is that I'd sleep with her. No offense Meggie, but I'd feel bad later about doing that sort of thing I want to do while you're nearby. I was raised better than that."

Serena smiled as she listened to the song, recognizing it. "Oh Bruce...our song..."
Meggie nodded but chuckled. "I understand. It was only a suggestion. As for thenother thing? Could care less. I encourage it." She said a smirk to rival her daughters on her face.

Bruce nodded. "Of course sere. What else would I play?" he said, continuing to play.
Jason groaned and muttered something about Meggie being worse than Bruce. "I understand you encourage it, but I still wouldn't feel right. It's a personal thing."

Serena smiled softly and lightly twirled to the music
Meggie chuckled. "Yup. I like you. Kenshin will too." She admitted, sipping some tea she'd just made.

Krystal whined in her sleep. "But Dickie-bird! Ineed cuddles!"

Bruce smiled and kept on playing, happy to be with her.
Jason chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, fell into an old habit there for a second."

Serena nodded and went to stand next to him again, moving her head to the music
Jason nodded with a smile and a sigh of relief. He nodded again at hearing they would be landing in Tokyo in two hours.

Serena smiled and began humming with Bruce's guitar playing.
Jason nodded and looked out the window at the clouds.

Serena continued humming while carefully leaning against him. She then checked her watch for the time. "Krystal's plane lands in an hour."
Meggie smiled and went to make some tea, knowing her daughter would be groggy when she woke up. Flying had always taken a toll on krystal and she knew it would be better to be prepared.

Bruce stopped playing as he heard her words. "Ah, I see. What shall we do until then, moonbunny?" He asked, smiling at her. He would follow her lead.
Jason was nervous, since he had asked Dick and Krystal to keep his being alive a secret from Bruce and Serena. Within an hour, he'd be facing the music.

Serena shrugged. "We could walk around some more."
At sensing Jason's unease, krystal yawned and stretched, going back out to the main part of the plane. Meggie handed her a cup of tea, which she thanked her for before drinking it down. Her mother knew how she liked her tea, tepid. "Don't worry jaybird. They''ll be happy you're alive. They both love you." She affirmed, wrapping herself around him in an attempt to make him feel better.

Bruce smiled, kissing her head as he took her hand in his. "That sounds like a good idea, bunny." He said, throwing the guitar strap over his shoulder.
Jason wrapped his arms around Krystal. "I know. I just feel guilty now. It was one thing keeping it quiet if I wasn't at the apartment when they were there. But knowing I'd been there while they were and still you and Dickie-bird kept quiet, I feel bad putting you two in that position.

Serena gave his hand a gentle squeeze before leading him further through the park, just enjoying how nice it was and being with Bruce.
Krystal gave him a kiss. "I know. But to be fair, i didn't even realize you were in the house that day. Stop feeling bad. We knew that you didn't want them to know." She said, snuggling close. She hated seeing Jason so sad. It made her feel bad.

Bruce smiled, giving her light kisses as they walked, just happy to be with her. It had been a millennium since he could hold her close, and never wanted to let her go.
Jason smiled slightly. "I'll feel better when I have full confirmation that Sere and Bruce aren't gonna knock me out. Even if Sere was still left out of the loop for a while, I should've at least made my being alive known to Bruce. He did practically raise me after all...twice." He then chuckled. "Well, at least I won't be the only one in trouble once we're there. Ami may have lectured Dickie once, but I'm sure Hotaru will have some things to say too. She never was quite fond of us making you worry. You know, she got on Bruce once in the silver millennium for making Sere go practically hysterical with worry. It was quite hilarious, as small as she was standing on a stool yelling at him."

Serena smiled and returned his kisses, just as happy to have him with no intentions of letting him go again.
Krystal nodded. "Inknow but things will be okay. I remember you guys telling me about that. It must have been funny." She admitted with a chuckle, nuzzling Jason's neck a little. She wanted him yo feel better. She didn’t like seeing him sad.

Bruce smiled, relaxing with her, just happy to be there with her. He squeezed her hand. "So, I heard firefly has a surprise for uou abd krys." He said, smirking a bit. While he didn't know for sure what it is, he could guess.
Jason nodded. "It was. I hope I get to see it again, even if she doesn't need a stool anymore. Just her going off on him would be enough." He rubbed her arm. "Don't worry about me Bluebird. I'll be fine. I'm not sad, just concerned and a little guilty. But not sad and I'll take their scoldings or whatever because I know I deserve it."

Serena widened her eyes. "Really? Not that I'm surprised you know since she is your sister and all."
Krystal snuggled close. "I hope to see it too, and I'll try not to. You shouldn't feel so guilty, jaybird." She told him, giving him a kiss.

Bruce chuckled. "Actually Haruka told me." He said, kissing her head."
Jason kissed her back and held her. "Ready to see everyone again?"

Serena giggled. "Yeah after Hotaru gave her the okay. Probably gave you just enough info but not all of it so you wouldn't ruin the surprise."
Krystal nodded. "Yeah. I just wish it were under better circumstances." She admitted, snuggling into him.

Bruce chuckled. "Something like that." He said, having guessedbthe surprise, but shut sere out of his mind.
Jason held her close. "True. But at least they'll all be there with you."

Serena sighed. "Oh well. Probably means it's gonna be good."
Krystal nodded again. "Yes, you're right. That will at least be a comfort. I missed you, jaybird." She told him, resting her head in the crook of his neck. She was comfortable.

Vruce nodded. "I've been told its something you'd never expect. Was Krystal bringing meggie-san?" He asked, aware of her mother's friendship with meggie. They'd been vlosenin silver millenium as well.
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