Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

"I missed you too bluebird." He gently rubbed her arm. "Dickie-bird says that there's a surprise for you and Sere from firefly."

Serena smiled. "Then it'll definitely be a good one." She nodded. "Yeah. It's why she was taking so long. She stopped to pick her up."
Krystal smiled, giving Jason a light kiss. "Oh yeah? That should be interesting. I'll patiently wait for it." She said just enjoying relaxing with him. "Well, we have a surprise for them too. You know all the senshi came to Gothem for your funeral? Sere never saw Bruce though. The Baka was still in the picture then." She admitted, sighing. She was glad to have him again.

Bruce nodded. "Yes. It will I believe." He said before nodding at her next comment.
Jason chuckled. "You know Bruce would've fought him to have her if he'd remembered her sooner if that's what it would've taken. Even before their little confrontation with him. Funny how he never saw her in Japan either. They could've been together sooner."

Serena smiled softly and leaned against him as they walked.
Krystal nodded. "I know. I only wish they had found each other sooner. Then we could have been ablebyo be together again sooner too. As for them not meeting in Hapan? Baka probably had connections that stopped that." She admitted, sighing. this was all very annoying to her.

Bruce held her close as they walked, smiling.
Jason nodded. "That is possible. The good thing is the baka's gone for good now. Sere made sure of that."

Serena smiled, enjoying his embrace. "I love you so much, dark knight."
Jason smirked. "Stop being jealous. We both know Sere practically channeled enough of you to make it as if you were right there along side her."

Serena giggled. "You know, I can't help laughing at the idea of all the women in Gotham that'll be disappointed to learn you're completely off the market."
Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But itbwould have been nice to do it myself. I've been wanting to kill that baka for a millennium." She told him, snuggling close. While she missed Dick, itbwas nice to have a little time with just jason.

Bruce chuckled. "I'd imagine its no differnt with men and you, moon bunny." He said, smiling at her.
Jason chuckled. "Will being able to kill him in a virtual reality training scenario ease you?"

Serena laughed. "Maybe. Thing is, I won't be living around the men here too much longer compared to the fact we'll be living in Gotham."
Jason nodded. "True. Most people aren't the type to kill. But something can happen that will make them snap. And the baka was that trigger for Sere. I don't think she'll keep killing to the extent you do but when it really counts, I think she'll be willing to cross that line again to protect her loved ones. But then again, she is with the king of destruction and death so who knows." He joked.

Serena giggled. "They can whine all they want though. Both the men and the women. Because I'm never letting you go again."
Krystal chuckled. "You do have a point there. Its almost ironic. King of death and destruction, yet he won't kill. Our family's weird, jaybird." She admitted, giving him a kiss.

Bruce gave her a kiss. "Neither am i, moon bunny. Heh. Inhave an amusing idea. Lets transform in to sailor moon and batman and just start making out. Papparazzi will have a feild day. It'll be hilarious." He said, smirking a bit like his old self when getting a badnidea.
Jason laughed. "Last I checked, firefly does it all for him. Though look at his life this time before his memories returned. That right there explains why. Though he might've killed the baka himself if Sere hadn't done it."

Serena laughed. "There's the mischievous man I know and love." She caressed his cheek. "I love it though." She grinned and gripped her brooch. "Let's do it."
Krystal chuckled. "Jaybird, we'd all kill the baka if given the chance." She said, snuggling close as the plane began to decend.

Bruce smirked. "Well, I try." He said with a chuckle, the suit forming around him easily. He'remembered how to fuse objectsvwith his magic, and had done. it to the cowl. His voice deepened. "Where's the most public part of tge park?" He asked, watching as she transformed. This would be epic. Hopefully people would realize they weren't cosplayers.
Jason laughed. "This is true. Imagine how hard it must've been for Sky to let Sere kill the idiot." He used his old nickname for Haruka.

She transformed herself and grinned at his words. She pulled his arms around her and smirked as she put her own arms around his shoulders. "Hold on." She popped them to the most public part of the park. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw people pulling out cell phones and video cameras before she pulled him down for a deep kiss
Krystal laughed. "Oh yes. Very hard. Sky's wanted to kill him since the day she met him." She said, snuggling close to him. She was content to just relax in her plane for awhils, knowing sere was being mischevious.

Bruce nodded, wrapping his arms around her tightly on command , snickering a little as they were popped to the most public part of the park. He smirked as she pulled him down for a deep kiss, kissing her just as deeply. "I love you moon." He murmured into the kiss, pulling her closer, face not showing how amused he really was to be kissing her in the cowl so publicly. He felt like a his young prince self again.
Jason laughed. "Don't blame her for that." He looked at her. "What's so amusing?"

Meggie came back from near the cockpit. "Krystal, turn on the news!"

"I love you too dark knight." She murmured back and melting into the kiss. She too was quite enjoying the very public display as their heroic alter egos and she felt satisfyingly possessive of her love.
Krystal smirked. "Bruce is up to his old mischevious tricks again." She said, chucklibg a litle as she turned on the news at her mother's request.

Bruce kissed her back happily, enjoying being anonymous and scene stealing at the same time. This was fun, like old times on b the moon.
Jason chuckled. "Oh is he?" He looked to the tv when Krystal turned on the news. He blinked in shock at the sight of Batman and Sailor Moon making out in the middle of the park in Tokyo. "Well, they sure know how to do things with a bang."

Meggie only squealed in delight at the cute scene. "They do look cute together."

Serena was happy, feeling nostalgic. She also could swear she could feel the moon shining on them even though it was still broad daylight and it wouldn't be seen as if it was a sign of Queen Serenity's amusement.
Krystal nodded. "He is. Look" she said with a chuckle, flipping on the TV in amusement. She nodded at her mother. "They really do, and really are." She said with s chuckle, clearly very amused.

Bruce smiled into the kiss, eyes looking up to the sky descreetly. "Glad you approve, my queen" he thought to himself, pulling sere closer as they kissed. He was enjoying himself too.
Jason chuckled. "Well guess if they're gonna be in the public eye, might as well work it and have some fun with it. It's nice to see him being like this again."

Meggie grinned. "Look out world, the Lunarian twins are in love and ready to create mischief." She joked. "This planet doesn't stand a chance."

Serena grinned into the kiss. "If you really wanna seem possessive, you've got that cape. Use it." She told him telepathically. "And then we need to get to the airport."
Krystal nodded. "Exactly. Bunny will make him remember who he used to be in that respect." She chuckled at her mother's joke. "Well, being mischevious is just oh so fun." She ssid, smirking.

Bruce smirked a little, pulling his cape around them "brilliant bunny. This was lots of fun. Shall we pop there too?" He asked her telepathically, still kissing her and milking it for all its worth.
Jason nodded. "They bring out the best in each other. But let's hope she doesn't pick up his workaholic tendencies either."

Meggie smiled. "Lucky I love you both."

Serena smirked as she felt the cape against her back. "It was. Popping seems fastest. Care to do the honors?"
Krystal chuckled. "If anything, she'll make him less of a workaholic." She said with s chuckle, knowing that if she didn, their relationship likely wouldn't last, destiny or not. She chuckled again. "I know mama. But you have to admit, we a re e cute together." She said, giving jason a kiss.

"Of course my lady" Bruce said with a chuckle, and in a dark flash of purply light they were in front of Krystal's private jet.
Jason shook his head. "I wouldn't count her out yet on that. She's obviously not as carefree as she was on the moon. Considering how successful she's been, she might be just as willing to put in long hours if she needed to." He had much more faith that Bruce and Serena would last even if they both became workaholics. Destiny would definitely see to that this time.

Meggie raised an eyebrow. "I was talking about you and Sere."

Serena laughed as she pulled away and detransformed. "You know Luna's gonna chew our ears out later for that display but it was totally worth it." She leaned against him and noticed the other senshi were all there as well though the outers were all leaning against a limo of their own. Serena looked to where a bandaged Dick stood with Ami and sighed as she went over to him and punched him in his good arm.

"Ow! Sere!" Dick looked to the jet. "Krys! Come get your sister!"
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