Under a bat moon (Krystal x blakkat07)

Serena grinned. "Restaurant it is."

Meggie. "Not what I meant Krystal. Bring him to the party. He has just as much right to be there as the rest of us."

Serena looked over at Krystal. "Two hours tops is all you get with them before the party. And that's long enough to show them the city and pick up Daddy. You'll have as much time with them after anyway especially once we go back to Gotham. If you don't show up when those two hours are up, I'm dragging you to the party myself."

"Seems Sere ain't having none of your sneak cuddle time today." Dick grinned as he and Jason both chuckled at hearing Serena.
Lita nodded. "Alright. I'l get it all set up." She said with a smile to serena.

Krystal nodded. "Of course mama." She said smiling a little.

Krystal chuckled. "Fair enough. See you then." She said, wanting to bring the guys to her place first so she could chanfe, and also because she wanted a secluded place to tell thenm what Ami had told her. She was curious about what they'd do and say.

Krystal chuckled again. "Seems not. We'll have time later though. Now, follow me." She said, gesturing to her car.
Serena nodded. "This is going to be so much fun." She grinned before looking to Hotaru. "Did you want to come with me and Bruce for a little while firefly?"

Jason and Dick both waved to everyone else before following Krystal
Bruce smiled. "Yes it will be." He said, kissing her head as Hotaru grinned. "I'd love to mama-sere! I wouldn't be imposing?" She asked, giving a hopeful look to michiru.

Krystal waved to, then got in and started the car, waiting for the guys to get in. "I'm gonna show you my penthouse first " she said, smiling at them.
Serena grinned. "Of course not firefly.I'm not gonna monopolize Bruce's attention while we're in town. He was your brother first after all."

Michiru nodded in approval. "Go on Hotaru. We'll see you at the party." She and the two other older inners ushered the Tsukinos back in the car before they all left while the inners headed to go set up the restaurant.

Both Dick and Jason got in the car with grins on their faces.
Hotaru kissed Sere's cheek. "Thanks. This will be fun!" She said, going over to michiru, hugging and thanking her as well before running back to her brother.

Krystal chuckled as she drove. "What's got you two so giddy?" She asked, looking curious.

The drive to the penthouse was wuick, Krystal parking on the top floor adjacent to her suite. "Its just through those doors." She said with a smile, shutting the car off with a smile. She'd missed this car. To risky to have in Gothem, even with her fiancee and future brother and law on the prowl.
Serena blushed a bit when Hotaru kissed her cheek before smiling softly. "Anywhere in particular you want to go firefly?"

Dick looked at Krystal. "We just survived three of four of your parents. That alone is enough for us to smile. Though I'm scared to ask if they also bet on how many kids they expected you to have before Sere gets pregnant with hers and Bruce's first."
Hotaru looked curious a moment. "Lets go to the planetarium!" She said, grinning.

Krystal chuckled. "Well, you do have a point there. Don't worry. Pap's bark is worse than his bite." She said, showing them into the penthouse.
Serena smiled. "Planetarium, huh? Sounds good to me." She looked at Bruce. "Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, we'll believe that when we see it ourselves bluebird, if you don't mind." Jason spoke.

"Only thing that saved us from Kenji I'm sure was Bruce." Dick nodded in agreement, both men impressed with her penthouse.
Bruce smiked. "Sounds great" he said, giving her s kiss.

Krystal shrugged. "Fair enough." She said simply, quickly stipping and puttinv on a pretty dark blue dress.

Krystal smiled and stat on the couch, beckoning them over. "So, Ami gave me some interesting news today. " she said cooly, just relaxing.
Serena grinned and kissed him back before picking up Hotaru and giving her a pair of sunglasses herself. "Wouldn't be right for you to not have on any, firefly." She then took Bruce's hand and popped them to the planetarium.

Jason and Dick each sat on one side of Krys, effectively sandwiching her between them.

"What did she say?" Dick asked.
Hotaru gixgged, huging serena as she was picked up. "Thanks mama-sere. " she said, bruce giving sere's hand a light squeeze.

Krystal smiled as they sandwiched her, pulling them closer. "Well, she said that, according to her findings, the baby is Jason's." She said, wondering what they would say.
Serena chuckled. "Anytime Firefly." She then led them in the planetarium. "This is gonna be fun."

Jason smirked. "Well that explains it. Means the next one is to be yours Dickie-bird."

"Oh hush. Means Ami likely knew that much about the baby when she came to confirm the pregnancy in the first place. We might not even have learned that news until the birth of you weren't around Jason." Spoke Dick
Hotaru grinned. "Yeah! Lots of fun!" She exclaimed walking in followed by bruce

Krystal nodded. Yeah, an j have a sneaking suspician Dickie-bird's will be twins" she admitted, chuckling.

Krystal nodded again. "Yeah. Probably. Sorry Dickie-bird. I really thought they would be forst. Seems my heart had other ideas..." she said, snuggling them both close.
Serena giggled as she walked in alongside Bruce.

Dick snorted. "Don't apologize. Our kids regardless of if it was me or Jason that fathers them."

Jason nodded. "Dick's right."
Bruce smiled, enjoying his relative anonimity as they walked in.

Krystal snuggled close. "Okay." She saix simply, giving them each kisses. It was nice to just bevable to relax like they had in the silver millennium.
Serena smiled and entwined her fingers with Bruce's as they walked. "You know, I never really came here since regaining my memories of the moon. But I've heard they have an exhibit on planetary legends."

Jason smiled. "You know blue-bird, it's your own fault Sere felt she needed to set a time limit on us. We were always late to the parties on the moon and the reason always had to do with you wanting cuddles."
Bruce gave her hand a light squeeze. "Hmm, soundsbinterwsting." He said, following hotaru, who was heading for it.

Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I'm so bad. But lets relax a little more before going to get papa." She said, snuggling close.
Serena smiled. "I wonder what's making Hotaru excited more? Time with you or the planetarium?" She teased.

Both men chuckled and continued cuddling her as she wished.
Serena chuckled as they stopped by Hotaru near a long scroll encased in glass that seemed to dictate the legend about Serena and Bruce's fairytale romance and tragic ending on the moon. "Well now, this is a surprise."

Jason and Dick both chuckled and kissed her cheeks.
Bruce looked curiously at the scrool, reading it through. "It id indeed. Looks like old saturnian." He mused, looking closer.

Krystsl smiled, checking her phone. "We should head over to daddy's now." She said, smiling softly.
Serena looked over the scroll again. "Well now that definitely makes it interesting." She then looked at the time. "Wow. Time flies. We'll have to leave soon."

Both men groaned in defeat.

"Let's get this over with." Jason sighed
Bruce nodded in agreement. "It certainly does." He said, Hotaru making a face. She didn't want to leave yet.

Krystal chuckled. "It won't be that bad." She promised, giving them each kisses.

It was about 15 minutes later when the butler let krystal and the boys into the mansion. "Daddy, i'm hooome! I have people i want you to meet !" She yelled, waiting for him to come down from his office.
Serena giggled and gently ruffled Hotaru's hair. "Tell you what firefly, I promise to bring you back when we can do a full day here. And if I can't, I'll help you bug Haruka til she brings you. Deal?"

"Easy for you to say." Both men muttered under their breath.

Kenshin didn't keep them waiting long as he walked down the stairs. "Krystal! I was starting to think you'd forgotten all about me." He joked as he walked over to her and hugged her before narrowing his eyes at Jason and Dick as he pulled away. "And who are these two?"
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