School Rumble (Broom and I)

Komoku panted heavily, shifting a little to lay beside her as his cock lazily slid out of her dirty pussy, their collected mess puddling out as he nuzzled against her shoulder. "'re amazing, princess..." he purred, tongue flicking over her neck. "I'm going to keep you..."
She was..amazing? She wasn't really sure how to take that, but she was much too tired to argue with him. He spoke of her like she was a possession that he wouldn't let go of..and frankly she wondered if she could truly walk away from this type of pleasure. She whimpered softly as he licked on her neck. Well..why not? She was sure Adam was going to leave her after she told him what happened anyway.

"Okay.." She simply said as she closed her eyes.
Wasn't often Komoku was okay with sleeping in a dirty mess, but god if he didn't like it today. Waking up in the morning and realizing that he had the best sex he had ever had in...a long time with the Ice Queen was both awesome and...kind of arousing. Ugh, his dick hurt just thinking about more sex. Either way, he carefully slid out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, rubbing his face. Man, he was in the best kind of sore right now...

Phew, he'd need a few hours to recharge from that. He started to run the water for his shower as he rinsed his face off. He'd let her sleep for now, heh...she probably was more tired than he was.
Eventually, Mei woke up in a haze. At first she was confused..this wasn't her bed. Then she remembered all last night..and without the haze of arousal she had felt last night..all of it was dirty. She had to leave. She had to Jana. It was the only way she'd be able to put herself into the right state of mind to face the consequences of her actions. She couldn't blame anyone but herself for this.

She heard the sound of a shower, and she realized this was probably the best chance she had to get dressed and leave. As she put on her clothes, she checked her phone and saw the time. It wasn't too late, but she had things to do in a few hours. She hesitated just before she left, as she thought about telling him she was leaving, but..she didn't have time.
Jana had been worried about Mei, but...well, she was going to Komoku's place. That sort of area was not dangerous for the explicit reason that Komoku and his friends were there. She resisted the urge to sound like a paranoid person after what had happened to her, so she just took a deep breath and continued on her day. Turns out that Damien was still doing a lot to keep things going, and they were just starting to figure out just who would oversee what region of Turuga.

It was dull, boring work, sorting through prospective candidates to be stationed in various places...but she liked it for the peace of mind it gave her, if nothing else. Adam was working himself dead, making sure everything was set up properly to start being used. They couldn't recover a lot from the old HQ, so they were essentially starting from scratch in a lot of respects. It would take a while before the city actually approved a teenager being in charge of the budget, so they used what they had.

Needless to say, Jana was all kinds of relieved when she saw Mei walking into their building, rising up with a faint smile as Damien shifted through papers. Something...definitely seemed off about her, and that thing that seemed off made her furrow her brow in minor confusion.
Mei had tired to do her best to look...natural. But it wasn't working. First off she wasn't wearing anything underneath her clothes other than a garter belt and stockings thanks to Komoku. Then...she wasn't even sure what to think about herself anymore...because whenever she thought about anything from last night...she found herself getting aroused thinking about it. A feeling she immediately tried to push away from her brain.

Seeing Jana made her nearly lose it, though. "Jana. I need you to come with me." She would have rather her be in bed than helping out..but it was the last thing on her mind right now. All Mei could think about was getting this off her chest. She needed someone to make sense of it all for her. She wanted to at least understand why she had cheated on Adam the very day after he took her virginity...
"...Okay?" Jana said, rising up to follow her. The way she walked, the way she moved...oh, she really really hoped it wasn't what she thought it was. Did she seem...'perkier' than usual, too? Still, she loyally followed after her friend through the hallways, and everyone seemed to notice something about Mei was nice.
Mei did notice the attention she was getting, particularly on her chest area. She walked proudly though and pretended nothing was wrong, though there was a blush upon her face. When they got to her room, Mei looked at Jana and then grimaced. "I..did something really..really bad. I don't know why I did...but..." Mei immediately already felt those damn tears falling from her eyes and she hadn't even started. "I'm a horrible person, Jana..."
Jana tilted her head a moment, and moved forward to take her to the bed, wrapping an arm around her with a faint smile. She had a hundred questions, honestly...but she'd start with an easy one as she tenderly kissed her forehead to calm her down. "Who is he?" she asked. Woman's gut feeling, maybe...but whoever it was? They had fucked her long and hard, and she had enjoyed it like nothing else. The way she walked spoke of absolute contentment.
The fact that she already knew it had something to do with a boy surprised Mei. Was it that obvious? For a moment she was silent before she looked away from her. "..Komoku. I did something bad with Komoku, Jana.." She felt...a little bit better in Jana's embrace. But she didn't feel like she deserved to feel better.
"Yeah, I can tell," Jana said, her smile was not a pitying one. Just a sympathetic one that she needed from a friend. "What happened, Mei?" She wasn't even going to begin to ask how that even...came around.
Mei wished she could say she didn't remember, but she remembered everything perfectly. And she started from beginning to end. She was honest...painfully honest with everything. What they did, how he made her feel and everything said between them. It was a perfect recollection...and Jana would probably think she was disgusting for being so truthful. "I..I'm so awful. Adam is going to hate me and...I hate that I threw everything we had sleep with a guy I hate that makes me feel so good..."
Jana considered everything she said for a moment, before regarding Mei. "Well, I will admit that the timing is bad...but, shouldn't beat yourself up over this." she murmured. "Adam is a really sweet, nice guy...but he's safe, from the sounds of don't want more of the same. You want something that challenges you, that breaks you out of your comfort zone."
Mei looked away from Jana for a minute before sighing. "But..why Komoku though? When I hate him so much...Why would I ever let someone I don't like touch me like that? It could have been anyone, just not him...I don't understand what i'm turning into, Jana. I didn't even know how sex felt until two days ago...and now I just want it the way Komoku gave it to me..."
"Come on," Jana smiled, arm around her waist to lay in bed with her and cuddle. She needed it, the world could wait. Mei needed her best friend. "You want to know how my first time went?"
Mei hesitated for a moment before she nodded. Before she would never want to talk about these things but...she really just wanted to understand what she was feeling, so she'd have a proper explanation instead of excuses... "Yes.."
"I hated it," she admitted after a moment, smiling. "At first, I boyfriend at the time was pretty cute, but he didn't...know how to handle me, I guess is the best way to put it." Jana murmured. "I just couldn't get satisfied, it started to annoy me...I started blaming myself...but when I started learning things with Master Mel, I realized it was just...I didn't understand myself. I thought I wanted what was best for me because he felt like the best. It sunk into our sex life...Komoku? It's a weird choice, but the first time I had sex was with the gym teacher at Red," she laughed.

"Man, I didn't even know what to do around him. He's this really rough, grumpy kind of guy...I don't know what he saw in some seventeen year old. thing led to another, and then another thing lead to me getting fucked stupid in the girls locker room." she chuckled. "I don't know...when that happened, I think I just...realized that I didn't really know what I want, so I stopped trying to force myself to fit into some kind of hole."
"You don't..know?" A disappointed realization that Mei was in the same boat and maybe wouldn't be able to get out of it. "You still don't know what you want?" Probably not some perverted gym teacher who probably should be investigated and kicked out of the school if he already hadn't been. But she wouldn't...bring that up. Well, that explained why she though her father was hot..if she was into older men.

..Gross. She'd rather not think about that.
"Mei, we're teenagers," Jana said, glancing at her. "What I want is someone to like me for me, not 'part of me', not...'some of me', not the 'slutty side' of me. All of it. Flaws and all. If I find that somewhere, I cherish you," she smiled. "...For a while, I was scared I'd lose you, you know?"
Mei blinked for a bit and then looked away. "You'd never lose me unless you wanted to lose me, Jana." She grimaced and then closed her eyes as she felt tears stinging at them again. "I'm going to lose Adam for this though, I know it. I don't think I could ever ask anyone to love..whatever side of me that enjoyed having sex with Komoku Rokujo."
"You're being way too hard on yourself, Mei," Jana mumbled. "...Just like when you started thinking every Red student was a bunch of thugs, and I had to tell you that I am a Red student. Not everything is so black and white. That part of you that enjoyed what Komoku did isn't a bad part of you, Mei. It's just a part that you're not used to dealing with."
"Then what about the part of me that thought cheating on Adam was okay, Jana?" She asked her as she sat up. She would have to get going soon...make sure the transfer from here to their new head quarters was going well. As much as she just wanted to avoid everyone right now, she had a job to do.
"Nobody said that understanding yourself was a painless process, Mei," Jana murmured. "I'm not telling you what you did to Adam is right, but do you honestly think you can just go back to him and act like nothing happened, even if he forgave you?" It'd be hard for anyone, especially if Mei liked it.
Mei bit her lip and truly wondered about that. Then she remembered Komoku...saying he'd keep her. "No...especially because I don't trust myself. He doesn't deserve a woman who is constantly thinking of another man. Someone nicer...someone that will show him more affection than I can." She got up and then started taking off her clothes. She had no time to shower but she could wash up quickly at the least. "Sorry Jana..for dropping all this on you. Thank you for not judging me."
"...I've done worse, Mei," Jana murmured. "...Besides, I could never judge you for not understanding yourself. Everyone is there," she smiled. "...Kind of risque of you to come in wearing so little, Boss." she teased, rising up.
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