School Rumble (Broom and I)

"He ripped my underwear off, I didn't have anything to come back in." She said before she headed to the bathroom. "Please take it easy, Jana. I've got to go transfer that freak from yesterday to our new facility soon, so I'll be gone for a bit. But don't over exert yourself with the move. We have men for heavy lifting." She called out from the bathroom as she started washing up. She wondered if anyone had identified him yet. Not that she would call him by his name.
"I'll behave, Mei," Jana promised. "...I've mostly been bossing around the new people," she grinned. Intimidating people always made her feel better, most of the time.
"Well...have fun. Just don't get into any fights, alright?" She told her before walking out and getting dressed. Usually Mei was never this comfortable in her own skin but...Jana had seen her naked before, so...
"Mmhm," Jana said, regarding her as she walked out. Not shy at all, comfortable...casual, even. Despite the unfortunate circumstance, it looked like Mei just felt better about herself. "You're very pretty, Mei. It's nice seeing you start to realize it, too." she said, rising up with an easy grin. "I better get back to work, no rest for the wicked, right?"
Mei blushed a little at those words, but they were good words. She did feel a little better about her physical appearance, but she was still upset with herself because of what she did...what she was going to do when she saw Adam next. But first. First she needed to take care of some things.

"Right. I need to get going too." Mei said to her before she came out again in some fresh new clothes, along with her favorite black sweater. "I'll be taking Damien with me for a little bit, too." She told her as they walked out of her room. She needed someone..capable in case anything happened.
"...Sure," Jana murmured, watching her leave. Unfortunately, this was the result when you weren't used to...showing feelings, for whatever reason. They'd come out all at once, and you're just left confused and hurt. Guess that means she was the boss for a while, what a terrifying thought...for everyone else. Heh heh.
Mei immediately went to Damien and snapped her fingers since he was so into his paper works. "I need your help, Damien. I need to transfer our prisoner over to the new building. You seen him at all today?" She asked him as she stood over him. If he was feeling talkative, Mei wasn't too sure if she could not punch him in the face. She needed Damien to protect him more than she needed Damien to watch her back.
"Yeah," Damien said, glancing up from his papers to rise up with a sigh. "Be glad to help, tired of rooting through prospective recruits..." he said, rubbing out his cigerette. "Been keeping him in a fully lit room for the past few days. He's a sour little dog, isn't he?" To say the least, people seemed fond of Jana...and they were growing more fond of Mei as the days went by. They didn't say what he did to Jana, but for some of the more...rambunctious Red students, it was enough.
"When he has no girls to mess with, yes." Mei told him as she walked towards the room they were keeping him in. Even in a fully lit room though, there was always shadow. So they needed some capable hands to watch him. Levy was the one who had volunteered hearing about what happened with Jana. He didn't mess around either. He was looking for any excused to pound Blake into ground, really.

"Levy, we're moving him." Mei told the tall man as he came into view. "You can keep guarding him at Central, but...before you go back there could you help move some things?" The blonde haired man nodded. Good God he was so tall, a foot taller than her and she was wearing heels.

"Alright Mei...boss." Seemed to be her nickname around here. "Let me at least help you put him in the van..."

"Not necessary. Get some breakfast and then grab some stuff before you go over to Central." An authoritative order that Levy couldn't ignore. He sighed a bit and then nodded.

"..Sure." Maybe he'd find Jana and talk to her a little to make sure she was okay.
"Easy there, boss," Damien grinned a little in amusement as he lit up a cigarette. "Don't scare our volunteers," he said, looking into the room where Blake was being kept. Ooh, rough looking little fellow, wasn't he? A cockroach and nothing more, his glares were about as frightening to Damien as fly buzzing in the ear.
The moment Mei came into view, Blake's bad mood shifted and for the first time since he had been locked up in this hell hole, he felt good about himself. He hadn't cooperated with them once, hadn't even spoken to any of them if they tried to ask him questions. But that was because he didn't get any amusement from men. Oh, but the way that Ice bitch glared at him, he loved it. And she seemed...different. The way she walked was different. There was a subtle change in the way she moved her lips. He knew what was up.

"Well finally, the Queen graces me with her presence...her sexy, sultry presence. Someone must have fucked you good, and very recently too." Blake grinned, and seeing her squirm was the best. Her cheeks got red, her glare got angrier, and that sexy gait turned into her stomping towards him as she went to undo his chains. They were finally going to do the transfer, and Blake knew that he was finally going to be free soon.
"Mouthy little brat, aren't you?" Damien said after a moment, head tilting as he followed behind Mei. "Might want to keep your mouth shut, before your tongue gets cut off."
Blake glared at Damien. Nothing ruined the mood more than a guy sticking his dick where it didn't Blake's business. "Fuck off." He growled before turning back to Mei, but when he did he felt something extremely cold spreading from the back of his head to his mouth.

"I'm not in the mood for you and your bullshit." She told him coldly as she completely gagged the boy with her ice. She then released his last shackle and forced him up, cuffing his hands behind his back as she shoved him forward. "Walk."
"Ah, that's his game," Damien said casually, following behind them. "Explains quite a bit, a rat will always be a rat." he mused, taking a drag of his cigarette. "This should be a quick trip," if all went well, at any rate.
"Should be. Our new building isn't really that far from here." Mei told him. Yeah, seemed like he only wanted to talk to girls. No wonder the only people he allied himself with were girls.

Once Mei got to the transport van, she opened the back and shoved him in. Though she hated the way he stared at her. It was unnerving, and she got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Not just because the creep was staring at her, but because...he seemed way too happy. Something was up.
Damien moved to get in as well, but stopped and glanced behind him a moment. Smoke lazily lifting from his cigarette. A girl was walking up, her head up, eyes...glowing? she walked with a purpose. A worn hoodie and...little else? Other than the shackles. What in the hell...?

"Guess we know what his smug little shit ass is going on about now," Damien said, pushing off the van to stand in front of it, hands in his pockets. Something about her
Mei looked up at saw the dark skinned girl as well. Her black hair did little to conceal those eyes of hers...which had a faint glow to them. Was this one of the new volunteers Damien's words made her think twice about that. Mei put her hand on the hilt of her sword. "What's your purpose?" She demanded, though the girl said nothing..she just kept walking towards them. This caused her to start to draw her sword.

But the moment Kitten heard that sound..the sound of a weapon unsheathing..her eyes went wide and she lunged herself forward, sending a kick straight into Mei's abdomen..which caught her completely off guard. Mei cried out as she was sent flying back. What the hell? Why couldn't she move fast enough to block?!

Kitten then looked up at Damien with feral, wild eyes and then tried to strike him with an uppercut..using both her fists.
Damien blocked it with a grunt, hands grabbing hers and forcing them down with a burst of spirit energy before moving to strike her across the face. Mei was never one to take things the patient route anymore, was she? Oh well, he could use a workout...this girl moved fast, and hit hard. But he still couldn't shake that strange feeling.

"Mei, get the van moving!" Damien said quickly.
The black haired girl was about to counter attack, though something stopped her. She ducked to avoid Damien's fist, and then she just..turned her back and ran towards the Van. Mei was also going for it, though she didn't expect Kitten's next move. The ground beneath each tire began to glow red and every single one of them blew out. Mei couldn't move the van if she wanted to now. The only thing she could do is defend it....because she already knew what this girls motive was. She wasn't going to let her get close to their prisoner.

A closer inspection and it seemed like the ground had...melted. Lava...she was a lava user. Mei hated those, especially now when she could feel the ground getting hot around her. Before she could use her ice, the woman was on her. Sending a flurry of punches and kicks as she breathed and growled heavily. Mei could barely keep up with it all, and every time she hurt and her iced shell couldn't form in time to be of any use. Who was she?!
"Bad move," Damien 'tsk'd as he moved forward, his hands glowing with spirit energy as he moved to strike her from behind. Young girl or not, she had some serious talent...who in the hell was she? Wasn't very often you saw a young girl with this kind of strength. He might actually have to put some effort in.
Her reaction time was...uncanny. She dodged Damien's attack as if someone told her to right as he came from behind. She looked at the two, her eyes going from one to the other. Mei was panting slightly as she drew her sword. She..couldn't hold back. This girl was really strong..and fast. But she wasn't moving...she seemed to be trying to decide which of them to attack first.
"Well now," Damien said, spitting out his cigarette. This was a change, wasn't it? How did she see that coming? Guess they needed to do this the hard way, didn't they? "You got anything to say for yourself, little girl? This is a serious thing you're doing."
For a moment, she just stood there. It didn't even look like she heard Damien. She was stuck in her own thoughts, her face twitching slightly before she suddenly darted towards the van. "I'm not going to let you!" Mei shouted, though when she tried to move closer to the van she felt a hiss of heat and had to jump over the lava that sprayed from the girls foot.

Kitten kept making a bee line for the van, her lava hardening almost instantly so she could ram Mei to the side to get to her objective. When Mei thrusted her sword towards her chest, she parried easily with the cuffs on her wrist and smacked Mei in the face with her chains in one fluid movement.
Unfortunate, but Damien used the opening to try and grab the chains and yank her arms back as hard as he could, his arms glowing with spirit energy. "Not so fast, girl!" How was she so damn quick at reacting!? He had to be quicker, which is what his spirit energy was doing, enhancing everything from his feet to his eyes. It was going to make him sick as a dog if he kept it up too long.
Mei grunted and backed up, holding one of her eyes. She felt blood...and it stung...but she moved her hand away and took the opening Damien had created when he grabbed her chains and yanked her away. Though when she swung at her once again, a swift movement from her steel toed boots kicked Mei's rapier from her hand. Fine...if she wasn't going to be armed she still had her ice. She grabbed her by the foot with her free hand and started freezing her from her foot towards her body.
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