School Rumble (Broom and I)

Damien pressed her head against his hand and slammed her down into the pavement, his arm glowing with spirit energy with a faint growl. What in the...? His arm twitched, and he let out a surprised yelp of pain, his hand smoking. How in the hell?!
As soon as Damien was distracted by the pain, Kitten kneed him in the gut and then pulled herself from underneath her. A simple kick on the ground shattered Mei's ice, but Mei didn't let her get up without at least attempting to attack her once more, this time a little bit more hands on. Using her scabbard, she swung at her, aiming for her head. Though Kitten once again used her boot as a defense...and a damn good one. Though Mei kept the scabbard firmly in her hand this time as she wound back for another hit. In this case, the best defense was an unrelenting offense.
"Mei," Damien groaned, shit...she hit hard. "Let...let her go," he coughed, hand on his stomach. "Just let her go!" Something very, very wrong was with that made her skin crawl. "We're not going to get anywhere doing this!"
"What?! Why?!" Mei shouted, though suddenly she felt her scabbard get caught as Kitten sat up all the way from the ground. She pulled it back, and in that moment of distraction she felt something sharp hit her right in her knee. A cry of pain escaped her as she felt down to the girls level and saw her face. Those glowing eyes were dead. She had no emotion on her face as she suddenly moved her hands forward, shoving Mei to the ground. She pressed her chain hard against her neck, cutting off her air passage as a flicker of anger was seen across her face.

..Guess this was why.
Damien moved forward raggedly, into the smoking van. They couldn't stop her...not yet. He had to move fast, though, as he shattered the frozen locks keeping Blake in place and shoving him out, pushing him onto the pavement.

"Take him," Damien grunted. "That's what you're here for, isn't it? Take him, call it even." he said, spitting out blood. "You're going to have worse problems if you keep choking Mei, you understand?"
When Damien came in and released him, he had the smuggest look on his beaten and battered face. He stepped out of the van, but he was surprised to see her. Hmm, they must have been bored. Or maybe they overestimated this trash.

Kitten looked up at saw Blake, temporarily ignoring the writhing DC leader under her. She suddenly got up and then started walking towards Blake and Damian, leaving Mei coughing and sputtering on the ground. Fuck! He couldn't just give him away like that! He had o be punished and so did this girl. But Mei couldn't move....her leg hurt too much, and she was still recovering from nearly being choked as she gasped and sputtered for air.
Damien shoved Blake forward to her, moving to help Mei up. "Easy...easy," Damien murmured. "Can't win them all, boss." he said, helping her up.
Mei clung to Damien, still breathing heavily. There was a bright red indentation in her skin that came from the links being pressed against her neck..they would more than likely bruise. "Damien...don't...just let them...walk away..." She wheezed, though the moment she stepped forward on her bad leg she nearly fell to the ground again. Damn...she got her really good.

"Good look for you, Ice Queen. Hanging off a man like a weak little girl." Blake taunted before Kitten started walking forward, grabbing him by his sleeve. That was his cue to go, and probably to follow her too. She didn't talk much...but he knew when he needed to visit those freaky twins. They probably would tell him off or something about getting captured. Not his fault that his sisters never showed up.
"Hey, easy!" Damien said, ignoring Blake as he leaned forward, hand ghosting across her neck to tend to the injury. He'd do what he could...but everyone seemed to need bed rest lately...maybe it was time Damien started becoming a little more strict about these little outings they were doing, they couldn't risk this mess all the time.
Blake followed Kitten all the way back to her little hideout with her other two boyfriends. He honestly found the girl crazier than he was, because she never fucking talked unless her boyfriends were around. Plus whenever her eyes got like that, it freaked him out. Not that they were like that all the time...but usually whenever she had to fight something.

"Nice place you got here." He said as they started to walk up the stairs to some fancy ass house in the center of Blue's most historical district...and rich. Ugh he hated being over here.

Kitten said nothing as she opened the door and led him into the nice two story house. It had been recently restored into a dwelling for a family, so it was more than enough space for the three of them. The Asian influence though was a little much for Blake. Or not enough. He seemed bored as Kitten led him to the main room. He had never been here before, tried to avoid these twin fuckers as much as he could.
"Blake," A handsome, well dressed chinese boy said with a smile that was something like a coiled viper. Di Zhao, one of two Di brothers. "It's so nice to see you again, now...correct me if I'm wrong...but I do recall us saying that we wanted a minimal fuss from you," he said, clicking his tongue. "I believe that is right, isn't it, brother?" At that cue, wisps of spirit energy appeared behind Kitten, moving out of her entire body as it formed to a person. Both of them were strikingly handsome, with soft brown eyes. The other brother appeared to be naked as he appeared behind Kitten, hand on her head. His once...demonic looking claws shifted back to a normal looking set of hands and feet as he stroked Kitten's head. She was a good girl.

"I recall something being said like that, Zhao." Shi smirked in amusement. "It seems our dear Lady Xi is giving you far too much leeway."
Kittten took a deep breath as Shi separated from her, leaning into his touch when he patted her head. Her eyes were no longer glowing but still a beautiful sapphire color. What the hell? He honestly couldn't tell the two apart, but he had no idea one of them could...possess people. That was just freaky. "Yeah well, I didn't do anything I wasn't supposed to." Blake said as he kept his eyes off the naked twin. Gross, and awkward. But he had to behave. He knew how strong these two were. "I did what little big sis wanted, I played with that DC slut as much as I wanted to. How was I supposed to know the Ice bitch would go crazy psycho Ice bitch over it?"
Zhao was on him in an instant, perhaps an instant was being almost generous. He was simply there...and then in front of Blake. The grip on his neck was crushing, spirit energy burning between his fingers.

"That's because the two of them are friends, you twisted little cockroach," Zhao said, his expression never going past minor annoyance, but the look in his eyes was while as Shi stroked Kitten's hair affectionately, leaning down to whisper affectionate little nothings into her ear. She had done an excellent job today, and she would be rewarded properly for her hard work when Zhao was done dealing with the gutter trash.

"Not only did you make yourself the number one problem of the DC, we had to waste our time to stop you from becoming a thorn in my side, which is starting to grow more than a little irritated," he said. "Which means now, they are suspicious, all because you don't have the brain cells to understand what 'subtle' is." he said, grimacing in distaste.
Kitten didn't seem to be be interested in the spectacle before her. She wasn't interested in Blake at all, just doing as Shi and Zhao wished. She moved closer to him and nuzzled against his naked body, closing her eyes as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Blake started choking his hands reaching up to try to pry his fingers away. But he knew better. If anything, all the girls had drilled it into his mind to never fuck with these three. They dropped to their sides as his expression went from anger to panic as he tried to gasp for air. "Won't..happen again.." That was all he could manage to choke out. He was yielding like a good dog, like he was taught to.
"Good," Zhao muttered, eyes narrowed as he dropped him. "Because if we have to waste our time with you again, you won't have a dog house to crawl home to with your tail between your legs. Now get out of here before I change my mind and mount your head on my wall," he growled. "And tell Xi and her little band that I will be visiting very soon to clear up loose ends, you understand?"
Blake dropped to the ground, taking deep breaths before he finished listening to Zhao's message. Fuck..he almost pissed his pants..he could tell that these three were..just out of his league. Even the girl....who seemed to have beaten the ice queen so damn easy without even a scratch...fuck it, he didn't have to tell him to leave twice. Blake hauled ass out of that place, leaving the three alone.

"...He's not worthy to fight for our cause." Kitten said softly as she shifted her arms to rest on Shi's chest, hearing the chains rattle in the process.
"Desperate times, Kitten," Zhi smiled faintly, fingers running through her hair. "More importantly...we should talk about those who are worthy," he purred. "And the rewards she gets for being a good girl."

"I agree," Zhao smiled, moving behind her to kiss her cheek. "As always, have done more than we could hope for."
Kitten smiled at them both. The affection of two strong, good people was nice. She truly loved them a little more than the other but that was because of their connection that they shared in body and..spirit. "I did what I could, which wasn't much. Master Shi kept me focused and protected me from harm." She was humble and modest. She owed everything to these two.
"There are strong fighters in the DC, Zhao," Shi murmured. "One almost got her," That would be discussed later, however...there were more important things at present.

"I see," Zhao said. "Well then, Kitten...why don't you be a good girl and run a bath for us all, hm?" he said, letting his hand roam down to squeeze her rear eagerly. "We must clean you properly..."
Kitten shivered softly and bowed her head a little. "Yes, Master Zhao. I look forward to being groomed by you and Master Shi." Her blue eyes flashed to them both once more just before she moved towards the bathroom and then did as they asked. She really did look forward to it..their baths were one of the best rewards they could ever give her when she was a good girl...
"We spoil her," Shi sighed faintly as Zhao shrugged, following after her.

"She's worth it," Zhao murmured. She had never done anything to upset either of them, in fact...she seemed to be dedicated to preventing that very thing.
As soon as the bath was drawn, Kitten was out of her old, torn up and shredded jacket. The actual clothes underneath were designer...nice. A pair of denim short shorts and a nice slim fitting tee with a blue heart on the front. Why she wore that old torn up jacket was a mystery to most. But it was the only thing Kitten had that might be able to jog her memory of her her past..she always wore it.

The rest of her clothes came off as soon as she was done folding it up. She put everything in a neat pile, and then slid her slim, naked body into the large bath tub that was big enough for at least four people. The water was hot, and felt good to her skin and muscles. But the part that would feel better was coming soon.
Zhao chuckled a little in amusement with Shi as they came in. "Impatient, aren't you?" Shi grinned, ruffling her hair as he slid beside her with a faint hiss and a satisfied sigh, arm around her casually. "Ah...that's the stuff...maybe if Zhao wasn't so lazy doing nothing, he could savor the victory properly, right, Kitten?"

"Very funny," Zhao said dryly, shrugging out of his jacket and shirt to show a toned, muscular chest that left very little to the imagination. Like an Olympic swimmer ready to dive into the water. They had similar builds, actually...most of them were similar.
Kitten giggled a bit before resting her head against Shi's shoulder as she watched Zhao strip his clothing off. They were very similar being twins, but she could easily tell them apart since she spent every single day with them. She lifted her bare wrists up and smiled sheepishly. Normally she let them take off her shackles, but she knew how to escape from them herself when she needed to. "I was. I'm sorry...I was excited." She apologized.
"Tsk tsk," Zhao purred, shifting out of his pants as he slid into the bath, kissing her exposed wrists. "You know what that means, little Kitten...we have to punish you first, before we pet you for being a good girl."

"Your turn, brother." Shi grinned, hand running along Kitten's hair. "I think she likes your harder touch when you spank her. I'm too soft." Of course, Zhao was the stronger of the two anyway...but his weakness brought him his...very unique strength.
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