School Rumble (Broom and I)

"No," Jana smiled faintly, scooting up a little on her bed. She looked much better, in all honesty. She had soaked herself in a hot bath, she felt less disgusted with herself...and there was something kind of touching about how protective Mei was being right now. She was usually never so...cuddly. Her room had been hastily assembled anyway, but it was Jana's room regardless. "You didn't have to do this, Mrs. Wolfe." Still, she appreciated it...a lot.
"Oh yes I did." Megumi told her as she set the flowers down by her night stand and then hugged Jana first, glancing at Mei who didn't really respond to her at all. Did she even know she was in the room? "I'm sorry about what happened. Alaric is still fuming about it." She then turned to Mel and gave her a small smile. "It's nice to see you, Mel...despite the circumstances." Megumi wrapped her arms around Mel tightly. It had been so long since they had talked. Since Mei was a small child.
"Nice to see you too, Megumi," Mel smiled, giving her the hug back in return. She had to remind herself to keep it polite, for various reason. "Thanks for coming by...means a lot to me."

"Don't worry about me," Jana smiled, arm around Mei's shoulder to jar her out of whatever angry spell she was in. "It's all thanks to my hero, right here."
Mei forced a smile for Jana, but she was still out of it. She wanted to know who those five were and what they had to gain from doing something so horrible. Not to mention, if it happened to Jana, could happen to anyone else. They seemed like red territory, so she would put a restriction on some of the less capable members whenever they were over in that territory.

"I was going to come by anyway when Alaric told me the news. I was hand picking those flowers when you called. Didn't expect it so I rushed over here." Megumi walked over to Mei, seeing that her daughter was troubled by something. Both she and Alaric were worried about her. "You're okay, too? Alaric told me you had a few minor injuries and.."

"I'm fine." Mei told her mother as she held Jana tighter. "Those people were nothing. They just caught Jana off guard is all."
"I'm okay, Mei," Jana promised with a smile. Who was consoling who, now? "We'll figure this out one step at a time, okay?" she promised.

"You always were a tough girl," Mel sighed. "...You sure you're fine, Jana?"

"I have Mei, of course I'm fine," she stated with an easy confidence that reminded Mel far too much of herself. Like mother, like daughter, she supposed. "I knew she'd save me, we are partners after all. I really appreciate you and Megumi coming down, means a lot to me."
"..Yeah." Mei answered before looking away from her. Jana was safe, and she said she was okay but...Mei didn't feel like things were okay, and she couldn't get the urge to hurt Blake out of her system. "Tomorrow our building will be ready with everything we need, so..our investigation on these people will start as soon as possible." She commented. They could start searching student files electronically now. Computers were a good thing.

"I really do commend your courage, Jana. I also really like seeing how much faith you have in my daughter. She's a good girl." Megumi trailed off and looked at Mel. "Do you mind if we talk in private?"
Jana glanced to Mei and frowned faintly, but said nothing. What could she say that'd fix it? Mei could get inside her head so much that not even Jana could sink into it. Regardless, Mel nodded and excused herself after a affectionate peck on Jana's cheek. She smiled warmly at that, but watched their mothers go out of the room.

"...What's on your mind, Megumi?" Mel asked, shutting the door behind her.
Firstly, Megumi hugged Mel again. Her height made it easy for her to sink her head into between her large breasts. She nuzzled her head there as she held on tight in a much more..friendlier hug. "I really missed you, you know that?" She told her, looking up into her eyes. "Didn't forget about you once...I'm sorry I never tried to reach out. I just thought...that you weren't interested in being apart of my life anymore. I know you don't like him still.."
Mel blinked a little in surprise as the sudden hug, stumbling back a little. Well, this brought back memories she had long since buried, but her body sure remembered the feeling. It had been a long time since Megumi had hugged her like this. It was...hard to not think of how they used to be, but she ignored it for the moment and smiled just a little. "Well, I don't...that's true," she admitted. "...But you had your kid and all, Megumi...I had work, it just kind of happened...I missed you too. But look at you," she teased. "You look hot, guess the rich life does wonders for you, eh?"
Megumi looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah...It did. Can't say the same for my skills but..I might want to start getting back into the practice." Her smile faded and she crossed her arms, glancing at the door they just came from. "This isn't just kids playing together anymore. Torture...her captors wanted something from her. I doubt it was just to lure Mei over there, they didn't need to do that to Jana to get Mei to pay attention to them. This entire thing doesn't seem right. I'm worried about these DC kids. I'm worried for Jana...and I'm worried for Mei."
"Agreed," Mel murmured. "Something really riled up after Kishi died...for better or worse, it can't be helped now. These kids might need a hand, Megumi. I think I'm going to hang around and see what we can do. This sort of thing is more than just Turuga, someone is really gunning for something." she frowned. "And if people are willing to do that to get it, I don't know if we should leave it alone."
"We shouldn't. We may not be able to fight all their battles for them, but..we need to at least be there for them. In case anything like this ever happens again. They need help. Jana and Mei got a lot of volunteers rallied but most of them can't fight worth a damn." Megumi ran her fingers through her hair while was was in deep thought. "I'm worried about how Mei is taking all this. Right now she' Tomorrow she's got more things to deal with, like moving everything over to their temporary building. But I'm not sure if she's in any condition.." She knew when her daughter was bottling everything up, and it was an explosion waiting to happen. The problem is she never could get through to her now that she was older.
"You leave that to Jana," Mel smiled, hand on Megumi's shoulder. "They obviously know how each other work way better than we will, kids are annoying like that. Have a little faith, alright? I'm sure Jana knows too. It's been rough for everyone, Megumi...especially her. Stop worrying, it'll give you grey hair," she said, shifting that arm around her neck to pull her closer with an easy smirk. "Besides, you and I are here, what could possibly go wrong?"
"'re right. I's odd getting use to the thought of my daughter having a friend." Megumi smiled at that, her eyes going to Mel's chest. She missed those too, they looked just as good as ever. "I trust Jana, though. One hundred percent. But yes...worrying won't get me anywhere. I suppose that part of Alaric has grown on me." She laughed a bit.
Mel didn't say anything, but she did find her stare a tiny bit...exciting. Was...she getting checked out? "Ugh, don't say that..." Mel groaned. "Don't tell me he's fucked all of the fun out of you!" She honestly had no idea what in the world she saw in Alaric when it all happened. He was about as exciting as a dry rock in the desert, even when he was younger...he as bland and dull. Stability, maybe? Supposed it was possible. But Mel knew that as long as Megumi was happy, she'd be okay.

" I can still be fun." Megumi grinned before placing a hand on one of her voluptuous hips. "He tries to shut it down when it gets to be too much for him. Like the other night, he was so angry that I let Mei's boyfriend stay the night...but you know. I'm sure they've had many opportunities to do it, so what's one more?"
"That's the Megumi I remember," Mel chuckled, arm back around her shoulder. "Come on, let's get some tea and catch up...there's not a whole lot we can do here today, let's let the girls rest up before we harass them tomorrow, my place?" As much as she wanted to make sure Jana was doing okay, she had a feeling that Mei was making sure of that enough for three people.
"Yeah, that sounds good." Megumi said with a smile before opening the door so they could say their goodbyes. "Mel and I are going out for tea, girls. You two have a goodnight." Mei looked at her mother and then nodded.

"Goodnight, mother." She said stiffly.
Jana waited until Megumi closed the door, then she slugged Mei on the arm with a frown. "You stop that," she mumbled. "Your Mom is really nice, and she was as worried for me as she was for you, be nice...what's wrong with you, Mei?"
Mei flinched and then looked at Jana, not sure what she did wrong. She wasn't thinking when she answered, at least not about her. "..I don't know." Lie. She was lying, she didn't want to lie. "I'm just angry. I'm angry at something and I want to hurt someone, but...hopefully that feeling goes away." She trailed off, feeling a little bad for not properly thanking Komoku. Maybe she should do that. Would also give her an excuse to figure out where he goes after he's done beating people up.

" you know where Komoku lives? I need to thank him...for helping me save you."
Komoku? Jana blinked a little at that. Maybe she would have seen if Mei was lying if she didn't throw out something like that. Hearing Mei thank Komoku for anything was pretty incredible. But it worried her, too. This didn't seem like her, but it had been a crazy time lately.

"...Yeah," Jana murmured, head tilted in genuine concern. "He um...he lives on Peacock Street. The apartment complex, third room on second floor." Since there were only two, wouldn't be real hard to find that out.
"Thanks..." Mei gave Jana a tight hug and then held her hand. "I'm gonna ask Kuki to keep an eye on you, Jana. I need to do this tonight before I forget because tomorrow I've got a lot of stuff to do with the new place and all. Firstly I have to make sure the cells are secure before I transfer that sicko over there, and then there's the interrogation and a few meetings I need to get to...ugh. Promise me you'll rest, okay?" She gave her a small smile. She didn't want Jana to worry about her.
"I will, I will..." Jana murmured, hand over hers. "And I want you to relax, okay?" She totally wasn't, she wasn't going to let Mei run around and do things, she could help around here, at least. She didn't want to rush out into the field again so soon, but there was something she could do here, she was quite sure of it.
"..Sure." Mei nodded and then walked out, a little hesitant to be separated from Jana so soon. Though she found Kuki, not that it was hard. That girl seemed to be around her all the time, or at least nearby. And Mei didn't mind it. She thought it was cute. But she was more than happy to be around Jana tonight to check on her.

Third room second floor, Jana said. She sighed and then wondered if this was really a good idea but...well she was here now. She knocked on the door and a small amount of hope that he wasn't home struck her thoughts. But she had to do this. She'd feel bad if she didn't.
The door slid open, almost curiously. Sure enough, Komoku was home as he dried his hair with a towel. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, the impressive bulge of his cock nestled casually against the fabric. His toned muscles glistened faintly with dampness, and it was littered with the occasional bruise from his fight with Emma. Every inch of him was tight and toned, and his hands drying his hair tightened up his pecs and arms. And like the last group before him, it was probably surprising that the apartment behind him was almost spotlessly clean.

"...Oh, hey Boss, er...Mei," Komoku grinned. "Let me guess, Masami started blabbing about how I'm a great cook and you needed to be swept off your feet?"
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