School Rumble (Broom and I)

"You know,'s not an ambush if you scream 'ambush' when we do it," Dujae said dryly as Sejae grounded his feet with ice picks, his breath frosting a moment in focus. Dujae wasn't going to complain about Catalina, last thing he needed however...was another crazy woman in his life.

"What, you serious?" Komoku said, shouldering his kanabo after a moment. "I thought it was pretty dramatic, gets the panties wet...assuming these women wear panties."

"...Ugh," Emma grumbled, rising up to her feet. She didn't care about being topless, they had more important things to do as Li rolled back the hammer, giving it a lazy spin. "You're as much of a pig as they say."

"You okay, Boss?" Komoku asked easily. "Shouldn't be running off on your own, you're a big shot now, y'know?"
Mei looked over to Komoku and narrowed her eyes. "I'm fine. They took Jana. I didn't care if I was alone." She said coldly before her eyes went back to Li. "I have fought four people at once before, anyway."

Catalina turned to make sure Emma was okay. Seeing her heavy breasts and chocolate colored nipples exposed was hot. "Oh man, he really got you Emma. That's a good look for you though!" Catalina smirked but then turned back to her opponent. "Want to come at me close range, papi? I promise I don't bite! You can even tear my shirt off if you want."

"What a pain..." Julianna whined as she strapped her shield to her arm and took on her fighting stance, looking at Sejae. Now it was a fair fight...lame.
"I know," Komoku said after a moment. "But you're not doing shit out here being so angry, so calm down. We've got this," he assured with an easy grin. "That fireball of yours is a tough girl, Mei. She'll be fine. We need to do this right so it doesn't happen again, yeah?" Who knew that Komoku Rokujo was decent at comfort? Emma grimaced at Cat, shifting the earth around her chest for some more durable armor. Komoku...complicated things, but not enough to make a problem they couldn't handle.

"Li, with me," Emma murmured, and Li was more than happy to agree.

Dujae tilted his head a little at that, shifting into his stance. Red women...crazy bitches, all of them. "Please, ladies first," he said dryly.

"No kidding," Sejae agreed, flexing his fingers. Wind would complicate things, but he could manage. He narrowed his eyes carefully, frost settled on his feet. He'd have to get in closer to really stop her from doing her little wind tricks...
As much as Mei didn't want to admit it..Komoku was right. She needed to calm herself. She couldn't use her ice efficiently like this. Still...the things that they had done to Jana...she hated them for it, and...her anger was still flaring at Komoku. But for now..she silenced those emotions and her face composed itself as her two attackers joined forces. Were they going to come at them together? She needed to...think logically and plan. Lightning and earth...that woman in the glasses punched like a freight train. She'd have to make sure her defense stayed up. The air got warmer for everyone except Mei and Komoku, who was close enough to feel the temperature drop even further. She would work with him for now...slowing an enemies attack or stopping them altogether would be her focus.

"Suit yourself." Catalina purred before lunging at him, her foot steps thundering as a high pitched battle cry left her mouth. She was going to enjoy getting tangled up with such a hottie.

Julianna smirked at that and then looked at his feet. Was he just going to stand there and take her ranged attacks? Well..if he was just going to stand there then she would just start fire wind slices at him. These would cut a little bit deeper than that earlier gust. She was better at defensive offensive than vice versa. He'd have to close in sooner or later.
"Watch the little one," Komoku said after a moment, stabbing his club into the ground as the pavement simply crumpled and sunk it into the dirt, cracking his knuckles with an eager smirk. "I'll handle our instigator." Emma narrowed her eyes as she settled into her stance, Komoku tilted his head a little. Ooh, Muay-Thai? No wonder she looked so ripped, this was going to be fun. Li kept her hammer on a lazy swing to maintain the momentum, lightning sparking every so often as Komoku moved forward. Emma grit her teeth in focus before she surged forward, leaping into a half hop to close the distance and strike with her knee. Komoku dodged, smacking it away with a faint little explosion that cracked the armor on her joints. Ouch, that stung...didn't want to do that too many times. While Emma was engaged with Komoku, Li gave a faint little spin and brought her hammer down above them as Emma darted away. They had incredible teamwork...this wasn't the first time they had fought like this.

Talk about a freight train...Dujae let loose a wide kick that sent an arc of fire forward, then spun around to send one low. Getting close was a bad idea, but she seemed surprisingly agile. Might be one or the other.

Sejae moved forward and jerked left and right, his breath still misting. His feet were gliding on spots of ice, but he only needed to get halfway there before he clutched his hand close to his mouth and blew through it. Sejae returned the faor, except his was almost numbingly cold, and sent thousands of little pinpricks to cut her clothes and nick her skin.
Mei came up from behind Komoku and then caught Li's hammer by the cord, using her sword to deflect it and then close the gap, icing her fist over and using it to punch Li in the stomach. She trusted Komoku just this make sure Emma didn't rush her while she distracted Li. Neither of them were going to chain their attacks together if Mei had anything to say about it. They fought better as a team, but she had never really fought alongside anyone..not even Jana. So Mei figured the best course of action was to keep them separated.

Catalina moved her her arms in front of her, shielding herself from the fire. When she got caught in it, she roared and then swung her arms down to her side, causing the fire to disperse around her. Then she looked down at his feet and grinned, three thick roots shooting from the ground and whipping at him. A distraction was all she needed to get up close...

Julianna narrowed her eyes when he didn't close the distance between them. She saw him raising his hands to her mouth. "Man, fuck that." She growled before doing the same. His breath attack was met with hers, and once they hit they cancelled each other out. "Come on, when are you gonna stop dancing around? Fight me so I can get this over with."
The deflection wasn't good, because the heavy weight attached to the end simply slammed against her blade and Li pulled the hammer back and swung the other end down while Mei was off balance. Komoku ducked and weaved through Emma's strikes, her blows were fast and firm as he grinned in amusement, dancing around her rapid strikes before he blocked and slammed his fist into her stomach, shattering her armor with an explosion. She didn't hesitate to rush forward, slamming her elbow on the top of his skull with a pained grunt from Komoku, which was cemented by a firm knee to his jaw that sent him stumbling back

"Durable little bear, aren't you?" Dujae grunted, rolling and weaving gracefully to avoid the plants as he cut them with swings of his firey legs. He didn't have much choice.

"I'm quite fine where I am, are you?" Sejae said casually, dusting off his arm as he started to move closer. He was in no hurry, unlike the wilder of the two, he was patient. Able to wait until he found a proper opening to exploit.
Mei moved her sword just in time to block but not parry, holding the top part of her blade in place with the palm of her hand. The thin sword seemed to not take too kindly but such a harsh force from the weight, and the hand that had held the tip of her blade steady was stinging badly. She moved her foot forward and froze the ground underneath Li, moving around her in attempts to find an opening to strike. Her weapon made it hard, but not impossible.

Catalina seemed to have been just out of range to take advantage of the opening, but with a flex of her thigh muscle she hurled herself into Dujae to bring him onto the ground. The weight of her body alone was her initial attack. "Uhuh..." She cooed with a smirk before quickly sitting up and bringing her elbow down on him for another attack.

"...I guess." Julianna said as she scratched the back of her head. She would get the most level headed of the bunch. He was slowly advancing though, so that was good. She had her hands lazily stuck in her pockets right now, though she was studying his every movement. The way he moved...hmm. She'd have to be careful. "Sorry about this." Julianna sent a wave of air from the ground up, blowing all sorts of dust and dirt in his way as she started dashing towards him behind the cloud. She could find openings was just a pain.
Emma turned on a dime, her foot slamming into the ground before the shockwaves rumbled through the pavement, cracking the forming ice as Li narrowed her eyes, she kept her momentum somewhat as lightning rippled across the heavy end of her meteor hammer and she moved forward, switching ends again to bring it down above her head. That was the only help Li would be able to get from Emma for a while. Komoku moved behind her, faster than Emma would like to admit as she turned with a grit of her teeth. "That's just rude, Komoku said dryly, but then she saw stars as his fist connected with her jaw, her eyes dilating in surprise as she staggered back with a heavy pant. Shit, he hit as hard as she did...

For such a big, shapely girl...she moved fast. Dujae couldn't move fast enough as he slammed into the pavement with her on top of him, grunting out in pain. Her jerked to the side when her elbow came down, hand sinking behind her neck and returning the favor with a sharp, fiery punch against her nose.

Sejae didn't see it coming, but that was probably the point as he closed his eyes with a faint grunt. By the time he had opened them, she was coming in fast. A different tactic, one that he could appreciate. He simply waited, settling into a casual stance as he spit dirt out of his mouth. Tricky woman, wasn't she?
"Tch." Her ice wasn't going to work like that with that behemoth of a woman rampaging about with Komoku. If she could only get her to stop moving! Mei's tactics in the past would not work on this type of fighter. She had to stop her from moving. Gravity made the hammer fall fast, but she was faster. And once it hit the ground next to her she quickly stomped on the cord and a large glacier of ice formed around it, trapping it long enough for Mei to finally close the distance now that that she had stopped her weapon, at least for now. Mei glared at the woman as she went for a horizontal cut across her torso.

Dujae's punch connected with Catalina, and she grunted with pain as her head snapped back from the punch. She could feel her skin burn as well. But she grabbed him by the arm and then used her legs trap him in an arm bar. "Rude, hitting a lady and making her nose bleed. I'll have to teach you a lesson for that..." She snarled as she started pulling with all her strength.

Julianna recognized that casual stance. So it was going to be one of those fights? She'd have to be careful then, but they couldn't just stand around. The quicker she defeated this guy, the better. She took her hands out of her pockets and came at him with a quick, safe punch towards his throat.
Li smirked a little in amusement, letting go of her weapon and ducking low. She didn't honestly think that her only trick was that weapon, did she? She spun low and rose up, her leg aiming to connect solidly with her jaw in a brilliant scatter of lightning. Komoku advanced on Emma, throwing out a jab to test the defenses that Emma weaved and struck back with her own. Komoku smirked a little as Emma's eyes narrowed. He was being awfully conservative, and she didn't like it. It was almost like he was toying with her, did he not think she was worth the effort?

"Ugh, wrestlers..." Dujae said, his hand squirming desperately as he pawed around her chest, gripping her shirt by the buttons. Fuck, if he wasn't quick about this, he'd have a dislocated arm. It didn't help that her thick legs were on top of his chest. She was naturally shapely, but this was just muscle. Ugh. Fine. It took some effort for him to push his hand back, but he linked his fingers together and mashed it against her leg to weaken the grip, he settled his feet as best he could and pushed through with a growl keeping pressure on her leg and arching his back and spinning to face her, his hips mashed between her legs as he dropped his elbow to the ground and the other on her throat with a heavy exhale. "Shit,'re about as rough as Komoku is," he grimaced, flames licking her neck in warning.

Sejae battered it away with his own hand, catching the wrist as the tops of his fingers and knuckles hardened with ice and he slammed into her gut, his foot shifting back behind her heel to try and trip her.
Mei gasped in surprise and narrowly dodged her kick, but not the lightning that came with it. She bit her lip in pain but she endured, quickly recovering her balance and focus as she felt her muscles twitch with pain. She could tell that if she got hit by the physical strike, she would have been sent to the ground. She was a close ranged fighter as well, and she couldn't allow herself to take anything that wasn't necessary. Not when she wasn't covered in her iced shell. She had lower defense but higher speed...but the trade off was worth it considering she had to worry about the physical attack and the lightning technique that came with it. She couldn't get hit with lightning too many times...otherwise her muscles would lock up on her. She lifted up her sword and then focused on Li, reassessing her abilities and openings for now.

Catalina was so close to hearing his arm dislocate, but she felt a sharp pain on her leg that drew her attention towards him. Too late though, he had already maneuvered out of her arm bar to her surprise and all of a sudden he was in between the legs she so proud displayed with her short skirt. "Daaamnnn..." Catalina purred despite being at a disadvantage. "Never had this happen before. Estoy Cachondo...." She licked her lips and then looked up at him as she felt the heat on her neck. Not much she could do, but that didn't mean she couldn't do anything. Small, harmless vines began to crawl between them, though she attempted to be very subtle about it to not set him off right away. "That means, I'm horny..."

Yeah, she thought so. She willingly took the blow to her stomach. It hurt, a lot...but she wanted to see how much of a threat he was. She sensed that he was about to trip her, but she jumped up in the air and stayed there for a moment thanks to her wind element. She twisted around and used her other arm to grab the one that had caught her wrist. She then proceeded to push him back with her rear, attempting to sling him over her body so she could get him on the ground.
"You didn't honestly think I was as useless and one sided as you are, ice bitch?" Li purred in amusement, lightning rippling across her toned body. "Unlike you, I know I can be better. You lose that pretty little needle, and then what? You're trash like the people you hang around with. Shame this is taking so long, I bet that pretty slut of yours is a ruined mess by now," she smirked. "Blake always did like breaking his toys after so long..."

Komoku grimaced faintly at Emma, she wasn't the problem...Mei was, Li was right though. Even if they weren't stalling, every moment, Jana could be getting worse. Emma shifted forward again, jerking forward with her knee before swinging down with her elbow as Komoku blocked the knee and took the elbow with a heavy grunt. Hm, not yet...

One of those women, eh? Red was filled with all kinds of crazies. Someone who got hot over adrenaline wasn't new, Komoku could probably fuck the air if he got excited enough. Still, they were gutter rats for a reason, right? Dujae didn't say anything his eyes narrowing, but the thick six inches pressed between her legs told enough. Something didn't feel right...he had fought enough with Komoku to know to never let your guard down. But right now, they were at an impasse. If he moved, she could grapple him again. If she moved...well, she'd get burned.

Sejae grunted in surprise, but grabbed her hips and slammed them back before she could, his arms slipping up to lock hers open. "Two can play that game, red," he muttered, freezing both his legs and hers as hard as he could. "You and I need to have a little chat."
Mei's eyes grew wide as she came to the realization that Jana was still being tortured, even as they fought now. Her anger flared up again, that controlled energy shifting and flaring up. She could no longer control her rage, and right now she didn't want to. Fuck avoiding attacks, fuck strategics...she just wanted to save Jana! Blake..that was the guy in the photo. He'd get it the worst out of all them. She would make sure of that, but first. The girl in her way.

Mei took her sword and hurled it at Li with more strength than she looked to actually have. She didn't need her "pretty little needle" to end this. "Fuck this!" She screamed before charging right after her flying sword. She was going in for a lunge. She'd beat the shit out of this woman until she was unconscious.

Catalina could feel his erection and it made her shiver. Any man that could pin her was a man worth fucking but...she'd have to do her job first. "After this, you should come back to my place and I'll take care of that for you." She purred as she started to move her hips, grinding against him to break his concentration just enough for her next move. "Pinche idiota." She used her growing vines to shove him back so his arm was no longer on her neck and she pushed herself away just enough for her to lift up her legs and wrap them around his neck, jerking him violently to the ground, though hearing Mei's scream made her look over towards Li and Emma. What the fuck crawled up her cunt and died?

Damn, ice was such a fucking pain. She could probably get out of it but...well this position wasn't too bad. She could easily get out of it but first...well she'd take a little rest even in this awkward position. "We do? What about?" She asked with an innocent smirk. Yeah...just a quick break was fine.
Li dodged the weapon in surprise, her eyes widening...before Mei slammed into her with the force of a freight train. She hit the ground with a pained yelp, and Emma cursed. Komoku grinned widely, that minor fraction of focus? All he needed. He rushed forward, his fist slamming against Emma's stomach as the earth armor shattered like glass, her eyes widening as Komoku's grin went even wider. "Bye Bye, you stupid fuck." he purred, and Emma felt a tremendous heat before a thunderous explosion ripped into her gut, the pavement underneath them cratered as Emma went flying, her stomach hissing in pain as a smoke trail curled out. Komoku was on her in an instant, Emma rose up her arms but he just did a brutal cross into her ribcage, the explosion making her yelp. She retalated as best she could, swinging her knee in and moving forward with a flurry of punches and knees to keep the offensive up.

"Go! Get going!" Emma ordered. "Let's go! We've bought enough time!"

Dujae had no idea what happened, but he did realize that he had some wonderfully thick thighs smashed between his head when he hit the ground. Fuck, that hurt like a son of a bitch, but his face was nestled between a pair of legs, they were gripping tight. His hands pawed at her thighs almost in vain, then he realized...fuck it, what did he have to lose? He picked the wrong one of them to fight. He shifted his head forward, and a good half of his tongue mashed against her panties. Who knew his frenectomy on his tongue would actually save his life one day?

Sejae kept his grip frim on her, frowning. "I don't give a shit who you guys are, what's going on?" he muttered. "You are way too organized for a bunch of hood rats from Red, and I should know, hood rats are about as organized as fleas on a dog."
"What? Just because you're losing! Yeah right I...ahhh!" Catalina moaned when she felt Dujae's tongue against her already wet panties. He would see for himself that Cat wasn't lying earlier when she said she had gotten horny. "Oh shit...what the hell?!" Her legs immediately relaxed as she closed her eyes. That was a long tongue. A very long tongue.

Julianna could see they were all losing, especially now that the other rat of Komoku's found Catalina's sweet spot. Ugh, this was why they should have just picked one target at a time. This was why being fair didn't work. "...what's going on is that DC will soon be snuffed from existence. But I'm tired of playing with you." She'd take that chance to retreat. Suddenly her body started emit strong gusts that not only sliced through her clothes, but at him. If he didn't want to be cut to ribbons, he'd let her go.

Mei ignored fact she was ignoring everyone and everything around her. Now that Li was underneath her, she glared down at her and then punched her in the throat first to stun her. Her ice then started crawling beneath Li's body to hold her in place as Mei started punching her in the face over and over. Luckily for the girl beneath her, she wasn't using her iced shell to really give her blows a sting. Though she eventually stopped herself and then breathed heavily over the girl, her ice still crawling and hardening over her neck and chin, and eventually hear mouth. "I'll give you three 10 seconds to tell me where the fuck Jana is, or else I'll freeze this bitch solid. Fucking tell me or else!" She threatened.
...Screw it. Dujae smirked a little in amusement, slipping up to give her a faint kiss. "Not bad for a wrestler," he purred, his eyes half lidded and hungry. "My place is at Peacock Drive...stop by sometime," he said, quietly. Didn't fit the whole mood of the scene, really. "When we're not fighting for law...or...whatever we're doing," Dujae mused. "Got it?" Honestly, he just followed Sejae and Komoku, he didn't pay attention to...a lot of stuff. For good or bad, he supposed. They said they were DC now, whatever. Didn't quite understand it, but as long as he still got to fight, who cares?

Sejae cursed in annoyance, backing away as soon as he could as the ice shattered and he slid back, ice forming along his forearms to protect against the worst of it. Komoku rolled his neck. Li was gagging when Mei first hit, and every hit after that was a strangled squeal of pain.

Emma growled in annoyance, glancing down at Li. Truth be told, they were all friends in some capacity or another...but that meant leaving Blake to Mei. Whatever. He was crazy enough that Li could fuck him happy again or whatever the hell they were going to do with them.

"Tick tock," Komoku purred. "Boss might lose her temper and do something really drastic."
Catalina growled in annoyance. No one had ever escaped her thighs before but..she had to give him credit for being bold enough to do that. And when he moved up, she flinched, expecting some sort of retaliation. A kiss was definitely not what she had in mine though. She could even taste a trace amount of herself on his tongue. God this was hot but...Li was in trouble. "We'll see." Catalina told him before pulling herself away and regrouping with Emma. Julianna also did the same, but neither of them made a move towards Mei.

"Five. Four.." Mei started, her ice moving closer to Li's nose. Julianna looked into those angry eyes of hers. She was going to do it. And...even though Blake's well being was on her mind, Li was right now in need of help.

"She's at the abandoned warehouse on Cricket Lane." Julianna answered. "Now let her go."

"No. Good luck thawing her out." Mei didn't give a fuck. She could breathe and that was enough. She got to her feet and hurried over to her sword, picking it up. She knew where Cricket Lane was and someone was going to pay.
"Man, you're something else when you're angry. Dujae, Sejae! Stop flirting with the girls and let's go!" Komoku said, moving to follow Mei.

"Who died at made him leader?" Dujae muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets with a little bit of an amused flick of his tongue to his lips. She didn't taste bad at all...maybe he should have charmed her a little better?

"We did," Sejae groused in minor annoyance as he followed after. Mei was on a mission, and god help that boy who had Jana.

She couldn't believe it, he hadn't stopped since they left. The only thing she had on her was her jacket by this point, she felt...violated in the worst way. She didn't even have the strength to resist anymore, he had won out of pure exhaustion. Jana's moans were raspy and tired, her tits swaying with Blake's heavy humping, like a dog in heat. She didn't even notice whenever he let his claws explore. The chains rattled randomly, and she didn't even bother wasting the energy to resist it.
Blake had decided to use Jana the way she was a cum rag. Whenever he opened his mouth to talk, he wasn't even talking to her. She was an object to him and he was going to use her. She didn't even react when he bit her anymore, and he had bitten several spots. Bite marks littered her neck, thighs, shoulders, and the flesh of her breasts. He had lost track of the time, but he was working on his fourth climax since he started up again, pounding into her ass and savoring the feel of her round cheeks hitting his pelvis. "Mnn..fuck..."

He heard the door open and at first he thought it was the girls again...but it wasn't. Those heels didn't belong to Li. Blake smiled and let himself feel his last orgasm before pulling out of Jana and pulling up his pants. Then he picked up his iron claws just in time for Mei and the others to round the corner. She gasped out loud as she saw Jana's state. "JANA!" She screamed out loud as she moved forward, though Blake held his sharp blades at her throat, causing Mei to freeze.

"Four against one? That's bullshit." He growled.
Jana's eyes flickered faintly in recognition, her hands tightening a moment as Komoku, Dujae and Sejae surrounded him. "...Mei?" she mumbled. Mei...oh god, Mei had actually found her? She was so happy, she felt like crying. Well, she probably was.

"And I thought I was a scumbag," Komoku muttered in disgust. "The fuck is wrong with you?"

"The fuck is wrong with those women, more like it," Dujae grimaced in annoyance. Ugh, he actually liked one of them. He felt like his dick was going to go inside of him.Seeing it just made it worse.

"You're not going to get out of this," Sejae warned. "So you might want to let go of Jana before this gets worse."
Damn, how did those four get defeated by these idiots? Couldn't they have at least gotten rid of the dicks first so he could enjoy the ice bitch by himself? "Nah...I think I won't let her go. She feels so nice, and when my blades rip across her skin she makes the best n-." Blake felt the air around him grow so cold that he suddenly flung himself out of the way, though his foot got caught in a pillar of ice that formed right behind Jana. Mei was breathing heavily, glaring at Blake with all the hatred she could muster. It had gotten so cold that everyone could see their own breath. Mei was pissed.

"Tch!" Blake started stabbing at the ice with his iron claws in attempts to free himself. Though Mei was already right there, swinging her sword at his leg. With seconds to spare, Blake freed himself and then scurried to the darker corners of the warehouse.

"Someone get Jana down and get her out of here." Mei ordered.
"Got it," Sejae said, moving to the heavy chains and cutting them with hardened ice, Dujae caught her as she let out a faint whimper of relief, glad she could move her arms.

"Dramatic rescue...with handsome guys?" Jana joked thickly. "You know me too well, Mei." Damn, she was a tough girl. Komoku was beginning to appreciate the two of them more and more. Sejae didn't quite know how to take some girl he barely knew nuzzling into his chest like he was a lover, but...given what had happened, he supposed any comfort like this was a good one.

"We'll take care of it," Sejae promised.

"Good," Komoku mumbled. "After you, Boss. We have a rat to burn out."
Mei could already see where Blake was even if he tried to hide. "You can't run away from me." She growled as a burst of her ice was seen in the distance, and then the shadow of a body running to the right. Mei grabbed the hilt of her sword and drew it, running right for Blake. Though suddenly she found herself being tangled up by long tendrils of shadow that stopped her in her tracks.

"I'm not scared of you." Blake growled as he suddenly darted and slashed his blades at her. Mei parried with her rapier, but it was hard to fight when she was caught up in this. It wasn't physical..she couldn't freeze it to escape. But she didn't care at the moment. She held strong as Blake sent off a flurry of attacks at her, and she deflected each one before grabbing her scabbard and thrusting it towards his neck. The jab made him cough and move back a little. "Damn it!"
He didn't know the half of it, Komoku had went the long way around for this occasion. The moment he stepped back, his hand grabbed his head, slamming it into the pavement in a brilliant explosion. A watermelon sized crater appeared in the cement at the moment of impact, his hand smoking. He wasn't dead...but he'd probably wish he would be.

"You know, there's a lot of things I tolerate," Komoku said dryly, yanking his blody face out of the crater. "But the moment I start lettin' little fucks like you act like you have a right to do that...well, maybe this DC thing ain't so bad, eh? I can beat you stupid, and it's all on the up and up." he purred, slamming his fist into his stomach with another powerful roar of an explosion, shredding his shirt in the process.
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