School Rumble (Broom and I)

Something was wrong...Mei still couldn't move despite the fact that Komoku was beating him senseless. She could hear his groans of yelps of pain and yet...she still couldn't move. It was almost like he was still concentrating on her despite being beaten to the ground. When she looked at him, his eyes were still on her as he clenched his stomach in pain.

"Let me go." Mei ordered as she struggled against him, but he only chuckled and coughed up blood.

"Two against one is no fair. Let's see how you like it." He growled as Mei felt her legs moving towards Komoku as she lunged behind him to attack. Her arms too?!

"Komoku!" She cried out in warning. Fuck! He was using her body?! That felt...disgusting. She would kill him for this but first she had to figure out how to break free.
"Whoa!" Komoku said, dodging the lunge as rapier darted past his chest, tearing a thin line across his shirt. Hm, well...this complicated things. Shadow...hated that shit, but it did fundamentally work on a lack of light. Hm, how was he going to do this...?

"Now that's a dirtier trick," Komoku muttered. "Shame you control Mei like a drunk crane operator, I can dodge this shit in my sleep, kid."
"She's stiff. Girls like her are so stiff..." Blake commented as Mei moved in front of him. It didn't help that he was injured. He could barely keep himself focused, but he could take care of that. He slipped his hand in his pocket and took out a syringe. Good thing Julianna had a decent drug connection. Something to dull the pain would help.

While he injected himself, he sent Mei barreling towards Komoku once more. He was using her speed to it's full advantage, and Mei was coming at him and swinging wildly. She bit her lip, feeling helpless that she couldn't do a damn thing. She had no control over her body and she wasn't sure how to break it. He didn't seem to have control over her element though, so there was that. Of course, she couldn't control it like this either so...
Komoku stepped past a swing and caught her arm, opening his palm to the crackling roar of his combustion abilities. They needed light...right? Shadows worked like that, probably?

"You know, I'm starting to think you just like swinging your sword at me, princess," Komoku smirked, pointing his palm behind him in a massive explosion that blew out a section of the wall and brought the light bleeding in.
When Komoku grabbed her by the arm she blushed. She didn't like people touching her, especially someone like Komoku. And they were close, too. Her cheeks got red, though when she heard the wall bust, the shadow hissed off her body and retreated towards Blake. "Mnnn...So the rabid dog isn't as dumb as he looks." Blake commented as Mei yanked her hand away from Komoku and turned to face him.

"Thanks." She muttered under her breath. She was thanking one of her least favorite people but..defeating Blake was on her mind. He was bleeding profusely from his face and his entire torso looked burned and bruised like hell. Yet he was still grinning as if he was in control.
"Just doin my job," Komoku sniffed. "Now then...what say you gut the pig and I make sure we get some light?" Komoku smirked, both of his hands open with crackling energy. "Or, the little freak can roll over and make his misery a lot quicker for everyone?"
"I saw it." Blake commented, drawing her attention away from Komoku. He kept giving her this..predatory look. She didn't like it one bit. "I saw that moment of weakness in your expression, Ice Queen....don't like being touched huh?"

"Tch..." Mei wasn't going to let him psyche her out. "Sounds good to me." She then dashed towards Blake, sending a wave of pointy shard of ice at him. His expression changed as he stood his ground and then slashed through the ice, though a few shards got him on his legs, cutting through his jeans. But it was like he hadn't even felt it. What was in that syringe? Before she had time to think about it, her first swing with the rapier was parried, and his other claw went for her chest. She brought up her scabbard and stopped the attack altogether. Though he just smirked and she felt something crawl up her leg, causing her to cry out in surprise.
Komoku was behind her in an instant, a flash of firecrackers settling around her leg before he shoved his other hand toward's Blake's snobby little head in a much more powerful explosion that sheered off the sleeve of his shirt. Fucker. He wasn't going to be so smooth when he was bloody, crying paste.
...That didn't feel painful but she wasn't very appreciative of the action she was getting under her skirt. The shadow disappeared and she stumbled back into Komoku while he let loose an explosion towards Blake's head. Blake stepped back enough where he didn't feel the full force of Komoku's explosion but he was hit none the less. Still. He just stumbled back and looked at the two as if he had been slapped in the face.

This was bad. His sisters weren't coming to save him. These two were working well together, and even if he managed to get passed him there was still two others there. Blake started to laugh, his eyes showing a hint of insanity. Mei balanced herself, moving away from Komoku as she started watching where she was going. This battle was best fought long range if the light flooding into the warehouse made things better.

...Especially when she saw four large, black tentacles spout from Blake's back as his element began to grossly bubble all around his body like a sludge. Hmm..a sludge. It was physical actual substance. Maybe she'd have to get closer after all. "Can you distract this sicko for me?" She asked Komoku.
"Oh, I definitely can do that..." Komoku smirked, body starting to glimmer faintly with power as he moved closer. "Come on, you freak..." he said, cracking his knuckles. "Let's dance. Time to make another stain on these streets." Whatever Mei had planned, didn't much matter. Komoku had been holding back a little too much lately, it was time for him to let loose.
Blake snickered and then lunged himself at them both, two tentacles going for each one of them. It didn't seem to matter that light was shining down on them...but Mei figured that was the case. This was dense shadow element, a very advanced technique that not every shadow user could conjure. She knew better than to try to cut it. So instead she froze it in place. It worked just for a second, though the part she had frozen broke off and fell to the ground, hissing. She knew it was about to regrow though. Mei stepped back just enough to let Komoku handle it. If he could defeat Blake before she could, that was fine. She'd beat the shit out of him regardless.
Komoku slammed his foot down on the tentacle in a brilliant explosion, before pivoting with with a side kick to slam into his ribs...and then he advanced. There wasn't a lot of tact to his movement, really. His fists connected, and they went off in a thunderous roar that made Komoku grin wider and wider. One on the chest, another on the stomach, and a third across the face. Every little hit set off another explosion, like a rapid chain reaction.
Blake didn't even seem to be trying to dodge him. His body was breaking and burning and yet he made no noise. He just fell back and then started laughing. "Idiot." One word before Komoku would be grabbed by shadow in a similar fashion like Mei had been. He was letting him punch him as a distraction. "I've always hated doing this to men. It's not as fun...but Ice Queen is afraid of the dark and won't leave that spot where the light comes in..." Blake commented with a strained voice. Everything was going dim and hazy but...he could take a little more abuse. Even with the drug..he was feeling pain.
Komoku blinked a little in surprise, feeling his hands move not on his own was...disturbing, and he didn't like it. "Ah, crap..." Komoku grunted. Oh, if he thought he couldn't fight this, he was damned stupid. His body reared around to face Mei, and he focused a little.

...Okay, maybe this wouldn't be as easy as he thought. But he wasn't letting his get away easy. One thing at a time, plant the legs. Tighten the muscles as hard as he could, and keep the feet right on the ground.

"...You might wanna make sure you hit me hard, Boss," Komoku grumbled. "Dammit, this is going to sting."
"I don't have to." Mei had bought enough time, but she knew if she stayed here, she was safe from Komoku. Blake just smirked at her, seeing the game she was playing.

"I can still attack you, frigid bitch!" He shouted, now that his main threat was subdued he could focus on her. All four of his tentacles launched themselves at her, and she shoved her blade forward in what looked like an attempt to slice the tentacle. Though as soon as her blade hit, it just sunk into the dense matter and she couldn't pull her arm free. "Both of you are idiots!" He shouted, keeping firm control on Komoku. He didn't have to move him....just keep him in one place. But now he was covering Mei with his darkness and he wanted to see her scream when it started to climb up her arm, the other three attaching to her body and legs, bringing her closer.

"Why don't you scream for me, Ice Queen!?" Blake asked with a wicked smile, though it dropped when he saw Mei wasn't reacting at all. He glared at her. She should have been afraid.

"Because. You're the idiot." She told him before her body let loose a super cooled freeze that went from her body all the way to his back. Then she shattered the ice, and before Blake could react, she was already in front of him. smacking her scabbard against his skull as hard as she could. So hard that he lost his concentration and couldn't hold Komoku any longer. In fact, he didn't think he could even stay awake any longer.

"No. Don't pass out." Mei growled as her boot went into his chest, causing him to cry out in pain. "You don't deserve to pass out yet." She coldly told him as she started to kick him in the ribs over and over again. She wanted to cause him more pain. This wasn't over, she was still angry and she needed to punish him more.
Komoku stumbled forward when Blake lost control with a faint grunt, rolling his shoulders as he headed over to where Mei was...acting like a violent sadist. Hot...but not her, not really. Anger was one thing, this was another. "Okay, okay...that's enough, Mei," Komoku grunted. "We're the good guys, aren't we? Don't we take him to some crazy bin or something?" he said, hand on her shoulder to rather firmly pull her away.
Mei was lost in emotion, though Blake had long since passed out. He hurt her. He hurt Jana and she wasn't satisfied. She probably wouldn't be no matter what. She was angry at herself more than him. This was the guy she passed on her way out. She should have stayed with Jana..she should have prevented this somehow. And when she felt Komoku's hand, she jumped and was stunned just enough for him to pull her back. Though she slapped his hand away on instinct. "Don't you ever touch me!" She shouted, feeling tears stinging at her eyes. She didn't like him but...the moment she said that she felt bad. He had helped her save Jana...and as much as she didn't like him she had to give him credit for that. She looked away and sighed. "Sorry..." She mumbled before she walked away from Blake. She needed to see Jana.
"...Ookay then," Komoku mumbled, plucking Blake off the ground and draping him over his shoulders like a prized deer. Suppose he couldn't expect her to be on the top of her game, but either sign of those four crazy women, and one of them in the bag. Not too bad, he supposed. Dujae and Sejae were waiting outside with Jana, who was currently gulping down about four bottles of water. She wanted to help, but...she felt damned useless right now. She felt disgusting, and dirty...and she just wanted to soak into a bath for a few hours and forget all of this had happened.

"Mei," Jana said in relief, rising up with Dujae's help as she stood on shaky legs with a relieved smile. " okay? He didn't hurt you?"

Jana couldn't even describe the amount of satisfaction there was in seeing Blake as a bloody mess over Komoku's shoulders.
"No. Not even close." A couple of bumps and scratches here and there, but..Mei was still Mei. She took off her sweater and wrapped it around Jana's hips, then she unbuttoned her blouse and helped her into it. It..was a little tight on her breasts but it would do. Mei didn't care that she was in her undershirt. She didn't want Jana to be naked anymore. "Hold on...forgot something."

She slipped back into the warehouse and briefly remembered seeing Jana's weapons there. She grabbed them off the table and then came back out. She knew these meant a lot to her. "We're going to get you patched up, Jana."
"...Thanks," Jana smiled warmly, pulling Mei in for a hug, her swords in the other hand. She...didn't want to let go, at all. She just held her and nuzzled into her neck. "...I really need a bath, Mei...can...can we go?"

Komoku tilted his head to Dujae and Sejae and they nodded as Komoku dropped Blake to them. They'd the van to bring in Blake and deal with him properly, and take Jana somewhere she can relax.

"...Feels kinda nice, doing a good thing," Dujae mused.

"Yeah...kind of," Sejae murmured. "Surprised to see you get so into it, Komoku."

"Ah...well, you know," Komoku said idly, rubbing his neck. "Not in me to see people suffer like that, yeah? Makes my skin crawl."
Mei was holding Jana protectively. She didn't want to let go either. Not for the world. She..couldn't help herself. "I'm sorry Jana...this is my fault." Mei told her, trying to keep her embrace soft so she didn't hurt her. "I saw that fuck. I saw him before I left and I didn't even...I didn't know he'd.." Mei trailed off as tears came to her eyes. "I'm sorry...."
"Don't," Jana murmured. "...Please, Mei. Don't." she said, stroking her cheek. "I know you...that's why I knew you'd be here, and you are," she smiled. "So don't. You did exactly what I thought you would do...I'm surprised by your help, though." she teased gently, glancing at Komoku and the two koreans. "Run out of people?"

"Oh hah hah," Komoku groused. "Super funny, Jana."
"They just..showed up. But they were a good help. Would have taken me much longer to get to you." She swallowed her tears back, not really comfortable showing so much emotion in front of anyone but her. She just held Jana close to her until the van came. She was quiet the entire way really. Seeing Jana like that reminded Mei of why she fought so hard for order and law...because people like those five existed.
It was quite the story when they got back to their temporary HQ, Damien and Adam were doing the best they could do to make the place a little more presentable with the help they had. But Jana returning was...a rumor in of itself. Rumors that Damien and Adam did their best to squash, but there was at least some benefit to being in a makeshift hospital. Kuki was a hawk between the two of them, the moment she saw the look on Mei's face. Jana didn't really want to leave Mei's side, at least...not yet. Even when Alaric decided to come by and see what was wrong, Jana still insisted Mei stay. She wasn't ashamed to admit she was scared, and Mei was her pillar right now. Thankfully, there wasn't much wrong with Jana that couldn't be fixed by some rest and healing. The gash on the back of her leg was probably the worst, but other than that...aside from whatever psychological damage she had, she was physically going to be okay.

It was a relief, honestly. Jana was good on her word, however...she just...wanted a hot bath and wanted to soak in it. And after a lot of consideration and some nerves, she...decided to call Mel too. That was probably the scariest thing she had ever done in her life...and probably the scariest thing most of the new recruits into DC would ever see, a sharp eyed adult storming through the new HQ with a glare that could cut a building in half. She gave Megumi a call, too. Why? Because this was serious, this was something more than just a 'kid game' in Turuga now, whoever these people were, they were crossing lines. And if Mel had anything to say about it, she'd break them in half if her adopted daughter got touched like that again.
Mei would have interrogated Blake, but he was being treated for injuries too and was still knocked out cold. She honestly seemed to be traumatized herself just by seeing one happened to her friend, but she kept herself together for Jana. Her father was furious seeing what happened to Jana, despite not knowing her for very long. But such a sight would really make any decent human being angry.

Megumi was there in nearly a half hour. She cared about Jana and was also worried about her daughter. Plus, she hadn't expected Mel to call her and while she wished they could meet on good terms, it would still be nice to see her again. She found the room that Jana was staying in, and sure enough Mel was there, along with Mei who was sitting on Jana's bed and holding her with a cold, angry look in her eye. Megumi had a bouquet of red and white roses for Jana in her hand as she knocked gently on the door. "I'm not disturbing anything, am I?"
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