School Rumble (Broom and I)

"We'll take them out first then, so they don't give us any trouble." She trusted Emma's words and brushed them off as nothing but a minor threat. Blake felt Li's foot against his head and pouted slightly. He was done with all this talk.

"Well let me fuck her and then let's get rid of that Komoku guy. He sounds like an ass from what I've heard." Blake said as he leaned his head back against her foot.
"We'll have to deal with all three of them, no doubt," Emma mumbled, finger tapping against her arm in thought. "They never go anywhere without that guy, usually...we'll just have to test our luck," Li rolled her eyes and tapped her foot against Blake's head, signaling him to go ahead.

"So what about her, then?" Li said, nudging toward a grimacing Jana. "What do we do about her?"

"Keep her," Emma shrugged. "She's served her purpose well enough, maybe Blake can convince her to talk more, if you insist on that rabid animal touching her."
"I'm not a rabid animal, big sister. I'm a perfectly normal boy," Blake said sarcastically as he got up and walked to Jana eagerly. He knew better this time. This time he'd take her from behind, and he'd keep his face away from her head. He grabbed her by the legs, making her body painfully arch as her arms were held up by the chain. "You smell like urine, blood, and shame. Arousing."

"We gonna take care of this tonight, or what? The sooner we do, the better." Catalina looked towards the three. She was always ready for a fight, and Komoku always sounded fun.

"The sooner, the better, huh? I agree. They're in our they're our responsibility." Julianna answered as she watched Blake and Jana carefully.
"You're lucky I'm chained up, you fucking cock!" Jana hissed, weak though her body might be, her mind was still firing on all cylinders like it was supposed to.

"Agreed," Emma murmured. "I'll lay a scent out for the wolf to follow, I'm sure the little Ice Bitch has noticed her girlfriend is missing by now, as well. If we do this right, we'll have exactly what we need to cripple their stupid little plan before it starts."
"Hmm...Blake, did she have a cellphone on her?" Julianna asked, stopping Blake from coming up with a retort for Jana. He raised his eye brow and then held her by her waist as he checked her jacket pockets and sure enough, found a phone. He threw it towards Julianna and then scarted cucking on Jana's neck. "Now..where were we? Ah yes." Another hard bite against her shoulder as his cock poked at her entrance, which was still wet from when he had came inside of her earlier.

"Girlfriend certainly is the right word. There's over twenty missed texts from her." Julianna said as Catalina moved onto the couch with her. "Curious Emma, what plan do you have?" The redheaded went on further as she looked through her phone. The latest text from Mei was interesting.

Coming back over there when I'm done with meeting. I assume you're still with your master, but I'm worried.
"Easy, let me see that." Emma said, yanking it out of her grip regardless. While Jana squirmed in annoyance, biting her lip. Fucking asshole...

She smiled a little at that. Oh, this would be even better. "I say...we get the little bitch riled up, kill two birds with one stone." Emma purred. "They want to try and tell us what to do? Let's see if they can earn it, Blake? Make sure your face isn't seen," she said, turning the camera on and pointing it to the two. Jana blinked in surprise. What...what were they doing now!? Wait, Mei!? No!
Blake moved his face behind Jana's as he shoved his cock into pussy, groaning softly. He didn't know what they were doing. Didn't care. He just wanted to cum again without any interruptions. He once again held her by the waist as one of his hands looped around to squeeze her breasts.

"That's a good picture." Catalina commented, and a laugh followed soon after. "And this is a good plan. It's a good thing that Ice Queen got soft around this time. She used to have no weaknesses, but now she seems to have thawed out that icy heart of hers. Gracias, Senorita." The big breasted woman grinned at Jana.
"Nn...fuck all of you," Jana groaned, toes curling inside her shoes as that fat horse dick settled into her pussy again. "Fucking...animals..."

"Takes one to know one, sweetie," Emma said dryly, sending the picture. "Like you're any better than us, now let's get going...keep her occupied, Blake." She knew a very good spot to draw them in to, she'd keep the phone for now. It'd be all the sweeter to see the Ice Queen squirm on their behalf.
"With pleasure..." Blake grunted, starting to move his hips once again, hearing the disgustingly lewd noises her pussy was making. "You make a nice cock sleeve...just forgot for a second I didn't cum in your pussy....I came in your ass..but I still feel so much of my cum in the hole I'm fucking now. Or maybe you're just still wet from when you pissed yourself. I should piss on you when I'm done since you don't mind being covered with urine." He was going slow, just so he could talk to her. Just so he could torture her some more.


Mei had just got finished talking with Kuki, Damien, and the three teachers she hired for combat training classes. She felt good about the wa the meeting ended. Everyone was on the same page as to what she was trying to do, and they'd get their building on Friday, which was only two days away. Still, despite all this she felt off. All day she had been trying to text Jana, and yet she didn't get a text back. So she felt like stopping by her Master's house may give her a clue on where her friend was.

A soft vibrate from her phone, followed by a unique chime filled her ears. Jana had texted her. "It's about time, I was worried sick." Mei said as she opened up her phone. A picture message? She clicked to download and as soon as it popped up on her phone, she gasped in absolute horror and dropped to her knees as she stared at it. A large, red bruise on her stomach was the first thing that caught her eye other than the fact that Jana was almost completely naked. Then it was the hand on her breast...the look on her face came next and she felt like she was going to be sick. Extreme despair hit her when she realized this was why she hadn't heard from her.

Though bubbling anger immediately replaced that emotion as she glared at the phone and then texted back whoever sent the message.

You're dead, whoever you are.

She then forced herself up and started running down the hall and towards the exit. She passed by a few people who could see the tears of anger staining her face, and for once, they were not scared of Mei..they were worried for her.
"Ugh, you're a fucking pig..." Jana hissed in annoyance, squirming on his dick. "When I get out of these binds, you're going to be paste..." God dammit, why did the fucking psycho ones have the biggest cocks? If this was anything else, she'd actually be enjoying this. She was disgusted for even thinking about enjoying it.

Come and prove it, Ice Bitch, The reply was short, snappy...and all too smug. Five Tiger Street, if you're bold enough. Emma purred in satisfaction, stuffing the phone in her back pocket as she glanced at the four of them.

"Bingo," she smirked easily. "Now then, to set the trap for that rabid dog and his two gutter rats..." Emma mused. "Leave that to me, two birds with one stone." His sister frequented a particular arcade, it would be easy enough to bait him without barely doing a thing to her.
Mei wasn't going to play any games with them. She saw where she had to go, and she called a cab to take her there. Her legs couldn't carry her fast enough. She had to save fast as she could. She clenched her teeth together as tears stained her eyes. That monster..or was it more than one? Either way...someone was going to pay for this.


"You're too much, Emma." Julianna responded as the four made their way out of the warehouse. "Doubt the two lackeys will put up much of a fight...I'll take one, and then the other if I have to." She suggested.

"I don't know which one I want to choke first. The one who explodes things, or the one who freezes things? Who do you think would look better between my thighs, Emma?" Catalina asked, as she rubbed her hands together in anticipation. She would have worn her costume but...these types of fights, it was better to do in uniform to her. So they knew who she was and would never forget it.
"You're being far too arrogant, Cat," Emma frowned. "Komoku doesn't hang out with weaklings, those two are a threat on their get to Five Tiger Street," she murmured. "I'll handle getting Komoku." she said, heading off as Xi scoffed, checking her nails in annoyance. "Who made that amazon bitch leader?" she muttered. "Just because she thinks she's smarter than the rest of us?" Still, she couldn't argue with a solid, if simple plan.

Ice Queen was probably functioning on -surprisingly- emotion, so that would be interesting...hopefully, by the time Komoku arrived, she would be all wrapped up pretty.

Meanwhile, all it took for Emma to get the attention of one Komoku Rokujo would be hurting his precious sister, not even that...a little ambush during one of her favorite games. Soon, all of the pieces would be in place. It was unneeded, if...what Jana said was actually true, but Emma didn't like making guesses.
"It's her plan, so she's leader for today." Julianna answered with a shrug. "But I suppose she's right. What your back...all that jazz. I didn't think Emma would be so ready to invite the Ice Queen if she thought the other two were a threat though. Tonight will be rough, probably. We'll have to tire out Mei before the rest of the rats join in."

"We should have brought Blake, this will take forever now.." Catalina murmured.

They weren't too far off from Five Tiger street, however Mei wasn't there. They hung around for quite sometime before Catalina shivered a bit. "Why the hell did it get so cold all a sudden?" She squinted her eyes in the distance and saw a woman in a long black skirt and a white blouse, holding a rapier in her hand and glaring at the three.

"Wonder if she knows we're the ones she's going after?" Julianna smirked.
"I don't think it matters much at this point..." Li mumbled, hand on her hip. They could feel the cold air from here, Li felt excited...or scared. She wasn't quite sure yet. But Emma wasn't back yet, so for now...Li supposed she'd take the lead on this one as she walked in front.

"Well, if isn't the Queen herself...deciding to grace the commoners with your presence, my lady?" she sneered.
Mei saw the smallest one of them come forward. Her greeting made her face twitch with anger and her knuckles turned white as she gripped her blade. "Answer me one question. Are you the ones who took Jana?" Her tone was even, but it was filled with hatred. She glanced at the other two girls who just smirked in response. But she wouldn't release her anger until she was sure. No one but Jana's captors deserved what she was about to do.
"I'm surprised, Mei..." Li clicked her tongue. "A posh little girl like you, coming from such a rich family...and you become friends with some slutty gutter rat. Standards, my dear...not only do you plan to bring back the rotting corps that is the Disciplinary Committee, you've filled it with garbage. Because nobody else wants to stay on a sinking ship." she smirked, taking the meteor hammer off her hip.

"She got what she deserved, just like you are."
It wasn't a yes or no, but it was good enough. The moment she took her weapon, Mei lunged forward with the speed that was only second to Kuki. She didn't care about formulating a plan. She didn't care about evaluating the enemy. But the second her blade touched that hammer, a burst of cold came from her body as her eyes glared down into Li's eyes.

"You're all going to pay." Her voice was just as cold as the frost that covered Li.

Julianna and Catalina were surprised, though they moved into action. Julianna took her shield off her back and Catalina started moving forward, looking for an opening.
Li blinked a little in surprise before she spun her hammer around and let the weighted end swing with an arc of lightning, taking a step back to give herself some distance. She was fast...really fast!
Mei dodged the hammer and felt the heat of Li's lightning build up around her weapon and immediately dodged, somersaulting out of the way. Before she could fully recover, some sort of plant grabbed her wrist that was holding her weapon. She then saw Catalina running forward, but Mei quickly cut the plant with her ice and then dodged Catalina narrowly when she threw herself at her. Though Julianna was now above her, her shielded arm coming straight forward as she laid prone on the ground. Mei reached out and grabbed the woman's ankle, instantly freezing the area around her body. She got caught, and Mei took that opportunity to get up while Catalina looked over to her ally who was now covered in a thin layer of ice.

It shattered when Julianna did a simple flex of her muscles. "..Good thing I'm wearing a warm jacket." She commented while she watched Mei take a more defensive status. So now she was realizing how heavily outnumbered she was?
Emma was late to the party, but seemed better late than never. In a full blown sprint, Emma was moving behind Mei with focused eyes as she surged forward, her leg coated in heavy rock as she swung for a brutal kick to try and hit Mei's ribs. Li took the time to swing low with her hammer, the cord going farther to try and catch one of her legs.
Mei wasn't expecting a fourth to show up, and she immediately hardened ice on that entire side of her body. However, the blow was so heavy that she nearly went flying, biting her lip in pain as her ice shattered upon impact..but her ribs were okay. She would have been launched away had Li's cord missed her ankle. However, it wrapped around her, knocking her completely to the ground. She sucked her teeth as she was on the prone again, but a quick surge of ice came from her ankle and crawled towards Li in a desperate attempt to encase her in ice at least. Julianna and Catalina and were already rushing towards her to help Emma, but her sword was up in defense to try and take them on while she was on the ground.
"I expected better," Emma grunted, stalking forward as Li countered with transmitting lightning down the cord to shock Mei with a purr, golden eyes narrowed. Poor little ice bitch, she got angry and got in over her head. Who knew it'd be so easy?
Mei screamed as the electricity surged through her, but she didn't let herself lose focus for one moment. Catalina came over her and went to grab her but she hissed in pain when Mei sliced her with her rapier in retaliation.

"What the? Fucking crazy bitch!" She shouted before launching a kick to her arm. Mei just grabbed her with her other hand, not concerned about getting herself out of the cord but defending herself against these four as best she could. She had to get up...

"Catalina! Don't let her touch you!" Julianna shouted, and the woman moved her leg just in time, however ice encased her leg. Heavy ice, and Catalina began to string out a slur of curse words as plants began to crawl from the ground and wrap around Mei. Though they were easily frozen and shattered.

"I'm going to make all of you pay!" She shouted.
"AM-BUUUUUUUUSSH!" There was a roar out of nowhere, and Emma turned around in surprise...just long enough to see Komoku's grinning, wild face. Her eyes widened as she forced her arms up, earth hardening around it as his kanabo connected in a massive explosion. Emma went flying with a surprised scream as rock and clothing ripped into the air, flying fifteen feet backwards as she slammed on her ass and went tumbling, her scarred chest exposed to the cool air.

At the same time, the long, red haired korean known as Dujae came in with a brilliant roundhouse that sent a long arc of fire to Catalina, and Sejae moved in on the other side, a needle like ice pick moving to strike at Julianna.

The calvary had arrived!
Catalina moved out of the way just in time to dodge the fire, but she wasn't all too happy with a bleeding arm and now interference. They were so close to getting Mei but...these idiots came to soon. She smirked at Dujae. "I guess I can play with you for a little while." She cracked her knuckles and then smirked at him. He was pretty handsome for a rat.

Julianna didn't back off at all. She threw up her shield and blocked his attack before sending a violent gust of wind his way to blow him back. "Shock her again, Li!" Julianna shouted out.

Mei was confused but didn't have time to waste. she freed herself from the cord and then got to her feet, her sword still in hand. She...really wasn't sure how to react seeing Komoku joining her fight. But she could only be grateful because she needed help saving Jana.
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