School Rumble (Broom and I)

Adam blinked a little in surprise, his cock throbbing at her firm, resolute gaze. There was...something immensely arousing about Mei being on top of him, and her voice being so firm. Jana was moving closer, and Adam gripped her hips and thrust into her tight pussy with a surprised groan. Oh, shit...he barely even noticed Jana move behind Mei, fingers linking with hers. Oh god, it felt so good...she was soaked, her juices were making his pelvis glisten.
"Nnngh!" Mei bit her tongue as Adam pushed himself into her, breaking her hymen and sinking most of himself inside her. It was..a pain that was tolerable but different than anything she had ever experienced. It made her face twist her eyes shut tight as she panted above him. She couldn't move...not even to pull him out of her. She wasn't so sure if she did want to continue now that the pain had brought her back to reality some. They were doing something dirty..and despite the still felt good. But there were other things that made her hesitate. That same fear that caused her to stop last time kept crawling to the front of her thoughts. She had just given her virginity to Adam hurt. It really hurt, not just physically but mentally as well. She could feel tears coming to her eyes. If Adam ever left her now..if he rejected her later on...
"Shh..." Jana murmured gently, pressing herself against Mei's back as she squeezed her hands. "It's okay, Mei...this is Adam," she whispered gently into her ear. Adam couldn't hear them, but he was too busy trying not to...oh, god...maybe they really shouldn't have...

"Remember..." she said gently. "I'm here, and it's okay...this is something that's okay." she promised. "Adam wouldn't hurt you on purpose, you know that."
Even though Mei should have been horrified that Jana was anywhere near her during this act, she felt a bit of comfort in it. And...soon enough she was starting to relax. But she couldn't move still, not much anyway. She breathed heavily and nodded. She was right...this was Adam. She could trust him. Just like she could trust Jana, and Kuki, and Damien. Even her parents. All the people who were working for her, and working to make sure Turuga was a better place. Mei just had to trust people.
"Good..." Jana smiled, letting one hand go to settle it just above her pelvis. "Mm, now relax..." she purred. "And let Adam work that nice juicy cock in..." she said. Adam squirmed a little at those words, his cock throbbing inside her before he finally started to move with a faint breath, first, but it was so hard to do that...
Mei moved her free hand and she placed it on Adam's abdomen. When his hips started moving, she moaned pretty loudly. It wasn't something she could control...but it wasn't because she was in pain. She was, but..she could feel the underlying sensations of it all. And Mei..sort of liked pain. It made her feel alive sometimes. So...she was really enjoying it despite the fact that Adam was quite big. She even began to move her hips to meet his thrusts occasionally.
"Shit..." Adam panted, hips squirming as he started to buck into her in return, his hands slipping along her hips as Jana held Mei's hand, nuzzled against her neck, her erect nipples poking against Mei's back. Wow...she was completely gone, and Adam had barely picked up the pace. It was pretty hot watching the refined and proper Mei, moaning like...well, like Jana. She grinned a little at the analogy in her head. Friends were in comparison somewhere, right?
As fucked up as it might have been, Jana's presence was making Mei feel..safer? Even though she could feel her against her body, she was still pretty out of it. The feeling of Adam's hand on her hip was more apparent than the embrace of her best friend. She could feel herself getting wetter, making it easier for Adam to slip in and out of her faster. She could feel everything, even whenever he twitched inside her. It truly felt amazing...Mei didn't want to stop feeling this and...the more they moved, the more intense her pleasure became. It was so intense that Mei could barely stand it, and she was starting to fall forward just a little bit as her breaths became more ragged.
"Tell him what you want," Jana purred in her ear as Adam's hips started to crash upward in a wet smack. His pants were picking up, his breath htitching in his throat as he just mindlessly bucked into her wet pussy with a hungry groan. This was surreal...and he loved every moment of it as his other hand trailed up to squeeze one of her breasts hungrily.
"I..." Mei gasped out loud as she looked down upon him. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say. She didn't know what she wanted...or rather she couldn't think. She did know one thing thought. "Don't stop, Adam," She cried out desperately. "So good, it feels too good!" She could feel her muscles tightening and her legs going numb from the pleasure. Was she...having an orgasm? She was about to. "I'm almost there!"
"Not bad..." she teased playfully, hand rubbing her stomach as Adam groaned in reply, his hands tight on her hip as he started to buck harder upwards, panting desperately for more as he leaned forward to nuzzle against her neck. Jana didn't matter, seemed to be helping Mei, a lot.
Mei started getting a little louder as she felt herself beginning to orgasm. For a moment her back arched against Jana as she tightened around him, feeling the pressure finally release. She felt Adam against her neck and it was such an intimate feeling as her climax shocked her entire system. She moved forward and let her body lean on his for support. It felt too felt amazing. Mei wanted more but..she was suddenly really really sore. She had forgotten about the pain but now that her orgasm was wearing off, it was becoming apparent. Mnn, she wasn't complaining fact she was still panting and groaning with pleasure.
Jana was a little surprised when she leaned back, but she held her all the same as Adam lasted about as long as could be expected, his entire body tightening with his orgasm as he rolled his hips with a breathless, hungry pant. He came inside her...he really, really hoped that logic didn't spin around anytime soon. He wanted...he wanted more, god...what was wrong with him?

"Told you it's fun," Jana purred in her ear. "I'm jealous...he's sexy, Mei. He knows what he's doing." A little crude, but he definitely had the focus to please her. Good.
Mei shivered as she felt him cum inside of her. It wasn't anything she was readily thinking about. She probably wouldn't realize it until much later what they were risking. No..she was still to caught up in the feeling of it all. This closeness and intimacy with another. She really loved it..and for once she was comfortable with Adam. She listened to Jana's words, and for a moment she felt slightly embarrassed...but she was really too happy to complain.

"Adam..take me to the bathroom." She wanted to shower with him. Or take a bath. Either way she didn't care. She just wanted to be with him..but also she felt the need to clean up.
"Sure," Adam smiled. "Um..."

"Don't mind me," Jana chuckled, giving Mei a friendly peck on the cheek. "Go on, take her." she teased. "I'll be swimming when you guys are done, okay?"

"Okay," Adam smiled, carefully slipping out of Mei with a faint breath. This was really happening...
Mei shivered as he slipped out of her, resting her head upon his broad shoulder. She blushed as she felt his cum leaking from her folds, and closed her eyes. Adam wasn't the only one who wanted to do it again. She already missed him being inside of her. "Mmhmm." She said absentmindedly after Jana told them where she'd be. She wasn't going to be moving any time soon, which is why she asked Adam to carry her.
Adam grinned in amusement, arm around her to take her to the shower. "...So liked that?" he said casually, his cock was slightly like a seat for her wonderful butt as he nudged the bathroom door open.
"Yes..I did." If he was going to ask her such a question than she should too. She did wonder why he was still hard...guys didn't always stay like that, did they? "What about you...did you like it?"

Their bathroom had a very large tub meant for soaking more than one person. Looked like six people could fit in there. But there was also a very luxurious looking shower stall, one that you could even sit in.
"I loved it," Adam murmured. "I' to do more, too." he admitted sheepishly, grinning. "...A lot're...I um..." he said, swallowing a moment. "...You're really hot when you're like this, Mei. I want to see more of it." There, he said regrets. The shower stall would do for now.
Mei blushed a little hearing his words. She wasn't even sure what she was being like. However, there was something about the way he looked at her..and spoke to made her want to feel it again. He wanted to do it more, and he was still hard so...she might as well ask him to do it again. "Then let's do it again..." She told him with a smile. "We it in here, right?"
"...Absolutely," Adam smiled easily, giving her a faint kiss. "...And you're okay with it?" he made sure, carefully settling her down to kiss her again. He couldn't get enough of her, touching her...running his hands down her chest. He wanted it all, and never wanted it to end. He didn't know if that was just being a sex crazed teenager, or something more...right now, he wasn't going to worry about it.
"I'm okay with it Adam...really." Mei told him as she looked up at him with a smile, reaching up and sliding her fingers across his chest. "I'm...really attracted to you too. I always have been, it's just hard for me to say it." She whimpered softly as his hands traveled down her body. It felt..really nice. She then pulled away from him and walked over to the shower stall. It was open, there was no curtain or glass. She turned it on, and water jetted from the showerhead in front of her. Mei let her incredibly long, chestnut colored locks down and then looked at him, her smile still on her face. It was definitely warm and inviting.
He was pretty sure his dick was more eager than he was, and that was a challenge in of itself as he quickly moved to join her, admiring every inch of her glistening in the water. He'd never get over that smile on her face, it made her entire being light up. He wanted to see that more...he was surprised sex was the thing that did it, but...well, who was he to complain as he slid his arms around her from behind, nuzzled against her neck as his hips shifted subtly.

"There's so much I want to do..." he admitted against her lips, his cock pressing between her asscheeks. "I don't even know where to begin..."
"Then begin with this." Mei turned around and stood on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips against his. It was strange, until now she was always wearing her heels around him, so she didn't have to struggle as much to kiss him. But flat footed, it was much harder to close the distance. Good thing it didn't take much for him to get the hint and lean down for her.
Good start. She was...actually really cute without heels. He returned it happily, his hands slipping down her body to give her butt a lecherous little squeeze, his tongue moving along her bottom lip. He had never really noticed it since she was always in that dress...but she had an amazing butt.
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