School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I do all the time," Adam said, glancing up at her. "...Why? What does it matter?" It's not like they hadn't seen each other in everything anyway...Oh, this was...Mei, wasn't it? He supposed she would take some weird level of discomfort from it.
"You do it all the time?" Mei seemed surprised to hear that. Why would anyone go to bed naked? "Umm...I just...." She sighed and then gathered their swimsuits from the floor and left. She came back a moment later with his boxers. "Just wear these at least. I can't look at you like that...I'll get excited again." She said with a blush across her cheeks.
He sat up a little in surprise, his cock lazily hanging. "...You're serious?" Adam said, his voice wasn't insulted or incredulous, just...flattered. His face flushed a little. "I-...I mean, we did it...twice...and..." He was...she got that excited around him?
"I know we did it twice, which is why I'm telling you to cover yourself..I'm meeting you half way, at least. It's not like that part of you is the only thing that gets me excited....ugh. I just..Adam please." She stuck her hand out to offer him his underwear as she looked away, her face bright red. Was it so hard to believe she was attracted to his body?
"...Okay, okay," Adam chuckled, slipping on his boxers as he moved to kiss her...then playfully pull her close. "There," he grinned, arms content around her waist. "Is that better?" It was probably a good thing that he was so exhausted, otherwise...well. He was trying not to think about what it felt like to have a girlfriend this excited. It made him happy, really happy. She liked being with him that much?
"Yes..that's better." She told him as he pulled her into an embrace, his arm around her. She rested her head against his chest and sighed happily. For a moment she was quiet before she looked up at him. "It's strange...because I can remember like it was yesterday when we spent all night together in that classroom. I didn't expect it to turn into this..."
"...Me either, but to be honest...I was really hoping it would," he said, laying back on the bed. He had no problems with her being on his chest. "...I mean," he mumbled. "...You're really something, Mei. You and Jana both, you're turning this entire thing around, you know? People have hope...and after everything that happened, that's more than what we ever asked for. I almost feel a little boring in comparison compared to you."
"I'm...just trying to help Turuga. And so is Jana...she's trying to help me help Turuga. So are you, Adam. You're not boring at all. You're really helpful and smart in ways I can never be." Her hands moved over his chest as she looked at the wall in thought. "I just want things to be back on track. I want to fix what Nicholas did, and then improve what the Kishi family were doing before. I don't want this to be about control, but just...order."
"Right," Adam smiled, scooting her up to steal another kiss. "And that is why I'm helping you...well, that...and you're pretty," he teased. "I always did have a thing for green eyes."
Mei didn't mind him kissing her one bit. Her hands never stopped caressing his chest. When the kiss ended, she looked into his eyes as he spoke. Another blush came across her cheek when he called her pretty. He wasn't always this forward or direct, but she enjoyed it. Maybe doing this had given him more confidence with her. "Oh yeah..? I'm glad you like them..." She was being awkward again, but it was hard for her to take compliments.
"I like a lot about you," Adam said, laying back with a sigh. "...But let's get some rest...or I will," Adam said, yawning widely. It was starting to sink into the evening, anyway. "You're an exhausting girl to keep up with," he grinned easily. He felt...great, better than great.
"You get some rest Adam." Mei told him as he kissed him on the forehead. She had something to discuss with Jana. She knew something was wrong, and she wouldn't forget about her friend. "I'm going to stay up a little longer. I'll come back when I'm ready to sleep."
"Alright," Adam yawned faintly, laying his head back on the pillow. "...Looking forward to it, Mei." he said, before he rolled over to sleep. Didn't take him long, either.
Mei smiled at him just before leaving the room. She then went to find Jana. She wasn't still swimming was she? That was a long time to spend in the pool.
She wasn't still swimming, but she was still naked on the beach chair. The evening had come, and she slid out of the chair with a long stretch and a faint yawn. It seemed that she had slept for most of the day, but she wasn't looking too cheerful about it. "...Hey, Mei," Jana mumbled, rubbing her face. "What time is it?"
"No clue." Mei grimaced at her nudity. Her father was more than likely hard at work or asleep right now, but it would be awkward if he caught her out here like this. Oh well. "We need to talk. Want to come inside? Or stay out here?"
"...Talk? Oh, uh..yeah, let me just get dressed." Jana said, moving to get her clothes in the guest room. Adam was out like a light...and he snored just a little. It was kind of cute. She slipped into her shirt and panties and decided that was good enough, flopping on the nearby couch with a minor sigh. Ugh, she almost forgot about it...couldn't run from it forever, could she?
Mei took a seat next to her and then looked into her eyes. "What's wrong, Jana?" She asked her as she reached out and placed her hand on hers. "I know something has been bothering you since today."
Jana couldn't really meet her gaze, mostly because she didn't really want to talk about it...but she had to, she knew it was part of the process. "...Well, Justin and I aren't...really a thing anymore," she admitted with a faint smile. "...It wasn't going to work out, so..."
Mei's eyebrows furrowed at the news. It was really out of nowhere, and as far Mei knew they were doing fine. "Why?" One word. She didn't want to start cursing Justin's name until she knew why she was doing it. She wasn't good at comforting, or even talking about things like this but...she'd try her hardest. She moved her hand and grasped hers, because she could tell Jana was in pain.
"...Conflicting personalities, let's leave it at that," Jana smiled, hand over hers. "...We couldn't agree about something, and I wasn't going to change, neither was he, so..." she shrugged. "That was that."
Mei wanted to know what that something was, but she wasn't going to push it out of Jana. There was no way she'd be able to give advice when Adam was her first. Though it was scary..finding something out about something that was able to end your relationship with them on the spot. What if one day her and Adam disagreed about something and they had to part ways?

Though this wasn't about her. She wrapped an arm around her friend and sighed. "We..still have a lot of growing to do. If you were meant to be, two will find your way back to each other and find compromise."
"Maybe," Jana mused, leaning against her to nuzzle against her shoulder, curling up like a vulnerable little girl. "...I don't really want to think about it right now, Mei. I don't...I don't think that'll happen." It hurt to think of, but she knew it was the truth, deep down.
"Alright. We don't have to talk about it anymore." Mei told her as she rested her head on top of hers. She had no idea what to say now. Other than...well...she wanted Jana to know that she was a great catch who could do better than Justin Campbell. "Jana...I hope you know how beautiful of a person you are. You are charismatic, and attractive...anyone would be lucky to have you."
"Thanks,'re sweet," Jana smiled. "Right now? I don't think I care," she sighed. "My main concern is helping you, and getting laid...and hurting the bad guys....maybe in that order," she teased with a faint smile. "I don't think I want to deal with that feeling crap for a while."
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