School Rumble (Broom and I)

"You do?" Adam said curiously, brow raised. "...What do you need, Mei?" Wow, back to work already, huh? Guess the DC never slept, not that they should extend their welcome any longer...but it was a little bit disheartening, even if he understood why.
"I just need you to run an errand for me. It's nothing big, I just can't do it because I have a meeting later on this morning. They recovered more files from the rubble and I need them brought over to my room." As if her room didn't have enough of that stuff in there, but...technically their building wasn't ready yet. She had to give the approval before her father bought it out.
"Oh, sure," Adam smiled. "I'd be glad to...I'll see you later, okay?" he said, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek before he excused himself. Well, errand boy wasn't something he was familiar with...but this wasn't time to have an ego about it. Jana watched him go, arms crossed with a faint grin.

"He's a little cutie-pie, huh?" she teased, "All prim and proper."
She didn't mean he had to leave right now, but..her guess was he'd want to leave so her father didn't try to shoot more glares at him. She didn't stop him, though he watched him leave longingly. Hearing Jana, she pulled her eyes towards her. "Yes, that's what I like about him...he's good for someone like me. I don't think I'd ever be able to handle someone else." Mei said with a laugh as she pushed a loose strand of hair out of her face.
"Uh huh," Jana said idly, casting her glance. "...I mean, I'm happy for you two, really...but...well, you're still not very old, you know?" she shrugged. "...That's just not Justin talking, I swear," she sighed. "He's a sweetheart, though...I'm sure you two will get along fine." She was stalling, just a little. It...had been a long time since she had seen her Master, she wondered if she'd know that Jana had improved? But she needed new weapons, and she felt dirty going anywhere but her to ask.
Mei wasn't sure what Jana was implying at first. Though when she thought about it, she grimaced and looked away. Perhaps it wasn't as simple as falling in love and getting married, then having a child. Even though her parents did it, not everyone was so lucky.

After having breakfast with a very disappointed Megumi, who had cooked up something special for Adam apparently...Mei's father gave them a ride to their new HQ. It wasn't very far away from Central. It had the basic necessities they needed. Rooms to hold classes, a cafeteria, and lots of space for the idea Mei had. Plus they could always build cells to hold offenders in the old basement parking lot. It needed work, but it would have to do for the next year or so.

"Hmm, this works. I'll have to turn a few of the rooms into barracks for the students that don't have a place to go and are staying at Blue right now." Mei told her father as they walked around the grounds. Plenty of land and open space too.

"Good, then I'll go ahead and put out my offer to the Smith's. I'm sure they'll be happy if a good chunk of their debt was gone with my purchase." Alaric chuckled and Mei just sighed softly. Her father..had a cruel sense of humor at times.
Jana was impressed, honestly. It was definitely a old hospital...but it was in decent condition. Definitely not what Central was...but workable. She slid her hands in her pockets as Alaric spoke, head tilted with Mei's reaction. Family drama, eh?

"Well, this is exciting," Jana smiled. "A fresh start!"
" is." Mei said as she wrapped her black sweater around her tighter. She wanted to get back into her normal clothes, but they still had another stop to make.

"Did you girls need a ride somewhere? I've got to be going soon." Alaric told them as he looked at his watch. Always busy..never a dull moment with her father...
"Nah, we're fine," Jana smiled. "You've been an amazing help, Mr. Wolfe. If you weren't married, I'd kiss you." And swallow his tongue, and...heh...well, better not think too deeply about that with Mei around. Besides, they could walk, it'd be a bit of a walk...but maybe Mei getting an idea of how things are would help.
Mei gave Jana a look as her father laughed. "I'm honored to hear that from such a pretty girl. I'll see you two later. You'll be able to use the new building by the end of the week, I promise." He told them before walking back to his high end car. A man as rich as Alaric could probably get himself chauffeured around all the time, but he liked driving on his own.

Mei looked back to Jana and sighed in relief. Finally, she wasn't around either one of her parents and she could relax. "How far off is your master?"
"In Red, but it'll be good to walk," Jana smiled. "Getting tired of lazing around, and you'll see how things are going," she explained. "I went into Red to get some help, need every inch we can get, right?" she smiled. "I got someone special to make sure things would be under control down there, but you have to promise you trust me."
Mei raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't like some of the help she got, but Mei wasn't picky. Anything to help with Turuga. "Of course I trust you, Jana." She said, though that was probably the first time she actually said it out loud. Only a short time ago she hadn't trusted anyone but herself.
"...Good," Jana smiled brightly, taking her hand to lead her towards Red. "...You super promise?" she said, giving her the best doe eyes she could imagine. "...Super duper promise?" Because, Jana had a fairly good idea that...she may or may not be happy with who she found. In fact, she was pretty positive about it.
"Yes, I promise..Jana." Though when she kept asking her over and over again, Mei got a sinking feeling in her stomach. Just what was going on where she thought Mei wouldn't trust her with it? Of all the things she could think of, none of them made sense really. "You're not..hiding something from me, are you?"
"No," Jana smiled easily. "Promise, just...I had to make choices for the good of Turuga," she murmured. "And I want you to know that, straight up. That was my only thought when I chose people to help us, okay?" Ugh, she might not really like this...Jana was building up into something that she may not like.
"I promise, Jana..just please tell me whatever you're going to tell me." Mei wasn't really enjoying this suspense. She was imagining the worst things now. Did she get some gang members to help, or what? She looked Jana in the eyes, her face obviously filled with worry and slight confusion.
"Trust me," Jana smiled easily. Well, she knew that one way or another, Mei would find out. Gang members would honestly be a mercy, but she was cheerfully quiet as they headed into Red. Red was...Red would be Red, it was practically self-sustainable. But when people started realizing that DC wouldn't be patrolling anywhere near them, things got...rowdy. Even though Mei and Jana were hardly in uniform -if there were even any uniforms left-, people were giving them little more than a dismissal.

But the place was a mess, it was clear that fighting had been a steady, constant thing. But much like a good party, or a nice spar...people were still around and about, just kind of...ignoring any particulars of the damage. Red survived through a lot of things, some thugs trying to assert their dominance wasn't much different. Just this time, street fights were in uniform or out. Nobody cared, there was no sense of order.

Well, there was some.

"So, remember what I said about-" Jana stopped, and put her arm out to stop Mei. A half second later, the window to the nearby manga shop shattered in a thunderous explosion. Jana winced a little in surprise as a trio of students came flying out and landed on the street. There was a long, drawn out...and annoyed sigh as the student stepped out with a rub of his head, his iron kanabo resting against his shoulder.

"Could I get a goddamn second t'breathe from you little fucking maggots?" Komoku Rokujo groused. "How many times do I have t'tell you, you don't start fights unless you got your uniform on? Everyone starts actin' like rabid dogs and I have to start puttin' them down. Man needs rest every once and a while, y'know?"

"Fuck you!" One of the students muttered as they scrambled to their feet, settling into fighting stances as they rose back up. Komoku frowned a little in annoyance, digging out earwax with his pinky as he casually flicked it on the road. "There isn't any DC anymore, Komoku! We can do whatever the fuck we want!"

"Uh huh," Komoku drawled. "Look, little puppy dogs. Either you walk back home like good little boys and suck on your mothers tit and tell her how tough you were today, or you limp home because you met someone with some real fangs." he smirked slowly. "And really, piss is a pain to get out of clothes, you know? It's just messy, and it stinks...fuck knows you people probably don't even know what 'hydrated' means-"

That seemed to be enough to incite them to action. The leader -which Komoku surmised because he was the dumbest looking- rushed forward in an impressive display of martial arts that he probably got off the back of a DVD case and attacked with a visually impressive roundhouse that Komoku caught almost out of reflex, fingers gripping his foot. His grip was like iron, and his expression bored as the boy blinked in surprise before swallowing.

"S'real pretty, buddy." Komoku drawled. "Got another one?"

"Fucking ass!" he hissed, spinning off his other foot to try and get Komoku in the face, he leaned back an inch and twisted his grip, instead spinning the boy with a surprised yelp as he slammed face first in the pavement. The second one rushed forward and weaved in, his fist crackling with lightning as Komoku took a step back and to the right at the last second as lightning ripped across the front of the store, and he reared down and slammed his forehead against the student. The impact thundered into the air as the boy's head jerked back viciously and he hit the ground next to his idiot friend.

The third boy just blinked in surprise as Komoku stared at him, scratching his forehead a little. He had barely moved, and two of them were down with a surprising amount of restraint.

"So, little puppy dog...why don't you pick up your friends, tell the rest of your fuckheaded social circle to stop acting like a bunch of wild animals? Hmm?" Komoku said, waiting a moment before his brow furrowed and the boy stood ramrod straight.

"Y...Yeah, right! Thanks, Komoku! I mean-"

"Shut up, take your idiots." Komoku said, kicking one and then the other over, they went tumbling across the street with pitiful groans. The boy babbled some kind of apology or whatever as he scooped up his friends and uneasily headed down the road. Sure enough...there was that trail of urine. Komoku sighed, rubbing his neck a moment. That would have been so much more damn fun if he could have...let loose, but...well. Fucking Ice Bitch would come rolling around and- his eyes glanced over to the side curiously. And...sure enough?

Fucking Ice Bitch. God Dammit.

"Hey Boss," Komoku grinned. "You look less attractive with clothes on, you get all better? I fucked you up pretty awful."

"...So uh..." Jana said sheepishly. "...Let me introduce one of your new field officers, Mei. Komoku Rokujo."
Mei stopped when Jana did, and the second the glass shattered she instinctively reached for her rapier at her side, seeing the three students fly to the ground in front of her. However, before she could get involved, the man she saw next made her heart stop and her blood turn to ice. She couldn't believe what she was seeing...and hearing as well. Komoku Rokujo, the man she had been cursing every single night since all this had happened stepped out into view, and the only thing she could do was watch the entire display.

Her eyes were wide, her teeth were bared and the only reason why she didn't jump on him was because he was doing something that she couldn't bring herself to interfere with..he was enforcing the law. And when those pathetic boys limped away, and he turned to greet her with his crude words, the entire air seem to freeze as she breathed through her clenched teeth.

This man...this man, she wanted to lock up for a long time. She was absolutely furious learning he had gotten away, but now he was right here and there was nothing stopping her from making the arrest...

...Except Jana. Her words made her green eyes dart and look at her partner wide eyed. First, how anyone could even convince such a crazy fucking man to actually do something useful, was beyond Mei. However, with her ears burning with anger, she couldn't help but be at a loss for words. She was caught between her personal, passionate hatred for this man, and her love and trust with Jana, and for the first time she just didn't know what to do.

"Jana..I can't do this right now." Her voice was barely above a whisper. Not a good sign. The quieter she got, the more angry she angry that she could even feel her eyes watering. She hated this man..but if he was fighting for her beliefs, how could she justify punishing him when they didn't very many people left to help her?
"Mei-" Jana started, but Komoku walked closer regardless. Like most things in life, he ignored the rampant danger that he was being presented with. Jana took a faint step in front of her, frowning in warning. Komoku should have expected this response, really...he kind of figured, you know...maybe if he cleaned this place up a little, she wouldn't want to freeze his dick to the pavement or something. She looked mean enough to do that.

Regardless, Komoku rested the kanabo against the ground and leaned on it, hands on the pommel. "C'mon," Komoku said idly. "Let's hear some vitriol from that pretty mouth, Boss." he smirked easily. "Fury gets my dick hard, you know?" Oh, she was pissed, but he felt better than ever since their fight. Stronger, more resilient, more...appreciative of Mei, and appreciative that she'd be something worth following.
When he started coming closer, Mei's nostrils flared in anger as she pulled out her rapier. Every step he took..made her feel smaller. Probably because today she wasn't wearing her heeled boots..they didn't go with her dress very well. But no...there was just the glaring fact that Komoku had held his own against much that she didn't know whether or not she could win against him...and now that he knew her tricks, he would have definitely been able to put up a better fight this time around. However, Jana stepped in front of her protectively, and she felt a little better, relaxing and looking away as she struggled to fight back the tears.

His next words were sarcastic and disgusting. He would find pleasure in her anger. "...You would just find pleasure in any remark I say. You probably are already getting so excited knowing there isn't a damn thing I can do to lock you up where you belong! Because all of a sudden you decided what side is right to fight on, like you actually care about what's right and what's wrong! I hate you so much, you are the worst human being I have ever met in my life but...I won't lock you up. So you can think about that tonight, whenever you do that disgusting thing that nasty boys like you do..." She slid her rapier back into it's sheath and looked away from him, turning her back. She was crying goddamn it. actually made her cry!
Komoku didn't really say anything to her scathing words -which, they were. Woo, that girl could make you feel like shit in a split second.- But his sister would give him utter hell if she found out he made his new boss cry. Ugh. This..was not something he was good at. Jana glanced at Komoku curiously, his face looking like someone had socked him in the jaw and he was rooting for the loose tooth. Still, he tilted his head a moment.

Jana couldn't believe it. Was he Maybe she was just lost in her head.

"You fight good," Komoku said. "damn scary, actually, you and Jana, best fights I've had in a long time," he shrugged. "yeah, look, Boss, I'm not a great person, don't claim to be, didn't say I had any deep reason to do what I did, didn't need one, you need help, I'm giving it, kinda feel like I should, since I'm one of the reasons all this bullshit started," he said, turning to leave. "but whatever," he mused, waving it off. "Red's a shittier mess than usual, so me and my boys will keep things to a low roar while you're being the pretty leader girl, inspiring people and all that, when you want to order me around, just scream from Central, I'm sure I'll hear it." he smirked. Well, that wasn't TOO bad, right?

Jana blinked a little at that, hands settled in her pockets. That was...different. Almost like he was trying to not be an obnoxious dick.
Mei waited until he was gone to take a deep breath and calm herself. His words sounded sincere but..she would never forgive him or trust him. Ever. She knew that he would mess up and be the only thing he knew how to be...a chaotic, ruthless animal who attacked innocents when he didn't get his way. She could still hear the students around her scream when he forced her to attack him head could anyone even be capable of that? least he was being useful for now. Mei would keep her eye out on him though. He wouldn't get away with what he did, and she was determined to punish him for it. "..Let's just go, Jana. If I stay out here too long I'll miss my meeting later on."
"...Sure, Mei," Jana said, leading her deeper into Red. "...For what it's worth, I'm sorry," she finally murmured. "...But, I figured the best use for him was down here anyway. People think he's a bogeyman. We need all the help we can get right now."
Mei stayed silent for a moment, trying to push aside her personal feelings and see it from Jana's point of view. "..I will not be like the Kishi family and run DC based off my own personal wants and needs. I will run it from a business standpoint, and my father always told me there is no room for emotions or opinions..only cold, hard facts. And fact is, we need you did the right thing...but..." Mei bit he lip hard as she glared at the ground. "That man gives me nightmares..."
"Mei..." Jana murmured, arm around her shoulders. "You run it how Mei Wolfe would run it, not how your father told you to run it, and...between you and me? You spooked the shit out of Komoku, and I'm not joking, We just mentioned your name at his place, when we found him? He didn't like it...I think he actually respects you a lot. He seems to favor people who actually give him a good round or two...but you? Woo...bringing you up made him all kinds of sour. I think you hurt his pride a little."
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