School Rumble (Broom and I)

"You really are your father's daughter," Mel laughed. "You know, your father gave me the same look when she heard about it? Such a prude, anyway...the reason you're here," she said, rising up. "Come on, you two...I'm sure you've got more important things to do than hear me bitch about your father, Mei."

"...and something to wash out what you just said would be nice," Jana grimaced.

"Oh come on, you too?" Mel sighed.

"I don't want to picture you like that!" Jana huffed. "That's...that's gross!" She...really felt like Mei in that moment.
"Perhaps if we don't bring it up...ever again....then we can forget it was ever said...for the rest of eternity." Mei told Jana before turning back to Mel. "I believe Jana is here because she wanted to apologize for getting your weapons broken when she was defending Central last month. Please don't be too hard on her. I have fought the woman she fought as well, and if my rapier was made of metal I'm sure she would have done the same thing to it..." Her father had given her a special rapier because he didn't want her being disarmed by anyone who controlled the metal element. She wondered if he would have been able to fix the swords but..she hadn't seen them since that day.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm not mad," Mel smiled. "They're not built to be your partners for life, Jana...they were your training weapons. And if you won a fight without them, I think you're ready to step up." she said, heading up the stairs. "I was hoping you would be, honestly...I know the perfect pair for you." Jana blinked faintly, feeling her heart leap into her chest. Did...was she...was she not a student anymore?

"I found them during one of my trips to Japan," Mel said, moving toward a polished wooden counter. They were gorgeous, the sheaths had golden designs of dragons at the bottom, and the wrapped cord was white. The snarling faces of beasts poked in the middle of the grip. The tsuba were expertly enlaid with designs of chrysanthemum and phoenixes. Carefully, Mel took both off and held them. "Great set...the man I got them from said he thought I'd know what to do with them, and I think I do." he said, walking over.

"Jana, you've been like a daughter to me," Mel smiled fondly. "I've seen you grown up to be a brave girl, fighting to fight, and now fighting to right a wrong...I think I'm going to stick around, see how things go with you. But you've done everything I asked and more, you've strove to perfect yourself and I award you these," she said, as Jana took both in numb awe. They were...they were beautiful. She had never seen a pair of Daisho so lovingly cared for.

"I'm not your Master anymore, Jana...but I'm okay if you want to call me Mom," She teased. "Not that I think I'm really Mom material. So how about Mel?"

"I..." Jana said, blinking out the tears in her eyes. She...she didn't know what to say, it had been so hard to think about stuff like that lately. Justin was gone, Mei was...was with someone else. She probably didn't need her as much anymore, and...and now all this? She couldn't handle it, she really couldn't.
Mei looked at Jana and reached out to rub her back. She had never seen her act like this, but considering all that was going on...she had every right to. While she rubbed her back, she admired the two weapons herself. They were beautiful and reminded her of her of the craftsmanship of her mothers katana. She was really happy for Jana, and was glad she invited her over to meet her master so she could witness such a touching moment.

Maybe it was time she found someone to teach her too. Something more than just the basics. That way she would feel more confident during close ranged battles. Mei had the power, but not the guts to use it...she knew she could end someones life with the blade she had, and she was never comfortable knowing that..which was why she rarely ever drew it in the first place unless it was for defense.
"You're welcome, honey," Mel smiled, giving Jana a hug...and then pulling Mei in for good measure. "You keep an eye on my girl, Mei. She doesn't throw around things like 'best friend', very often. She's a pain in my ass, so god knows how much of a pain she is to you...but she's worth every headache, I promise." Jana flushed a little in embarrassment at that, content to simply nuzzle against Mel's chest.

She was staying, too? She' around more?
"Ah..she really is worth it no matter how uncomfortable she makes me..." Mei laughed a bit, but she didn't expect to be pulled into such a strong embrace. She may have been okay with Jana hugging her and Adam but...Mel was someone she just met and she couldn't wait to get out of the hug. She remained very stiff until she was let go, and then she looked at her phone. "I'm sorry Jana..I should be going. I have to meet up with a few people, umm...actually they're going to help train our new recruits who can't fight so well. Ah! Mel, if you need a job...and don't mind training students..just let me know." Mei told her as she rose to her feet.
"I might take you up on that, Mei," Mel smiled. "Thanks for coming by, nice to meet you."

"...Yeah, Mei, thanks." Jana smiled brightly, fitting the daisho properly to her hip. This day had been...been much better. Her...her Mom was going to be around more, and she felt like she could take on everything. "You sure you can't at least stay for lunch or something? My treat, I know this great place down the street."
"I'm sorry, I can't. I really shouldn't be late for my first official meeting, it will really make me look bad as the official leader of DC and stuff. Maybe we can catch dinner together." She said before nodding at Mel. It was odd thinking about it, chances are more than not Mel had probably seen her when she was a baby before. Maybe she'd ask her mother. "Nice meeting you too. I'll see you later."

Mei speed dialed a local taxi service to meet her at a certain area before hurrying off. She ran passed a boy in a red hoodie who wasn't too far off from Mel's house, but she didn't have time to ask him why he wasn't in school. Still, even though she couldn't see much of his face, a wicked set of teeth was flashed her way. Creepy guy.
"Well, I better get going too," Jana smiled, giving Mel another hug. "You'll be around more?"

"Yup, might finally clean this place up." Mel grinned. "Then go see Megumi, see how she's crash here whenever you want, sweetheart." It was childish, but...Jana really liked it when Mel rubbed her head like that. It made her feel...she didn't know, special. She liked that feeling.

"Okay," Jana smiled widely. "I'll see you later, Mel."

"Be careful out there," she said, turning to face her messy house. Ah...dammit, maybe that's why she always left?

Jana headed out of the house and down the street to one of her favorite places. Today...was a good day, she felt refreshed and recharged. She was more than content to take things easy for today as she ordered a hotdog and a drink. She hadn't had one of these in forever, it would crop off her perfect day.
Blake was out of sight after that ice bitch Mei hurried off to do whatever the fuck people like her did. But good, they were separated, and good 'ole slutty Jana would be all alone and vulnerable without her friend. He watched from the shadows as she passed. Those were some nice looking swords. Maybe he could give them to one of his big sisters. Eh..then again none of them really liked swords. Whatever!

He stayed his distance away from her and followed her to that one place..oh yeah! He saw her recently here with her boyfriend. Chick really liked her damn hot dogs. How fitting. He waited a little bit before coming in after her. The place was filled with losers...losers who knew not to look a crazy fucker like Blake in the eye. He sat down in a spot where she wouldn't notice him, waiting for her to get her food. Then he'd slip her something nice...something to help her relax.
She grabbed her drink and hotdog and sat down with a faint sigh, scratching the back of her neck. Today was just...a crazy day of feelings, and she was glad that she had a hotdog piled with chili and cheese to make it go away. She dug in eagerly, they didn't make them like this anywhere else in Turuga. All beef was the best thing in the world, and the chilli, had just enough spice to accentuate the flavor. Mm...

Maybe she'd get two!
Blake got him the same thing that Jana got to drink, and then he placed the pill into it. Playing the switching game was a dangerous one, but as soon as a mousy looking girl came in with a bunch of books and papers in her arms came in and started walking towards where Jana was sitting, he smirked. He casually started going over to the area, and with a twirl of a finger Jana's shadow solidified and tripped the girl. She screamed and dropped her books and papers to the floor, and once she herself hit the ground her glasses skidded some feet away from her and she whimpered. Laughter erupted from the place as she desperately tried to gather her things and find her glasses. She couldn't see too well, that made it better. A goodie like Jana would definitely help her.

Ah, the humiliation of that girl was so was making him hard.
Jana blinked in surprise and bolted to action, she wasn't there quick enough...but the bigger question was what in the hell tripped her.

"Are you okay?" Jana said, kneeling down to take her glasses and put it in her hands with a faint smile. The glare she gave everyone else was scathing, they weren't laughing then. "Here, let's get all this together, alright?" Jeez, what kind of dickhead would do that? But she didn't SEE anyone, and it wasn't like the walkway was uneven. That made her gut feel...weird.
Blake casually walked passed them, placing his drink next to Jana's and picking hers up while he walked to the other side of the place. He knew she wouldn't be able to resist helping that pathetic girl. He sat down in the corner and propped up his feet, smiling as he sipped on her drink. She already tasted delicious, and he had only experienced the saliva on her straw.

"Uh..umm...thank you." The girl said with a blush, surprised that anyone here would help her. She wasn't even sure what tripped her either. She didn't stumble on her feet..that wasn't clumsy. But there was no point in thinking about it..she just had to gather all her books and papers so she could stop bothering this nice girl. Once they were done, the girl smiled at Jana. "Thanks again, I should really get a book bag." Not that she could really afford one..
"No problem," Jana smiled. "Builds arm strength, yeah?" she said, placing the last book in her stack. It wasn't like the stack was massive either. She easily had a firm grip on the books, and the pile rested to about her chin. Further bizarre, to say the least. "Be careful, okay?" she said, sitting back down. Hm. That was just...odd, but she couldn't place why. A casual scan of the crowd really didn't have anyone stand out.

Maybe she was just paranoid, she took a faint sip of her drink in thought. Red was always like that though, just had to be careful.
The girl nodded and found a table away from all of the others so she could have her lunch and focus on her studies. A very rare sight, but there were people who did care about school in red. They just never really openly cared.

Blake could see that Jana thought something was amiss, but she'd never piece it together. Not until it was too late anyway. He watched her from the corner, casually glancing over. The minute she took a sip of her drink, he knew he had won. It wouldn't be long before she'd start to feel sleepy. She'd probably get up and try to leave, but even if she didn't..he could make things work.
She didn't think much of it when she left, honestly. She was walking, minding her own business until her vision started to get a little...funky. She wished she had the ignorance to know what it was, but...Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Her heart skipped a beat, and her lungs started to slow. She stumbled, her eyes starting to droop. No, no...stay awake. Mel's house was a few blocks foot in front of the other, one at a time. Shit. Her drink. God dammit...who? Who in the didn't matter, really. In the end, she could fight it...but she couldn't keep it up resisting.

Whoever it was...they would be fucking dead.
Blake could have caught her, but he let her collapse into the payment. No one was around, even if someone was they wouldn't fucking talk. He walked over to her body and then took off his hoodie, throwing it on top of her. Then he easily lifted her up, slinging her over his shoulder. "Time to go to your new home, DC bitch." He snickered and then made a beeline for the really scummy part of Red. The one where nobody really wanted to be. An abandoned warehouse that was his territory..their territory. Nobody fucked around over here unless they wanted to get hurt.

The warehouse looked shitty and it was falling apart, but they knew the safe areas that had good structure. Julianna had actually managed to get them some decent furniture and things of the nature. But they had no electricity, only lamp lights if they wanted to play around in the dark. During the day though, it was lit well. "All of my big sisters are out doing their own thing, but you'll meet them soon enough." He said to her sleeping corpse as he grabbed two solid pair of handcuffs. Ones that not even wild animals like Jana could get out of. He had heard about her..she was nothing short of impressive when it came to fighting. He would have so much fun with her.

He placed the handcuffs upon her after taking his jacket off her and putting it back on himself. Then he moved her body towards a chain that was hanging off a solid steel pipe that ran across the ceiling. He linked the chain and her cuffs together and let her body hang like that. He looked at her curiously before his eyes settled on those fancy blades of hers. He removed them from her waist and threw them on a nearby table. Then he licked his lips at the helpless woman in front of him. He couldn't wait to see what she was hiding under her clothes..but he couldn't take a peek just yet. Not while she was still drugged out of her mind. Of course they would keep her sedated her entire time of being here. They couldn't risk letting her have the opportunity to escape. But for now, Blake pulled up a chair and watched her breathe and maybe struggle for consciousness. He wanted her to see him the moment she opened her eyes, and he could only imagine how pissed she'd be knowing she had let her guard down enough for this to happen to her.
Jana wasn't sure what she was expecting waking up, except her head was killing her. Her eyes fluttered open as her hands tightened and relaxed a moment, glancing wearily around. Movement was...not good. "Nn..." she mumbled, licking her dry lips as she shifted in the air, hearing the rattle of the chains. What in the fuck...? She shifted a little stronger, and the chains rattled louder. She was...hanging?

Clarity came back to her like a freight train, and soon she was staring at some smirking, confident little fuckwit who was immediately on her shit list.

"Let me guess," Jana said, her voice cracked and raw. "This is your first time talking to girls?"
Blake watched her slowly regain consciousness. The tiny shift of expression when she realized what was going on made him shiver, though that's not what the best part was. Her reaction. It was perfect to him. It made him grin all the more. "You're not boring...I really, really like that." He said as he got up from his chair and then walked closer to her. "Would you like to take a guess on why you're really here? Other than the obvious...I'll give you a hint, it goes deeper than you being my personal cum dump for the next few days. Maybe even weeks depending on you."
"Sure, I'll take a guess," Jana muttered, eyes narrowing as he got closer. He'd regret touching her, this much...she was very certain. "You're a sick fucking puke like all the other scumbags in Red, and you think you can give yourself a hard-on over making me squirm like a stuck pig, am I getting close?"
"Good guess. But no. I'm already hard, anyway." He reached behind his back and then unhooked one of his iron claws from his belt, sliding it over his hand slowly as he licked his lips. "No. I need information. About this Ice Queen who's stupid enough to attempt to still enforce the retarded, outdated mandate. And pulling in unwilling reds to boot? Or was that just you're doing?" He ran his fingers over one of the blades to test it's sharpness, and when he was satisfied he closed the distance between them, looking into her eyes and licking his lips. He would linger for a little bit, see if she had any fight in her before he had his fun.
"What you need is a fucking bullet in the brain, you creep," Jana muttered, squirming in her bonds. Shit, those things were heavy...heat would take a while, and it'd just hurt her in the process. Shit. They planned ahead. Ugh. "Get it over with, I'm not telling you shit. You can get bent."
"Music to my ears. I've always wanted to torture someone slowly and enjoy it." He walked behind her, taking the collar of her jacket before yanking at a bit. "Don't move. You might get cut. Well, cut deeper anyway." Blake grinned and then lifted his arm up, then swung it down. His iron claws not only shred her jacket and shirt from top to bottom, but she'd also feel the cold metal slicing her skin. It was shallow, but she would bleed.
Jana grit her teeth furiously, fingers tightening as the claws trailed down her back She exhaled when he was done, but only to squirm in annoyance. "You're going to buy me a new jacket, you fuck." Ugh, that stung like this was the game they were playing? "Who the fuck are you? And why should I not beat you into a pulp when I get out?"
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