School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei wasn't sure why she liked him touching her like that. Well, then again...she liked when he touched her period. Maybe because she could sense how much he wanted her through his actions. It was very erotic. She opened her mouth and let his tongue slip in, then once again their lips were locked as their tongues met and slid along one another. She was already feeling good down there again...
He slid closer, hands roaming down her legs to hoist her up and press her against the wall. The satisfaction of her breasts against his chest was...wonderful. He shivered eagerly from the close contact, his hands sliding along her shapely legs as his shaft pressed against her pussy. Who knew that Mei would be so...excited for stuff like this?
Mei whimpered when she felt him against her wet entrance. His own mess was still leaking from her, not to mention her wetness made it even easier for him to slip in. There was only a little bit of pain left over...but the rest was all pleasure and it was making her moan. "Get it all out of your system, Adam. I don't want to take a shower again tonight." She whispered to him.
"Tall order with such a beautiful girl in front of me," he grinned, that dorky little grin as he nuzzled against her neck and started to work his hips. This...was really his first time, and he couldn't get enough. His lips went everywhere, her cheek, her jaw, her neck...and his hips didn't slow down for anything. Even as his breath was starting to pick up, he never stopped. He didn't want to...he wanted her to feel amazing for as long as he could.
Mei returned his grin, though when he started moving inside of her she tilted her head back until it rested against the shower tile, moaning sensually. Oh it really feel did good. She had never felt so good before. She might be addicted. Each time he pulled out of her all she wanted was to feel him return inside of her again. And he did. This position too..he was hitting a spot that felt really good to her right now. "Adam.." She called his name out softly as her legs curled wrapped him.
Her legs were...really tight on his waist, that was kind of hot in a way he didn't understand as he continued, squirming his hips with a heavy pant. His hands slid along hers, fingers linking together as he continued to rock into her as hard as he could with a pleased, hungry moan every time his cock buried inside her fully. Maybe he just had a thing for women way stronger than him?
Mei's arms looped underneath his as her fingernails dug into his flesh. It didn't hurt but it was definitely noticeable. She was wailing even louder now. It was just too good. She couldn't keep silent. Good thing they weren't actually inside of the main house..someone would have definitely heard her. But she couldn't help it. He just felt so good, and she was still sensitive from earlier.
Adam let out a hungry groan as her nails sunk in, and his hips just picked up their pace. Her hungry little squeals drove him crazy...all he wanted to do was hear it some more. He was doing that to her? It was hard not to feel a little smug about himself as his hands gripped her thighs tighter, teeth gritting in increasing pleasure. It felt like a ball of frustration that was about to burst...and all he could do was move faster and faster, nuzzling against her chest.

Fuck, he was gone...he was so gone. There wasn't anything that could convince him that this wasn't the best idea he had ever had.
"Ahhhh! Adam, don't stop!" She cried out suddenly, her finger tips starting to move down his skin, leaving eight trails of redness in their path. Oh God, she was going to have another orgasm! Her back began to arch, pushing his face further into her chest. "Unnh! Feels so good! I'm going to..!" She didn't have to say another word. Adam would feel her orgasm on his cock, this time squeezing him even harder than the first time! This was okay. How could it not be okay? How could something feel so good and NOT be okay?
Adam didn't last that long when the pressure increased, he simply pressed her closer with a loud moan as his hips slowed with a heavy hiss and his body started to shiver. The second orgasm...? He didn't know how much actually came out, but given how much he was grunting as he simply held her...he would guess enough to remove the feeling in his legs as he flooded her tight pussy with another round, shivering every time his body moved gently.

"Oh, god..." Adam breathed heavily. He was...really glad this shower had a seat, because he wasn't thinking that he'd be standing much longer...
Mei felt him flood her insides again once more. She was really coming to enjoy the sensation really. She was even still panting, her mouth slightly open as she looked into his eyes. As if she could read his mind, she just smiled and gave him an order. "Sit down, Adam. You look exhausted."
"...Yeah," Adam chuckled breathlessly as he carefully settled back on the seat, letting go of her to let her stand as he slumped back with a heavy breath, his cock wasn't rock hard, but it rested against his stomach in a half erection. "Wow, Mei..." he groaned, eyes closing.
Mei looked at him for a moment and just shook her head. Her legs were numb and she was tired, but...she was definitely in the mood to get clean. She took a bar of soap, and started sliding it all over her body. It was a little embarrassing to open her legs because his cum was really leaking out of her..and it was an amazing but a little strange sight. Though she didn't dwell for too long as she sat next to him and then began to run the soap along his skin too in a very..doting way.
Adam glanced at her a moment, finally letting out a faint breath before smiling. "...Thanks," he said, sitting up a little for her. "...I suppose we should thank Jana too, huh?" he joked. "Have you guys...uh, always been that close?"
Her cheeks were red again. Jana's presence was appreciated but it wouldn't be needed in the future. Mei knew why she had did what she did, so she wasn't angry with her. Still. "We're not ever speaking of that again, Adam. Because it will never happen again." She told him as she started to wash his chest and his stomach..gosh she could not get enough of his body.
He smiled a little in amusement at that. "I'll try to keep that in mind," he teased, shifting closer to kiss her cheek. "Personally? I was more interested in the woman in front of me."
Mei gave him a smile. She did want to hear that. "I'd ask whether or not you would have slept with her but...Jana probably would have made you do it. I wouldn't have had the nerve to fight against her so...there was really only one thing I could do. I'm glad I decided to do it though..."
"I wouldn't have," Adam chuckled. "I mean...she's beautiful, yeah...but we're dating, remember? I think she did it just to goad you...not that I didn't appreciate a view," he grinned lazily, arm around his shoulder. "But I have a better one right here."
Mei shifted her eyes as she felt a tiny bit of jealousy. Even though she should have been grateful for at least the first part of his response. She didn't have anything to worry about. She trusted both of them and they would never do anything behind her back. That still didn't make the jealousy go away, but at least she could ignore it. "Well, that's good that you find me better..." She said awkwardly as she got up and then rinsed herself off.
"It's more than that," Adam promised, arms around her waist to pull her close. "Definitely more than that," he said, nuzzled against her neck. Jokes like that didn't go very well just yet, did they? "Why would I want anything else when I have everything I need right here?"
Mei felt Adam pull her close into him and she leaned her head back against his chest. She listened to his words, and she couldn't help but smile again. "You're everything I need, too. I don't want anyone else, Adam." Mei told him. Would that be something he found comfort in? Mei didn't seem to be attracted to anyone at all except him, and even then..she barely showed signs of that. Still, that's how she felt. She couldn't admit it just yet, but...Mei really did love him.
"Good," Adam smiled, nuzzling against her neck. "...C'mon, I'm exhausted...and we're supposed to be relaxing anyway, right?" Ugh, he didn't think he'd be able to get up if he laid back down, was that such a bad thing?
"Yeah." She usually liked taking long showers, but she had been in here too long doing naughty things with him. She shut off the water after she was sure Adam was rinsed off completely. Then she walked out. There were already fresh towels hanging off the racks. They were large and soft..nothing but the best.

It took her a while to get her hair dry enough where it stopped dripping. Some people would find hair like that way too hard to manage but...Mei liked it. She liked spending time taking care of it and brushing it. She wrapped the towel around her body and went back to the closet where they got their swimsuits. She shuffled through the hung up clothes and found something suitable to wear to bed.
Adam didn't bother, he dried off and just collapsed on the bed naked with a groan. "Ugh..." he mumbled. "If sex with a B grade makes me this sore, I'm going to be sore a lot..." Mei had a lot of strength in that body of hers...ugh, and he thought he was in such good shape. He felt like Mei and Jan could run circles around him in their sleep...but his job didn't exactly lend itself to a lot of hardcore combat. Maybe that'd change for a while.
Mei came back in a pink, ruffly night gown that stopped short mid thigh, blushing a bit as she saw Adam completely naked. "Umm, do you want me to get you something? You can't just go to bed naked, Adam." She said as she crossed her bare arms and looked down at him. She understood he was tired but...she wasn't going to lay next to him if he was naked. They might fall asleep that way.
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