School Rumble (Broom and I)

That was the moment he needed, the little crack in the Ice Queen it seemed. Komoku smirked widely and stepped forward, a blast of explosive energy arching out from his foot. Couldn't fight her head on like this, so why not weaken her defenses? Her clothes.
Mei took a step back. Her element wasn't very effective against this man, and he wasn't going to fall for her trick twice. She had to knock him out, but how? Damn her for not asking Jana how she defeated him before..but more than likely she knocked him with her physical power and that was something that Jana was superior in.
"What's the matter, Princess?" Komoku smirked, another explosion rippling in front of her. Now? Now it was just fun to see the Ice Queen hesitate. "Afraid? Wondering how you're going to get past me finally? Easy can't, Nick is going to do whatever the hell he was planning to do...and there's not a thing you can do about it." he purred. "So you and I can play for as long as we want..."
She jumped back to avoid the explosion. The good news is she could avoid his ranged attacks. Since it was constantly cold around her any warmth in the area was a signal of where he was planning to attack. Though she couldn't just spend all day avoiding his attacks. She needed another opening, and she needed to find it soon. She had wasted too much time here. "When this is will rot in the deepest darkest cell for a long time. And I'll make sure you can't explode it and break out again." She growled at him as she began to attempt to circle around him. She could run..? She was sure she was much faster than he was...but if she did not deal with him now...well he would cause a lot more damage.
"Don't say things you can't promise...whose going to watch the cell?" Komoku grinned widely. "Why don't you stop pussy footing around and fight me like your partner does, hm? Head on, like a bull. She at least knows how to make fights fun, you're about as dull as your personality to fight." Honestly, one of the best the DC had to offer and she was such a coward?
Mei sighed and then sheathed her sword. She couldn't use it the way she needed to if the blade was out. Admittedly, she had never done what she was planning on doing now. But at this point there was no other way for her to win. She had to fight like Jana to bring him down. At least he wasn't armed right now, but still. She had to be ready for his close range explosions.

Mei slid her sheath out of her belt and then launched herself forward, answering Komoku's request. Her aim seemed to be for his neck, but at the very last moment of her charge she ducked and attempted to sweep kick him. Thin ice covered the ground as she attempted this, an extra measure to get him off guard.
Komoku wasn't expecting that, at all. And he loved that. The feint was impressive, he moved to block before he hit the ground with a pained grunt, using his combustion to force himself up to his feet with an attempted knee to her face. Now this was getting to be a fight!
After using her ice to shield herself from his blast, Mei forced herself back, somersaulting away from his knee. When she flipped forward her would definitely get an eyeful of her matching red panties underneath her torn skirt. The moment she was on her feet again she dashed once more towards him, swinging her sword like a club toward the temple of his forehead. It was a very barbaric strategy but one that she needed to excute..there was no other way to knock him out.
Komoku parried with his club and swung his fist at her with a wide grin, intent on striking her right across her face. Now she was getting into it! This is what he expected from a B Grade fighter!
He would connect with her face, though he would feel sharp shards of ice digging into his skin. She glared at him defiantly with her green eyes before the ice he had shattered reformed on her cheek. It was a hard layer to her defense. If she could not attack with it, she'd definitely focus it to her defenses. She counter attacked with her other hand, and she shot it at his stomach. Even if she wasn't as strong as Jana, if she aimed for his weakest points she could make him feel it.
What in the hell? Komoku's eyes widened in surprise as his hand recoiled back in surprise and grunted when she felt her fist slam into his gut. That hardened ice trick...really added to the pain he felt in his gut as he staggered back with a pained grunt. "Fucking hell..." he muttered, spitting out blood. "Jana been rubbin' off on you?" Ugh, his vision was graying...
Mei saw him spitting out blood. She was finally chipping away at that impossible wall...she wasn't going to let up now. She pulled her hand back and then gripped the hilt of her still sheathed sword. Then she swung it as hard as she could towards the side of his head.
Even if he could see it (which he kind of couldn't, grey kind of makes it hard to make out details when it's blurry), he didn't know if he would have been quick enough to get out of the way as the sheathed blade hit with a resounding crack. Komoku's head jerked to the side and he fell, rather unceremoniously to the ground. Dammit...if he hadn't wasted all his energy blowing up the damn building...ugh!

Whatever, he had done his didn't matter anyway, nothing they did would fix what Nicholas has done.
Overkill? Maybe..but she didn't need him getting back up any time soon. She was battered and burned...and half naked. But damn it, she wouldn't let Nicholas kill Pitor Kishi. She took off running as fast as she could, her previous problem of running into waves of students suddenly relieved. Maybe they had all dispersed into the fighting..
Or maybe a force of nature known as Jana Soveka had made sure people could get in and out safely, because it was a fucking mess. There were people coming out bloody and half conscious, jesus. Nothing pissed Jana off more than stupid shit like this, but she had her own share of fact, she was staring right at one. Lili Masenbach, grinning like a pleased little kitten as Jana moved up with her swords drawn.

"Ooh...if it isn't the Ice Queen's rabid dog..." Lili purred, hand running casually over her tattered breast. "Want a treat, doggy?"

"Suck my dick, you psycho." Jana muttered, flames rippling across her blades. "When I'm done with you, you're going to wish you stayed in your little crazy pen."

Nicholas and Damien had been circling each other for a good half an hour, their blows met in a flurry of attacks before stopping yet again. Kishi was probably already dead, it didn't matter anymore. What mattered was Nicholas thinking he was getting his way about it.

"The law states that whoever removes the leader of the DC in power becomes the new one, Damien," Nicholas grinned widely. "Don't you see!? This is the start of everything-"

"This?" Damien muttered, arm spread out around them. "This is your vision? To injure hundreds of innocent students while-"

"They were not innocent!" Nicholas growled, eyes flashing as he went for another stream of thrusts and slashes that Damien parried and deflected with a grimace. "They are part of the problem! An ever feeding chain into a bloated system! I have brought you freedom! You of all people, Damien...should know what this means."

"It means you're a lunatic, Nicholas," Damien sighed. "Now put the damn weapon down, before I make you put it down."

"Not happening," Nicholas said, eyes narrowed. "My right is so close, I will not let ignorant fools like you stop me!" Damien was always too nice, he thought. He never actually put effort into anything, and yet he still excelled at everything. Even now, Nicholas could tell he was holding back. Why? Did he think that he could change his mind? There was no stopping what had happened now...he was leader, all he needed to do was cut away the people bold enough to argue.
Mei finally found Nicholas..and he was fighting with Damian. She was unaware that she was already probably too late...but she didn't care. "TREVLYN!" She screamed with a furious look in her eye. She probably looked like a different person, her blouse completely gone in the front and her long skirt shredded and barely covering panties. Her hair was also a mess..but she didn't care. She would punish Nicholas for this..for lying to her face...for causing so much chaos and destruction. In a blind rage, she launched herself forward with her sword drawn. She didn't care if Damien was fighting him. He was hers.
Nicholas was almost caught off guard as he turned to block, her rapier slicing through his cheek in a thin line of blood. His eyes widening in surprise. Damien took the opportunity to check on Kishi, as Nicholas pushed her away. "You don't understand!" he insisted. "NONE of you understand! This is NEEDED! I will be the voice of Turuga! It must change! It HAS to! And it will!"
Mei stumbled back but she immediately closed the distance once more. "No, you will not be the voice! Who are you, huh? Who do you think you are?!" Mei began to send a barrage of swings at him, and despite her anger they were controlled and precise. "You hurt so many people! All for your false promises of hopes and change! You are a child, Nicholas! A child who knows how to manipulate others around you. But you truly have no idea what it takes to be a leader! Not a single one of us does!" She shouted as she swung.
Nicholas narrowed his eyes at that, his spear glittering with a familiar chill as he kept the best defense he could by tapping her sword away at every chance possible before bringing the back of the shaft up in a upward spray of sharp ice. She wasn't the only one who could control the element, he did too.

"That is why Turuga festers," Nicholas muttered. "Because nobody wants to take what should change, but I will!"
"So what, Nicholas! If you wanted a change this wasn't the way to do it, you fool!" She shouted as she dodged his technique. So he was an ice user too? It seemed he used it in a more deadly way then she did. That was fine..she could work with it. Both of them would be feeding off each others technique more than likely...the colder it was, the stronger they would get...she could already see her breath as it hit the air.

She growled and then slammed her feet into the ground, ice crawling over and catching his feet. She then launched another attack, this time using her fist and attempting to punch him in the face while she made sure her rapier would stop any attack he made with his lance.
A clever trick, but Nicholas could move ice as well as her. The ice cracked as his joints moved with it and he caught her arm, his grip was frigid and hard as iron.

"Don't make me do this, Mei." Nicholas murmured, his eyes compassionate and hopeful. "Please...everything I've done, I've done it for the better of everyone."
Mei looked into Nicholas' eyes and then shook her head. Even though she had feelings for Adam she felt like Nicholas had betrayed her. "Don't touch me!" She shouted as pulled her hand away, tears stinging at her eyes. "I don't care..I don't care if you think it's for the good of everyone! What you did was unforgivable!" She shouted as her hand whipped right back at him to smack him. "You told me this would be peaceful over and over and you betrayed me!"
Nicholas's head jerked faintly to the side, but he said nothing. "...Very well," he said. "Then I must be rid of you," he said, eyes hardening as he lowered his lance and let the ice around his body form it into a wicked looking weapon with a long curved blade. "It's a shame, could have been so useful. For now, it's goodbye." he said, swinging the bladed weapon wide. They had to die, all of them! There was no way they would understand! Progress was made on sacrifice!
Even knowing that he was threatening to kill her, Mei refused to kill him. She was not a killer...that was a punishment that she had no right to inflict. She wasn't God, she wouldn't pick and choose who's life she would take. She watched as he used his ice to extend his blade. She took that time to increase the armor around every weak point she had. It weighed her down but that was fine. She didn't need speed to win this. She lifted up her sword and then made a dash towards him, not waiting for him to make the first move. She'd get around that blade of his...even if it had to go through her for her to do it.
Nicholas waited as she rushed forward, then took a half step and went with a long, powerful thrust. The speed that he moved was like a blink of an eye, the ice around his spear hardening to like diamond. He had to end this, his glorious future would never come to pass if these ignorant fools didn't get out of his way!
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