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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Even though Mei wanted to get to Nicholas as fast as possible, she kept getting stopped. Over and over again. These students with black arm bands were going for her. With her sword drawn, she took them down one by one. They flung themselves at her wildly, but Mei waited for them to give her an opening and when they did, she mercilessly punished them. Ugh, she needed help...but...there was so much chaos. It broke her heart, it truly did. Seeing this much disorder and panic among Central was demoralizing for her. She couldn't blame anyone but herself, because she had been trying to stop this for weeks and she failed to.

Mei didn't have time to feel sorry for herself. She continued to press on, defeating as many of these protesters as possible. She would make Nicholas pay for this...starting a fight was one thing, but...destroying their entire school and possibly killing people in the process? He would pay dearly..
She wasn't the only one being stopped, Nicholas was so close to his prize...but it was no shock that Damien all of people stood in front of him, weapons in hand.

"...I'm surprised to see you here, in front of him." Nicholas said, eyes narrowed.

"I'm surprised to see you crazy enough to blow up a fucking building," Damien muttered. "Are you out of your mind? Do you realize what you've done?"

"Change," Nicholas smiled, spear at the ready. "It's what this place needs, Damien. I was hoping you'd understand." In the end, it wouldn't really matter if Nicholas killed the Kishi or not. He was bleeding out, he would probably die soon enough. Damien? He was just buying time...
Mei was close. She hoped Jana was okay but she didn't have time to go back to check. She had to get there to stop Nicholas in time. Running was taking too long, she needed to pick up the pace. Ice began to trail from her feet as she started skating towards where Pitor Kishi was, simultaneously making her pursuers miss her whenever they lunched at her to attack. shit, the closer she got the more there were. That was a good sign though, that meant she was getting closer to Nicholas.
She wasn't going to get any closer for now. Out of nowhere, a massive club was swung wide like a baseball bat, aiming right for Mei's pretty little head. "Well, if it isn't the princess herself!" Komoku grinned wildly. He looked to be a mess, his clothes shredded...but considering that he blew up an entire building, doubtless that he did feel it a little himself. But he looked wild, more so than usual. All of this chaos was feeding into him like a sponge and he was getting fat on it.
Mei stopped herself right before the club hit her head, freezing her feet in place to keep her from going any further. The club shattered her trail of ice. All of it. "Get out of my way, Rokujo. Now." Mei ordered, though she knew he wouldn't listen. Not from the way he looked at her. She looked at his clothes that were in tatters and then started putting together the pieces. The blast had came from the prison, so did that mean he had been the one..?
"Make me, princess." Komoku grinned, shouldering his club. "Can you fucking believe it!? Look at this mess! Who would have thought Nick would be fucking bonkers enough to even WANT to do this!?" he laughed. "Oh man...I knew that guy was nuts, but now? This is just insane! Now you idiots can't boss anyone around! It's great!"
Mei narrowed her eyes, letting him run off at the mouth while she formulated a strategy. She wasn't sure how combustion technique actually worked...Even if she super cooled the air..he'd probably get around that. Not to mention from the looks of his clothes, he wasn't scared of close range explosions.

Mei didn't bother answering him. She would not let her enemy see her emotions at all. She felt angry and frustrated, but this was just another fight. Another fight she'd need to win quickly. Long range. She'd keep her distance for now.

Komoku would feel the bottom of his feet began to freeze as Mei attempted her most basic of attacks, her ice shell. She needed to feel him out first.
The ice cracked at the base, and then shattered in a spray of ice. So...that was her game, was it? Jana was the opposite...she charged on like a bull, but Mei was a little trickier...she wanted to maintain the distance. Smart, but boring. He hated boring, so he'd spice it up for her!

"Let me show you a trick I know, Mei..." he grinned, scooping up a pile of rocks as he tossed them around a moment in his palm, before hurling one forward. It exploded a few feet in front of her, a warning...or a display of power. But he wasn't going to let her stay far away easy.
So, he was telling her his technique worked at close range and long range, huh? Well, she had a better shot long range, so..she'd be keeping her distance regardless. He would definitely be more at an advantage in melee combat. "Hmph." Mei started to circle Komoku carefully. He wanted her to know what he could do, but she would save all of her tricks if she could. Only two of her techniques were really known by other students...but that would probably change today.

He would get bored and attack her soon enough. She'd be playing the defensive role for now.
Komoku was playing hard today, he tossed one of the rocks up and swung it right at her with his club. It was a rocket of a throw that sent explosions scattering not just at her, but everyone in the area. Boom, boom, boom. It was wonderful thunder to his ears, and he would have nothing less. Two could play her stupid little game, if he couldn't wear her down...he'd wear something she couldn't ignore down.
Mei had an easy enough time getting around his attack, but as soon as she heard screams coming from the students around her, she glared at him. Her icy demeanor had shattered right there. "Haven't your hurt enough people?" Mei suddenly charged at him, closing the distance between them in mere seconds. She couldn't keep her distance if he was going to attack the people around them...she would have to deal with this head on. She knew she was probably falling for a trap, but she had no choice.
"Don't blame them for you being a coward," Komoku grinned, meeting her in the middle with a quite literal explosive swing. The air around his arc rippling out a cascade of explosions.
Mei managed to dodge the swing. The explosions however managed to get her, and it was painful. She bit her lip and endured it though, thrusting her sword to his torso. She was faster than him even though he was much stronger than her. If her sword connected, then she'd attempt to freeze him through direct contact. If it didn't, well she'd have to try something else.
The sword connected with his stomach, driving right through to the other side with a faint grunt. Despite the pain...he smirked.

"Stupid," Komoku purred, eyes burning with power as his entire body started to glow...and went off in a huge explosion.
His entire body?! Mei quickly took out her sword and then used her ice shell to freeze her entire body as a shield before he exploded. Her ice shattered almost instantly and she was sent flying, most of her clothes shredding in the process. "Ahhh!" She cried out just before she hit the ground. If she hadn't covered herself with ice..she'd...

Mei quickly rose to her feet and panted, her sword still in hand. Half of the front of her skirt was shredded, revealing her pale legs. Her sweater was also a mess, and her blouse was filled with holes. She could feel the air touching her bare midriff, but she did her best to ignore it. That hurt, but she could still move and fight. She panted and glared up at him as she tried to contemplate her next move. she had to knock him out..not wound him.
"Ooh...pretty," Komoku smirked, moving forward. "What's the matter, seem a little winded, are you that weak already?" he grinned. "Shame...I've been resting for a long time, and now I got all this energy..."
Mei took a deep breath, the air starting to chill. She'd have to treat this scoundrel like she did Lili, though she'd think ahead. If she could last through another one of those blasts without moving, there would be an opening...probably. Still, if she made her shell too strong, she'd be trapped in her own ice and wouldn't be able to release herself in time to take advantage of whatever opening she had. None of that matter at this moment, she had to last long enough to cool the air around her. "It's been a while since I fell for such a barbaric tactic, so for that, I commend you. And now I shall take you seriously." This man liked to hear himself she'd take the time to talk to him while she prepared herself for her next move.
"Oh, that's your problem..." Komoku sneered. "You think you're better than everyone else, little ice bitch. Well...look around you!" he laughed. "Your pretty little palace is broken! Not better than anyone now, are you!?" Ooh, was she pulling out the big guns? Good, he was starting to get a little annoyed.
Mei hated talking but she was definitely going to take advantage of that big mouth. She was slowly building enough energy around herself...she just needed to goad him into doing another one of those attacks. "I don't think I'm better than everyone, just simpletons like you who live for violence, chaos and destruction. Your moment will end and DC will continue on like you never existed. Structures can always be rebuilt." Mei put both her hands on the handle of her blade and gave him a smirk as she took on a battle stance. "Now that I've been hit with one of your most powerful attacks, I know now that you are just what I thought you were before. Trash."
Trash?! Komoku snarled in fury, eyes widening as he gripped his club. "You uppity bitch!" he roared, taking three long steps and swinging as hard as he could. There was no sense of refinement to his swing, just raw brutality.
A slight opening to disarm him...but this would hurt. A lot. She quickly side stepped after covering her legs with ice as a defense against is combustion technique. As soon as it hit the ground and exploded, the ice shattered and she winced in pain as it burned through her boots. Still, she kicked his club right out of his hand. She then went to stab him once more...if he tried that same technique again...she could block it!
The kick caught him off guard, as did her reckless action as his club was forced out of his grip. Stupid bitch...she never learned. He was already halfway through his charge when he let out a roar and ignited himself again, cracking the ground with it's force.
Mei froze herself completely all the way through. She wouldn't be able to breathe for a moment but that was all she needed. Her ice withstood itself up until the last few seconds and once it dissipated Komoku would see Mei steaming, more of her clothes blown off. Her blouse was nearly all gone, but her red, lacey bra was still in tact. Her skirt was still surprisingly covering up most of her lower half, but it was in tatters. But she was still directly in front of him, and she ignored the pain to launch her attack. Using the hilt of her sword, she sent a powerful blow straight into the front of his neck to take his breath away.
Komoku gagged in surprise as he staggered back, hand on his throat with a heavy cough. How in the...oh, that fucking minx. She was playing mind games with him, figures the bitch can't handle a real fight...

"Nice hit..." he rasped, before his eyes trailed lower. "Nicer bra."
Ugh! He was like a damn cockroach! Didn't this guy ever get tired? When he complimented her bra, she looked down and then grew bright red, though she really had to force herself not to freak out. This wasn't the time. Mei had to think of something else, fast. Hopefully before he blew off what was left of her clothes.
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