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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei wasn't expecting that type of speed, and she couldn't dodge it. She felt the ice around his lance break against her ice shell, and the only thing that was left was his physical weapon that plunged through her defenses and pierced her gut. She coughed up blood as an intense pain nearly overwhelmed her senses and causing her to drop her rapier. But she did not fall. Just as their two bodies were connected, an explosion of cold was sent from her body, through his weapon., and to his body. It would hold him just long enough for her to attack. She used her fist to punch the middle of his frozen spear, easily breaking the completely iced over weapon. She wouldn't let this pain stop her no matter what...she would defeat him!

She took her sheath from her belt once more and then used everything she had in her last attack. Just before Nicholas could break free from the ice that had reached up from his arm to his torso, she hit him with a devastating thrust right against his forehead, sending him flying across the room.
Nicholas' eyes widened in surprise when his blade hit her gut, not because of the impact...but because of he couldn't move. He felt a real sense of terror trail down his spine as the ice shattered, and the sheath slammed into his head. Pain racked his body as his eyes rolled back and the ice cracked...and then he went skidding off his heels as his spear was ripped out of her gut in a spray of blood and he slammed into a nearby wall with a choked cry.

He was out before he even hit the wall.

"Shit, Mei!" Damien said, moving quickly to assist her. That was...ugly.
Mei was hunched over and panting, feeling her and hearing her blood drip onto the floor. Her hand instinctively went to freeze over her wound...but she was too weak to do it. Her vision was dimming as Damien reached her, however she forced herself to stay conscious. "Where is Pitor?" She asked him, but the moment she did she started to cough. She could taste iron in her mouth..she had really taken a nasty hit. She didn't care though...she just needed to know if Pitor Kishi was safe.
"Dead, easy..." Damien said, his spirit energy settling over her wound in a faint, warm glow. "Lay back, Mei. This is serious." he murmured. "I'll do what I can, okay?" The fights weren't over, nothing had really changed at this point. They just needed to ride out the battle, for now...Damien needed to make sure she'd live to see the end of it.
"Dead?!" How? Who killed him? What killed him? Damn it...she failed. She had no choice but to lay back considering she couldn't keep herself conscious for much longer. At least the pain was easing up a bit. She didn't know Damien could heal...well she got lucky. Maybe. "I can't believe I couldn't stop did Nicholas get to him..?" She asked as she looked up at the older man.
"I don't know many people who can handle a building blowing up on them, can you?" Damien said dryly, hand over her stomach. Ugh, she was losing blood fast...his spirit energy was doing it's best to knit what he could, but he couldn't replace the blood loss. All he could do was make it less serious, hopefully. "Look, right now we've got worse're losing a lot of pints, Mei. I don't think I can patch this. We need to get you to a hospital." Her and a bunch of other people...
So, he was caught by the blast. Maybe Mei regarded him as someone who would be done by something like that...but it turns out he was just like everyone else. Unsuspecting and unprepared. "The hospital?" Mei repeated weakly and then shook her head. "Damien, do what you can...but make sure that everyone else is safe. I can hold on until you do that. Okay?" She wondered how Jana and Adam were. If something had happened to either one of them...Mei wouldn't know what to do. Before Damien could answer her, her vision went dark and she fell unconscious.
Damien checked her pulse a moment, then settled back with a sigh. His hands were coated in her blood.

"...Can you watch her?" He asked, and the girl behind him from the shadows walked up. Kuki nodded silently, watching Damien carefully. She had been looking for Mei, and she was personally berating herself for not finding her in time.

"...What will you be doing?" She asked, moving over to protect Mei.

"Doing as she ordered," He said, rising up smoothly as he lit a cigarette with a faint sigh. "Do what you need to, to keep her safe, Kuki."

"...Understood," she said seriously as Damien headed off into the settling dust. Battles were everywhere, people were still being pulled out of the rubble...all of it was insane. Komoku was either the worst offender, or the one strong enough to do the worst thing. Central was in complete and utter chaos, and it took hours before everything finally calmed down. For once, Damien did more than he usually did. They didn't have enough people who weren't uninjured to help him, he had a handful of DC students who were away from Central at the time...but it still wasn't enough.

The only place that had enough to house all of these people...was North. Thankfully, Damien knew who Mei's father was, which made it a little easier to start sending people over. The damage, however...was done. Pitor Kishi was dead, so many DC members were wounded...and unfortunately, a handful had passed. They didn't have any way of rounding up the people who had done it, the only thing they could do was beat them into the pavement and make sure they got the point.

Jana wasn't much better, but neither was Lili. He didn't want to know what kind of fight they had for them to get those injuries, but it wasn't pretty. That girl was built like a brick house, though...he wasn't too concerned. He had them placed in the same room, mostly because he had a feeling Jana would rip the hospital in half trying to find her. It wouldn't be hard, about four or five floors had nothing but people from Central.

Kuki had been a surprisingly reliable person, she suffered only minor injuries. They had maybe said three words since Central, but she seemed to know what to do before he even said it. He wasn't going to press his luck on what that meant. Damien was technically...the highest ranking person left, aside from Mei. What a day this had turned into...
Mei had been unconscious for quite some time, however not nearly as long enough as she should have been for losing that much blood. She looked around and recognized where she was immediately. Her father probably knew she was here, and unfortunately the injury she sustained probably was too severe for her to just walk out. She could only hope that man was too busy helping others to bother her. She lifted herself up and felt a rush of pain to her gut. Even with Damien's technique, the wound was still very nasty. She looked over and saw Jana...alive but extremely hurt. It made her relieved but angry at the same time. Perhaps if they had fought together...

She was worried about Adam still. Well, she was worried about a lot of things, but he was on her mind. She could only hope that he wasn't caught in the explosion.
"Please, be careful." Kuki murmured in concern as she moved up to Mei's side. "You're still hurt, Mei..." Jana was out like a light, but her vitals were regular. Her head was bandaged across the forehead, and her arms and legs were wrapped around the biceps and thighs. There was more underneath her gown, no doubt.

"Finally awake, eh?" Damien said, rubbing his head. "You always were a tough girl, Mei."
She hadn't sensed either one of them..she really was hurt. "Kuki...I'm glad you're okay." Mei said before turning to Damien. It was odd..she had viewed him as a traitor for the longest, but she didn't feel that way about him now. "Damien, what is the damage...? How many people are..." Did she really want to know the casualties they had suffered? She had to. She had to know what was going on. "How many people are well enough to keep order?" If she got bad news...well that meant all the schools were probably in chaos.
"Not enough," Damien admitted as Kuki smiled politely, tilting her head in thanks. "Ten died, we've got about three hundred and fifty wounded, there's probably about fifty of us left that were away from Central at the time. Or got lucky. People know that Kishi is dead, too. Everyone is just kind of holding their breath right now." Not everyone was out to grab the city, thankfully...people were still in shock. It would end eventually, for now though...nothing too bad was happening.
"It's only a matter of time..." Mei mumbled as she laid back in bed. There hundred and fifty...there was no way they could possible do anything with only fifty people and no base of operations. Suddenly the door flung open and a flash of bond went over to Jana's side of the bed.

"Jana! Jana!" Justin shouted as another girl ran in after him and then grabbed Justin. Was that...the girl she saw a few days ago at the Karaoke bar? The one who was about to kill Campbell?

"Justin stop, she's resting! And you're straining your leg running around like this!" Remy told him as she put her hand on his shoulder. Justin collapsed on the side of Jana's bed, fighting back his tears. She was so messed up..even though she was stable. He thought he had lost her when he heard the news...
"Christ sake..." Jana mumbled, eyes flickering a moment as she opened them. "First thing I hear when I wake up is my boyfriend bitching? Ugh..." she said, her voice rough and cracked as she rubbed her face with her bandaged hands. She remembered the fight, she remembered how she barely scraped out a victory...ugh. Even worse. That was bringing a salty victory to her mouth...

"Wait...Mei?" Jana said, sitting up just a little. "Mei!?"
"I'm right here, Jana." Mei said calmly as she looked at Campbell who was looking at Jana as if he wanted to hug her. The other girl...if she remembered right, she was Remy Faust. "I'm glad to see that you're..more or less okay."

"Jana..thank God. I came as soon as I heard. I...I'm sorry I couldn't..." Justin trailed off and then just rested his head against her. He hadn't realized how much she meant to him until now. He should have known that she would be okay. She was strong. would take a long time for her to recover from this. Mei didn't look so good either, despite her trying to keep up appearances.

"Jana, lay back down...don't strain yourself." Remy urged before flicking Justin in the back of his head. "Don't apologize for something that isn't your fault. You're not going to make her feel any better feeling sorry for yourself."
"She's got you whipped already," Jana smiled, leaning forward to kiss him. "I'm fine, you big dummy...just a few things I need to be careful on." It was good to see him, it was good to see Remy, too. "You too, Remy. Come here. You been keeping an eye on this idiot?"

Damien watched it all, and was a nice thing to see. But...well, they had things to think about. Stuff to plan. For now though, he'd give them time.

"Oh, Mei," Damien said, rising up. "Adam's okay, they're treating him for a broken arm. He said he'd be up to see you when they're done."
"Yeah, I have been. He's been a good boy for the most part." Remy patted Justin on the head and then sat down in a chair beside Jana's bed. She wanted to say something to the Ice Queen, but she didn't know her well enough. Justin didn't say anything, he just took one of her bandaged hands and held it. He had heard a lot of crying and groaning people, this hospital was filled to the brim and the staff were running around trying their best to treat everyone.

Mei turned to Damien and she grimaced when she heard Adam had broken his arm...but as long as he was okay...that's all that mattered. "Thank you." She told Damien. She wanted to ask, but she just had too much to worry about already.
"No problem," Damien murmured. "Kuki, keep an eye on Mei. I'm going to see if I can help the staff around here."

"Of course," she said with a polite tilt of her head. Damien was really showing his true colors today...or his more honest ones at any rate. And yet...he still came off as incredibly lazy.

"Hell of a day," Jana sighed, slumping back on the bed with his hand in Justin's. "Knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today."
Mei was quiet as she forced herself to sit up. It was the proper thing to do while she had company even though it hurt any time she moved at all. She still couldn't fight off that sense of failure she felt when she heard that Pitor Kishi was gone. Things would be very hard for the next few months while they figured out who the next person in charge would be. She wondered what they had done with Komoku and Nicholas...both concerned her greatly.

"If you didn't get out of bed today, you'd probably be at the bottom of a rubble pile, Jana. When Nicholas said he would change things, I didn't think this was what he meant..." Remy said as she sighed. This was pretty horrible.
"Go figure," Jana mumbled. "Well, not much to worry about I'm stuck in this damn hospital," she groused. "This gown sucks, feels like sandpaper on my nipples, ugh..." she grumbled. "And I'm hungry." You wanted to witness a brat at work, Jana not being able to get her way was a clear indicator of that.

"...She is really your partner?" Kuki asked Mei quietly, brow raised.
"...Yes, she is." Mei answered, momentarily distracted by Jana's complaining. She found it somewhat amusing that she could herself. Despite the fact that they were in a really tough spot, she seemed to be in high spirits. Sort of.

"Jana, I can get you some food. Anything...I'll get you anything you want." Justin told her, looking into her eyes. Yeah..he wasn't be anything like himself. He was more shaken up than she was.

"Oh, that reminds me...My brother said he would help you in any way he could, too, Jana." Remy told her. Her brother had heard of the attack as well and although he and Jana were on rough terms right now, he apparently wanted to make up for it.
"Fetch me something to eat, sweetheart," Jana smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm starving, surprise me." She wasn't going to shoot down his attempts to be loyal, but it was kind of cute. The surprising news, however...

"Really?" Jana said to Remy, brow furrowed in thought. "Hm...what's that about? Get off on being beaten like a chump?"
Justin quickly left, though he was limping from his previous injury. Still, he didn't let that stop him it seemed. Remy watched him as he exited before turning back to Jana. "...I think it's just because you were nice to me, that he took a liking to you. I don't think he feels bad about hurting Justin so much as he feels bad for hurting you..."
"Ugh," Jana said, rolling her eyes as she settled back. "I swear, every boy in the world gets their feelings hurt when a girl gets a bruise. Tell him to take the flowers out of his ass, I'm fine...but I'll keep his favor in mind, I might have a use for it." she mumbled faintly. "...Thanks for keeping an eye on him, Rem. I owe you one," Jana smiled. "He's an idiot, but he's a lovable idiot."
"You're welcome, Jana. It was really no problem. Also..." Remy started, lost a little in thought. They would need his help. They would need a lot of peoples help. Remy didn't know how bad it was exactly, but she knew it was bad. They would need any help they could get. "I am also offering the same..if you two need anything done at all.." Remy glanced at Mei, who was staring off into space again. "Well...I helped Nicholas a little so I want to make up for that. I will be more than willing to aid you two and the rest of DC along with my brother."
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