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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Consider yourself hired," Jana said with an easy grin, curling her finger to beckon her closer. "Something else I wanted to ask you about, too...but it's a secret between us, okay?"
That wasn't too bad of an let other students help out in any way they could. Even if they weren't too good at fighting, at this point they couldn't be too picky. Only fifty people were well enough to do anything...they didn't have the luxury of only recruiting good fighters. She watched as Remy leaned in to listen to Jana's whispering and she raised an eyebrow. What was that about, anyway?

"Oh..okay." Remy wasn't too sure what Jana wanted to ask her..but for her to keep it a secret from her partner it had to have been important.
She whispered against her ear, her voice soft and quiet. "...I want you to help Justin relax, get what I mean?" she said faintly. "I'm not in much shape to do anything, and I won't be for a" she trailed off. "He needs it, Rem." He did, and she did too...but she couldn't help that, honestly. She was going to be a sore, tender wreck...and Mei was going to need every hand she could get to help with DC.
Remy's eyes widened when she heard Jana's request. Was she really asking her to do that with Justin? Remy wondered if she cold really do that. She did have feelings for him, so she was definitely capable of sleeping with him again. It was just that..he didn't have feelings for her. Still, she cared about him, and Jana was right. He did need it. He was starting to become a nervous wreck and she was sure he was pent up. "...Yeah, alright." She whispered back to Jana. "But you gotta make sure he knows its okay first..I don't want to come onto him and he reject me."
"Don't worry," Jana grinned. "Totally on it...we can share him when I'm actually able to know, hurt when I breathe." Justin looked like hell, probably because he was worrying himself stupid. She was out of danger for now, so the best thing for Justin to do for Jana was, without sounding get the fuck out of her ass. She knew that's what he'd be doing, and he still needed to recover too. "I'm counting on you, Rem."
Jana really was serious about this...Remy nodded and then leaned back into her seat as Justin came back with some food from the cafeteria. Even though it was kinda hectic in there, Justin always found..shortcuts. "Here you go, Jana. Oh, I brought something for you too, Mei." He had snagged an extra burger just for her, but Mei just shook her head.

"I actually don't like hamburgers." She told him. He really was concerned for Jana..he wasn't so bad after all. But he made her miss Adam, really. "Thank you, though. Just keep it for yourself, or let Jana eat it."
"I'll take it, I'm starving." Jana sighed, giving Justin a warm smile as she displayed the most disgusting eating habits a girl could possibly ever have. The burger wasn't eaten, it was consumed. That fight with Lili had taken a lot of out of her, she needed calories back. The first one was gone in a way that made Kuki grimace faintly, and the second was eaten after a particularly large belch.

"...She is really your partner?" Kuki asked Mei again, a little more insistently. There was no possible way that someone refined, graceful and beautiful as Mei enjoyed hanging around this...goblin of a girl!
Mei looked at Kuki with a light blush on her face. "She can be embarrassing...and brutish. But yes, she really is my partner, Kuki." Mei said that proudly despite her blush. Jana could eat however she wanted. She deserved to after the fight. Justin was just smiling as he watched her. When she was finished eating he wiped some crumbs from her face and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you need anything else, Princess?" He asked her, not caring who heard his little pet name. He just wanted to make her feel better. Remy sighed softly, feeling her jealousy rise up. But she couldn't really do anything about this...and Jana was a good girlfriend...
"Yes, stop being my butler," Jana said dryly, flicking him on the nose. "I'm fine, you brat. Everything is okay. I'm not going to fall over and die. You're sweet for worrying. By the way," Jana said, motioning for him to lean in closer. "C'mere...Cookie, be a sweetheart and get the privacy screen, will you?"

"...Kuki," she corrected irritably, as she nonetheless did as she was told...maybe to just stop having to see it. Ugh...insufferable girl...she was supposed to be the older, more mature one!
Justin looked at Jana and then watched as Cooki..Kuki closed the privacy screen. "What was that for?" Justin asked Jana, slightly confused. "Don't want Mei to see us together or something?" Remy kind of had an idea of what Jana had in mind, but..even with the privacy screen they were still in the room.

Mei really didn't know what Jana was doing or planning, and at the moment she didn't care. There were two things on her mind, and one of them should have been coming by soon to visit her.
"They're probably tired of watching us," Jana smirked, speaking a little lower. " seem stressed like nothing why don't you and Remy relax sometime together?"

Ugh, his arm was killing him...but...the more he walked through the hallway, the less it hurt. He had a broken arm and a few scrapes...but other people? He didn't want to think about it, which is why he was happy to hear that Mei was recovering well. Even if she was probably a little worse for the wear, nontheless...stepping inside the room, his eyes settled on Mei with a relieved smile.

"Mei," he murmured. "Thank goodness..." he said, moving closer.
Justin wasn't sure why she was speaking lower. He looked at Remy who was blushing for some reason as she stared at a wall. "Umm..Remy and I always relax together. She's been at my house almost every day since her brother almost killed me."


Finally. Mei sat up a little more when she saw Adam to see if he had suffered anything other than a broken arm. He looked..okay. Still, she was furious. It was like she had experienced the entire day all over again. "Adam..." She began, staring at his arm and then looking up at him. Well..his smile at least calmed her a little but..

"I'm glad you're...almost okay. I was worried."
"You really are dense," Jana sighed faintly. "Sex, you're a fucking wreck, have you even been sleeping since you heard about Central?" she said dryly. "Look, I'm stuck here for a while, and even when I'm out, I'm probably going to be tender...soo..." she smirked. "Remy said she's okay with it, so go for it."

"I'm fine," Adam said, sitting next to her with a faint chuckle. "It's just a broken arm, Mei...I got lucky," he murmured. "...Lot of my friends are...going to be here awhile," he admitted, hand settling over hers. "...Are you okay?"
Justin was confused when she said sex. with someone that wasn't her? Because she was his girlfriend, so there was no way that she meant...oh. So Remy was okay with it? He turned to Remy who still hadn't said a word. She was just sitting in her chair with her arms and legs crossed. Of course she was very attractive, that's why Justin had slept with her in the first place. But the last and only time he did...well she got attached real fast. Plus..was this really okay with Jana? "...Jana. I don't need sex that bad. You don't need to offer me this. I mean...Remy is..well she's Remy. But I am with you and I don't want to risk our relationship just to "relax"." He heard the girl sigh behind him and he cursed himself. He was so bad with words...


"I'm fine." Truthfully, Mei could have broken every bone in her body and would still insist on being fine. "I'm sorry about your friends..I'm sorry about everything. I was close, but I didn't find out the truth in time...And now..." Feeling Adam's hand on hers prevented her from crying, but...she looked like she was about to. She felt so guilty for this.
"I'm basically telling you that it's okay and that's risking the relationship?" Jana said, brow arched in surprise. "Justin, shut up. Get laid. You're going to hover around me like a mother hen and it's going to drive me up the fucking wall if I'm stuck in here with that." she muttered. "It's okay, it's fine. I seriously do not care."

"Mei, stop that," Adam insisted firmly. "Don't even start with that, okay? I know you, I know that you tried until you couldn't do anything anymore...don't even act like this is all your fault, and I don't want to hear anything about it." he said. "Not a word, got it?"
Justin was torn. On one hand...yeah he really, really missed the feeling of having her on his cock. Or rather, sex in general. So he couldn't fight that instinct..if it was right there and Jana was saying that he could have it...well he'd take it. Still. Why didn't she care? He knew that he would be crushed if Jana slept with another man. He wouldn't do the same for her. "Okay.." He said as he looked at Remy. "Hey...are you sure this okay?" He asked her.

"..Yeah, whatever. I have needs too, so it's fine. Just make sure Levy doesn't find out, he'll pound you to the ground." Justin shivered. You would have thought that would make him say no but..

"...Alright. If you two insist."


Mei looked at Adam and saw he was being very serious. She sighed in audibly and then nodded, squeezing his hand. "Adam..where are you staying? You don't have to be in the hospital, right? Where are you going to go?"
"Good," Jana sighed. "God knows I'm not going to be in any condition for a while..."

"Around here, helping," Adam murmured. "The staff is running ragged, so Damien and I are getting everyone who can help to do what they can...and...I um..." he mumbled, rubbing his neck. "...I mean, if you need help with anything...I'll be here, okay?"
"Jana," Justin began, his face going serious as he caressed her cheek. "I know that you don't want me bothering you, but I do want to help. I have already been hearing about...things. And well...until everything gets settled down here, people are going to just think they can do whatever they want. I know there is not much I can do, but...even if I need to limp around and deliver bandages, I don't care. Remy probably told you something similar. Both of us feel bad for whatever hand we had in this."


"That's..very nice of you. Don't overdo it, though. Okay?" She was going to ask him to do something he probably wouldn't feel comfortable doing, but...Mei couldn't stay in this hospital bed for too long. She had to do something..and once she had recovered enough to where she could move.
"Mm, I know." Jana purred, nuzzling his hand. "Right now, I want you to relax...there's not much any of us can do stuck in a bed or limping around, got it? Whatever happens is what it's going to be."

"I won't," Adam smiled, moving up to give her a kiss. "...I'm glad you're okay, Mei." he mumbled quieter, forehead against hers to nuzzle. "...Really glad..."
He nodded and then kissed her forehead. "Do you need rest, Jana? If you do I'll leave you alone and visit you later."


Kuki was here, so she felt more nervous than usual when their lips met briefly. They had been doing this for a little while but still..her face went bright red as he pressed his forehead softly against hers. "I..of course I'm okay. I'm glad you're okay. I was worried sick..."
"Sure, it'd be nice." Jana smiled. "Check in later when I've actually gotten some rest, okay?"

"Well, you know me." Adam chuckled. "Lucky as up, okay? You need the time to relax. I should probably get going now."
Justin nodded and Remy got up. "See you later, Jana. We'll be around." Remy told her as Justin gave her one more kiss before waving and drawing back to curtain. Oh...Mei had a visitor? Interesting, he didn't recognize him.

Mei looked over at Justin and Remy and then back to Adam. She seemed a little disappointed, but of course she wouldn't ask him to stay longer. Not in front of all these people. "Alright. I'll see you later."
"I'll stop by around dinner," Adam smiled. "No rest for the wicked, right?" he said, glancing to Justin and Remy passing. Hm, Justin Jana really was dating him? Interesting, he didn't know who the girl was though. Hm, either way. He said goodbye and waved to Jana. If any of them needed rest the most, they sure did. He had heard what the fight with Lili and Nicholas was like...ugh. He didn't want to think about it.

"Looks like your sweetie-pie got out okay, Mei." Jana grinned at her as Adam left. "That's good, I'm glad he's intact...I'd really have to beat someone if he was stuck in a bed."
"If he had gotten any other injuries, I would have personally tracked down and imprisoned the culprit myself. I'm guessing a lot of criminals got away today..." Mei said as she laid back. If she wanted to get out of this bed, she'd have to rest. The sooner she got better, the sooner she'd be able to help bring back order to the Academies. "Get some rest Jana...You look much worse than me."
"Pfft," Jana muttered. "Just a broken collarbone, a shattered arm, a broken foot, a minor concussion and some puncture wounds in my legs. I'll be up in like two weeks, tops." If you sounded positive, you were positive, after all. A body hardened by the energies of the elements was far more durable and capable of recovery...didn't mean they still weren't stuck in a bed for a while.
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