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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei took off her boots and nodded. "Yeah...he really is." She said thoughtfully, looking as if something was on her mind. "I'm glad I had fun too."
Jackpot. There it was, that look when Mei did something she didn't think she'd actually enjoy doing. She was reminded of it when she played DDF with Masami.

"So you guys had that kind of fun, hmmm?" Jana said with a playful smirk. " naughty girl!"
Mei's face went bright red. "W-what? It wasn't naughty...kissing isn't naughty!" She cried out. Wait..ugh, she was such an idiot. She should have just denied everything. Mei wished she was a good liar...
Jana bust into a fit of giggles so hard, she was stuck between whining about how her ribs hurt to laughing so much that tears were rolling down her cheeks. Oh, it was worth was so worth it to see that face of raw indignation.
Mei glared at her and then went into her closet, fetching her night gown. She then went into the bathroom and shut the door hard behind her. She drew herself a bath and tried not to get the gauze on her shoulder wet. Stupid Jana...why did she find her humiliation so funny?

Mei eventually came out of the bathroom pouting. She threw her skirt in a basket filled with dirty laundry and threw away her blouse that had blood stains and tears in it....good thing she had that covered up with her sweater on her date.
"Okay...okay, I'm sorry," Jana smiled, walking over to give her a peacemaking hug. "I didn't mean to laugh, Mei...honest. But it's just..." Jana mused. "...I didn't expect you to do that kind of thing on the first date."
Mei let Jana hug her...surprisingly she didn't flinch or go stiff or anything. She was more relaxed, and how couldn't she be? She let Adam touch and hug her...his hands felt so good on her back and...ugh. She had to stop thinking about was still making her feel strange and hot and..frustrated? She couldn't place the feeling.

"..He kissed me. I didn't know that you shouldn't kiss on the first date...if I had known that I wouldn't have..."
"It's okay to do it," Jana grinned, leaning back. "Just didn't expect you to do should never follow any rules when it comes to dating, Mei. You always go with what you're comfortable with. So he was good then?"
"He was...good. Even though he said that I was his first kiss." Mei told her as she sat down on her bed. Her face was getting progressively redder. She wasn't even talking about how intense it had gotten, yet she couldn't get it out of her head. "Jana..boys are strange."
"Very," she agreed, sitting next to her with her leg crossed over the other, foot swaying gently as she rested back on her palms. "They're adorable when they want something, though. I like it when they surprise me," she grinned. "Sometimes, you think they want something...then they end up wanting something else entirely, and it makes you want to stick around them."
"Is..that how Campbell is?" Mei asked Jana. At first she really didn't understand how Jana could be with that boy even if she liked him, but now she was starting to realize why. Mei played with the hem on her silk night gown. Hmm...something was bothering her about tonight. When she kissed him in the park, and then again while they sat under a tree. There was something that was making her uncomfortable, but she didn't know what it was. Something that kept pressing against her...what the hell was that?
"Yeah..." Jana murmured. "...He's an idiot, Mei. He thinks he knows everything, he thinks he needs to protect me. I tell him to stay...and he throws himself in danger because he thinks he can make a difference. It's...I don't know, it's really sweet, you know? It annoys the shit out of me, but I've never had anyone act so stupid just to make sure I was okay. So I plan to spoil him," she smiled. "When I get the chance, anyway..."
"I suppose that is admirable. Especially for a rat like him." Mei kind of felt bad that Jana was so supportive of Adam but she was not supportive of Justin. However, given that she trusted Jana, she'd have to trust that Justin was actually a good person. "I mean...He was one. But I guess now he's changed his tune because he cares for someone other than himself. That is pretty sweet. How will you spoil him?"
"Nothing you want to hear about," she grinned playfully. Oh dear, was that restraint? Mei was rubbing off on her. "Unless you do want to hear about it."

...Maybe not.
"I don't if it's anything vulgar," Mei started as she looked away from Jana and blushed, really not wanting to deal with anything perverted. "If it's not, feel free to share."
"Then never mind," she said, giving her a faint hug. "Well, now that I know you're home safe and sound, we should probably get to a big day know, doing super important stuff tomorrow." She was still tender, but she should be good to get off her suspension anyway...
"You're right..." Mei told Jana and waited for her to get off her bed. was probably a good idea to take something since she was going to go to bed. She didn't want to stay awake all night because of pain. She went into the kitchen and continued replaying her date with Adam. Thinking about their time together. Then that thing..the thing that she couldn't figure out why it bothered her. It wasn't like that all the time..and she could have sworn whatever was poking her was...well it wasn't always the same size and...when she rubbed her fingers over... could she have been so stupid? That was Adams....

Mei screamed out loud and then collapsed to her knees at the sudden realization. She had touched it! It had touched was rubbing all over her stomach and even worse, she was sitting on it! Ugh! No wonder he seemed to enjoy it so much, she practically had sex with him! "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Mei cursed herself over and over for not realizing it until now.
Jana almost fell out of her bed, she had thought something serious had happened as she glanced over to Mei and knelt down in front of her, hands on her shoulders. "Mei? What the hell?!" she muttered. "What's wrong?" Oi, never a dull moment with this one...
Mei was apparently not only an Ice Queen but a Drama Queen as well. "I touched it..I touched it! He's gonna think I'm a, he probably already thinks I am! Ugh, I'm an idiot...I can't believe I didn't know that was his...I was so distracted!" Mei suddenly held onto Jana tightly and started sobbing. It was the end of the world. She cold never show her face to Adam again. Ever.
Jana stared at her blankly a moment, cradling her mostly out of concern. "Mei...calm down," she said gently, hand running through her hair. " tell me, what...what did you touch?" Oh dear...she went a little too deep and couldn't handle it, didn't she?
Mei squeezed Jana and then looked up at her as tears streamed down her cheeks. "It. I You know..that." She couldn't bring herself to say what it and that She'd just feel even worse if it left her mouth what she did. "Adam probably thinks I"m easy now...I can't ever show my face to him again!"
She blinked at her a moment, before grinning. "...You...touched his...thing?" she said. "Oh sweetheart, is that what all of this is about?" she chuckled, nuzzling her face. "Mei, you're so goddamned adorable. You're fine. He's fine, you're fine...your relationship is fine."
"'s not. It's not fine..I'm not fine...I didn't even know what was going on...I was too busy..." Too busy enjoying the kissing and skin contact. Seriously, how could she have missed that? And it was so...big. Is that what Jana meant No, she had to stop thinking about it. " am I supposed to face him? He's gonna think I'm stupid if I tell him I didn't mean to...ugh..." She was so inexperienced, it hurt.
"Mei, leave it alone," Jana smiled. "Seriously...these are things that happen when you kiss boys. It wasn't a special circumstance, you were making him feel good...when you make boys feel good...sproing." she said with a visualization of a spring, using her hands.
"...So it's normal? So I'm not a whore? Even though I touched it..?" Mei looked at Jana like a lost puppy dog. She wasn't even bothered with her gestures. She was genuinely worried about what she did, if it was wrong. "...You don't think he thinks less of me?"
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