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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Every time I hear that from you, it makes me really happy." Mei told him as she squeezed his hand softly. It's not that she thought she was ugly...she had been called many things by many boys...beautiful wasn't one of those words. Plus, when Adam said it, it it meant something. "I'm glad we did this, together. I will admit that I just wanted to get it out of the way. I didn't feel like you'd enjoy being alone with me...but now that it's actually happening...I feel sad knowing it will end soon."
"We'll find the time again," Adam smiled easily. " can always say hi inbetween your duties, too...and we can grab lunch together," he offered. "I'd to kiss you again, before we go," Adam admitted with a shy grin. "...This time, so you're a little more prepared?"
There was a long pause as Mei contemplated it. The fact that he wanted another kiss meant he liked his first one. She liked it too. So it was okay to do it, right? Even though her heart was once again racing. "...Okay." Mei's voice was barely above a whisper. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up, awaiting his kiss. It was...embarrassing. However, she knew she'd like it. Just like she enjoyed holding his hand.
Adam smiled a little at that, deciding to brush his hand across her cheek as he leaned in to kiss her. This one...felt much better. Her lips were tender and loving, hard to think of her as the 'Ice Queen' when she was so shy about a kiss. Who was he kidding, though? He was pretty sure his knees were shaking just a little from asking...
Feeling his flesh against a new area of her skin, Mei's hand snaked her hand up and touched his hand, desperately trying to maintain some sort of familiarity during their second kiss. She wasn't exactly sure if she was doing it right, but at least this time around she wasn't as panicky and could actually enjoy it better.
He broke it after a few seconds, forehead resting against hers with a faint breath. It was...nice, maybe it wasn't super romantic or...really very good from any kind of perspective. But he liked it, a lot.

"...Better?" he smiled faintly.
They were so close now, even thought they weren't kissing. She looked into his eyes when he asked her his question. His smile let her know he was joking, more or less. Rather he wasn't being serious. "...Uhuh." Mei agreed that it was better than before. Now that it was quiet and there weren't people around...and she was a little more comfortable in her own skin. "Though I did like the one earlier a lot too."
"Good..." Adam chuckled. "...I'd um...well," he said somewhat awkwardly. "I wouldn't mind staying out here for a bit and...practicing?" A boy could hope, couldn't he?
Mei stood there and looked into his eyes a bit. Practicing. Practicing would be the only way she'd be comfortable do this. She liked doing this with Adam, so...even if he was joking...

Mei stood on the tips of her toes and leaned up to press her lips against his, closing her eyes once more. Once again, she had no clue what she was doing, but she didn't care...she was going on instinct at this point.
He blinked a little in surprise, but...he slid his arms around her waist to pull her closer. His excitement pressing against her stomach as he deepened the kiss. Practice made perfect...and this couldn't get any better.
Mei at first wasn't sure what she was feeling at first. Of course, anything she wasn't sure about, she had to put a finger or two over it. So, she did accidentally end up feeling something she probably wasn't meant to feel a little bit thoroughly. Though Mei was more confused than disgusted. She opened her eyes and just stared at him for a moment. Whatever she felt...was definitely out of the ordinary. She could have stopped to think about it, but she didn't. It's was uncomfortable but not important. So Mei just went back to focusing on feeling his lips against hers, letting his excitement rub all over her without a care in the world.
"...Uh..." Adam breathed, but that's about all he got before she returned to the kiss. Her hands were...wonderful, even if it was temporary. It throbbed against her as he shyly slid his tongue out to taste her lips between a hot pant. This was...starting to turn a little more into something else and not just kissing...
The longer she kissed Adam the more excited Mei got herself. So excited that she seemed to be losing herself. All she wanted was to continue feeling Adam against her, temporarily forgetting about her fears and listening more to her instinct than her brain. Feeling his tongue made her automatically part her lips as she grabbed his shirt firmly with both of her hands. One of her legs began to lift off the ground as the kiss continued, and his pants were simply answered with her pressing against him harder. Why did this feel so good...?
Adam gripped her rear and pushed her closer when she moved in, and his tongue suddenly sunk into her mouth. He was somewhat grateful the park was quiet...but this...should he? Ugh, his erection was fighting his brain as he slowly broke the kiss. He was going to say something, but...seeing Mei so lost in a haze just made him press against her deeper. Whatever happened, he hoped she enjoyed it.
For a moment, she waited. He had broken the kiss, and she thought it might have been over. However the minute she felt him squeeze her tighter, she once again leaned up and pressed her lips against his. She didn't know what was driving her on at this point. Maybe it was because she really enjoyed kissing him, but it was more than that. The way he was holding her right now...Mei didn't feel scared. She felt safe. She felt so safe and warm in his embrace, and all it did was make their kissing feel even better to her. There was no thought in her mind that drove her to do this, it was purely her acting on desire to feel more from him. She liked this feeling.
"Mei..." Adam grunted a little, breaking the kiss to nuzzle against her face with a light breath. "Do you want to...go somewhere even...more private?" It was still a park...and she was practically grinding against him. No, he wouldn't go that far unless...unless she wanted to, but...
"What's wrong with here?" Mei asked him, her voice a little urgent as if she were disappointed with him pulling away from her. Her heart was racing still, her lips tingling as she remembered the seconds or minutes before while they kissed. She could feel his breath against her skin and it felt wonderful.
"W...Well," Adam swallowed faintly, licking his lips. "...Maybe we should find somewhere not on the walkway, then?" This...felt like it was going somewhere that people didn't need to see. What was with her? She was hungry...and it was making Adam have problems thinking straight. Something else was straight...but it was certainly not his thinking.
Mei was fighting her urge to ignore him and continue. However, she just gave him a nod. She was getting a little tired of standing. "That might be a good idea. Lead the way, Adam..." Her hands dropped down to her side as she attempted to catch her breath.
Adam nodded after a moment, fingers linking with hers as he almost excitedly tugged her further into the park, away from prying eyes...behind one of the trees would do. It was starting to get a little dark, anyway. Shit. curfew...what time was it?

"Is...this good?" he asked, glancing around.
It wasn't curfew yet, Mei did have a timer set on her phone after all that warned her when it was time to go home. She looked around, seeing that they were pretty much hidden away from everyone. Which was fine, because Mei had completely forgotten about the possibility of someone seeing them while they kissed. "Yeah...this is fine..." She wanted to kiss him again but her nerve was broken now. She wasn't completely dazed as she had been minutes before.
Adam sat down a moment, taking a breath to calm himself as he offered his hand again. "...I um, I didn't get too forward, did I?" he asked carefully.
Mei looked down at his hand then took it, though she didn't really make a move to sit. "No...What you suggested made sense. I won't get used to a wonderful feeling if I don't practice it."
"Right..." Adam smiled, fingers linking with hers. "...Did you um...want to do more of it...?" As if that wasn't a loaded question, ugh. He had this all planned out...until his second brain had other plains in store.
"Yes." She immediately answered, though she felt a little silly for how quick she was about it. Like she was some kind of addict who couldn't get enough of a single act. Well..maybe she did feel that way, but still...she didn't have to show it. She squeezed his hand tightly but she seemed to be pretty reluctant on joining him in the dirt. She was a lady after all.
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