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School Rumble (Broom and I)

Adam didn't seem to mind too much...considering that he grinned and gave her hand a playful tug. "...You can sit on my lap, you know...if you don't want to get dirty." That kind of surprised him, honestly...was she that prim and proper?
For a moment she hesitated, though soon she found herself crouching over him slowly and sitting on top of his lap. Once again they were close, and she felt that safe and warm feeling. Her skirt draped over both their legs like a blanket, still denying Adam any glimpse of the skin of her legs. For a moment, she was stiff as she got used being so close to him once more. "Thank you...I don't like sitting on the ground." She confessed as she continued to hold his hand.
"I'm kind of not surprised," he teased, grateful that his...excitement had died down. "You strike me as a girl who lays out a blanket before laying on the ground," he laughed. "Makes you feel very regal, you know?"
"I just don't like dirt. Or bugs. Or wilderness, really. But yes, if I had a blanket, we'd be sitting on it." It was a big deal that she was out here with him, alone at night, sitting very close to dirt. She must have really liked him. Well, of course she did. She had spent about five minutes kissing him non stop. The longer she went without doing it though, the more she was starting to lose her nerve.
"You'll get used to it," Adam smiled, leaning up to kiss her again. Hopefully she was ready for what sitting on a boy's lap would mean for stuff like that...
Mei didn't back away this time, but she did tense when she felt their lips connect once more. She released his hand as she placed hers on his broad shoulders. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to relax and once again enjoy this experience. It felt even better now, but she didn't know why..
Adam broke the kiss after a moment...but only to shyly kiss along her jawline, and neck as his hands slid down her back. This was going...way, way better than he thought it would. He was really just following his gut (and...maybe certain materials that may or may not have educated him on a few things). But soon enough, his excitement was returning...and pressing right against her.
When their lips separated, she was about to pull back. However, he continued to kiss her. Just not on the lips. She couldn't help but shiver, feeling strange sensations right between her legs. For once, she felt very warm...though it wasn't a bad feeling. Then she felt it again..that strange prodding against her, though this time it was right under her panties. It was a tad uncomfortable, but she didn't have time to think about it. No, she was much too enthralled in experiencing this other type of kiss. She really wasn't putting two and two together, but Mei..well Mei wasn't thinking at all right now.
"Do you like this?" Adam said, his breath hot against what little skin was exposed, that he kept adoring with faint kisses and tiny little nibbles as his hips shifted a fraction. Oh, shit...
"I..I think so..." She told him, feel him move just a tiny bit and rubbing against her. She gasped a bit, but still kept herself sitting on top of him. What was wrong with her..this felt too good...He felt too good...Why was he so stiff and warm...down there? "..Do you?"
"Y...yeah..." Adam's breath hitched at her movement. "That feels really're...not uncomfortable, right?"
"I am, but I don't want to stop right now." She told him as she leaned forward and rested her head against his shoulder. "I've never felt like this in my entire life, and it's scary. But because it's you..I don't mind it." Her breath would dance against his neck, and it was a little more cooler than his because of her element. No doubt it would give him chills.
He shivered faintly, hand running down her back. "O...Okay..." Adam said, eyes closing. "...I'm glad, Mei...really glad." he said, and he was going to ask something...but her phone alert practically jumped him out of his skin. Jeez, he was a nervous wreck...
Mei pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw it was almost time for curfew. Sheesh, they had been out that long? She quickly got up and put it away. "We need to go back. Curfew is in thirty minutes." She told him, though luckily they weren't too far away. It was almost like a switch had flipped. Mei was back to her normal, business like self. Still, she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed..
"...Oh, yeah." Adam sighed, calming his beating heart as he stood up. "...I guess we should, huh?" And just like that...she was back to normal. He kind of envied that, a little...he wished he could do that. "Don't want to get in trouble."
Mei looked at him and then gave him a smile. A real one. She took his hand and then led him back to Central. Tonight was much funner than she had originally anticipated. She wondered if they would have the chance to do it again.
Adam's face blossomed in crimson, and all he could do was stumble after her and barely able to form up any kind of reply in the slightest. That...made all of tonight worth it, everything.

"...We'll do this some other time, okay?" he said, unable to hide the faint crack in his voice. "I should um...get to my dorm..."
"Yeah, we should. Umm..Goodnight, Adam." Even though she was saying goodbye, she was still holding his hand tightly, as if she was scared to let him go.
"...Goodnight," Adam smiled, leaning down to kiss her lightly. "I'll see you at breakfast, okay?" He never really went to breakfast, but...he would now. Definitely.
Once she felt his lips one more time, she let go of his hand as if she had gotten what she wanted before they separated. She nodded, that same smile from before playing across her lips. "Okay." She told him before walking back to her dorm. Oh, she really missed him already...she hoped that clingy feeling would go away soon. She hated being needy.

It was only when she got to back to her dorm did she snap out of that stupor of hers. Seeing Jana first thing when she opened the door, she started to blush super hard. She was definitely going to ask questions..she was going to drill her about what she had been up to considering it had taken her three hours to come back.
Jana hadn't said a word when she came in, other than a very polite: "Evening, Mei." Jana said, uncurling her legs from her meditation with a lazy grin. She watched her, for a time...trying to decide when the best time it would be to ask...

"...Sooo..." she trailed off casually, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "How'd it go?"
"Fine." Mei simply said as she took off her sweater and hung it up. She then proceeded to undo her neck tie and silently started to undress herself. She wanted to talk about it, but at the same time she knew Jana was going to embarrass her...
"Uh huh..." Jana said casually. "Well, that's good...what did you guys do?" she said, reclining back on her bed to watch her, hands behind her head. "Anything fun?"
Mei looked over to Jana and she nodded. "It I'll admit it. We just went out to eat, then took a walk in the park. I also learned that Adam can speak my second language, which was...interesting."
"Oh really?" Jana mused. "Huh, guy is pretty smart...not surprising. Glad you had fun." She was waiting...waiting, for that perfect moment to ask. Right when her defenses were shattered and she could see what really happened.
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