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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Jeez, Mei..." Jana sighed. "If that makes you a whore, god knows what I am..." Either way, she stroked her cheek. "No, he probably thinks more of you because that happened." she grinned. "Boys are weird, but trust me on this one, okay? This is something I know about. He does not think less of you for that, you're the reason he got so excited in the first place!"
Mei sniffled a bit and then nodded. She trusted Jana, so...she would take her words to heart. But now that she knew what she had been sitting on...she wondered if that was the reason why it had felt even better the second time. "...Jana, would it make me a whore if I liked it touching me? Because..when I sat in his lap...I felt really strange, but good..." Did she just ask a weird question? Ugh, she did. "..Never mind, don't answer that." She said as she got up from the floor and then went to take her pain medication.
"No no no," Jana said, pushing her back down, tenderly. She was still sore too. "We're going to lay in your bed and we're going to talk about this, got it? We're not leaving this alone." she said firmly, in sort of a...big sisterly way, she guessed.
Mei was still sniffling but the tears stopped. Maybe she would feel better if she talked about it. It was still embarrassing though. "I don't like this Jana. I like Adam, but I don't like feeling like this."
"Come on, in bed," Jana said firmly, pulling back the covers. "Everything is fine, Mei...these are normal feelings." she promised. "Come on, that was great for a first time! You could have quit whenever you wanted, but you didn't...because you were enjoying it."
Mei got under the covers and then sighed. "Yeah, I could have...I didn't want to though. It felt good..and..for the first time I let myself feel good. Because I don't think Adam will hurt me, at least not intentionally. I told him..I told him that it was hard for me, and he understood. He thinks that me being difficult is" Mei had to stop herself from rambling. The worry and sadness that clouded her thought was gone, and now she was starting to feel happy again thinking about all the stuff he said to her.
Jana settled in next to her, arm around her shoulder. "Well, that's cause it kind of is," she admitted with a faint grin. "So what's the problem, again? You felt a boy's penis, so what? You're gonna feel it a lot, but that doesn't mean he's going to do anything with it, or about it...not until you say so, anyway."
Mei flinched when Jana said the word out loud. She took a deep breath and tried to compose her thoughts. "..Well, I didn't just feel it. I got curious and ran my fingers over it. But I didn't know what it was, and at the time I didn't care because we were kissing. And I sat on his lap, and it was right there...." She gulped and then looked away from Jana. "..and I think I liked it, even though I wasn't sure what I was sitting on. It felt...good."
"It's supposed to," Jana chuckled. "You didn't do anything wrong, Mei. Trust me, it's supposed to feel good, you're supposed to like it. It's a compliment! You made him hard as a rock."
"But..." Mei trailed off, and tried to keep herself calm. She had to or else she'd never come to terms with any of this. She would see Adam tomorrow and have breakfast with him...if she wanted to be able to talk to him normally, she'd have to figure this out. "I know you said it doesn't mean a boy will do anything, but...It means he wants to..and I'm not ready for least, I don't think I am. I feel bad knowing that he wants to and I don't..."
"Mei, you could show a boy a bare stomach and he'd get half erect," Jana said dryly. "Trust me, okay? It doesn't mean he's spending all night wondering about what it'd feel like. It's a natural reaction, it's a good thing. You guys just went out on your first date, these are seriously not first date worries," Jana chuckled. "They're like...I don't know, you know what you're comfortable with, when you feel comfortable doing it, that's when you're ready."
"What if he tries something I'm not comfortable with, Jana? What do I do? I don't know if I can say I'm with him I don't feel like myself. I don't know." Mei wiped the remainder of her tears away from the corners of her eyes. She was starting to get tired, because of the vicodin she had taken. The worst part was she missed Adam already even though she had just got done freaking out over him.
"Hey," Jana said, pulling her close. "You can always say no, Mei. Always. Don't ever think you can't." she said firmly. "If you get uncomfortable in a bad way, get away from the situation...promise me." she said seriously. "I don't care what you think Adam will and won't do, but I need you to know that it's okay to stop it if it gets uncomfortable."
Mei felt comfort in Jana's embraced. She closed her eyes and went silent for a moment. Adam had always stopped and asked if she was uncomfortable or enjoying something so..she'd have the opportunity to say no if she wasn't. "..I promise. I will say no, if I feel bad. Even if I have to say no to Adam." Anyone else, she'd freeze them for all eternity. Adam? She wasn't sure why she dreaded rejecting him...maybe it was because she didn't want him to reject her..
"...Good," Jana mumbled, stroking her hair gently. "Cause if he hurts you, I hurt him. End of discussion." Jana took care of her friends, no matter what.
Mei looked at Jana and realized how close they were. She didn't feel uncomfortable in the least, and she didn't pull away. She really was changing...and it was scary but also she like it. She liked being able to be comforted by the people closest to her. "...Thanks. I don't think he'll try anything because he probably knows that." She said with a small smile.
"Good," Jana grinned, happy to cuddle against her. "...How come your bed is more comfortable than mine?" Jana groused after a moment. "What the hell is that about?"
"Probably because my parents imported this one over to me. My father is meticulous about what I sleep on just because he doesn't want me to have back problems or something." Mei looked up at the ceiling and couldn't help but realize she was feeling better. Talking to Jana really did help...even if she was sometimes very rude or perverted. She knew just what to say when something was really bothering her though..
"Spoiled," Jana said, tapping her stomach with a smirk. "...Hey, Mei? Mind if I sleep here tonight? m'comfy." she admitted. "...and you have better blankets." and she was kind of cold in her bed...
"..In my bed?" Mei asked her, surprised at Jana's sudden request. She had never slept in anyones bed before, at least not since she was a small child. "...If you want, Jana. I don't see the harm in it I suppose." Mei yawned and closed her eyes...she was getting really tired all of a sudden..
"Good," Jana smiled, latching onto Mei like she was a teddy bear. It was going to make her a little tender, but was worth it. "Night, Mei."
Mei fell asleep right away, and only woke up to her alarm the following morning. She opened her eyes, feeling particularly warmer than usual. Looking over she saw Jana and then remembered they had fallen asleep together. She sighed and then tried her best to get out of bed without disturbing her, turning off her alarm clock. She nearly lost her balance when rising to her feet, and she could only blame the pain medication she took last night. Nonetheless, she dealt with it and immediately went to do her morning grooming habits, brushing her long hair until it was perfectly straight among other things. Once that was done, she went and got dressed. Today she'd be doing two things. Finding out what Lili Masenbach knew about Nicholas and his plans, and visiting Kuki..wherever she was.
The past few weeks had been nothing too out of ordinary, but there were plenty of people being held. Some actively supported Nicholas' dream of a revolution, even if it was a peaceful protest and spat on the DC every chance they got. Others were simply in it hoping there'd be a good fight, Komoku Rokujo was in that last bracket. Oh, he knew Nicholas...he knew that his crazy fucked up head thought that this was going to work out just how he thinks it was going to work. But the world never spun so easy. Still, he was still stuck in here and waiting...just waiting. He was quieter than usual, but the people watching him were grateful for it.

He was quiet because he was conserving energy, bit by bit...spots here and there that nobody'd ever notice in a million years. It was a challenge that he reveled in as he laid in bed with a faint hum. His phone vibrated and he reached in to check it. It was a simple message, from a phone number he didn't recognize...but he knew who it was.

It's Time.

Komoku grinned widely at that, and tossed his phone to the side as he moved to the center of the room. He exhaled faintly, and the energy he had been holding in for so long slowly started to radiate across his body. Oh fuck...what a rush! This was going to be incredible! The ground started to rumble, energy flickered the lights as Komoku let out a hungry, victorious roar. A thunderous boom rippled across Central, and arched up through the DC building, blowing into the highest floor and sending glass raining down. People scattered like ants, aftershocks tore into the dormitories. It was a split second awareness, but those who could sense it had hopefully moved to the safest place they could.

Before they could even understand what was happening, as the DC building started to crack and crumble...that was when Nicholas Trevlyn moved in, his spear in hand as he headed across the campus grounds. The ground still shook, but he knew his target: Kishi. He would be the end of the old age, and Nicholas would be the start of the new...
Mei was one of those people who sensed the sudden change in the air just before Komoku released it. She was with two first year students in the empty library. Well, not with them, but around them, and the moment she knew something was off, she grabbed both of them by the hand and immediately threw them against the wall before just barely making it out of the way herself wants the explosion had ripped up through the center of the large room. The girls started were frozen with fear as they realized they could have been dead, but Mei knew they couldn't just stay here. "We have to go, come on!" She urged them, pushing them towards the door. Luckily for them the stair case was still in tact. They rushed down three flights of stairs, joining the other students who were fleeing the building. Damn could this have happened?

Once Mei was outside of the building, she desperately looked around for the source of the attack. She already knew who it was, but she couldn't stop him in time. She knew where he was going, though. She knew where his goal was and she'd intercept him before he could get there. Nicholas would not get close to his target. Mei would stop him before he did.
It was chaos when Jana actually got loosely dressed and headed out, weapons already drawn. Students with black armbands were attacking...everyone, really. Any DC member who fought back was getting beaten mercilessly, who in the fuck-...oh man, Komoku. Who else could do something this crazy!? The main building was practically collapsing in on itself and everyone else was fighting for their lives!

Shit. She needed to get people out, now. But right now, they had to deal with these scumbags. With no other alternative, Jana moved into the fray with her twin blades roaring fire and slicing back idiots. So much for Nicholas being peaceful, now they were just trying to get out without everyone dying or worse.

Nicholas wasn't stupid, Pitor Kishi was a warrior like his family...there was no way that he could be dealt with in a straight up fight. But he could be wounded...and he could be stopped that way. It was a sacrifice, they would understand. The entire building crumbling around him, it would change things. No matter what happened, Turuga would change. But he knew that rat would make it out alive, he knew it when he saw Pitor emerge from the crumbling building, wounded and bloody.

His time to change everything was now.
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