School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Don't change the subject!" Jana said, flicking him on the forehead. "Stop being so narrow minded, god dammit!" Luckily for Remy, she was on her side. The guy really needed to open his eyes more often. His affection was sweet, but spontaneous.
"Ouch! Sorry..." Justin turned to Remy and then reached out to her, stroking her by the cheek. It caused her to look into his eyes. "Hey...I'm really, really sorry, Remy. I still want to be your friend, I never stopped wanting to be. I just couldn't bear to see how hurt you were and I felt like you needed time away from me. Can you ever forgive me?" He asked her, looking into her eyes. Remy blushed a little and then just glared at him, slapping his hand away. Fuck, she was still mad. "Fine, if you're going to hit me, go for my hurts the least." He told her.

"..You're an idiot, Justin. I would have forgiven you...but you just left me high and dry. I just needed you to hug me and tell me you'd be there for me!" She told him as she felt hot tears streaming down her face. Justin just stared at her with a surprised look. She..wanted him to be there for her even after he had taken advantage of her?

"..I'm really sorry. I'm here for you now, if you want me to be..." He told her as he forced himself to lean over to her. Stretching a long arm out, he hooked it around Remy and gave her a hug. "I'll always be here for you, Rem." He told her. For a moment, the woman just went stiff in his arms. Then she wrapped her arms around him and started sobbing.

"You're an idiot!" She shouted as they hugged each other. He laughed a bit.

"I know I am...neither of you will let me forget it..."
"Damn right," Jana smiled warmly, ruffling Justin's hair as she leaned over to join them...and immediately regretted it as her ribs cracked gently in reply. "Ow, ow ow..." she grumbled, sitting back with a faint sigh. Fucking ribs...why were they so tender?
"...But seriously, who did that to you?" Justin asked Jana as he brought Remy closer to him, moving her from the chair to his bed. She was still sniffling and she just wanted to feel him embrace her. It was so comforting..she really did love him but...she knew that he was in love with Jana from the way he acted.
"That gorilla that roughed you up," Jana sighed. "Stubborn little dick, that's for sure...but everything's good now. I cheated and got Remy on my side," she grinned. "You shouldn't have any problems with him again." Aw, she looked so cute with him...poor girl. Made her heart warm to think she helped make that better. did remind her of the idea she had earlier...hmm.
"...Aww man. You went after him? Of course you did...all while I was being tortured by needles and doctors. I would have much rather you be there to hold my hand while they had me in the ICU, Jana." Justin complained as he rubbed Remy's arm subconsciously. She felt a lot of comfort from that though. "So Rem did know, him huh?"

"He was my brother," She started, sniffling a little bit. "I haven't talked to him in a long time, but he figured out what you he took matters into his own big, dumb hands." Justin looked down at Remy and grimaced.

"How the hell is that fucking monster related to you in any way? Ugh...he beat me up, followed me when I limped home, and beat me up some more...That fucking guy...ugh." Justin shivered.
"Bah," Jana said. "He hits like a wuss, I had worse love taps from my Master." she said, waving it off. "Seems like every time I go to see you, something happens."
"Yeah, things always happen on my side of town. You know how it is." Justin said as he laid himself back down, letting Remy decide whether or not she wanted to go down with him. She didn't, though she continued to sit close to him. "Anyways, this isn't the first or last time I get my shit kicked in...though it has been a while since I've been in the hospital."
"Well, no more of that shit, buddy." Jana said tightly. "Once you get out, you're getting lessons from Masami Rokujo, and I'm not hearing anything other than a yes." she said. "In the mean time...Remy, can you do me a favor and keep an eye on this dolt for me?" she smiled. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do to comfort him," she teased, winking. "I should get back to Central and rest, chances are they're going to call me back anyway when they hear about my injuries...and I won't be much good with anything until my ribs and leg get better..." she sighed.
"Oh..sure Jana." Remy told her as she looked back to Justin. That was a good idea..she knew quite a bit of people who still want to kick his ass. He did need to get some lessons and she heard Masami was pretty good. "I'll..umm..I'll make sure he stays out of trouble." She said with a light blush, wondering what she meant by "comfort".

Justin sighed and then gave Jana his best puppy dog eyes. "Can I have a kiss before you go? Who knows when I'll get to see you again..." He begged her.
She rolled her eyes, but leaned down to give him an affectionate and respectful kiss. "Behave for Remy," she purred against his lips, eyes half lidded with lust. "Got it?"
"..yeah." Justin told her as Remy looked away, trying to ignore their display of affection. "Take it easy, Jana. Try not to get into anymore fights while you're healing."
"Same for you," she smiled, slipping up. "Thanks again, Remy...I owe you one," she said seriously. "Let me know if he does anything we need to smack him for later, okay?"
"Sure..." Remy said with a nod, giving her a smile. "Thank you, Jana. I'll see you around...say hi to the Ice Queen for me." Remy wondered how those two even worked together..they were complete opposites.
"You bet," Jana smiled, giving her a wave as she headed out of the hospital and hailed a cab. She felt exhausted...more than she wanted to show. She felt like it was a challenge and a half to maintain the facade. But she held out long enough to shower, slip on a pair of panties and a bra and collapse into bed with a pitiful groan. Finally...sweet, wonderful relaxation....she was out before she even knew it.
Mei had returned later on that night. She had actually spent the majority of the day in the infirmary, as they wanted to make sure that her shoulder would be alright. Not to mention, Mei was a very difficult patient. She refused to take pain killers and drugs, but even she couldn't stay still enough for them to stitch her wound without anything dulling the pain. So, they fought with her until eventually a nurse could stick her with a needle to knock her out. Mei really didn't appreciate that.

Whens he came back, she saw Jana asleep already. It wasn't even seven yet..and for some reason she was bandaged up on the leg and torso. "Hmph..thought I told you to stay out of trouble." Mei mumbled as she sat down on the couch and started to unlace her boots. Her shoulder was killing she was on probation right now. It was the only real way her superiors could keep her from attempting to work while she was injured. If she left to do anything they considered dangerous, they would suspend her. So, she had to spend the next couple of days doing absolutely nothing in the name of recovery. That really put a set back in her plans. Well, she didn't have to put herself in danger to interrogate that Lili woman.
"Nn...Mei?" Jana mumbled faintly, rubbing her face a moment as she carefully sat up and glanced at her sleepily. "...W'time is it?" she mumbled, rubbing her face. Shit, did she fall asleep...?
"It's seven. What happened to you, Jana? Why are you all bandaged up like that? I told you to stay out of trouble." Her words were a bit harsh, but her tone was filled with worry. Not that she had room to talk, though she was still wearing her clothes so Jana wouldn't be able to see anything but the bandage on her cheek.
Jana stared at her a moment, almost as if she wasn't quite sure what she meant until her tired brain finally kicked in...and her eyes started to water. What happened next was a blur of painful sobbing as Jana practically threw herself over Mei in hysterics. She had been so afraid, so angry, she could barely speak coherent sentences. "I...I found J-Justin and...and he, it...there was...there was blood everywhere, and he was barely breathing and..."
Mei was surprised when Jana threw herself at her. The first thing she noticed were the tears, and at first she didn't know what to do..but then she remembered when she cried and she knew what she had to do. So she wrapped her arms around Jana, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. She listened to Jana's barely coherent statement, and she just sighed. "Calm down, Jana. Is Justin Campbell okay? Did his assailant do this to you?" She asked her, clearly concerned for her partner.
"Yes...he's...he's in the hospital, he's okay..." she sniffled, wiping at her face. "...I found out who did it, and I made sure he wouldn't do that crap again." she mumbled. "...I thought he was dead, Mei! I didn't think he'd make it!"
For a moment, she just kept silent as she thought about what to say. She couldn't imagine finding someone she cared about almost dead. She wondered what exactly she did to the person who was responsible, but it wasn't the time to interrogate her on her actions. "..Do I need to make an arrest?" She tried, though she wasn't sure if that was a comforting statement. She was really bad at this..
She didn't know why, but that made her smile. "...Thanks, Mei," she said tenderly, hugging her tightly. "...You're the best, you know that?"
"Nngh..yeah..I know I'm the best." The way she hugged her tightly was a bit painful, for the wounds she had suffered earlier were still tender to the touch and painful. Her pain killers had worn off during her sleep, which she was glad for. Those always made her mind unclear. "You're welcome, Jana. Just give me a name and I'll take care of the rest."
"'s okay," she smiled, leaning back a moment to examine her. "...Wait, what happened to you?" she asked curiously. "...Did you get the crap kicked out of you, too?" She
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