School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Ooh, that looks deep and messy..." Jana purred. "What do you say you get on your knees and apologize before I have to embarrass you further in front of your sister, hm? Because you're starting to look like a big stupid bitch to me." There were darker places in Jana's mind that she tried not to go to, but the psyche of Red when you had to crawl to the never left. She had power, she craved it at some point. Seeing her idiot boyfriend in the state she was in made those morals bend ever so slightly.
"As if!" Levy said with a grin. He was in pain, but that didn't mean he couldn't fight. It only meant he couldn't fight well. So..he wouldn't move unless he absolutely had to. He didn't want to bleed out during the fight. He looked at Remy, who was giving him a very concerned stare. Ugh..he hadn't fought in front of his baby sister for a long time, and now he probably looked bad for his stupid mistake.
"Suit yourself," Jana said dryly, flames flickering across her blade as she gave a wide swing as a thin dart of fire rushed towards him. Guess she'd have to get creative here...there was more to her techniques than this, but they could be rather exhausting. Someone with wind, however...meant she had to think outside the box.
Levy raised his hand, making a fist. He then flicked his thumb, sending a bullet of air towards her dart. Once they collided, the small sphere of air exploded in a gust of wind and disintegrated her attack. Range wasn't going to work on him, or at least that's what he thought.

"Come on..get closer to me. I dare you." Levy taunted with a smile.
"If you insist." Jana smiled, taking a few steps closer...before side stepping in a rush of fire. What was there, was a flaming body double that moved forward to attack him while Jana went for his side. It'd offer only a moment, but that's all she'd need to attack his side in a swing at his ribs with her blade.
Fuck! This was going to hurt, but Levy was more afraid of Jana's blade than her fire. He quickly moved the bat, ignoring the searing pain in his chest and stomach, blocking her sword attack. A wind current surrounded his body, and the flames were just pushed around him, but the wind was not strong enough to put them out. Instead, they just circled with the current. He pulled back his fist and sent it towards Jana's stomach. If he could just stun her somehow..
Crazy bastard. She had to moved her arms back to block the massive fist that slammed into her gut, but then she grabbed it with a growl. "Wrong choice!" she said, her entire body igniting in flames as it trailed up his arm, and so did she, pushing herself up with a vicious yank on his arm to slam her fist across his ugly face. Swordswoman or not, she was a Red girl...and you didn't get anywhere without knowing how to fight barehanded.
When Jana slammed her hand in his fist, Levy tasted blood. Ugh! The smell of his own skin burning was horrifying! He stumbled a little but he didn't fall. He could take a hit, the fire was just making it extra painful. "Whatever!" He shouted as he opened his fist and grabbed her arm, then swung his bat to hit her in the leg.
Now this? This was a brawl. This was something that reminded her of her days growing up, except now? She had the power to fight back against pigheaded idiots. She remembered being strong-armed like this, and all it brought back was a furious anger that was only made worse by the horrid pain that slammed into her leg.

"Get OFF ME!" Jana screamed in fury, slamming her fist into the inside of his elbow joint with a burst of fire. Fuck the sword, she was going to beat the shit in half with her bare hands.
Levy grunted and released Jana, before she broke his arm. He saw the anger in her eyes and he sneered at her. "What's with that look? You hate me that much, girl? You will feel pretty fucking stupid when that Justin breaks your heart, too!" He sent another gust of wind towards her, only this time, the gusts were as sharp as razor blades and they would slice into her clothes if she did not dodge.
She didn't dodge, mostly because she didn't care. Her fire surrounded her like a shield, giving her a half second of room to move in close enough before the wind started slicing through her skin and clothes. She went right into the eye of the hurricane, her fists tucked against her chest as she weaved in and slammed her fist against his kidney in a burst of fire. She could ignore pain, but she couldn't ignore a defeat.
Once again, Levy found himself groaning at Jana's strike. How was she so..strong? She didn't look like someone who could hit that hard. He cursed himself for underestimating her as he doubled over in pain and dropped to his knees. He could take hits...but the wound in his chest was making this match extremely difficult and he was still bleeding profusely. "..Damn it." He mumbled as he tried to get back to his feet, slowly. He was still holding the bat firmly as he tried to prepare himself for her next attack, but his vision was getting blurry and he was seeing double. Fuck..he wasn't going to last much longer.
Jana grabbed him by the hair, her other fist raised and rippling with flames as she narrowed her eyes at him, her breathing coming up in short, heavy wheezes. "Let's get one thing straight, freak." she muttered firmly, spitting out another line of blood. "You come around here again and start threatening me, or I hear about you threatening anyone. I'm going to come back, and I'm going to start with your fucking knees, and then I'm going to work my way up." she growled.

"Is your gorilla addled brain smart enough to understand what I just told you? Or do I need to speak slower?"
Levy looked into Jana's eyes, and he probably should have just said he understood. However, she was being extremely insulting, and there wasn't enough pain in the world that could make his will submit to her or anyone who disrespected him or his sister. He would rather be dead then let her threats shake him. "..Whatever. As if I want to see your ugly face again." He responded.
Jana's reply was her flaming fist right into his ugly face in a billowing wave of fire, letting go of his head with a annoyed growl. "Never thought I'd meet a prick worse than Justin," she muttered. Ugh, he hit like a fucking truck...her gut felt like she was going to puke.
The force was enough to make him drop, and before he closed his eyes he just gave her a smirk. "Didn't need to rub salt in the wound." He said right before he lost conscious. The room was silent after that, the spectators left over completely dumbfounded by the girls victory. Remy just stared at Jana and then her brother. If Jana knocked him out with a punch, she shuddered to think the type of force was behind that.
Jana grit her teeth faintly, shifting her body with a faint breath. Ugh, her ribs were grinding together...

"Crazy bastard..." she muttered, rolling her shoulder. "Well...I feel better," she grinned. "Remy? I think you and I need to have a talk."
Remy looked back to Jana and then shifted her eyes. "A-about?" She asked, noting the grin on Jana's face. Was she in a better mood now? Remy really couldn't tell. Her friends tried to step in front of her protectively, but Remy glared at them. "Go fuck off. You saw what she did to my brother and he's worlds apart from you all in strength."
"About Justin," Jana said idly. "Before your gorilla of a brother interrupted," she said. "C'mon, let's take a walk...I need to head somewhere to get looked at anyway."
"Oh..okay." Remy wasn't sure if she really wanted to talk about that man. After she saw him with Jana the other day, she really did feel like her heart was shattered into a million pieces. Still, she was interested in what Jana really had to say to her. She asked one of her friends to call the paramedics for her brother. He may not talk to her often, but he didn't deserve to bleed out on the ground and die. Afterwards, she walked with Jana, alone.
Jana settled her hands into her pockets, grimacing a little at the shift in her ribs. " slept with him on your first date...and he just kinda poofed on you?" she murmured. "Tell me what happened from start to finish, your idiot brother got in the way of that." she sighed.
"..Well, he took me on a date. Or rather, he took me to dinner to cheer me up. Then I invited him back to my place, and we had a few drinks. He told me I was pretty, and that my ex boyfriend was a loser who couldn't handle me. So I kissed him, and one thing led to another. We had sex, and it was..really good. He wanted me to feel good. No guy before him cared about me getting off. Anyways, when we woke up the next morning...he apologized and told me he was way too drunk last night, then left. At first I thought he'd call me, but he never did..and that was about a week before he showed up with you..."
"Oh, jeez..." Jana mumbled, rubbing her head. "If I would have known that, Remy...I would have beat the snot out of me, I'm not that kind of girl. Sounds like Justin, though...big idiot always takes things to the biggest extreme without ever thinking what that really means..." she sighed.
"I guess so.." Remy said with a shrug, lowering her gaze to the sidewalk in front of them. "Thing is, he's always been a really great guy. I just never thought he'd be able to do that to me...and not mean anything by it. Though I did ask him once before that night if he'd ever be with me. He gave me a no and said he couldn't date me because I was a very close friend to him. He didn't want to lose me if it didn't work out."
"Because that totally worked, didn't it?" Jana grumbled. "Ugh...he never thinks when he talks, I swear...well, don't worry...we'll fix this." Jana grinned. "Besides that...I might need your help with something."
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