School Rumble (Broom and I)

"My help?" Remy asked, giving Jana a rather confused glance. Well, she was confused about how this would be able to be 'fixed'. Her brother had taken it upon himself to 'fix' the situation by beating Justin into the ground. "Jana...I don't want to fix things between Justin and I. They are broken beyond repair. But..I'll do my best to try to help with whatever you need. I do feel bad about what my brother did."
"If there's one thing I know about that idiot, Remy..." Jana said, arm around her shoulders. "Is that he's a loyal idiot, I promise you, the last thing he wanted was to ruin it on a bad note...besides that, he's been getting himself into a lot of problems because of me, and I want to show him how much I care. You think you can help me with that?"
"Umm...I guess so?" That was true about Justin, but she just wasn't sure if she'd be able to forgive him. Still, this seemed like a pretty simple she might as well just suck it up and try to help fulfill it.
"Good, because I need someone I think I can trust...and I think I can trust you," she smiled. "He'll like it, and you probably will too, it'll be fun." she said. "Let's get to the hospital and see how that lovable idiot is doing."
"..Alright." Why was she being so vague? "I don't think he's going to be happy to see me, though. I did threaten to slice his neck open..." Was this really something that she could help with? If Jana thought so...
"I threaten him all the time," Jana laughed, "I think he likes the crazy women, you and I are his dream girls. Have some faith, would ya? It'll be fine. He'll probably be happy to hear that you didn't have any hand in this."
"I'm not crazy, though. At least..I'm not crazy when he's not around. He makes me this way." Eventually they ended up at the hospital doors and she titled her head. "You..look like you need to be patched up too. Maybe you should do that before we see him."
"Probably," Jana sighed. "How in the world did a hot thing like you get the brother of that gorilla? That's insane how hard he hits," she groused, rubbing her stomach. "I feel like I can taste what I had for breakfast last week..."
"..Levy didn't always used to look like that. He used to be about Justin's size. Well he started lifting weights and didn't stop. We used to be real close to each other, but he transferred over to Green and ever since we just drifted apart. I haven't seen him in nearly a year. I'm sorry he hit you that hard, he normally goes easy on girls." Remy told her as she led Jana into the hospital.
"Psh," Jana muttered. "I'd be even more upset at him then, just because I have a pair of tits doesn't mean I can't handle a hit." she smirked, but immediately regretted it as she cradled her cheek. "Ow...ugh...bastard." she mumbled grumpily. "Should have shattered his damn nose..."
"It's not that he doesn't think girls are weak, he just doesn't think men should hit them. He's...incredibly old fashioned. Which is why he got so angry when he heard about Justin. As cruel to his own gender as he is, he's pretty..chivalrous." Remy shook her head and then laughed a bit. "He actually let his ex girlfriend beat him up and refused to lay a hand on her..."
"Well, he's in for a rude awakening..." Jana grumbled. "Hell if I like any of that stupid crap...maybe now that I beat some sense into him, he can stop acting like I'm some cheap slut."
"I'll talk to him...and he'll probably forgive you. He doesn't really hold grudges unless I do, I've noticed. Seriously though, you should make sure you're okay. I saw how he hit you, you might be bleeding internally." Remy did seem to be genuinely worried for Jana, which surprised even her. She had hated Jana up until today, but she actually wasn't a bad person..
"You're a sweetheart," Jana grinned, patting her back. "Okay, okay...I'll go get checked out, why don't you head to Justin's room? I'll be there in a bit, I'm sure." Everyone worried about her, was like she was a reckless fighter or something.
Remy grimaced and looked away. She really didn't want to be alone with Justin, but...she would do as Jana asked. "Alright..." She said softly before going up to the reception desk and asking for his room number. She knew his last name even before the Ice Queen blabbered about it to everyone. So she easily got his information and headed over to the third floor of the hospital. He had just gotten out of the ICU, so that was good...
Well, it wasn't pretty. A broken rub, a swollen cheek that was being compressed under a bandage and a bruised leg. Explained why it hurt to walk, by the time she came around to where Justin and Remy were, she had a bandage around her thigh and most of her stomach was wrapped.

"Every time I want to have sex with this guy, I get beat up," Jana mumbled, hands in her jacket as she walked in. "How is our Prince Charming doing?" Well, at least the atmosphere wasn't TOO awkward...
Remy was sitting down next to Justin's bed, but Justin was out like a light. She looked over to Jana when she came in, seeing the bandage on her thigh. Justin moaned a bit recognizing his loud girlfriends voice, but he didn't wake up.

Remy just gave Jana a shrug, not really knowing whether or not she should be the one to wake him up.
Jana smiled faintly, moving to sit on the other side of him. "He okay?" she quietly asked Remy, hand brushing through his hair. The swelling had gone down quite a bit...
"Yeah...the nurse said he was doing alright. He has a fractured leg, a concussion, and lot of bruises and cuts, but..he should be alright with some rest." Remy told her as he began to stir a bit from their voices.

Slowly Justin opened his eyes as he heard two girls talk. They both sounded familiar. "Jana did you finally come to see me?" He asked softly as he opened his eyes slowly.
Jana leaned forward a little, whispering in his ear. "Of course," she purred, her eyes taking a mischievous glint. "Had to take care of a few things...I like the gown, very...easy access..."
"Easy access but good luck getting me hard. Those drugs are making me numb as hell." He told her with a grin, though he knew that would just be a challenge to someone like Jana. Though out of the corner of his eye, he caught someone else sitting on his other. Well, this just got awkward. He looked over and then he laughed a bit. "Hey there, Remy. Come to laugh at me?" The girl just grimaced and looked away.

"No..I came as a favor."
"You didn't tell me what happened, you dolt," Jana said, pinching his cheek firmly with a frown. "Honestly! Could you be so heartless as to tell your best friend to fuck off because you felt awkward about having sex with her?"
"Oh! Fuck, Jana! These drugs don't work miracles! That hurts! I never told her to fuck off!" Great, so those two were best of friends now? Justin wasn't going to get well any time soon if those two were going to gang up on him. He had to make things right somehow. "Look, I'm really sorry, Rem. I just..didn't know what to say to make things right between us..."

Remy just looked away from Justin and sighed. She didn't know what to say now.
"Well, telling the poor girl that you were drunk and it was a mistake is a bad choice," Jana said with a sigh. "Come on, Justin...I'm not going to be the reason you two can't be friends again, I refuse, in fact. I know you're smarter than that in there," she said gently. "And I know Remy wants to be your friend again too, so come on. All these tense air is killing my sense of victory, you two can be friends again...because I like Remy, and I want to hang out with her without it being weird."
Justin looked at Jana and raised his eyebrow. Had he missed something...? Last he had remembered they hated each other. Wait a minute...

"Jana, where did you get those injuries? Did you two get into a fight or something?" He had been distracted by Remy and hadn't noticed until now. Remy sighed, seeing how easy it was for Justin to forget about her when he noticed Jana was hurt. Remy really wished she was in her position right now, and that he would worry for her like that...
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