School Rumble (Broom and I)

For a moment Mei shifted her eyes away, wanting to shrug but knowing the gesture would only cause her more pain. "Not really. A few minor cuts here and there. I won however, a flawless victory. My opponent was strong, but a tad...reckless."
"...Uh huh," Jana said suspiciously as she looked Mei over before grinning just a little. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less of you, Mei. A perfect victory, you say?"
"My definition of perfect is when I'm in control of the fight the entire time." Mei told her, her eyes shifting away to look at something else other than that stupid smile of hers. "I got hurt, but it was intentional and necessary. I took a hit from my opponent so I could trap her in very strong ice."
"...Wow," Jana said, eyes wide with an almost chidlike awe. "You do the same thing I do! That's awesome!"

...That probably wasn't as much of a compliment as Jana hoped, considering Jana fought rough and stayed rough. Mei had a better sense of refinement when she fought, but it did mean that her tactics were completely justified if someone on a different level like Mei used them!
"..More or less. Probably less than more. Anyways, after a slight miscalculation, I managed to injure myself more than I originally anticipated. Which means I can't shadow this last person tomorrow like I wanted. Though we do have Lili Masenbach in custody, so I'll be questioning her tonight or tomorrow morning. Either way, I'm going to be extremely bored until they take me off probation."
"Oh, cause us bonding is so dull, huh?" Jana said dryly, pouting. "You're so mean, Mei...and here I was, thinking we shared a moment."
"I'm always around you, Jana. I'm sorry that I don't find spending even more time with you particularly exciting. I don't enjoy sitting around and "recovering" from injuries. I find doing such a thing equivalent to being lazy. If I can still walk, I should still be allowed to do my job." Mei was actually pouting herself, crossing her arms a little bit as she ignored the throbbing in her shoulder.
"No, what we're going to do is relax together," Jana said, tugging at the cords of her dress with a smirk. "But first I need you to get into more comfortable clothes!"
Mei pushed Jana's hands away from her clothes and she raised an eyebrow. "Comfortable clothes? These are fine, although there are a few tears here and there. I will have to throw out this blouse and sweater later tonight. Luckily I have several available to take their place."
"Throw them out?" Jana sighed. "Jeez...I'm talking comfortable know, things you like to lounge around in? Wait, don't tell don't 'lounge around'? Don't you have any clothes that don't make you look so...uh..." Stuffy? Uptight?
"So what?" She asked, that eyebrow of her moving just a bit hire. Any hire and it would have disappeared into her hairline. "Make me look so what, Jana? These are the clothes I wear all the time, with the exception of the nightgowns I wear to sleep."
"I know, clothes that aren't so..." she said, her hands doing some sort of crazy maneuvering as if it would explain her missing word. "...Not...covering every inch of skin?"
For a moment, the woman was silent, and then she got up and looked in the closet. She looked for something that was...more casual. That seemed like what Jana wanted. Though she couldn't find anything. "No, I don't own such clothes." She told her after coming back into the living area to join her. "I never much cared for anything other than what I wear now. Long blouses and skirts suit me."
"Yeah...I guess so," Jana sighed. She felt like a nudist around her partner, honestly...she was wearing little more than underwear and Mei took off her shoes and that was...well, that was about it. "I Just think you really need to learn how to unwind, partner...the clothes don't look super relaxing. They look like you're trying to make an impression, all the time."
"I'm not trying to make an impression. I'm comfortable in these, always have been. I never get hot so, even during the hottest days of summer I'm fine." Mei told her, wondering if she could ever be comfortable in anything less. No, showing skin was uncomfortable to her. "Being in my nightgowns are uncomfortable to me. I only wear them because I toss and turn a lot. If I have too much on, I wake up being tangled in the fabric of my clothes."
"...Why are your nightgowns uncomfortable?" she said, quirking a brow. "C'mon, Mei...are you that shy about your body?" Jana had no real shame, for whatever that honestly meant. Her teenage body was toned and fit, and littered with scars. She liked it, because she remembered what it was like to not have it...and she never wanted to have that feeling again.
"I'm not..shy about my body. I just..." Mei trailed off, wondering exactly why she didn't like showing skin. Maybe she just wasn't used to it, or maybe...she was shy. She wasn't sure. "I just feel better covered up, that's all. There is nothing wrong with that."
"Not at all," Jana agreed. "...But I get the feeling you're not doing it just because," she teased. "And I think it's time you started getting used to it."
Mei grimaced, wondering what exactly Jana was planning to get her more used to Why was this even important? She wasn't bothering anyone with her love of clothes. "I don't think that's necessary."
"I think it is," Jana grinned playfully. "C'mon, how are you going to feel if Adam wants to hold your hand, or worse...put his arm around you?" She could only imagine how hard it'd be for Mei to even move with something like that.
Mei completely went red and then sighed heavily as she imagined holding Adam's hand. Skin to skin contact? With a boy? She sunk into the couch and placed both of her hands on her face. "I..I don't know...but that thought just makes me want to put even more layers of clothes on."
"And make him feel like you're making him uncomfortable? Come on, it's not hard." Jana grinned. "Either you take it off your way, or you take it off my way." she said with a teasing grin, fingers glittering with heat. "Trust me...when have I ever made you uncomfortable? Don't answer that."
"You wouldn't dare attack me..." Mei growled as she glared up at Jana through her pale fingers. "I'm not taking off my clothes and besides...there is nothing for me to replace them with that you'd find acceptable!"
"Oh, I would dare..." she grinned. "Roll those sleeves up, honey. Let's see some pretty skin." she said, her leer was wonderfully perverted...even if her eyes were entirely playful. And Mei said she'd be bored...Jana was fixing that!
Mei sighed and then quite literally rolled up the sleeves of her blouse, hoping Jana would leave her alone after that. Though she really didn't plan on stripping to her bra and panties. Not while Jana was naked too. That would just be..strange. "Happy now? Leave me alone...I have to figure out what I'm going to do if Adam tries to touch me on our date...Do you really think he'd try?"
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