School Rumble (Broom and I)

"I would," Jana said with a playful smile, her hand slipping along her forearm. Ooh, so silk! She had a few nicks too, but damn...she was jealous. "You guys are going on a date, Mei...touching is generally a thing that happens. If you can't handle what I do, then Adam might be a little much."
When she felt Jana touch her arm she shivered and then felt like recoiling away. Ugh...why was she so disgusted? It was a tingly sensation. She didn't like the way it felt, but at the same time it was...pleasant. How could anything be repulsive and pleasant at the same time?

"C-can't handle it? If I can handle metal cutting into my flesh without so much as a twitch, I can handle skin to skin contact!" The way Jana put it pissed her off. Liking it and being able to handle it were too different things!
"Uh huh..." Jana said idly, letting her fingers trail up with an amused grin. She was almost to her elbow. "Mei...doing this with people you trust isn't bad, it's nice." she reminded. "And Adam is definitely a guy you can trust, right? He's not going to want to strip you naked, he'll just want to be allowed know, hold your hand and stuff. Or maybe you lean towards girls?" she smirked. "You're in love with me, aren't you?"
Mei's eyes didn't quite narrow, but the lids of her eyes closed half way as she took a deep breath and sighed. "No." Was all that came out of her mouth as she looked away. It was the clear that Mei didn't have any sexual feelings towards females, or if she did she had a very good poker face. "Do I trust Adam? I don't know. I guess I trust him when it comes to getting the job done, but..." She trailed off and looked at her naked arm that Jana continued to touch. She felt butterflies in her tummy thinking about this. "I just...boys scare me."
"Boys are like animals, Mei." Jana assured, fingers linking with hers with a friendly smile. "They're just as afraid of you as you are of them...but they know you're nice, and they want to be nice to you. So all you have to be confident, you have to know you...and what you want. And that means you need to be comfortable in your own skin, girl. Which I have a really hard time seeing right now. You have to know the difference between good and bad."
"I know the difference between good and bad. I'm the most confident person I know. I just feel like they are disgusting, filthy, perverted creatures. Adam doesn't completely gross me out, nor does he strike me as someone who'd try to take advantage of me, but still. I can stand up boys, I just don't want to feel their touch. You touching me feels odd, and I don't like it, but...feeling the opposite sex touching me...I'm afraid that I'll like it." Mei was thinking out loud more than she was actually talking to Jana. She was so heavily focused on trying to figure out how she'd handle her date, she wasn't even trying to hide what was on her mind.
"It's okay to like it," Jana said dryly. "Really, I swear. Just because you'll like Adam's touch doesn't automatically mean you'll like every boys touch, trust me." Eesh...Ice Queen indeed.. "Every boy is different, and every boy handles things differently. I think Adam is going to be perfect for you, just relax, okay? I want you to go into that date with a clean mind." she grinned. "Otherwise...I might have to follow you..." she purred. "And we wouldn't want that, would we?" She would totally blackmail her partner to get her to relax, all day and every day.
"No. No, I don't want you to follow me." Jana had complete control over Mei even though the woman would never admit it. Not in a million years. But, she couldn't deal with Jana in any other way, more or less giving up on changing her to make her more proper. "Fine. I guess I'll let him touch me."
"There you go," Jana smirked, arm around her waist as she sat next to her. "I'll even let you wear your clothes instead of mine," she teased. "Bet that'd make his dick break his zipper."
Mei flinched hearing Jana's lovely, vulgar expression. "Fine. I might as well get this over with." Mei pulled the sleeves of her blouse down and put on her sweater, hiding the cuts all over her blouse. Then she started putting her shoes back on. Since she had nothing better to do, she might as well get this date out of the way. He asked her yesterday, so..hopefully he still wanted to do it.
"...Get what out of the way?" Jana said curiously, sitting cross legged on her bed. What was she in a rush for, all of a sudden?
"I'm going to tell Adam I have nothing better to do other than go out on a date with him. Either tonight or tomorrow. I don't care." Mei told her as she stood up and headed to the door.
"Have fun," Jana grinned widely. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do to the poor guy." Wow, Jana was impressed...she was being bold this time!
Mei gave Jana a death glare before leaving. The closer she got to the classroom Adam was usually in, the more nervous she got. She started to pray he wasn't there. Though she knew he would be, because he was a diligent student...ugh. What was she even going to say to him? Her heart began to race as she opened the classroom door and slowly walked in.
Adam was busy like most of the computer crew, updating dossiers and maintaining information about Nicholas. Things were starting to heat up, more people were beginning to protest, and when the Kishi himself decides to stop tend to work hard. That man terrified Adam like nothing else, and so most of the crew was slaving away to make sure every bit of information was up to date, even to the last second.

Mei was...admittedly, a pleasant sight for stressed eyes.

"Mei," Adam smiled, turning in his chair. "...I heard you got roughed up a okay?"
When she saw Adam she felt those butterflies again. Ugh, they were annoying and distracting, though she forced herself to focus. "..I'm fine. However, I can't do anything for a few days in regards to this protest investigation. Umm, that's actually why I'm here." Ugh, her cheeks were already burning, she probably looked like an idiot. She had to ask this though..she had to.

No...this was stupid, abort. Abort. She couldn't do this, not with him looking at her like that. Ugh! "..You look busy right now. Maybe I came at the wrong time." She mumbled, yet her body did not turn around and walk out of that room. She just stood there.
"No, no...I could use the distraction," Adam assured quickly. She was...blushing? Why did that make him blush? They didn't even say anything! Ugh...he was almost regretting asking her... "Kishi is just...rather aggressive lately...what's up?" he asked, rubbing his neck with a faint sigh.
For a moment, she was silent as she looked at her feet. She then stepped forward, ignoring how uncomfortable she was feeling. She had to be confident, though her confidence left her the moment she opened her mouth. "I can go out..tonight or tomorrow..whenever is convenient for you...I won't be do anything because of my shoulder so...that's all." She wondered if he even heard what she said because the longer she spoke the more of a whisper her voice became. She could hear her own pulse..that was a bad sign...
The entire lab was dead quiet for a moment, Adam just stared at her in surprise before he rose up. Wow...she...she really did want to go, didn't she? He hadn't really gotten all of his plans figured out, and-

"How about right now?" Adam asked, he felt far more bold than he actually was...maybe it was the heat of the room getting to him. Or maybe, the prettiest girl he had ever seen just asked him- Wait, what? Right now? NO! He didn't...he didn't even know where to take her for dinner! Or what they'd do after that!
Now? Could she truly do it now? She looked up at Adam, her green eyes meeting with his for just a moment before looking away. Her heart was beating and her mind was screaming no, but...she found herself unable to say no to him. This wasn't the first time she didn't feel in control either. "...Okay." Mei answered, biting the bottom of her lip. The sooner it happened, the sooner it was over with, right? She might as well..she had nothing better to do.
"...Okay," he mirrored with a smile, offering his hand. "...I um, I know a decent place in Central to eat...if you haven't eaten dinner yet?"
Did she even eat lunch? Or breakfast? Mei didn't know. She was too busy to notice if she was hungry or not because he was holding out his hand. She..she had to touch him, didn't she? ..The sooner she did it, the sooner it was out of the way. It was her mantra now, and it would get her through this night. She slowly reached out and took his hand...

..It was big, and warm. Very..very warm. Mei's palms probably felt icy to Adam. She looked away from him, but she made sure her hand didn't pull away from his. Or rather...she didn't mind that it was there. It wasn't...acidic. It was alright. She was okay. Maybe touching really wasn't so bad...
...Honestly, he was kind of relieved that her hand was so cold...maybe she couldn't notice how freakin' sweaty they were. He was nervous, so his fingers linked into hers when he squeezed on reflex.

"Uh...sorry." he murmured quietly, heading out of the computer lab with her. People would talk, but...Adam? He couldn't be happier, his mind was in heaven. She...acutally wanted to go on a date with her! They were dating right now! Oh man...he was totally going to screw this up, wasn't he?
It was odd. Every sensation that came from him moving his hand around hers, positioning it so that their fingers were touching in the strangest of ways...well it made her shiver and nearly freeze until he stopped moving. But she forced herself to be as normal as possible. Her heart was still racing, but this was just so embarassing, especially the way people looked at them when they walked out of the room.

"..where are you taking me?" Mei had chosen the wrong words, that sounded like he was forcing her somewhere. But she couldn't take them back now..she could only attempt to cover it up. "I mean...where are we going to eat?"
The place he originally wanted needed reservations, in advance. The place they were going to now was probably a place Mei wouldn't be caught dead in. "...You um, like ramen?" he asked lamely. "...It's a really good place a few of my friends and I go to...but um...I think you'd like it." He couldn't get over how nice her hand felt against his. It just seemed to fit, comfortably too...ugh, focus Adam. Don't be that guy...this was Mei, she deserved the best he could give her.
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