School Rumble (Broom and I)

Remy sighed and then started to dial her friends. Every person she managed to get a hold of was surprised to hear the news about Justin getting beaten up. As the list of people she needed to contact began to shorten, she started actually getting nervous. Though finally, she got somewhat of a lead. Oh man..if this was true...Jana would kill her.

"Uhuh...well I haven't talked to him in a long time..I didn't even know he was still around to be honest. Next time you talk to him, let me know? I think I have a right to know.." Once the conversation she was done, she dialed one last number.

"Levy, long time no talk. What have you been up to..?" There was a moment of silence and she looked at Jana for a bit. "Oh...that all sounds nice. Did you do anything else last night?" Silence again. Remy's eyes went wide when she heard his next sentence. "Well...I didn't ask you to do that.."
Jana's eyes narrowed like daggers, and she slid from her casual sitting position. Her friends -bless their stupid, surprisingly loyal hearts- looked ready to jump on Jana as she settled her elbows on the table and linked her fingers together, simply watching and waiting. Like an predator who had found a wounded deer, oh...she could smell it on her...and she better have a good fucking reason, too.
"Okay..well I just to let you know that his girlfriend isn't really all to happy about it. She's probably going to beat me up for this, so..." Remy's eyes went to Jana and then she sighed. "Yeah...yeah she is. Okay." Remy cautiously offered Jana her phone, hoping she wouldn't lash out at her.
Jana took the phone from her after a moment, resting it against her shoulder. "And who is the dickless wonder that decided to piss me off?" she said, by way of greeting.
"'Suppose," A deep voice answered, followed by a silence. "Don't hurt my sister. Justin got his karma. Harming Remy will just rack up more bad karma against you and your boyfriend. If you truly want your revenge, then come straight to me for it. But leave her out of this."
"Hm..." Jana said faintly, glancing at Remy. "You know, maybe I won't." Jana said. "Because you know what happens to people who fuck with the people I care about? I fuck with their people, unlike you, I have the balls to hurt them and the person that hurt the people I care about. So I've got a better idea for you, shithead. You've got ten minutes before I start showing your sister just what exactly you're going to look like when I'm finished with you. Ten minutes, I keep a tight clock." she said, hanging up the phone and tossing it back to Remy as she propped her feet back up.

This was her element, the place she grew up. Fire suited her like the wind suited a tornado, once she started burning, everything would raze to the ground. But something stopped her, multiple somethings stopped her, actually. She was little more than a rabid dog before,, Master had taught her better, and Mei...

Mei wouldn't like her doing something like that. The thought alone made her heart hurt as much as it did with Justin. Was she really going to do that? Just beat up Remy because she was there? She didn't know, but they had ten minutes to find out.

"And you, Remy," Jana said, propping her feet back up. "You have ten minutes to tell me what happened between you and Justin."
Remy swallowed hard before looking away. "Justin...Justin and I were the best of friends. For years...and then he took me out on a date after my ex boyfriend dumped me. I had always liked him, but...he didn't seem to show any interest in me. So when he did..I took him back to my place and we had a few drinks...and then...well we slept together. Though he said he was drunk and it was a mistake. So after that...I just started hating him."
"Rebound sex with your best friend? Ouch," It was a genuinely sympathetic voice. "That's rough no matter how you spin it, girl. Sounds like that idiot, though..." she sighed. No, she wasn't going to attack a girl who just had a lot of shitty experiences, she'd be no better than the people they arrested then. "Given how he wanted to bolt when he saw you, chances are he wasn't too proud of himself for that one. Was he always so stupid as to say the first thing that crawls into his mind?"
Remy wasn't really expecting Jana to care about her little sob story. She hadn't told anyone really what exactly happened. She just left it at he hurt her..she was too embarrassed to admit she had spread her legs for him after one date. "Umm...he's just brutally honest sometimes. He always liked to tell me that he'd rather tell the brutal truth than a shitty lie. But, he's a bad liar..." Remy sighed and then looked at her. "I'm sorry that my brother beat him up..I didn't think he'd even find out about what he did to me..."
"Beating up is not the word I'd use, Remy," Jana muttered. "His house has blood everywhere, everywhere. He was unconscious on the ground when I found him, like your brother just decided to beat the shit out of him every way possible. His pulse wasn't pretty, and he could barely see out of one eye."
"..Oh." Remy whispered and then looked away. "I guess then..I can see why you're so mad. But my brother..Levy is..." She wasn't sure if she should really tell Jana what her brother did to his enemies. She'd be warning her and giving her the upper hand by giving her information about him. "He's really strong...he might..hurt you real bad too for threatening me like this. You might not want to fight him."
"There's a lot of things I shouldn't do," Jana muttered, arms crossed as she regarded Remy. "You know, for what it's worth...I had sex with him after he saved me from Komoku, guess it's just a thing he does. That idiot charm of his."
"..He's quite handsome. He didn't pressure me into it, either. So I just felt..he was special. Every other guy I had been with always pressured me into it. I..."

Suddenly, the window on the side of the building shattered, a large gust of wind entering the room and knocking over several pieces of furniture. Then, a large man came crawling inside, a furious look on his face as he stood up and faced Jana. "Get the fuck away from my sister, you crazy bitch." It hadn't even been five minutes. Where the hell was he when she called him?
Jana's expression focused a moment as she slid out of her chair, people went scattering for cover...and the Karoke Owner just grabbed a bottle and started drinking. Well, wasn't he a huge fuck of a man. And punctual.

"Hold that thought, okay?" Jana smiled at Remy, before she crossed her arms to face him. "Funny, coming from a man who beat an idiot into an inch of his life, you know, that is a crime....and my word holds up a lot better than yours, buddy."
"You gonna arrest me? I'm well aware of the rules, but I don't care. Any man who sleeps with a woman and doesn't love her is lower than trash." Levy was standing at 6'5" towering over Jana like a bear. He was also complete muscle...seemed like he enjoyed working out regularly...almost all day. "Whatever, let's get this over with. Get out of here, Remy."
"Arrest you?" Jana said, her blade igniting in white hot heat. "No, what I'm going to do is the same thing you did to Justin, and I'm going to make sure I burn every ounce of pain into that steroid addled body, so you can remember what happens when you fuck with the people I care about. I'm going to carve my name in your fucking ass." Red Girls were violent girls, as they say...
Remy slowly backed up, but she didn't leave the room. Levy reached behind his back and pulled out a simple metal bat that was slightly bent at the tip. "I never got a chance to clean this still has your sleazy boyfriends blood all over it." He grinned at her, seemingly unafraid of her threats. "I don't care if you're DC or a woman, I'm going to beat you into the ground for fucking with my little sister."
Oh. He was that kind of animal. Good. Then she wouldn't feel bad for rubbing his nose into his piss when she was finished kicking his useless ass. Her expression didn't change as tapped the ground with her blade and swung upward, an arc of fire roaring across the ground right to him. Jana was right behind it, he expression focused. He'd get his, she just needed to be patient...
Before her blast of fire came even close to her, he took a deep breath and another strong gust of wind completely negated her attack. It seemed like both siblings enjoying summoning their element from their mouths, or at least one of them copied the others technique. He then lifted up his bad and attempted to swing at Jana, his arm giving him a long reach. Though he wasn't nearly as fast as her.
Jana should have expected that, but anger made her think slightly stupid. She ducked under the swing, her arm grabbing the bat as she flipped the grip on her sword to hold it in a reverse grip and extending her fingers.

"Dodge this!" Jana growled, a flash of flame flickering out to hit his nose. It was a quick, bright flash of heat...chances are it wouldn't burn...much.
Levy howled in pain as he the flame hit his face, though he didn't stop his assault for even a second. He was hellbent on punishing this girl. Being that she was so close, he pulled his freehand back and then plummeted towards her body, his swing with his bare fist much faster than the bat.
There was an audible crack across her face, her grip slipping from the bat as blood spat out of her mouth from her pained gasp. Fucker hit like a tank...she'd have to be careful of that.

"Big bat, big hands..." Jana muttered, spitting out a pint of blood. "Let me guess, your dick is about as big as your fingernail?"
"You'd like to see my dick wouldn't you, whore? At least you're a lot funner than your boyfriend, when he got hit with my fist he just screamed like a bitch." He pulled his fist back and then went in to punch her once more, aiming for her face once more. He'd punch her into the ground until she stopped moving.
It took a lot of focus to do it, and a little bit of visual flair...but a fight was all about mind games. So needless to say, when she caught his meaty fist with a faint burst of was all part of the mind game. Fucker was still as strong as a tank, ugh.

"Is that right?" Jana said, red eyes smoldering. "Time for you to join him!" she said, shoving his hand away and taking a step closer to swing her white hot sword from his hip to shoulder.
Levy was so surprised he had stopped his punch that he didn't notice her blade until it was too late. "Gahhh!" He shouted in pain as the searing hot blade cut him, a large red slash appearing across his torso. Blood started gushing from the wound, and he backed away from her as he tried to gain his bearings. It was bad enough that she had cut him so deep but also the flesh around the wound was burnt and it stung really bad. "You fucking bitch!" He shouted, though when he stepped forward, more blood spurted from his flesh and he flinched.
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