School Rumble (Broom and I)

Lili deflected what she could, returning her stabs as they circled one another. The thing that annoyed her most? There was damn near no emotion on Mei's face...where was the fun in fighting when she couldn't see the stress on her face? The fear? The sense of exhaustion? Aside from the blood dripping on her chin...there was nothing.

"What, not having any fun?" Lili growled, extending her blade another inch to jab at her sharply.
The sudden extending of her blade did catch Mei off guard, and she felt it sink into the flesh just underneath her breast. Still, she did not react in any way other than moving herself back and slamming her sword into her blade to knock it away. "I do not fight for fun." Mei simply told her, just before taking a step forward, sending another wave of ice to cover the floor and make it more difficult for Lili to move. Mei was waiting for her to make a mistake...and from the looks of it Lili was getting quite irritated.
Lili was prepared this time, the metal she had to her feet earlier extended into spikes as she stabbed into the ice and rushed forward, beginning a series of smooth, rapid thrusts. "Then what's the point!?" she got passed her footprints? Then perhaps she wouldn't be paying close attention to her legs...

Mei stared into her eyes blankly as she dodged and parried each attack he made, once again focusing on defense instead of attack. "The point? The only reason why I fight is to enforce the Mandate. That is the point. I have to arrest you, and you chose to fight me." The air started to chill around the floor as Mei spoke. She might be able to gather enough to cold for her ice to work fast enough...but the problem was that she could only do it in a certain radius, which was near her body. Even though she was at a disadvantage close range, she had to keep herself locked in close quarters combat, and it was getting tiring.
"What a stupid, shitty reason," Lili growled, taking another step closer as she shifted the blade in her hand to have a wide point as she started to slash at her. Her defense was annoying, her expression was stupid, and her reason was foul. She was boring! How did someone who fight so well be boring!?
She didn't care if Lili didn't like her reason. Her reason was her own. So she left it at that, focusing more on her defense. She had changed her fighting style, and it was harder to block with her iced over hand. Mei felt another harsh sting as her blade met with her flesh, slicing away at her blouse. Still, it was almost as if she didn't even notice it. Just a little bit longer...and then...she would be able to created a decent opening and finish this fight.
The faster she started to swing her blade, the angrier she seemed to get. Why?! Why wasn't there ANY reaction!? She was bleeding, she was hurt, and SHE was acting like she was in control!? She had barely touched Lili!

"This is getting boring," she snarled, the blade shaping into an axe. "So I might as well be done with this!" she said, moving to strike right at her pretty, smug face.
..That was it. The air was cold enough now, soo..

She let that blade drive into her body, though she moved slightly to the side so that it would hit her shoulder. Only then did she flinch and make the slightest sound of discomfort. However..

Lili's weapon was now completely iced over and stuck into Mei's body. But the ice didn't stop there. It just climbed from the handle of the axe, to her hand and down her torso, only stopping at her neck and the bottom of her feet. It was completely mature ice, nearly unbreakable. Mei stepped back, freeing herself from the crystalline statue that was now Lili's body. She kept her wound frozen over though so that she wouldn't lose anymore was quite deep. She left her opponents face unfrozen, though..just so she could breathe. Mei wasn't that cruel.
In an instant, she felt a rush of cold and she blinked. The impact was a temporary rush of victory, but...she couldn't believe it, she fell for something so simple, and she was so stiff that not even a subtle muscle twitch was impossible. She was literally frozen.

"...You let me hit you so you could do this!?" she growled in surprise. "Are you insane, you crazy bitch!? I could have cut your arm off!"
"You wouldn't have. You probably didn't notice, but..." Mei lifted up her arm..the same arm that had been covered with ice previously. "I moved that up just in time to absorb most of the force you put behind it...though you still got me pretty good, I'll admit." She pulled out her cellphone and then texted the proper authorities so they could send out a van so she could complete her arrest. "Anyways...if anyone else wants to attack me, they're more than welcome to try." She passively challenged, as if she needed another person to fight right now. That was just how Mei was though. Even bloody and in massive amounts of pain, she pretended as if she was fine and ready to beat more people up.
Most of the bar was more than content to back right away from the entire affair, and any and all alcoholic drinks seemed to casually get hidden. Lili was a muttering, cursing mess the entire time until the van arrived, which a special occupant came in.

"Well, nice to see you haven't gotten any less crazy, Lili." Damien said dryly, hands in his pockets. Sure a DC uniform, too.
Mei was surprised to see surprised that she had to do a double take to make sure it was him. "What..are you doing here?" She asked the older man, though it was pretty obvious with his uniform. Despite her surprise, she made an effort to multi task. Mei allowed her ice to shattered and break apart, though Lili had been trapped in it for so long that she would find herself having difficulty if she tried to move due to the numbness in her limbs. Mei quickly got behind her and put her hands behind her back, pulling out a zip tie and bounding them together.
"A favor brought me back into the uniform," Damien murmured. "Aside from that...I cooperated with Central, and they said I needed to pay it off with work again," he grumbled, rubbing his forehead. "So...I thought I'd see how the wonder girl is doing."

"Fucking great," Lili chattered through her teeth. "Now that asshole is back..."
"...A favor, huh? Well, glad to see you have finally come back. You're still a traitor though." Mei was ignoring far as she was concerned, the girl didn't exist right now. "Anyways, let's go back to Central so I can get some answers from this girl." She probably should get her shoulder checked out too. Once the ice thawed, she'd probably be bleeding out. Probably.
"Yeah yeah..." Damien said, grabbing Lili with one arm. "Why don't you let me handle it, you should get that mess you got checked out, Mei." He knew Mei, and her...tolerances. Which were beyond he said before, women in Turuga were batshit.
"..Yeah maybe." There was a tone of defeat in her voice, but even she had her limits.

As soon as they got back to Central, Mei escorted herself to their Med Bay. She never went to any of the hospitals outside of Central because her father would more than likely hear about whatever injuries she'd go there for, and he wouldn't be too happy. She didn't really feel like dealing with his mouth.
The Three Dragons had just got it's place fixed up, and they were not pleased to see Jana walk in. People got more than an eyeful in those shorts as she moved deeper into the bar, she knew exactly who she was looking for...and when she found Remy and her little dicks hanging around the table, the first guy didn't get much choice. Only the faint look of surprise from one of the others as his head slammed on the table and he fell back with a surprised groan.

"You" Jana snarled, her hand grabbing Remy by her throat to press her against the wall, sword drawn. "You and I need to talk, bitch. You think I find it funny that you put Justin in the hospital!?"
Remy and the two other boys that didn't have their heads slammed into the table just stood up in surprise, though none of them drew their weapons. They were still hurt from the last time they had fought that crazy gorilla of a woman. Though when she grabbed Remy by her throat and slammed her against the wall, the boys drew their weapons.

"No! Wait!" Remy told them and then glared at Jana. "What the fuck are you talking about? I haven't seen Justin since he shocked me unconscious!"
"What the fuck are you talking about!?" Jana muttered, eyes narrowed. "Some crazy fuckwit beat the shit out of Justin! I found him in a bloody heap at his place, he's in the hospital! He said the idiot who attacked him mentioned you!"
Remy shrugged and shook her head, a faint glimpse of a smile playing on her lips. Then she remembered that Jana had a knife to her neck and snapped out of it. "..I don't know who that could be...Honest! I didn't ask anyone to beat him up. Though he pissed off a lot of people when they heard what you and he did to you better watch your back.."
"And if you know those people, you better start fucking talking," Jana growled, blade pressed deeper against her neck. "Because I am in no mood to deal with your petty bullshit right now, because of you being a psycho bitch, Justin is barely holding on. So forgive me if I don't have much remorse for cutting your throat and hearing you gag. Do you want that on your conscience? Or are you going to help me figure this stupid shit out?"
Remy gulped slowly, her heart racing as she felt Jana's blade start to draw a little bit of blood. "Uh...Komoku's gang wasn't too happy..neither were the rest of our little gang that meets here..I mean..I could ask them? If you let me call them..." Remy was really not wanting to try Jana. She was crazy over Justin, and she knew what it was like to be crazy over a boy. She was going to kill him a few days ago because she wanted him to herself.
Jana relaxed her blade carefully, regarding her eyes as she leaned in closer. They were...different. Less wild, less insane. They seemed...put together better, focused. It was probably a mirror image, wasn't it? She was probably as crazy as Remy used to be. The reevaluation relaxed her, a little. The blade loosening just a fraction.

"...And hearing that Justin is in the hospital?" she asked casually. "What about that?"
"...What about it? Sorry to hear he got beat that bad. He never goes to the hospital. Must have been serious." Her words weren't very convincing. She cared about Justin, and probably would have been been sad if someone had actually killed him. However, she felt like he had deserved being put in the hospital for everything he had done, and also his betrayal. He had helped out DC..! Of all people to snitch to...
"Tch," Jana muttered, shoving her back in her seat as she sat down in one of the chairs formerly occupied by one of her friends, propping her feet up on the table. "Start calling, I got all day." she said, legs crossed. "And for your sake, I hope I find a good answer."
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