School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Because he does the exact same thing you do when you like something, but don't want to admit it," Jana grinned. "Your face lights up, and you do everything not to look at me."
Mei narrowed her eyes, but she couldn't really argue with that logic. Even though she had subconsciously did that, she knew in hindsight that Jana was telling the truth. She didn't really want to think about this anymore. It was hard enough she knew Adam liked her, but to know that he wanted "under her skirt" made her even more wary of being close to him. Her eyes went to her book, and she decided to give Jana the silent treatment...for now.
Jana sighed idly. "Mei, stop that," she said after a moment. "It's not the end of the world because a boy wants to touch you, you know. It's not like Adam is going to get behind you and start humping like some dog. It's what happens when you're a teenager, these are things teenagers feel. That doesn't mean they actually do it."
..She couldn't ignore that no matter how much she wanted to. Mei's imagination was very vivid, and Jana's words were like fuel to it. "Jana. Please..can you not be so gross about this? I don't think Adam is going that to me. He knows better. It's just...he wants to and I know he wants to. I don't know how to feel about that."
"Welcome to being a girl, partner," Jana said, hands behind her head as she laid on her back to stare up to the ceiling. "...Look, every boy wants to do that. It's not weird, or creepy...the only thing that makes it weird or creepy is how they present it, or what they do to get it." She couldn't exactly say every girl felt the same way, of course. But girls generally enjoyed sex too, on their own terms. You could probably put a vagina in a box and a man would be happy forever.

"But remember who you are, too." Jana mumbled, her voice taking a slightly distant quality. "You're Mei Akiko Wolfe, you're not just the Ice Queen because of how you act, you're the Ice Queen because you're damn scary in a fight. That matters. You can make your own comfort zone."
"..Yeah." It was true she was scary in a fight, but...well Mei was actually scared of boys. No one knew that about her and she really made an effort to make sure no one ever found out by always keeping her distance. Knowing Adam wanted to do that just scared her even more. If he tried to touch her she was sure she'd die. Or faint. One of the two. Still, she couldn't tell him not to touch her...that would just upset him, she was sure. "I..I really don't think he'll enjoy our date. I'm just too...unfriendly."
Jana sat up in the bed a moment, glancing at her. "Mei...nervous and unfriendly are two different things, you're not unfriendly at all," she smiled. "You've got the biggest heart I know, you're just not used to people. People want to be your friend, Adam wants to be more...but that does mean that he's going to do his best to make you as comfortable as possible." she said, walking over to her bed, her sacred fortress of solitude, and nestling herself right next to Mei.

"And I'm going to help you, starting right now," Jana grinned.
"W-what? What are you doing?" Mei closed the book she wasn't reading and moved towards the opposite side of her bed, pressing herself against the wall. She wasn't used to anyone being in her bed, and she really didn't like Jana's grin. "I don't think you could possibly help me with something like this."
"Oh, yes I can." Jana grinned, settling on her hands and knees and scooting forward. "I am going to get you comfortable with people in your personal space, Mei. And you're going to like it," she purred. "And you can't say no." She hadn't even really gotten close enough to touch Mei at all and she was already in the corner like a nervous, scared kitten. "Trust me, okay? Please?"
"Trust you with what, you just told me I couldn't say no! I shouldn't have to get used to anything I don't want to get used being in my bed is one of them!" The air around her suddenly became cold, as if she were using her element as self defense to repel Jana. Unfortunately, Jana's element practically made her impervious to such silly defense mechanisms.
"Too bad," Jana grinned, the air in the middle was producing the tiniest little hiss of steam as she moved forward. "Now, stop being such a grump." she said, resting on her knees as she extended her arms. "I'm not leaving your bed until you hug me."
Mie glared at her, but she really did want Jana out of her bed. "Fine..." She pouted before leaning over and hugging her with one arm. It was a half hug, definitely not a real one. Though Mei wasn't in the mood to hug her like she had done the evening before. Especially because this seemed more like blackmail than trying to cheer up her partner. "Now get out of my bed."
Jana slid her arms around Mei fully and pulled her in. Oh dear, Mei was hardly wearing enough clothes for this kind of touching. Skin was connecting, arms were bare! But it was affectionate, as Jana always liked doing. was fun, getting Mei out of her element more.

"Mei, you worry too much," she sighed into her hair. "Everything is going to be fine, okay?"
Mei wasn't wearing a bra, and no article of clothing could be thick enough to make this comfortable with her. She did feel Jana's skin against her and it was...strange. She frowned when Jana told her that she worried too much, and at this point Mei wasn't even sure what she meant by that. Though she did find comfort in her words. "I...just don't want to like Adam if he's not going to like the real me. I guess that's why....I didn't want to like anyone. Though today, when I saw Kuki...I realized that I didn't want to be alone or see anyone be alone. So..." She closed her eyes and relaxed in Jana's grip. "I guess..I'm just going to have to take that chance and hope for the best."
"It'll be fine," she promised, giving her hair a playful nuzzle. "You're a great person, better than I'll ever be. You deserve a chance to find someone that'll make you smile more often....besides, you're not alone anymore, you'll always have me."
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Jana. If you can make that promise though, then you're just as good of a person as I am." Mei pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. " glad that you reached out to me. I wasn't sure about you at fact I am still a little unsure. But, even though you're vulgar, rude and just bring out the best in me. I don't think things would have ended the way they did today if you hadn't come into my life. I would have never been able to say the words I did to Kuki if it wasn't for you."
"Well," Jana mused. "Like I said, I had a good feeling about you," she said, shrugging bashfully. "And you're stuffy, act like an old woman, and too grouchy." she teased. "But I think you're what I need, My Master always told me that my focus was lacking...someone like you gives me focus. Not that I'm...good at it," Jana admitted, rubbing her neck. "...But I want to be, and you're a good person to see what happens when you can do it."
Focus was second nature to Mei, so she never really thought about it too much. She just assumed everyone had it. Though hearing Jana say that she helped her focus..well it was pretty flattering. "That was very rude, but also very flattering. I'm glad I could give you focus, because you have a lot of potential that hasn't been tapped yet. I suppose we are a good fit for each other. Better than any other partners I've had thus far." She laid down in her bed and looked up at Jana. "I think I'm going to bed early. You exhausted me."
"Sure," Jana said, slipping off her bed. "Oh um..." Jana said, turning back. "...I really should see Justin, tomorrow. If that's okay? It's been twice now that I stood him up." she murmured. "Do you mind?" Yes, she knew it was a little too late for that, but she wanted to show Mei that she did take her opinion to heart, good or bad.
"...Sure. I'm going to be out all day tomorrow, so...I guess there is no point in you being cooped up by yourself here. Just...make sure you don't get into any trouble, okay?" Mei wasn't sure if she could ever accept Justin, but if Jana really did like him, she didn't have the right to step in the way of that. She moved underneath her blankets and then rested her head on her soft pillow. "Goodnight, Jana."
Jana moved over, giving her a friendly peck on the cheek. "You're the best, Mei. Goodnight. Don't dream of your chocolate lover too hard," she teased, before scampering back to bed, as if she was expecting a swift and violent retaliation. No trouble, she could totally do that. Probably because Justin was going to fuck her into his couch, but...whatever! Same thing!
Mei suddenly shot up and then glared at Jana. With a sigh she fell back down and then closed her eyes. That girl was way too much for her to handle sometimes. Before she went to sleep though, she had one last thing on her mind. "..I don't know how to tell him when I'm ready. Do you think you could do it for me whenever the time comes?"
Jana settled into her bed a moment, closing her eyes. "Hm..." she mused. "Mei, when the time is'll know what to say. A leaf does not ask the wind to carry it, it simply does. I have faith in that."
"I hate when you make less sense than usual." With that, Mei closed her eyes and tried to think of something else so she could go to sleep.

The next morning, she woke up rather early. She made sure not to disturb Jana as she headed out. This time she'd be making a trip to see Lili Masenbach. Or rather, watch her. At least she wasn't going back to red territory. The only reason why she was going so early was to catch her before she even left her place of residence. That way she wouldn't have to track her down.
Lili Masenbach's house was located in one of the richest neighborhoods in Blue, and that was really saying something. The Masenbach estate was a sprawling mansion that could probably fit a block of Red apartments in. Thanks to Mei's status as a DC member, she was allowed to pass through pretty much all of the gated communities, this one was no exception. There were worse problems if someone resisted a DC investigation. She naturally didn't want to be so obvious, and it wasn't like it was hard for her to see the limo move out of the estate and head downtown. Trailing her wouldn't exactly be a difficult issue with a ride like that.
Jana was up a little after Mei left, and showered and dressed. She was determined to show Justin a good time this time. She couldn't help Mei with her DC affairs, so she may as well enjoy her time with her impromptu boyfriend. She was dressed to impress this time, her trademark jacket still there and zipped up-one could argue for the cooling weather- and a pair of jean shorts-empathsis on short- with one of her swords resting at her hip. She knocked lightly on the door. Truth be told, she felt really bad for always running, no more. She was sticking around as long as she could to show him some proper love.
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