School Rumble (Broom and I)

Jana slid up and headed to the couch, and in typical Jana fashion, she sat right next to Mei. "No, I didn't think you were kidding," she said, arm slipping around her waist. Icy reception be damned, she'd handle this one way or another. "I hid it from you because I like that idiot, a lot. You'd probably find a sack of blind mice smarter than him, sometimes." she sighed. "He thinks he can protect me, when he's probably more like a liability, and sometimes, he's so immature I want to punch his face so hard that it comes out on the other side of his head." she mused. "Boy has a lot of problems...but there's a good person in there somewhere. If someone told me I couldn't be your partner anymore, I'd still be your partner...because I like you, a lot. You do stupid things for people you like. At least, I do."
"All of that is fine, except for one thing. You didn't say that when I told you not to see him. Instead, you decided doing it behind my back suited you better." Mei looked away from her, ignoring her close proximity. "I would have gotten upset and tried to talk you out of it. In fact, I still want to. But if you told me from the beginning, I wouldn't feel this way now..."
"Well," Jana said idly. "I figured you wouldn't believe me," she admitted with a shrug. "I thought you'd just keep trying to press it, but you told me not to go past curfew, and I haven't. I like him, but not enough to dig my hole even deeper." she smiled. "You said you didn't like him with me, so I didn't figure you'd want to hear me trying to tell you otherwise, or hear about it."
"I don't want to hear it, but there is nothing I can lawfully do to make you stop seeing that man. It's not my place to tell you who you can and can't date, and even I know that. I just thought that you had actually taken my advice, come to find out that you hadn't. Look, I'm just..." Jealous of him?

"..I don't want to talk about this anymore. What's done is done, and I'm sorry you fell for a scoundrel like Justin. I trust that this relationship of yours won't get in the way of your duties here."
"...Mei," Jana said, pulling her closer with a faint smile. "You and I are partners, and best friends. That's not going to change for anything, I broke my date with him to help you with the Five Tigers," she grinned. "He probably wasn't happy, but I told the idiot to stay behind. His own fault. I'm with you, one hundred percent."
"..Good." Mei was starting to go a bit stiff from being touched again. She...was probably overreacting. Jana wouldn't let a boy like Justin influence her in any bad least Mei didn't think so. If she truly believed he was a good person, Mei wouldn't stand in the way of that. She could only step in if he hurt her...and god forbid he did. "Maybe you should have beat him up as a lesson to teach him to obey you when you give him an order..."
"He might like that a little too much," she laughed. "But I'll talk to him, okay?" she said, looking at her with dangerously hopeful eyes. "...So, we're okay?" she said after a moment. "...I don't want you mad at me, Mei."
Mei glanced at her before shrugging. "I guess I'm not mad at you. Still, you are way too good for a man like Justin Campbell. You should be dating someone with a little more brains. I suppose it can't be helped. I have often heard that you can't choose who you fall in love with. I've never believed it until now. It's not true for me, of course. But probably a lot of people."
"Uh huh," Jana said dryly. "And what's this I hear about Adam asking you out, hmm?" she smirked. "On a date? Just the two of you? Very scandalous, Mei."
Mei's eyes widened and she stared at Jana, completely exasperated. Was did she know that? It just happened, and she didn't tell anyone. She started to blush as she remembered saying yes to Adam. Oh god, she still needed to deal with that later after all this business with Nicholas was finished up. "Scandalous?'s not. I..just felt like he deserved...whatever he asked from me since he helped me so much last night..." Ugh. She wanted to die right now.
"He helped you, did he?" Jana grinned wider as she leaned closer. "Did you kiss? Profess your undying love for one another?" she said, puckering her lips playfully. "Did he shower you with all of his unrequited love? Have a quickie in the middle of the night? You're so dirty Mei." It was so fun to tease her, and she looked so cute and...well, her age when she was embarrassed.
"Jana, stop it!" Mei desperate begged her as she pulled away from the girl suddenly. It was bad enough that she wasn't sure if going out with Adam sent the right idea to her fellow classmates, but now it was dirty? Did people think the way Jana did and assume her and Adam did such naughty things together just because they had spent a little time alone and he he asked her out on a date the next day? "I..I'm not doing it. I can't. I won't." Mei got up from the couch and started pacing around the room, running her fingers through her hair as she often did when she was nervous.
"You're not doing what?" Jana chuckled, folding her legs underneath her. "Having sex with the guy? C'mon, Mei. Don't say that, I really doubt he's doing that just to sleep with you," she grinned. "I would, though. In a heartbeat." she laughed. "You're beautiful."
She stopped in her tracks when Jana admitted to wanting to have sex with her..what a horrible thing to joke about. Even if Jana was a girl that just embarrassed her even more. "No...I'm not going to go out on a date with him. Not with people thinking that we're going that. Even if they didn't, I don't know what I was thinking! How can I go out on a date with him if the very thought of being close to any guy makes me sick to my stomach?"
"Mei," Jana sighed, rising up to put her hands on her shoulders. "Chill the fuck out, girl. People talk about everything. They told me all kinds of crazy crap when I said I wanted to be your partner. Who cares what they think? Do you like Adam? Do you want to spend the time with him?"
Mei immediately went to say no, but for some reason when she opened her mouth nothing came out. She could feel her heart racing thinking of him. Did she like him..? "I...liked spending time with him last night. I feel like he is not unbearable to be with, and when he asked me out...I didn't feel bad. Afterwards I felt very maybe I do like him.."
"Then that's all you need," Jana smiled. "So relax, okay? People just aren't used to seeing you like this, it's a really good change. Now everyone can see what a great person you are, like I do."
"I..don't really care how people see me. I just want what's best for Turuga. I haven't changed...everyone around me is just crazy." Her words contradicted her previous statement...she didn't want to date Adam because she was afraid of what they would think of her. Maybe it was more so that she didn't care if people thought that she was cold and ruthless...but she really did care if they saw her any other way. Like...a normal girl with actual feelings. Then people would want to actually be around her.
"Well, part of that statement is certainly true," Jana grinned. "You'll be fine, Mei...lots of girls go on dates all the time, Adam's probably going to be so nervous that he'll be trying way too hard to be a gentleman anyway. He's crazy about you. You dress like a damn queen all of the time, you're always so regal and graceful," she sighed. "I'm jealous, I could never do that. Your clothes would make me feel so suffocated."
Mei sighed and sat down on the couch, wondering if what Jana said was really true. Well, she didn't believe her this morning when she said Adam had a thing for her. Yet that afternoon he had asked her out. Maybe she really did know what she was talking about. "..I find my manner of clothing extremely practical. I could never dress the way you tight fitting clothes and mini skirts or small shorts. That is too much skin to be showing off. Though I thought all boys only liked I felt like my clothing was very off putting. I don't dress this way to attract others."
"Not at all," Jana said, sitting back down next to her with a smile. "It's really about personality," Jana murmured. "Me? I like my body, I think my figure is something I should be proud of. If it gets boys hard then whatever," she shrugged. "I feel comfortable wearing what I do. I don't do it to attract others either, I wear it because I like it." she smiled. "...You didn't think I dressed like this just so I could get boys attention, did you?"
"Not really. Just thought you dressed like that because you enjoy rebelling against proper dress code. my body too. I just don't feel like it's appropriate to show it off. That's why I enjoy my long skirts and button up blouses." Mei sighed softly and then shook her head. "I still don't get why you think it's okay to be so vulgar about things. It's really embarrassing to think about boys like that. At least for me." Mei wasn't even completely sure how men worked. Sex ed was something she had avoided like the plague and succeeded. She felt that knowledge was absolutely useless. And disturbing.
"Because I don't see any reason to be so subtle about it when boys can walk around and tell me I have a hot ass," she said dryly. "You know what terrifies boys more than anything? A girl who knows what she wants. I grew up in Red, being cute and pretty down there when you couldn't handle yourself meant you just had to wait for your moment. When my Master took me in, she gave me confidence to be who I wanted." she murmured. "Mei, there's absolutely nothing wrong with be uncomfortable about these things," Jana assured, arm around her shoulder again with a smile.

"I just...grew up different," Jana said. Very different. "...and besides, knowing that boys are into the way you look? It makes it real easy for some of them to go through hoops for you. Look at Justin, for instance. The idiot continuously risks life and limb, when he's about half useless in a fight, just for me." she sighed. "It's cute, but it's also pointless. I owe that boy some love for being so dumb, over me."
Mei thought about it for a moment and wondered if that was really true. She had never really had a boy do anything for her that involved them risking their own safety for her. Which was understandable considering Mei was stronger than mostly everyone she knew. Still, it kind of sounded nice. "...Do you think Adam would do something like that for me? I'm not sure if I would like that, to be honest. Especially if he was as weak as Justin is. That would just make me feel really, really bad."
"Well," Jana laughed. "Adam is certainly a little more capable than Justin, I've heard good things about his combat record...even if he hasn't fought too much." Jana said, reaching for her phone and dialing Adam. "But it's not too hard, just watch...keep quiet," she winked, flicking it on speaker phone. She was going to play matchmaker, even if Mei didn't want her too. Then again...she did a lot of things Mei didn't want her to do in the first place.
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