School Rumble (Broom and I)

"Right," Kuki said, her expression focused and determined. "I won't let you down," she promised, moving over the arm of the stairwell and simply...dropping down into the chaos. Damien glanced down the stairwell, and shrugged.

"...Screw it," he decided, hopping over the side too. Why not? Been a while since he had fun. Interestingly enough, there was already a girl there...and from the looks of it, she had kicked the door open and was making a mess of some of the reinforcements.
Mei walked closer to the very top of the stairwell, and with every step her ice simply extended further and further down the staircase. The goons that were trying to get up to her were simply falling all over themselves. "If you want to walk, you're going to have to be more graceful with your steps." She lectured as she blocked three throwing knives casually, descending down the stairs step by step, seemingly having no problem with the slippery ice beneath her feet. When they finally figured out how to walk without tripping, Mei just let them come at her, though she kept making her way to the first floor to join Kuki and Damien. She blocked any lethal weapon attacks with her blade and then used the hilt to knock them to the side. Mei did hate getting herself bloody, so...she wouldn't be cutting into flesh unless she had to.
"Hey Mei!" Jana said cheerfully, casually blocking a swing and putting the unfortunate man in an armbar and tripping him. "I knew you'd be doing something fun!" Between the four of them? It was a mess. Kiki was holding back -perhaps because her newfound...friend was doing so well.- Mei was like a dancer when she fought, graceful, beautiful...Jana was more like a freight train. Damien looked almost bored, and Kiki seemed methodical in her approach.

Jana had never honestly seen her fight before, and wow, she was impressed!
"...What are you doing here, Jana?" Mei asked in surprise, one of her opponents thinking they could get the best of her by sneaking behind her. Instead, the ice that had been trailing behind her collected right underneath him and froze him in place. He was still conscious off course, but not when Mei shattered the ice. The way she did fight was a dazzling display, the glimmering shards floating in the air momentarily before disappearing.

Once again, the floor surrounding her froze as she took on more uncouth savages, waiting for them to get close enough for her to knock them out with a kick or a strike with her hilt. It didn't take long for Mei to be surrounded by unconscious bodies.
"Oh you know," Jana said casually, avoiding a wild swing to grab someone in a headlock and twist ever so faintly before they fell unconscious. "Noticed you were traveling with a mysteriously handsome stranger, and I smelled you getting into trouble without me," she sniffed, dusting her hands. All in all...there were a lot of unconscious Five Tigers. "Whose the handsome guy and the cute girl?"

"...I'm Kuki," she said, bowing politely as she took a spot to the side and slightly beside Mei. Jana's expression was obvious, but she grinned regardless. "...Mei, did you make a friend?"
Mei would have said no immediately, if it weren't for the fact that Kuki was standing right there. She didn't want to be rude. Though still, her vernacular refused to say the word friend. "Kuki has become a valuable ally to me and all of DC. We're going to work the specifics out over coffee." Mei looked around..the four of them had more or less taken care of all reinforcements. Though she had to freeze a few to keep them from running away. If there were more..well Mei didn't want to have to fight another wave of annoying losers. "You're welcome to join us, Jana. I'm sure you two would enjoy each others company."
"Which is a friend," Jana said, walking closer to put her hand on Kuki's head with a grin. Kuki blinked in surprise, face slightly flush from all of the new attention. "Wish I could, Partner...but I got something to do, that I really need to. Cookie, you keep an eye on Mei for me, okay? She's a trouble maker."

Cookie?? "M...My name is Kuki," she said lightly. "Kuki, not...not Cookie."

"Same thing," Jana shrugged. "We'll hang out later, okay?"

Damien rubbed his chin a little in thought. The women of Turuga never changed, did they...they just got crazier and crazier...
Mei sucked her teeth when Jana called her the trouble maker. "You just drop in here, beat a bunch of my enemies up, and then leave? What are you even doing out here anyway?" Mei demanded as she walked over to both the girls, stepping on groaning bodies and putting her hand on her hips. It was true that Jana originally came from this side of town, but...still. "What is the pressing matter you need to attend to? If you're going to help me out when I don't ask to you, then I'd like to do the favor."
"Hey, this is where I come from," Jana smiled innocently. "What? I can't visit my old stomping grounds? You got work to do, Mei. Don't worry, I'm not getting into anything bad." she promised. "I just owe someone something, that's all." Poor guy really deserved it at this point. "If want to do me a favor in return though...could you maybe ignore that I might be late to curfew tonight?" she grinned, hands clasped together. "Please? Pretty please?"
Oh right...Mei had nearly forgotten that she needed to ask Kuki about Nicholas...and she had unintentionally converted her over to her side. At least for now...the girl didn't seem like a deceptive person either. Though seriously...why would Jana be late for curfew. "No. I won't ignore you breaking the rules, and.." Something moved in the corner of her eye. Was it another thug? She was pretty sure she got them all. "Hold on a moment." Mei flew passed them, using her ice to catch that little blur of a person she saw before she even rounded the corner that he did.

"Fuck!" Justin shouted as he felt one of his legs get frozen over. He tried to use his lightning to break free but it was too late. Mei was already on him, about to knock him to the floor.

"Campbell.." Mei growled when she realized who it was. Was he the reason Jana was out here?
Jana followed her out curiously, then rolled her eyes. Ugh...the stupid idiot could never stay in one place, could he? "Cockroach skitters everywhere, huh?"

"...Is he someone we need to deal with?" Kuki said curiously, thumb moving the katana an inch from it's sheath. It was sort of adorable...and terrifying, that she seemed to respond so clearly to Mei's mood.

"Wow," Damien sighed, rubbing his head. "Never a dull moment with you these days, Mei."
Mei looked back at Damien and shrugged, then she turned her gaze back to her prey. "I don't know, Kuki. What are you doing here, Justin? Spying on us? Did Nicholas decide to give you another chance? My sword is out and you are caught in my ice, if you say the wrong move you're going to end up hurt." Justin looked from Mei, to the new girl threatening him with her katana, and finally to his girlfriend Jana. His eyes were begging for her to help him, but Mei's ice started to climb threateningly up his leg.

"I was....worried about Jana! Honest!" He shouted in attempts to make her stop freezing him.
"Mei, enough," Jana said, hand on her shoulder with a sigh. "Don't freeze the idiot for caring, I was here seeing him...and I told the dumbass to wait, but stupid me for thinking he would...he didn't do anything wrong but follow me, when I saw you."
"So you were with him," Mei really hated it when people hid things from her. "Fine. I told you I didn't want you seeing him again, but you chose to see him anyway so do whatever you want, Jana. Let's go Kuki." There was a sharp tone of disdain in her voice, as if her feelings were hurt. But her face did not show any signs of that. Still, Jana would be able to tell that she was annoyed.

The ice on Justin's leg disappeared and he just stared blankly after Mei as she walked away from him, back towards Kuki and the others. Though she didn't say a word to Damien...she still didn't like whatever reason he had when he left. He gave Jana and apologetic look..even he knew that Mei was...disappointed in her? That's what it sounded like to him.
Jana sighed, stuffing her hands in her pockets. Yeah, there was a lot of things she could do for this...but this was her mistake, and she was going to own it. Even as she watched Mei and Kuki head off. "Get home, I told you the first damn time," she mumbled. "I better get back." No one but himself to blame on this one.
"Okay," Justin began as he walked over to Jana and then gave her a kiss. "Sorry. I won't follow you again." That was a lie...but well...Justin didn't know Mei had gone that far and forbade Jana to see him. And Jana obviously cared about Mei a lot so...he'd just have to do something to make Mei approve of their relationship...something..but he wasn't sure what that would be.
"Like you did this time?" Jana said sourly. "Justin, when I tell you not to follow, don't fucking follow. I don't have time to deal with your stupid sense of masculinity and heroism, I've handled myself longer than you can imagine. I don't need some fucking prince to sweep me off my feet. When I tell you to stay away, stay the fuck away." she groused, jabbing her hands into her pockets and turning to leave. Boys...honestly, why did they have to think they needed to stick their stupid dicks into everything?
For a moment Justin wanted to say something, but instead he decided it was best to leave. He had apologized..there was nothing left for him to say at this point. Justin knew she could take care of herself, but that wasn't going to stop him from worrying about her. Before he realized that Mei and those other two were there, he just about had a heart attack when he saw that she was messing with the five dragons.

Mei took Kuki to the bus stop, though she was very quiet as she dealt with the feelings inside of her. She knew that was Jana did wasn't technically betrayal...but she still felt like she completely disregarded her words and opinions. That alone just made her upset. Still...she had something she needed to do. "Are you okay, Kuki? You didn't get hurt at all, right?" There was a little bit of blood on her here and there. Maybe Mei should take her somewhere to wash up before taking her out for coffee.
"No, Mei...I am fine," she assured with a polite tilt of her head. "...Who was that girl that you were yelling at...Jana?" she recalled. " who called me Cookie?" They obviously meant something to Mei, otherwise...she wouldn't be so silently distraught over it.
"She's my partner. She's currently on suspension for a stupid decision...which was not allowing me to escort her back to Central after she had been beaten up badly by a student. Instead she decided to stay with that blonde haired boy...Justin Campbell." Mei tried her best to seem completely neutral about the situation. "Anyways, I told her not to see him but she did anyway. He's just a bad influence. Someone she doesn't need to associate herself with. Though she herself is a good person, and a good partner."
"...I see," Kuki murmured, yet again...she was standing slightly behind and to the right of Mei. Like a bodyguard, or a shadow. "...She seems...nice," Nice was the most unoffensive term she could think of. "Reliable, at least...she seems to fight well."
"That describes her perfectly." Mei wondered where Jana and Damien actually went, but she didn't say anything. They could handle themselves.

Once the bus came, Mei paid for their fare and they took it all the way back to Casa Blanc street. Once they got off the bus, she walked Kuki to Nirvana in silence. It was nice. "You're very good company." Mei told her once they took their seats. "I enjoy peace and quiet..something I rarely get when I'm around others."
"...Oh, really?" Kuki murmured faintly, glancing away a moment as she fiddled with the menu. "I...thought I'd come off too boring, I haven't really spent a lot of time with people...not many wish to associate with me, after all." she mumbled. "...Damien, he...he tried, a few times...but..." She was angry, she didn't know if she still was or not. But thinking of him just made her feel...upset.
"Don't talk about that idiot," Mei told her as she crossed her legs and waited for the waitress to come over. "He'll just make you upset. I just pretended like he didn't exist. That worked for me. And when he does pop up, just glare at him. That usually makes me feel better." Mei was attempting to make a joke, though once again her expressions felt she seemed totally serious.
"...I had no idea," Kuki said seriously, nodding quickly. "That really works?" Mei must know all of the best ways to ignore people, she carried herself with such a certain grace and poise that Kuki desperately wanted.
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