School Rumble (Broom and I)

It was meant to be a joke, but now that she thought about it... "Yeah. It does. Though people like him aren't worth the time of day. If you are too angry at a person, you give them control over you. To me, that is letting them win. Out of sight, out of mind. When they are in sight...well treat them like they are less than garbage by showing them how little you care. That is how you win."
Kuki nodded, leaning back in thought. "...You are wise beyond your years, Mei," she complimented seriously. "I never thought of that...I have heard of you before, but what I hear is grossly underestimated."
"That's good. If everyone knew what I am truly capable of, they would always be on guard. That is why I never use more force than what is needed." The waitress came over and smiled. It was nice seeing this girl bring in another friend.

"Usual, Mei?" She asked, and the woman nodded in response. "How about you, miss?"
"...Um," Kuki said, glancing over the menu. "...Whatever she is having?" she said hopefully. Everything looked good...but Mei had good taste, so that seemed like the best idea for now. She actually wanted to spend time with her, felt nice.
"Alright...I'll even give you the pink bendy straws she's so fond of." Mei shot the waitress a glare and she laughed nervously and left them to their conversation.

"So, Kuki...before we talk about you possibly enrolling at Central, I need you to be honest with me about something. I was looking for you because Nicholas had given your name to me as one of his you know what I'm talking about?" Mei asked her.
"...Yes," Kuki murmured, hand nervously playing with the tiny braid against her shoulder, glancing down. "I...he told me things, things that I believed. I don't know anymore," she admitted. "I thought all DC were bad, because...because of're DC, and you're not bad, are you?"
"No. I'm not bad..maybe a little unpleasant. But I strive to do the right thing, which is making Turuga a safe and orderly place. So no one gets hurt..or has to suffer." Mei looked at Kuki directly even though she wasn't looking at her. "I don't know what he told you, but...none of us are bad people. We just want to help others."
"...It is an honorable thing you are doing," Kuki admitted. "...I have shamed my family and my name by being so weak." she mumbled. "...My parents would disown me for the things I have done, out of anger."
"It's not too late to atone for the things you have done, and do the honorable thing. I believe that you should join DC to aid you in that. But Kuki, this is important..what did Nicholas ask you to do?"
"...I was hired to protect him," Kuki murmured. "Nicholas said that he didn't know how things would go when the protest started, and he wanted someone he knew he could trust. I...don't know why, but...I believed him, that he trusted me." she said, glancing away in minor shame. "...I don't know if it's true, but..."
Damn it...she didn't know anything after all. Even if she didn't though, at least Mei was successful in gaining her allegiance. "..Are you sure you don't know anything else? I believe's just that this is very important. Do you think he might be planning something worse? Like, what does your instinct tell you about Nicholas?"
"...Nothing good," Kuki admitted. "...He's...beautiful. But his eyes are lined with poison. He says everything you want to hear...and you never know if he's being honest, or just a very good liar." she murmured. "...Everything he said, I felt like he understood me. All of me, and I never said more than two words to him."
Mei sat back in her chair and sighed. "Your probably right about him. Jana and I feel like he's planning something more sinister, and yet we cannot find a single shred of evidence against him. He's too perfect.." The waitress came back and sat their drinks down in front of them. Mei immediately went for a sip of it..she hadn't eaten or drank anything since she woke up this afternoon.

"Well, that's enough of that. So, are you really interested in being apart of DC, Kuki?"
"...I don't know," she admitted, taking a sip of it too in surprised satisfaction. "...But, I do know that where you go, I will find honor. And the chance to redeem my name." she murmured. "And I want to help you...friends...friends do that, right?"
For a moment, Mei stared at her as if trying to remember what friends do for each other. "..Yes. Friends help each other. That answer passes with me. Once we finish up here, we'll go to central and get the process started. I don't think you'll have any trouble getting in with your skill." Once again, Mei smiled a little at the girl. "How is your drink?"
"It's...really good," she smiled widely. "It's delicious, actually! I've never had something like this! All I usually drink is tea." she said, taking another sip. "...Do you...really think they'll accept me, after all I've done?" she asked curiously. "I have done much to further the confusion of this city...shouldn't I be arrested?" It wasn't something she wanted, but she knew that had to atone for your sins. She would do whatever Mei felt was best.
Mei was glad that she enjoyed the drink, though when she mentioned her concern of them accepting her, she frowned a bit. "I will not lie, Kuki. You have violated the Mandate and as such, you may be arrested. However, I will attempt to make your sentence less harsh. I don't believe your talent should rot in a cell..and your motivation for the things you have done weren't entirely based on selfishness. However, I cannot argue with whatever their final judgement is. I hope you understand."
"Of course," she murmured. "...I will take whatever punishment they deem fit for me, Mei. I will not resist. But...I hope I can help you, at least one day." she smiled. "Even if it is not today."
"You already helped me today, Kuki. I really appreciate it. If you do get something harsh, I'll make sure to visit you every day. Alright?" Mei sighed softly and took a sip of her drink. It might have been the first time she was...partially upset about someone getting what they truly deserved. She really did sympathize with Kuki and wished she had been around to keep her from doing all those bad things.
"...You don't have to," Kuki murmured, glancing down at her drink. "I know, your duties as DC are far more important..."
"No, I don't have to. But I will. Enjoy your drink, Kuki." Mei wasn't really sure why she was being so nice to this girl..especially when she found out that she didn't know anything that could help her. Did she really relate to her that much?

Once her and Kuki finished, she took the girl back to Central and turned her over the the proper authority. Though before she left, she did put together a recommendation letter for Kuki to be enrolled at Central instead of just being arrested. Community service and a year probation seemed a bit more reasonable, at least for her case.

After that, she glanced at her watch. It was nearly nine pm. Had she been out that late? Six hours seemed to have flown by. She decided to return to her dorm. She needed plenty of rest tonight...she still had two more leads and she was going to investigate them both tomorrow.
Jana was there, sitting cross-legged in her bed with her eyes closed. She flicked one eye open, and smiled. "Evening, Partner," she said, stretching her legs out. "You were out late."
Mei closed the door behind her and then started untying her boots. "I was taking care of a few things with Kuki." She replied stiffly, keeping her eyes off Jana. She was still..irritated.
Jana tilted her head a moment, then sighed, sitting back on her palms. "Mei," she said after a moment. "I know why you're mad, you don't have to act like I'm oblivious to it....come on, what's up? Talk to me." she urged.
"If you know why I'm upset, then why are you asking me? Jana, I told you not to go around Justin. Did you think I was kidding? Or did you just not care? If you were going to keep seeing him, why did you attempt to hide it from me?" Mei asked her as she made her way to the couch and sat down. "I don't like..when people hide things from me. I trusted you...I never trust anyone."
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