School Rumble (Broom and I)

Mei knew that Adam had to be a capable fighter, mainly because he was DC. All of them could fight rather well. Mei was just one of the better ones. She watched Jana pull out her phone and wondered what she was doing. She wasn't one to take orders, but honestly she was already quiet and didn't mind not talking for a little while. She had gone days without talking before when she was alone.
Hello? Adam said after a moment, the sound of keystrokes behind his voice.

"Hey Adam, it's Jana...could you do Mei and I favor?" Jana said cheerfully, the keystrokes stopped for a moment...and they didn't really pick back up.

Uh, yeah...sure...what's up? Ooh, interesting. He stopped typing when she said 'Mei', totally hooked. Or he was just shocked that they were calling him for a favor, meh. She liked the first thought better, made it more dramatic.

"Well, I know I'm not technically supposed to have the reports of the contacts that Nicholas gave Mei...but..." she trailed off innocently. "I'm on suspension, and Mei's heading into the shower...think you could bring them over for me, please?"

...Is...Mei okay with that? Adam said curiously.

"Sure, she's been talking about you a lot lately, so I thought I'd be sneaky and take a little advantage," Jana purred. "Come on, I'm going to be off suspension in like...two days anyway, it'd put me back up to speed faster."

O-Oh, uh...y...yeah, sure. Just...let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll be over, okay? Adam mumbled. Mei had...had been talking about her a lot to Jana? Well, if...her roommate said so...
Wait, why was she calling Adam? What favor was she going to ask him? ..Uh oh. Mei had a really bad feeling about this. Yet she didn't say anything at all. She just listened to everything Jana was saying. Though still, she wanted to cry out in embarrassment when Jana informed Adam that she had been talking about him a lot. was a little true, but..she didn't have to tell him that. Now he was going to think she was obsessed with him or something. She just glared at Jana, though she was blushing so it really wasn't giving off the right effect. She looked more pouty than upset.
"Thanks! See you soon," Jana said, hanging up the phone before grinning at Mei. "See? I mentioned your name, and he went totally got that guy around your finger already!" she laughed. "Don't look at me like that!"
"You asked him to do something he shouldn't be doing and now he's going to come over here! And...well you told him I'd be heading into the shower...what do I do now?" She asked her mischievous partner. Did she actually think this through, or was she just going to let Adam into their dorm?
"You take a shower," Jana smirked. "Come on, you were going to anyway! Oh dear, what if he sees something, like a shoulder!?" she gasped dramatically. "Think of what would happen!"
They very thought of her being naked while a boy was around made Mei feel lightheaded. "F-fine! But..I'm not coming out when he's here, so just knock on the door to let me know when he's gone." She stood up and then walked into the closet, picking out her nightgown and a fresh pair of panties to wear since she was going to be taking a shower. She gave Jana another glare before going into the bathroom and stripping off her clothes. Her heart was racing so fast...Adam was coming over and she was in the shower. Great.
Jana smirked in amusement at that, content to mind her own business until Adam arrived when the shower was running. Time to see just how dedicated Mei was to staying in the bathroom until Adam left...

"Adam, come on in," Jana smiled as she opened the door and stepped back. She was dressed in a loose shirt and a pair of shorts...but he seemed more uncomfortable about just being in the dorm of a pair of girls. They really were made for each other, weren't they?

"Um, here," Adam said, handing her the files. "...Please try to keep it a secret?"

"Absolutely," Jana assured, taking the files and sitting them on the bed. Adam was somewhat surprised that Mei wanted Jana as a rooomate, because the two sides of the place were like..yin and yang. Jana's side seemed a little less...meticulous and a bit more messy, Mei didn't have a thing out of place. And...and in the shower...-

"So," Jana grinned. "I hear you got bold and asked Mei out...good for you?"

"Oh...uh, yeah," Adam chuckled, rubbing his neck with a sigh. "I felt a little crazy doing know..."

"She say anything?" Jana smirked, sitting down on the couch. "You trying to weasel information out of me, Adam?"

"N-No, nothing like that!" Adam said quickly. "I just wanted to make sure that she...actually wanted to, and not that I made her feel uncomfortable." Aw, the guy really was sweet, wasn't he? That was adorable. Mei had good taste. This was killing excellent time, too...

"Of course," Jana smiled. "She's talked about you a good bit, not every day someone asks her out, you know?"
Mei wanted to know what they were talking about but this his of the water leaving the shower head just made everything so...well she couldn't hear them. She tried her best to ignore the muffled sound of their voices as she washed up. Though there was only so much of herself to wash, and she was almost done...all she had to do was rinse the shampoo out of her hair. Ugh...they were they still talking? Why? He should have just dropped the papers off and left!

Once Mei was done rinsing out her hair, she turned off the shower. Was that a good idea? No..but she couldn't stay in there forever. Her skin would start to prune.
"Thinking about where to take her, huh? Well, she's crazy about this one coffee place..." Jana mused.

"...Well," Adam said, rubbing his neck. "...I...actually had a few ideas, but..."

"Then use them, dummy," Jana grinned. "She said yes, after all. I'm sure whatever you have, she'll like. It'll be good for her to get out with someone other than me," she laughed. "Every time I drag her around, people think I'm crazy. She needs someone to look a little more sane with."
Mei started to dry herself off, still a bit upset that she couldn't hear everything. Jana had a loud enough voice but Adam spoke softer and couldn't hear him. Once she dried off, she got dressed and the stood outside of the door, pressing her ear against it. It didn't help. "Make him leave already.." She mumbled.
"I just don't want to...mess up," Adam admitted. "She's really...professional, and...efficient, and-"

"Oh my god," Jana said, rolling her eyes. "Just say it, Adam. Say she's pretty, and you want to hike up those supple little skirts and feel those tight toned legs..." Jana grinned, hands tracing over what was assumed to be Mei's invisible legs as Adam's face settled into a brilliant shade of embarrassed red. wasn't that he didn't want that...but...
Mei suddenly felt like she was suffocating. The steam from the shower was making it feel really hot. Really, really hot. Please, please stop talking about such naughty things! She wasn't sure how much longer she could listen to this! Especially when she didn't know what Adam was saying!
"W...well..." Adam said nervously.

"She's got a great body," Jana mused. "Very toned, she's kind of like a dancer...her boobs aren't as big as mine, though," Jana said, reclining back with a smirk. "So? What's the plan?"

"I was...thinking that I'd just take her to a movie, and...maybe pay for dinner." Adam mumbled. Jana was...very uncomfortable to be around...she kind of weirded him out a little, how could someone be so open with stuff like that? Ugh, he really needed to socialize more.

"Ooh, she'd like that..." Jana purred. "She loves stuff like that..." A nice formal, proper dinner would fit her well. Give her time to unwind, and a movie was casual enough to not put pressure on anything.
She liked what?! What stuff did she like?! Mei could only imagine what the hell Adam was saying..but she didn't know what to do! If she ran out of there now...she would basically be showing Adam....

Mei slowly turned the door knob and opened the door so it was cracked. She hoped to God that they couldn't hear it. She just wanted to know what the hell they were talking about!
"You really think so?" Adam said hopefully. "I mean..."

"Oh sure," Jana said. "That sort of thing is right up her alley, she loves that. Look, just relax...she's excited. She wants to go, you just need to do what you said, got it?"

"...Yeah, I think so," Adam murmured. He wasn't quite sure if he could trust Jana or not, but it wasn't like he was getting completely unreasonable advice... "Thanks, Jana...and um, tell Mei I said hi, okay?"

"Sure," Jana grinned. "Later, Adam."
Mei waited until she heard the door open and close before she came out of the bathroom finally with her clothes in her hand. It was safe, Adam was gone. "You..what the hell were you two talking about?" Mei asked her desperately. "What was that even about? What was that supposed to do?"
"...What do you mean?" Jana said, brow raised curiously, grinning a little in amusement when the gears started turning. "...Mei, were you...eavesdropping?" Ooh, she said another curse word. She must be really fired up!
"...Yes, I was. You were talking body! What did he say?! Was he being a pervert?! Ugh!" Mei wasn't sure how much of this she could take. She didn't want to jump to conclusions about Adam but everything Jana said sounded so...vulgar! "Stop smiling at me like that! It's not funny!"
"What?" Jana laughed. "I'm always vulgar, Mei. Calm down, he didn't say anything about it...he just wanted to make sure you actually wanted to, and that you wasn't uncomfortable when he asked you. Maybe if you didn't nose into conversations, you wouldn't be so flustered." she smirked.
"Oh..well good." Her voice was a mix of disappointment and relief. She went over to her bookcase and then grabbed herself something to read. After all that excitement she needed to relax. It was weird, but she could still smell Adams scent lingering in their dorm room. That was probably the first time she ever had a boy in here. Not that she had invited him or anything. "Well...why did you ask him to bring those papers over, anyway?"
"Because I wanted to make she that he'd be a good match for you," she said, draping herself over her own bed with a sigh. "Anyone who starts getting defensive when I mention you have a cute butt and nice legs is a good catch for you in my book," she grinned.
"He was getting defensive? Really?" Mei asked as she sat down and then opened the book. Her heart was racing again at that thought...what was going on with her? "...Am I supposed to feel like I can't breathe when I think about him?"
"You got it bad, Mei," she grinned. "That's pretty normal when you find someone you really like, or you get excited...he's as straight as an arrow," she said with a faint sigh, she almost sounded disappointed. "That boy wants under those skirts, but he's too damned respectful of you to say anything to me about it," she pouted. "I was hoping to hear something juicy..."
She..had what bad? Did she really like Adam that much? It was true, he was very intelligent and she enjoyed his company but...well she didn't even know he existed until last night. She had talked to him a lot but when she needed information, but before yesterday he was just another classmate of hers that she could get information from. "If he did not say anything about it, then how do you know that's what he wants?"
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